Engaging and Supporting all Students in Learning


Certificated Employee Evaluations

(These are to be used only as guidelines)

Engaging and Supporting all Students in Learning

| |Unsatisfactory |Needs Improvement |Meets Standards |Exceeds Standards |Exemplary |

| |Performance is not acceptable at |Performance is less than expected. |Performance that is expected of a |Performance, which is better than expected|Performance well beyond that required|

| |SLOCOE. Employee has been counseled |Employee will be monitored with |SLOCOE employee. |of a fully competent employee. This is |for the position. It is exceptional.|

| |and is not improving. |Improvement Plan until performance | |the desired performance that employees |Performance definitely superior or |

| | |improves or is deemed | |should strive to meet. |extraordinary. |

| | |unsatisfactory. | | | |

|Using a variety of |The strategies, resources, and |Some strategies, resources, and |The teacher uses a variety of |The teacher elicits student participation |The teacher uses extensive repertoire|

|instructional |materials do not support the |materials support the instructional |instructional strategies. He/she |through an extensive repertoire of |of strategies to meet students’ |

|strategies and |instructional goals or engage |goals, and some engage students in |delivers instruction with available |instructional strategies intended to match|diverse |

|resources to respond |students in meaningful learning. |meaningful learning. |resources and materials, and may vary |students’ academic and linguistic needs. |academic and linguistic needs and |

|to students’ diverse | | |instruction to increase student |He/she checks for student understanding, |ensure fullest participation and |

|needs | | |participation. The teacher selects |anticipates student needs, and may use a |learning for all students. |

| | | |strategies, resources, and visuals with|repertoire of strategies and resources. | |

| | | |consideration of students’ academic and|He/she selects and differentiates learning| |

| | | |linguistic needs. |to accommodate students’ diverse learning | |

| | | | |styles. | |

|Facilitating learning |The activities and assignments are |Some activities and assignments are |The teacher directs learning |The teacher provides learning experiences |The teacher integrates a variety of |

|experiences that |inappropriate for students in terms |appropriate to students and engage |experiences through whole group and |utilizing individual and group structures |challenging learning experiences that|

|promote autonomy, |of their age or backgrounds. |them, but others do not. |individual work with possibilities for |to develop autonomy and group |develop students’ independent |

|interaction, and |Students are not engaged. | |interaction and choice, and may vary |participation skills. Students make |learning, collaboration and choice. |

|choice. | | |learning experiences to include work in|choices about and within their work, and | |

| | | |large groups and small groups with |may use a variety of learning experiences | |

| | | |student choice within learning |to assist students in developing | |

| | | |activities. |independent working skills and group | |

| | | | |participation skills. The teacher | |

| | | | |supports students in making appropriate | |

| | | | |choices for learning. | |

|Engaging students in |Representation of content is |Representation of content is |Representation of content is |The content is presented in a way that |The teacher facilitates regular |

|problem solving, |inappropriate and unclear or uses |inconsistent in quality: some is done|appropriate and links well with |facilitates student discovery. Teacher |opportunities for students to design |

|critical-thinking, and|poor examples and analogies. |skillfully, with good examples; other|students’ knowledge and experience. |engages students through activities and |and implement inquiries and problem |

|other activities that | |portions are difficult to follow. |Teacher focuses questions on fact and |questioning strategies that develop skills|solving to analyze content and draw |

|make subject matter | |Teacher’s questions are a combination|key concepts to support learning |in identification and under-standing of |conclusions considering multiple |

|meaningful. | |of low and high quality. Only some |subject matter and may ask critical |key concepts and issues. Supports all |perspectives within and across |

| | |invite a response. Teacher attempts |thinking questions to relate facts and |students in problem posing and |subject matter. |

| | |to engage all students in the |key concepts of subject matter. The |problem-solving as appropriate. | |

| | |discussion, but with only limited |teacher identifies some issues within | | |

| | |success. |the subject matter. | | |

Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning

| |Unsatisfactory |Needs Improvement |Meets Standards |Exceeds Standards |Exemplary |

|Establishing a climate|The teacher’s interaction with at |The teacher interactions are |The teacher establishes rapport with |The teacher promotes caring and respectful|The teacher fosters a safe, inclusive|

|that promotes fairness|least some students is negative, |generally appropriate but may |individual students. He/she |interactions. He/she responds to |and equitable learning community. |

