Monday Turtle’s Race with Beaver - PC\|MAC

Monday Turtle’s Race with Beaver


** print Morning Warm-up questions from **

Print amazing words/popcorn words/story vocabulary from other attachment

Use the morning warm up question from waltkek and pages 218L and 218M

Phonics word is on r controlled vowels

Use the photo of the earth page to teach the sound er (for er, ir and ur)

Use directions on page 218n and the word cards below.

|barn |

|sport |

|chore |

|burn |

|fern |

|dirt |

|enter |

|third |

|hurt |

|clerk |

|birth |

|nurse |

|verse |

|summer |

|corner |

|tender |




Build words activity

HELLO FAMILY!!! This week we are learning about how adding an r to the vowels e, i and u changes the sound that vowel makes. Today we used letters to spell words with er, ir and ur in them. You can do this activity with your child by using the following instructions. Please try it at home.

Spell the word hurt.

Change the hu in hurt to a di.

What is the new word? (dirt)

Change the di in dirt to sh.

What is the new word? (shirt)

Change the sh in shirt to sp AND change the ir to ur.

What is the new word? (spurt)

Remove the s in spurt and change the u to e.

What is the new word? (pert)

Change the t in pert to ch.

What is the new word (perch)

|ch |d |e |h |i |

|p |r |s |sh |t |

|u | | | | |


_____ Your child successfully read these words that have r controlled er, ir, and ur! EXCELLENT!! Let your child read these words to you.

_____ Your child had trouble reading the words highlighted. Let them practice reading ALL the words to you tonight. Students will be assessed on reading words (in sentences) with r controlled er, ir

and ur on Friday.
















Students will need to complete page 73 in their practice book independently.

BUILDING BACKGROUND FOR READING (This can be moved to before you read the story Turtle’s Race with Beaver if necessary)

PAGE 218r and 219-219 in Student Book

Use the Let’s talk about working together. on page 218r in teacher’s ed. (if time permits, you can use the overhead and the develop concepts).


Use the poster below to help students remember the skill of sequence.

Read the story Frog’s Lily Pad and model how to identify sequence.

Practice using questions form page 219a

Students will work independently on page 74 to practice.

Sequence is the order in which things happen.

When you read, think about what happens

FRIST, NEXT and LAST in the story.

[pic]Look for word clues such as while, soon, after, then and before to help you understand what is happening.

When you retell the story use words like FIRST, NEXT and LAST to show the sequence.

Monday’s SPELLING TE page 218p and 218q

Students will take a pretest on this week’s words.





















Students can complete spelling practice page 29. Students can us a highlight to mark the er, ir and ur words before completing the page to aid them in understanding.

Spelling Words for the week of October 6





















Monday’s Writing

Generate ideas: Have children think of someone who is very different from them. Ask them what they could do to get along with this person.

Create a transparency of the write a plan page to plan how they could share the room with a person they don’t get along with.

Use directions on page 219c to ask the questions to fill in the bullets.

When you are finished…read the plan aloud.

For independent writing: Students will need to write a story about sharing something. Use the four square attached four square to write the story.

Our Plan

* We will be patient and not get angry.

* We will _________________________________________________.

* We will _________________________________________________.

* We will _________________________________________________.

* We will _________________________________________________.











| |

|One time I had to share _____________________________________________. |


| How did you feel about

| sharing?









Monday Grammar (219d)

Review proper nouns with the proper noun song.

The proper noun song by Amy Hall ( (Yeah ME! giggle!)

sung to twinkle, twinkle little star

Proper Proper Proper Nouns,

Special nouns are proper nouns.

They name your friends and your pets.

Special places you won’t forget.

Even things can be special too.

Like Clements and your Nike shoes.

Print Grammar Transparency 8 off Scott Foresman website.

Students will identify singular and plural nouns.

Collective Noun sentences are attached/ there are beaver photos on those pages.

On the page with a turtle you will find the practice activity located on page 219d

The team is

ready to play.

My family likes to read books.






|[pic] Fox |

|[pic] desk |

|[pic] bench |

|[pic] horse |

|[pic] dress |


** print Morning Warm-up questions from **

use amazing words/popcorn words/story vocabulary from other attachment

Use the morning warm up question from waltkek and pages 218L and 218M

Use the read aloud anthology if you have it and the plans on page 220b


Use the cards below and the directions in the teacher’s ed on page 220c to review r controlled vowels.

|squirt |

|verb |

|purse |

|winter |

|circus |

|murmur |

|nerve |

|first |

|burden |

|confirm |

|Thursday |

|clerk |

|birthday |

Use the phonics songs and rhymes chart SISTERS WHO SHARE.

