ICD-11 iCamp2 & Revision Steering Group (RSG)



Revision Steering Group (RSG) Meetings

27 September – 1 October 2010; Geneva, Switzerland

i Agenda

(version: 23 September 2010)

|Inputs |Expected Outcomes |

|TAG proposals to-date |Review for ICD-11 α: |

|Structural Change proposals ( & annotations) |Digital Product |

|Populated Content Model examples |Foundation Component |

|Summary Work Progress Table and Stats |Linearizations Component |

| |Print Product |

|Content Model Specifications & User Guide |Volume I: Tabular List |

| |Volume II : User Guide |

|iCAT Tool – Computer Platform |Volume III Index – Three Options outputs |

| | |

|Alpha Release - Platform and review |Detailed Workplans for TAGs and Working Groups |

| |Completed work |

|Alpha Output (Volume 1,2,3) |Remaining work until 2011 |

|September 2010 Printout |Beta phase preparations |

|With highlight changes | |

|(DIFF view with ICD-10 2010 edition – electronic copy only) |Standard Operating Procedures for RSG and TAGs |

| |Manuals – Guides |

|Updated Workflow Diagrams |Incorporation in iCAT platform |

| | |

|Evaluation Questions (for external evaluators) |Evaluation Strategy for ICD-11 and Field Testing |

| |ICD-11 α |

|Materials for the Launch May 2011 |a view for ICD-11 β |

| | |

|Outline for Beta Process |Review/Feedback on Revision Process and iCAT platform |

Agenda Items

iCAMP - TAG Managing Editors


1. Review ALPHA-RELEASE LINEARIZATION (mortality + morbidity) and synchronize the work on iCAT accordingly

2. Agree on entry level definitions – and follow-up mechanisms for completion of definitions and content model parameters

3. Sort out issues of overlap and workflow in the ICD Revision Process

DAY 1: 27 September 2010 Monday: SALLE B

08.15 – 09.00 Registration, payments, computer set up.

09.00 – 10.00 Opening of the Meeting and Introductions

• Welcome

• Objectives of the meeting

• Workstyle of iCAMP2

• Documentation

• Introduction of the participants

Coffee Break

10.30 - 12.30 Presentations

a. Overview of the ICD Revision: Alpha to Beta - timeline and plans (Ustun)

b. Overview of Alpha Draft: Volume I, II, III (Jakob, Celik )

c. Key issues for RSG (Chute)

d. Progress of Work on iCAT Platform (Tudorache)

e. Progress of Work by TAGs (Cottler)


13.30 - 15.30 Presentation of TAG Work :

Current Progress

Problems – Solutions – Requests (enlisting)

Future Plans

1. Rare Diseases

2. Dermatology

3. Ophtalmology

4. Internal Medicine

5. Pediatrics

6. Musculoskeletal

7. Mental Health

8. Neurology

9. External Causes

10. Maternal, Neonatal and Urogenital

11. Neoplasms

12. Dentistry

13. OTHER?

Coffee Break

16.00-17.30 Horizontal TAG workplans

14. Mortality TAG

15. Morbidity TAG

16. Functioning TAG

17. Quality and Safety TAG

17.30 SUMMARY of the DAY – Evaluation

Day 2 - Day 5: Hands-on Work

a. Volume I : Tabular List (Salle B)

Review input from TAGs together for ICD-11 α at 3 character level

• Who will participate?

a. Lead: Chute, Ustun

b. TAG Managing Editors

c. Horizontal TAG Chairs

• What will the process entail: Review of Alpha Draft: Identify Problems and Suggest Solutions

1. Review linearizations and compile questions and possible solutions

a. Identify Consistency Checks (parents/children: conventions, inclusions – exclusions – residuals methods)

b. Identify input for generating linearizations in an automated fashion.

2. Dagger and Asterisk Check - Manual / Computerized

3. Identify overlap areas – conflicts of multiple parenting

4. Identify underlap areas – unattended sections of ICD-10

5. Identify implications for other areas of work (Volume 2, Index, other applications)

6. Other?

b. Volume II & III: Joint Session on Instructions Manual and Index (E168)

Review Volume 2: ICD-11 “i-manual”: User Guide – Instruction Manual

• Who will participate?

a. Lead: Jakob/Cellik

b. WHOFIC Members

• What will the process entail: Review of Volume II: Identify Problems and Suggest Solutions

1. Agree on the Title, Outline, Style -

2. Identify and review update areas – input materials (i.e. Content Model, History of Revision process etc)

3. Identify rules update

a. Mortality – implications from the Mortality Knowledge Base, input from mTAG

b. Morbidity – abolition of Dagger Asteriks, input from MbTAG

4. Other

a. Review of National Modifications Integration

b. Code Structure

c. Attachments

Index:Wednesday (9:00-11:00)

Review the content and style of the Index: Volume III

Who will participate?

a. Lead: Celik

b. WHOFIC Experts – Weber, Pickett, Moskal, L’Hours + HIM TAG representatives

What will the process entail?

