Choose the correct answer by crossing the letter


Tuesday, 13 November 2007

A. Choose the correct answer by crossing the letter.

1. Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?

A. Mary graduated in four years but she didn't find a job immediately.

B. It was a large, black, Labrador retriever.

C. Mary who is my sister will be at the party too.

D. all of the above

E. none of the above

2. Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?

A. I just read the novel A Simple Plan.

B. Heather Hardy, Ph.D., is the director of undergraduate studies in our department.

C. He had only one desire in life: to catch a ten-pound bass.

D. all of the above

E. none of the above

3. Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?

A. No one expected her to buy a car, so we were quite surprised when we discovered that she had bought two.

B. No one expected her to buy a car, so we were quite, surprised when we discovered that she had bought two.

C. No one expected her to buy a car, so we were quite surprised when we discovered, that she had bought two.

D. all of the above

E. none of the above

4. Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?

A. My favorite writers are the following: Flannery O'Connor, David Carkeet, and David Lodge.

B. My favorite writers are: Flannery O'Connor, David Carkeet, and David Lodge.

C. both of the above

D. neither of the above

5. Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?

A. My father who is a policeman is retiring this year.

B. My father, who is a policeman is retiring this year.

C. My father, who is a policeman, is retiring this year.

D. all of the above

E. none of the above

6. Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?

A. The word "unique" is frequently misused.

B. The word unique is frequently misused.

C. The word unique is frequently misused.

D. all of the above

E. none of the above

7. Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?

A. The four magazines that I regularly read are: Academe, Lingua Franca, Smithsonian, and Texas Monthly.

B. I regularly read four magazines: Academe, Lingua Franca, Smithsonian, and Texas Monthly.

C. both of the above

D. neither of the above

8. Which of the following sentences is punctuated INCORRECTLY?

A. He said that "You were correct."

B. He said, "You are correct."

C. He said that you were correct.

D. all of the above

E. none of the above

9. Which of the following sentences is punctuated INCORRECTLY?

A. She asked, "What is the title of your new novel?"

B. She asked "What is the title of your new novel?"

C. both of the above

D. neither of the above

10. Which of the following sentences is punctuated INCORRECTLY?

A. Dallas, Texas, is her hometown.

B. She was born in Dallas, Texas.

C. Dallas Texas is her hometown.

D. all of the above

E. none of the above

B. Apostrophes: Choose the word that completes the sentence correctly.

1. "(ITS/IT'S) a bad day in Black Rock," the grizzled sheriff growled. "Only two hangings and one arrest."

2. The (CHILDRENS/CHILDREN'S) toys were strewn all over the sidewalk.

3. Mary's suitcases went to Arkansas; her traveling (COMPANION'S/ COMPANIONS') suitcases went to Colorado. Unfortunately, Mary and her companion were going to California.

4. Edith Wharton, a famous American author, was one of the wealthy (JONESES/JONES' /JONE'S), the family with whom others tried to keep up.

5. "(DON'T/DO'NT) lick that ice cream cone," she cried. "I just saw the dog lick it from the other side."

C. Basic Commas & Semi-Colons: Type in the correct punctuation, either a comma or a semi-colon.

1. Carla often participated in school plays ___ but she always ended up playing minor roles.

2. Each boy alone was generally well-behaved ___ the two of them together were trouble.

3. TONY AND TINA'S WEDDING is a play that has been playing for many years. It's an unusual play ___ though ___ because members of the audience actually become the wedding guests.

4. What did we like best about our vacation? We liked hiking in the Adirondacks ___ and we liked climbing to the top of the Statue of Liberty ___ I guess you could say that we had ourselves a high time.

5. I anticipate certain things when I hear the words "no problem" in a movie. They indicate that the leading character will encounter problems ___ obstacles ___ and pitfalls galore.

D. Advanced Commas & Semi-Colons: Some sentences below need commas and semi-colons. Below each sentence that needs correction, write the word that comes BEFORE the comma or semi-colon and then the comma or semi-colon. If the sentence is correct, leave the space blank.

Example Sentence : Maria bought apples oranges and a large amount of ice cream to bribe the children.

Example Answer : apples,oranges,

1. It's often difficult to assess the value of a college education.

2. Some people use it to further themselves in their careers by gaining specialized knowledge in career-related fields such as accounting counseling or journalism.

3. However other people use college courses to fulfill their own interests.

4. Still others often older students choose to attend college because they feel that they missed something in the past perhaps they believe they missed the chance to learn something formally.

5. Anyone who attends college for whatever reason often cannot assess the value of that education right away no matter what his or her reason for attending.

6. A college education therefore is an interesting phenomenon people pursue it for different reasons and it often ends up changing those reasons as it changes the student's ways of thinking about him or herself and the world.