Read the poem.

Model how to find the r controlled words and circle them.

Let a few students find the r controlled words and circle them.

Place in classroom as a station to read, circle and list the r controlled vowels.

Use attached page for station.


Directions: Read the poem SISTERS WHO SHARE. In this poem there are 8 R controlled vowels. Use the expo marker to circle them. When you have found them all, list one word inside each space on this page.

|1 |

|2 |

|3 |

|4 |

|5 |

|6 |

|7 |

|8 |


Word Sort

Directions: Look at the words at the bottom of the page.

1. Circle the er, ir and ur that make the /er/ sound.

2. Cut out the words at the bottom of the page.

3. Glue the er, ir and ur words under to correct heading.

4. Bring your completed list to your teacher and read the

words to her.

|er |ir |ur |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|hers |Fern |disturb |

|germ |dirt |furry |

|shirt |firm | |

Tuesday: Comprehension Skill Sequence

(Scott Foresman TE page 220e)

Review the posters from yesterday.

Copy picture pages from Ronald Morgan/ Tara and Tiree and let students sequence the story.

Practice book page 75.

Tuesday Building Background

If you didn’t do Monday’s lesson,


PAGE 218r and 219-219 in Student Book

Use the Let’s talk about working together. on page 218r in teacher’s ed. (if time permits, you can use the overhead and the develop concepts).

If you had time yesterday, begin on page 220f and discuss pond ecosystems with students.

website to use

Teacher’s Ed page 220 and 221

Use the cards to Introduce popcorn words: (do page 76 in reading workbook TOGETHER! The clues are tricky!)

|[pic] toward |

|[pic] ago |

|[pic] word |

|[pic] whole |

|[pic] above |

|[pic] enough |


_____ Your child successfully read these words! EXCELLENT!! Let your child read these words to you.

_____ Your child had trouble reading the words highlighted. Let them practice reading ALL the words to you tonight.

Enough Whole

beautiful though









Vocabulary words page 222a (use vocabulary transparency 8) Display word cards also or add to popcorn word cup

|[pic] buried |

|[pic] dam |

|[pic] lodge |

|[pic] challenge |

|[pic] halfway |

|[pic] embarrassed |

Tuesday Writing: Use page 242a to review writing.

Continue writing story from yesterday and work toward “publishing”

Tuesday Grammar: page 242b Develop the concept Singular and Plural Nouns

Students will need to complete page 28


This is one beaver.

This is a single beaver.

A plural noun describes more then one person, place or thing.


Look at the beavers.

To make most singular nouns plural you add an –s.

BUT some plural nouns end in –es.


If the noun ends in one of these

X * ch * sh * s * ss

You must add an

-es to make it plural!!!!

Name________________________________ Tuesday Spelling

Listen carefully to your teacher. Write the sentence she says. You may use the word wall to help you spell. (SF/TE page 220d)





** print Morning Warm-up questions from **

use amazing words/popcorn words/story vocabulary from other attachment

Use the morning warm up question from waltkek and pages 243 a and b

Weds. Phonics Contractions review (do practice book page 78)

TE page 243c

|[pic] He’s |

Contraction Matching Game for Pairs

Teacher needs to run off on colored paper for students and they can work in pairs to match.

|doesn’t |does not |

|who’s |who |

| |is |

|she’s |she |

| |is |

| | |

|I’ll |I |

| |will |

|I’m |I |

| |am |

|shouldn’t |should |

| |not |

High Frequency Words (TE page 243d) Practice book page 79

Review popcorn words using flash cards.

Vocabulary page 243e

review sequence posters

Have students identify the sequence words in the sentences on the next page.

The expand meaning words are on a poster after that.

Fluency page 243f and Think and Share (can be done in small group if necessary)

One day, Turtle and Beaver raced across the pond.

Beaver was gone the next morning.


That there are even more words that can tell you understand a story’s sequence.

Words like:

long ago

every year

many days

that night






Weds. Writing

use page 245a to teach organization and paragraphs and/or allow student to continue publishing their story from Monday.

Weds. Grammar Apply to writing Singular and Plural nouns

TE page 245b Student grammar and writing page 30

review singular and plural noun rules using posters.

use the sentences on the next page to let the students practice changing the singular nouns to plural nouns.

Weds. Spelling

TE page 243d calls for a game of charades…but I have made a list and students can pretest each other instead. Spelling Practice book page 31 if necessary or spelling word search from wadke web.

The cat played with the ball.