1. Agree on the Index output format :

a. for printing

b. for digital search engines

2. Agree on the mechanism to select standard lead terms – possible multilevel lead terms

3. Identify long entries that need to be further divided for practical use

4. Implement further lead terms for long index entries

5. How to lift implicit rules from the current Index?

Instructions Manual and Index Discussions to continue

End of each day:

Evaluation approximately 1 hour

Tuesday Evening followed by iCAMP Party: 18:00-21:00

Wednesday Evaluation is between 15:00-18:00: issues for RSG

RSG Agenda

30 September - 1 October 2010

1. Session 1: Update on the ICD Revision & iCAMP2 09.00 - 10.30

a. Overview of the overall ICD-11 Revision Ustun 10 minutes Slides, Doc1

b. Key issues for the RSG Chute 10 minutes

c. Update on Current Content Model Rector, Tu 10 minutes Slides, Doc2a & 2b

d. Update on Current iCAT Tudorache, Musen 20 minutes Slides – On site review

e. Future Steps in 2011-2015 Ustun 5 minutes Slide

2. ICD-11 α

a. What is the status of Alpha Draft?

1. Volume I : Tabular Lists Jakob 15 minutes Slides , Doc3

2. Volume II: Instructions Manual Jakob 10 minutes Slides, Doc4

a. Outline

b. Major changes in ICD-11

3. Volume III: Index Celik 10 minutes Slides, Doc5a

a. Options

1. Feedback on Print Index: How to organize lead terms

2. Conversion of Electronic Index: If imported to iCAT, instructions on how to edit.

Session 2: 10.50-12.30

1. Overall Report on TAG Work Cottler 10 minutes Slides, Doc6

1. # of categories/TAG or Chapter

2. # of new categories proposed in the ICD-11α

3. # of structural changes generated

4. # of textual definitions

5. # of full content model examples

2. Presentation by each TAG of the key points

a. achievements, challenges,

b. sorting out overlaps and problems

c. workplans

d. Ideas on field testing

1. Rare Diseases TAG Aymé 10 minutes Slides, Doc7

2. Dermatology TAG Weichenthal–Chalmers 10 minutes Slides, Doc8

3. Ophthalmology TAG Kashii 10 minutes Slides, Doc9

4. Internal Medicine TAG Sugano 10 minutes Slides, Doc10

5. Paediatrics Linzer 10 minutes Slides, Doc16

6. Musculoskeletal TAG Sundberg 10 minutes Slides, Doc10.5

7. Mental Health TAG Hyman 10 minutes Slides, Doc11

8. Neurology TAG Shakir 10 minutes Slides, Doc12

9. External Causes and Injuries TAG Harrison 10 minutes Slides, Doc13

10. Maternal, Neonatal and Urogenital TAG Say 10 minutes Slides, Doc14

11. Neoplasms Parkin 10 minutes Slides, Doc15

LUNCH: 12.30-14.00

2. Work of Cross sectional TAGs

• mTAG Pavillion, Notzon

• mbTAG Aljunid, Pickett

• fTAG Kennedy, Stucki

• qsTAG Ghali, Pincus

Coffe Break

3. SESSION 4: KEY ISSUES arising from TAG Discussions/work at meeting by editors:

a. Overlaps – Conflicts of multiple parenting Doc16

b. Underlaps – neglected areas Doc17

c. Abolition of Dagger- Asterisk convention Doc18

d. Conflict resolution between TAGs Doc19

e. Signs and Symptoms - Reason for Encounter (Chapter R) Doc 20

f. Contextual – Environmental & Personal Factors (Chapter Z) Doc21

g. Additional chapters:

i. Multisystem Chapter (New Chapter *) Doc22

ii. Traditional Medicine Chapter (New Chapter *) Doc23

h. Code Structure and Modifiers

i. Question of Severity

j. Other

i. Other Issues identified in Session 2.

DAY 2:

4. Session 4: RSG functions and procedures

a. Overseeing the revision process

1. Standard Operating Procedures for overview and monitoring of progress: ,

i. Assuring consistency across different areas of work ( i.e. Chapters – Linerizations for Mortality, Morbidity, Primary Care, )

ii. Peer review mechanism

• Review entities

• Review questions

• Reviewers

• Review results

• Output from Managing Editors

iii. Implementation of the Workflow – Roles in iCAT

2. Propose common mechanisms for:

i. Structural Changes

• Rules for children typology levels, use

• Annotation style and codes, documenting evidence, and making comments

30. - 11.00 Coffee Break

11.00-11.30 Evaluation of ICD-11 α Doc 25

• Structured Evaluation: Outline for external evaluators

• Evaluation strategy

• Suggested evaluators

• Other suggestions for Quality Assurance

30. -12.00 Suggestions for Beta Launch in 2011

1. World Health Assembly May 2011

2. Press Release

3. Other activities – global collaborators’ announcements

- TAG Partners & Others

12.00- 12.30 Brainstorming on field-testing

a. Quality Assurance for reliable use

b. Social Marketing

c. Sites, fields, coordination

d. Business case


13.30-15.30 RSG Conclusions:

1. Workplan for TAGs – common format, future work

2. Workplan for RSG

3. Standard Operating Procedures for TAGs and RSG

4. Workflows: Swimlane Diagram Review

5. Preparation for ICD-11 β (for feedback and continued discussion)

a. Large Scale participation

b. Multiple Language Versions

c. Field Tests

d. Quality Assurance

e. Workflows extension

f. Other suggestions


16.00 – 17.30 OTHER ISSUES

g. Resource Generation

h. IP related issues & Access to Content – Summary

Additional Documents (for feedback)

1. ICD Revision Project Plan version 2.0

2. Draft Beta Process

3. Evaluation Strategy


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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