7. The value of a college education an education that helps a student learn how to question and think often emerges in various and interesting ways much later than the time of the actual education itself.

E. Colon, Dash, Parentheses: Type in the correct punctuation, choosing from parentheses, colons and dashes

Minnie didn't like her name. When she was little, playmates frequently called her "Minnie Mouse." They also called her other names ___ "Skinnie Minnie," "Minnow," "Money," and Manny." As she grew older, Minnie felt even more disadvantaged by her name. She felt that other women ___ with names like Mary or Carolyn or Elizabeth ___ were taken much more seriously. She also thought that her name sounded far too childish for a person with an M.B.A. degree and ten years of experience in the business world. What she didn't realize ___ while others did ___ was that her name had "staying power." Once others learned her name ___ at business meetings, conventions, or other professional gatherings ___ they didn't forget.

F. Quotation Marks: Edit the following sentences placing quotation marks where they are appropriate.

1. Ms. James announced, Starting in October we will be downsizing each department to no more than six workers.

2. In the Second Coming of the American Small Town, that appeared in the Winter 1992 edition of the Wilson Quarterly, the author states, The town model of development [is] well suited to times of economic adversity.

3. We should not forget the words of one of the greatest American Presidents, Ms. Graham exhorted. Theodore Roosevelt advised us to Speak softly and carry a big stick, and that's the way we should carry out our foreign policy.

4. Be quiet! the teacher shouted. I want everyone to open her book and read the chapter entitled The Life and Times of a Chinese Dissident.

G. Compilation: Put in semicolons, colons, dashes, quotation marks, Italics (use an underline), and parentheses where ever they are needed in the following sentences.

1. The men in question Harold Keene, Jim Peterson, and Gerald Greene deserve awards.

2. Several countries participated in the airlift Italy, Belgium, France, and Luxembourg.

3. Only one course was open to us surrender, said the ex-major, and we did.

4. Judge Carswell later to be nominated for the Supreme Court had ruled against civil rights.

5. In last week's New Yorker, one of my favorite magazines, I enjoyed reading Leland's article How Not to Go Camping.

6. Yes, Jim said, I'll be home by ten.

7. There was only one thing to do study till dawn.

8. Montaigne wrote the following A wise man never loses anything, if he has himself.

9. The following are the primary colors red, blue, and yellow.

10. Arriving on the 8 10 plane were Liz Brooks, my old roommate her husband and Tim, their son.

11. When the teacher commented that her spelling was poor, Lynn replied All the members of my family are poor spellers. Why not me?

12. He used the phrase you know so often that I finally said No, I don't know.

13. The automobile dealer handled three makes of cars Volkswagens, Porsches, and Mercedes Benz.

14. Though Phil said he would arrive on the 9 19 flight, he came instead on the 10 36 flight.

15. Whoever thought said Helen that Jack would be elected class president?

16. In baseball a show boat is a man who shows off.

17. The minister quoted Isaiah 5 21 in last Sunday's sermon.

18. There was a very interesting article entitled The New Rage for Folk Singing in last Sunday's New York Times newspaper.

19. Whoever is elected secretary of the club Ashley, or Chandra, or Aisha must be prepared to do a great deal of work, said Jumita, the previous secretary.

20. Darwin's On the Origin of Species 1859 caused a great controversy when it appeared.

H. Rewrite the paragraph below with suitable punctuation

the continuing care retirement community CCRC has become one alternative to the impending increase in our elderly population according to estella espinoza professor of gerontology at the university of connecticut. nursing homes are no longer the answer to this social need she said their simply to costly for todays senior-citizens she added.

CCRC's normally require a tremendous down payment to buy into a living unit then they require a considerable monthly "maintenance fee." this large initial investment together with the continuing high price of socalled maintenance means that many americans will be excluded from the CCRC of their choice. "its a shame that getting old has to be so expensive" said espinoza there are three things involved here affordability convenience and human dignity


A. Choose the correct answer by crossing the letter.

B. Apostrophes: Choose the word that completes the sentence correctly.

C. Basic Commas & Semi-Colons: Type in the correct punctuation, either a comma or a semi-colon.

1. Carla often played participated in school plays, but she always ended up playing minor roles.

2. Each boy alone was generally well-behaved; the two of them together were trouble.

3. TONY AND TINA'S WEDDING is a play that has been playing for many years. It's an unusual play, though, because members of the audience actually become the wedding guests.

4. What did we like best about our vacation? We liked hiking in the Adirondacks, and we liked climbing to the top of the Statue of Liberty; I guess you could say that we had ourselves a high time.

5. I anticipate certain things when I hear the words "no problem" in a movie. They indicate that the learning character will encounter problems, obstacles, and pitfalls galore.

