Family Life - Clover Sites

Family Life - Scope and Sequence

Birth to 18 years old

Two Year Old/ Parenting Class

Directed by Children’s Ministry Director and volunteers. Two year olds and their parents meet every Sunday. This class allows parents and their children to make new friends and learn about God’s love. The philosophy of this class comes from Proverbs 22:6 “Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.” If children at the age of two are cognitively learning; we can certainly begin training them up in the Lord.

Nursery, Pre-Kindergarten, and Kindergarten

Directed by Children’s Ministry Director and volunteers. Children who are ages 3, 4, or in Kindergarten are grouped accordingly while in small group. They come together for two large group presentations. The content will be very Jesus centered. The children will be challenged to take their faith into everyday applications. The lessons use active learning methods utilizing multiple senses.

Grades One through Four

Directed by Children’s Ministry Director and volunteers. These four grades will be on the same Bible lesson; but will meet in small groups with their same grade level. They come together for one large group presentation, and in small groups, guides discuss the application points of the day’s lesson while applying it through hands-on application experiences.

Room 56 (grades 5-6)

Directed by Children’s Ministry Director and volunteers. These ages will be on the same lesson but will meet in small groups. They come together for one large group presentation that creatively presents the Bible event. This class is Jesus-centered, includes learning with fun, builds on relationships, and as scripture is taught, it is applied to the child’s life. Memory work is encouraged.

Vacation Bible School (Two Year Old/Parenting Class-grade 6)

Directed by Children’s Ministry Director and volunteers. Vacation Bible School is a week long event where children and their families come together to learn about Jesus. This fun-filled event gives children an opportunity to invite friends. It also gives our church an opportunity to invite the Norfolk community.

Confirmation (beginning in grade 7- 2year ministry)

Directed by the Director of Family Life and Pastors, with guidance from small group guides. Creates opportunities where youth can grow in their relationship with one another, have faith conversations with their parents, and grow in their relationship with Christ. Designed for 7th grade youth (or older) and their parents. Confirmation is held on Wednesday evenings from 6:15-7:45pm in the Family Life Center.

Transform 3:18 (grades 7th - 8th )

Directed by Director of Family Life and volunteers. Designed for Jr. High youth, they meet on Sunday mornings from 9:15-10:15 where they are connected with one another through the study of God’s Word. “Being transformed into His likeness” 2 Corinthians 3:18

Transform 3:18 (grades 9th-12th)

Directed by Director of Family Life and volunteers. Designed for Sr. High youth, they meet on Sunday mornings from 9:15-10:15 where they are connected with one another through the study of God’s Word. “Being transformed into His likeness” 2 Corinthians 3:18

Transform 3:18 Small Groups (grades 9th-12th)

Directed by Director of Family Life and volunteers. Designed for Sr. High youth, they meet on Wednesday evenings from 7:45-9:00pm where they are connected with one another through the study of God’s Word and small group interaction. “Being transformed into His likeness” 2 Corinthians 3:18

Events and Service Projects (grades 7th -12th )

Directed by the Director of Family Life, Youth Ministry Team and volunteers. The youth have the opportunity to reach out to the community by serving others in fellowship as the body of Christ. Youth have the chance to serve the congregation at Our Savior and in the community through different projects such as raking leaves, helping serve at Lenten meals and Easter breakfast, run carnival games for kids, clean up parks in the area and more. Also there are many opportunities throughout the year where we join in fellowship through the Fall Event, Lock-In, etc.


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