The dogs chew the sticks.

|Curl |Her |

|Skirt |Person |

|Purse |Nurse |

|Turtle |Dirt |

|Hamburger |Turn |

|Perfect |Birth |

|Surface |Serve |

|It’s |Curb |

|Morning |Isn’t |

|Before |Hasn’t |

Thursday Reading

** print Morning Warm-up questions from **

use amazing words/popcorn words/story vocabulary from other attachment

Use the morning warm up question from waltkek and pages 246a and 246b

Use the read aloud anthology if you have it and the plans on page 246b


Use Monday’s lesson to do a mini-lesson review.

SF teacher’s ed has sentences for students to read. They are below.

TE page 246c.

|You’re getting dirty from planting the birches, firs and other trees. |

|Uncle Herb is going to buy that great big farm, the tractor and the horses before winter. |

|The day I missed the bus, forgot my art project, and dropped my urn was the worst day ever. |

|You may pick either the dark red purse or the purple skirt for the wedding. |

|I had to laugh when the large perch ate the worm from the fishing line and flopped back in the water. |

|This is the second time this summer that Carla and Bert will be at our family store. |

Thursday Spelling is the activity we did yesterday. I will play cherry pie or the cupcake game with my class.

Fluency in reading TE page 249a

Writing: Students work to create a Venn Diagram. TE page 249b (finish publishing this week’s story)

Grammar: Review with posters

TE page 249c

Grammar practice page 31

Speaking and Listening: TE page 249d

Friday Reading

** print Morning Warm-up questions from **

use amazing words/popcorn words/story vocabulary from other attachment

Use the morning warm up question from waltkek and pages 250a and 246b

Use the read aloud anthology if you have it and the plans on page 250b

Phonics: Review using Monday’s lesson : Have students review phonics by reading the following sentences.

|The first nurse was stern. |

|The clerk in the purple shirt sold us a skirt. |

|The water begin to swirl and churn. |

|Did you hear the crickets whir and chirp in the ferns? |

Tape the story together and do whole group following TE page 250c.

In a kingdom long, long_______________


the mountains and snow, lived a king with a __________lot of seeds-and so, he gave his __________ to the people below, that he would give them ________seeds to plant and grow. Then he threw the seeds __________ the people below!



monitor progress page r controlled vowels

and high frequency words

green group

_____ Your child successfully read these sentences that have consonant digraphs and high frequency words! EXCELLENT!! Let your child read these sentences to you.

_____ Your child had trouble reading the words highlighted. Let them practice reading ALL the sentences to you tonight.

1. The girl ate enough perch for lunch.

2. The bird and turtle walked toward the pond.

3. What is the first word on her list?

4. The whole herd was in the third pen.

5. Dad fixed the curb by the fir tree a long time ago.

6. The surf was above Kirk’s head.


monitor progress page r controlled vowels

and high frequency words

yellow group

_____ Your child successfully read these sentences that have consonant digraphs and high frequency words! EXCELLENT!! Let your child read these sentences to you.

_____ Your child had trouble reading the words highlighted. Let them practice reading ALL the sentences to you tonight.

1. The dog’s whole head was full of curly fur.

2. Plant the fern toward the curve of the garden.

3. The robin chirped in the birch tree above us.

4. The nurse lost her purse and had a long time ago.

5. Stir the pancake batter enough, but do not hurry.

6. She tried to offer a kind word to her hurt friend.


monitor progress page r controlled vowels

and high frequency words

blue group

_____ Your child successfully read these sentences that have consonant digraphs and high frequency words! EXCELLENT!! Let your child read these sentences to you.

_____ Your child had trouble reading the words highlighted. Let them practice reading ALL the sentences to you tonight.

1. Have they served enough water to drink, or are you still thirsty?

2. We walked toward the clerk who was behind the shirt counter.

3. The teacher said to turn the paper over and write one spelling word in the circle.

4. A long time ago, the circus came to our city and set up a huge purple tent.

5. The river rose above it’s banks and flooded the church with swirling water.

6. Dad cooked a whole turkey with stuffing and didn’t turn it!

Copy the fluency passage on page 250.

| Today your child read the attached fluency passage aloud for one minute. We are working toward your child reaching the benchmark |

|of reading 70 words in one minute by December. |

| |

|_____ Your child read 70 words in one minute. EXCELLENT! |

| |

|______ Your child read _______words in one minute. Reading aloud at home will help your child reach the goal of 70 words. The best way |

|to become a better reader is to read. Please let your child practice reading aloud to you each night. Thank you! |

|[pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic] |

Grammar lesson is located in student textbook on pages 250 and 251. Use TE page 250 and 251 to work on the skill.

Grammar page 32

Research/Study Skills page 251a

practice book page 80


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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