D. Advanced Commas & Semi-Colons:

1. It's often difficult to assess the value of a college education.

2. Some people use it to further themselves in their careers by gaining specialized knowledge in career-related fields such as accounting, counseling, or journalism.

3. However, other people use college courses to fulfill their own interests.

4. Still others, often older students, choose to attend college because they feel that they missed something in the past; perhaps they feel they missed the chance to learn something formally.

5. Anyone who attends college for whatever reason often cannot assess the value of that education right away, no matter what his or her reason for attending.

6. A college education, therefore, is an interesting phenomenon; people pursue it for different reasons, and it often ends up changing those reasons as it changes the student's ways of thinking about him or herself and the world.

7. The value of a college education, an education that helps a student learn how to question and think, often emerges in various and interesting ways much later than the time of the actual education itself.

E. Colon, Dash, Parentheses: Type in the correct punctuation, choosing from parentheses, colons and dashes

1. Minnie didn't like her name. When she was little, playmates frequently called her "Minnie Mouse." They also called her other names: "Skinnie Minnie," "Minnow," Money," and "Manny."

2. As she grew older, Minnie felt even more disadvantaged by her name. She felt that other women (with names such as Mary or Carolyn or Elizabeth) were taken much more seriously.

3. She also thought that her name sounded far too childish for a person with an M.B.A. degree and ten years of experience in the business world. What she didn't realize-while others did- was that her name had "staying power."

4. Once others learned her name (at business meetings, conventions, or other professional gatherings) they didn't forget it.

F. Quotation Marks: Edit the following sentences placing quotation marks where they are appropriate.

1. Ms. James announced, "Starting in October we will be downsizing each department to no more than six workers."

2. In the "Second Coming of the American Small Town," that appeared in the Winter, 1992, edition of Wilson Quarterly, the author states, "The town model of development [is] well-suited to times of economic adversity."

3. "We should not forget the words of one of the greatest American Presidents," Ms. Graham exorted. "Theodore Roosevelt advised us to 'Speak softly and carry a big stick,' and that's the way we should carry out our foreign policy."

4. "Be quiet!" the teacher shouted. "I want everyone to open her book and read the chapter entitled 'The Life and Times of a Chinese Dissident.'"

G. Compilation: Put in semicolons, colons, dashes, quotation marks, Italics (use an underline), and parentheses where ever they are needed in the following sentences.

1. The men in question (Harold Keene, Jim Peterson, and Gerald Greene) deserve awards.

2. Several countries participated in the airlift: Italy, Belgium, France, and Luxembourg.

3. "Only one course was open to us: surrender," said the ex-major, "and we did."

4. Judge Carswell--later to be nominated for the Supreme Court--had ruled against civil rights.

5. In last week's New Yorker, one of my favorite magazines, I enjoyed reading Leland's article "How Not to Go Camping."

6. "Yes,"Jim said, "I'll be home by ten."

7. There was only one thing to do--study till dawn.

8. Montaigne wrote the following: "A wise man never loses anything, if he has himself."

9. The following are the primary colors: red, blue, and yellow.

10. Arriving on the 8:10 plane were Liz Brooks, my old roommate; her husband; and Tim, their son.

11. When the teacher commented that her spelling was poor, Lynn replied, "All the members of my family are poor spellers. Why not me?"

12. He used the phrase "you know" so often that I finally said, "No, I don't know."

13. The automobile dealer handled three makes of cars: Volkswagens, Porsches, and Mercedes Benz.

14. Though Phil said he would arrive on the 9:19 flight, he came instead on the 10:36 flight.

15. "Whoever thought," said Helen, "that Jack would be elected class president?"

16. In baseball a "show boat" is a man who shows off.

17. The minister quoted Isaiah 5:21 in last Sunday's sermon.

18. There was a very interesting article entitled "The New Rage for Folk Singing" in last Sunday's New York Times newspaper.

19. "Whoever is elected secretary of the club--Ashley, or Chandra, or Aisha--must be prepared to do a great deal of work," said Jumita, the previous secretary.

20. Darwin's On the Origin of Species (1859) caused a great controversy when it appeared.

H. Rewrite the paragraph below with suitable punctuation

The Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC) has become one alternative to the impending increase in our elderly population, according to Estella Espinoza, Professor of Gerontology at the University of Connecticut. "Nursing homes are no longer the answer to this social need," she said. "They're simply too costly for today's senior citizens," she added.

CCRCs normally require a tremendous down-payment to buy into a living unit, and then they require a considerable monthly maintenance fee. This large initial investment, together with the continuing high price of so-called maintenance, means that many Americans will be excluded from the CCRC of their choice. "It's a shame that getting old has to be so expensive," said Espinoza. "There are three things involved here: affordability, convenience, and human dignity."


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