Paraphrasing Tool | QuillBot AI - Qrfy

Paraphraser Modes: Standard


Chance music refers to a style wherein the piece always sounds di[erent at every. performance because of the random techniques of production, including the use of ring. modulators or natural elements that become a part of the music

Chance music describes a genre in which the music always sounds di[erent. performance as a result of the haphazard production methods, which included the utilization of rings. Modulators or organic components that are incorporated into the music

Changed Words Structural Changes Thesaurus


QuillBot's AI-powered paraphrasing tool will enhance your writing.

Your words matter, and our paraphrasing tool is designed to ensure you use the right

ones. With two free modes and Bve Premium modes to choose from, you can

use QuillBot's online Paraphraser to rephrase any text iMn oarveariety of ways. Our product will improve your Huency while also

ensuring you have the appropriate vocabulary, tone, and style for any occasion.

Simply eWntheryyouusretexQt uintiollBthoe tin'sput box, and ourPAaI rwabillpewshtoprrkaarwsaipitnhhrgyaosTueo.tooclr?eate the

Our Paraphraser has unique features.


Decide how much vocabulary change you want.

Use the Synonym Slider to change more (or less) of your writing. Moving the slider to the left will give you a more accurate rephrase with fewer changes; moving it to the right means you'll get a more creative output with more changes.


Find the best synonym using an AI-powered thesaurus.

Click on any word in the paraphrase to see a list of suggested synonyms. Then pick the perfect word or phrase to express your meaning!






Incorporate QuillBot into the writing tools you already use.

QuillBot integrates directly into Chrome and Microsoft Word. Now you don't have to switch windows every time you want to rephrase a sentence, paragraph, or article!

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QuillBot's Paraphraser helps you write better, faster, and


Our rewording tool is free and easy to use-- with just the click of a button, the paraphrasing

tool will rephrase your sentence, paragraph, essay, or article to your liking, with many

options available to customize and perfect the reworded text. With time-saving strategies and free and Premium plans, QuillBot is trusted by millions of students, writers, and professionals

worldwide who simply want to write better.


time saved

Average time saved per writing project.

50+ million

Trusted by millions worldwide.

125 Words

125 words on a free plan.

QuillBot has seven paraphrasing modes to choose


Standard Provides a middle ground between changing the input text and keeping its meaning.

Fluency Improves language and Bxes grammatical errors.

Formal Rewrites ideas in a more sophisticated and professional way.

Simple Presents text in a way most people can understand.

Creative Rephrases text with the most inventiveness and expression.

Expand Adds more detail and depth in order to lengthen the text.

Shorten Conveys the meaning of a text with conciseness and clarity.

QuillBot's tools are the best.

QuillBot's Paraphraser is fast, free, and easy to

use, which makes it the best paraphrasing tool

on the market. We also provide unique features

like the ability to compare outputs from seven

di[erent modes, access to a built-in thesaurus

to customize your paMraoprherases, and the option to requill for a new output. Our AI carefully

maintains or improves the Huency and PPraroedruaacpdtsahbrailsiteyrof your text while showing you

information like word count and percent

change. Best of all, you can start using the tool

right away--no need to log in or scroll past





Citation Generator

Plagiarism Checker

QuillBot has every resource you'll need throughout the writing process.

In addition to the Paraphraser, QuillBot has several other tools designed to help users enjoy a smooth and e\cient writing experience every time.

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