|and respect. |demeaning, sarcastic, or |reflect occasional inconsistencies, |acknowledges some incidents of |incidents of unfairness and disrespect |Students participate in maintaining a|

| |inappropriate to the age or culture |favoritism, or disregard for |unfairness and disrespect and builds |equitably. The teacher encourages |climate of equity, caring and respect|

| |of the students. There may be |students’ cultures. |caring, friendly rapport with most |students to respect differences and |and may initiate creative solutions |

| |instances of over-protective | |students. He/she models equitable and |maintains caring, respectful and equitable|to conflicts as appropriate. |

| |relationships He/she does not | |respectful relationships. The teacher |relationships with students. The teacher | |

| |establish healthy boundaries | |has some strategies to respond to |supports students in developing skills to | |

| |regarding relationships with | |unfairness and disrespect. |respond to inequity and disrespect. | |

| |students. | | | | |

|Promoting social |The teacher does not allow |The teacher allows minimal |As appropriate, the teacher encourages |As appropriate, the teacher promotes |The teacher facilitates an |

|development and group |opportunities for student |opportunities for student |student responsibility for self. He/she|positive student interactions as members |environment in which students take |

|responsibility. |responsibility for self. Does not |responsibility for self. Creates |creates opportunities for individual |of large and small groups. He/she |initiative socially and academically.|

| |create opportunities for individual |minimal opportunities for individual|students to have classroom |provides some opportunities for student |He/she promotes and supports student |

| |students to have classroom |students to have classroom |responsibilities and uses some |leadership within the classroom and |leadership beyond the classroom. |

| |responsibilities and uses some |responsibilities and uses some |strategies and activities to develop |engages students in individual and group | |

| |strategies and activities to develop |strategies and activities to develop|students’ individual responsibility and |work that promotes responsibility to the | |

| |students’ individual responsibility |students’ individual responsibility |recognition of others’ rights and needs.|classroom community. He/she supports | |

| |and recognition of others’ rights and|and recognition of others’ rights |Students share in classroom |students to take initiative in classroom | |

| |needs. Students do not share in |and needs. At times students share|responsibilities. |leadership. | |

| |classroom responsibilities. |in classroom responsibilities. | | | |

|Establishing and |No standards of conduct appear to |Standards of conduct appear to have |The teacher communicates rules and |The teacher uses strategies that prevent |The teacher facilitates a positive |

|maintaining standards |have been established, or students |been established for most |consequences. As appropriate, he/she |or lessen disruptive behavior and |environment in which students are |

|for student behavior. |are confused as to what the standards|situations, and most students seem |focuses attention on presenting lessons |reinforce expectations for behavior. |guided to take a strong role in |

| |are. Student behavior is not |to understand them. The teacher is |and establishes expectations and |He/she monitors behavior while teaching |maintaining and monitoring behavior. |

| |monitored, and the teacher is unaware|generally aware of student behavior |consequences for student behavior. |and during student work time. The teacher | |

| |of what students are doing. The |but may miss the activities of some |He/she responds appropriately to |equitably reinforces expectations, | |

| |teacher does not respond to |students. The teacher attempts to |disruptive behavior and promotes some |consequences, and supports students to | |

| |misbehavior, or the response is |respond to student misbehavior but |positive behaviors. |monitor their own behavior in a respectful| |

| |inconsistent, overly repressive, or |with uneven results. He/she | |way. He/she develops and implements | |

| |does not respect the student’s |ineffectively develops and | |behavior plans consistently. | |

| |dignity. He/she does not develop and|implements behavior plans. | | | |

| |implement behavior plans | | | | |

| |appropriately. | | | | |

|Planning and |The teacher does not plan or |Materials are handled inefficiently,|The teacher establishes procedures to |The teacher identifies, supports and |The teacher assists all students in |

|implementing classroom|implement classroom procedures to |resulting in some loss of |support student learning. Students are |monitors students in following routines |developing and internalizing |

|procedures and |support student learning resulting in|instructional time. |aware of the procedures. The teacher |and procedures that are appropriate and |equitable routines and procedures. |

|routines that support |considerable loss of instructional | |develops and guides students to learn |efficient for the learning activities and |Students show ownership of routines |

|student learning |time. | |routines and procedures for most |also uses strategies to assist students in|and procedures. |

| | | |activities. |developing and maintaining equitable | |

| | | | |routines and procedures. | |

|Using instructional |Students not working with the teacher|Tasks for group work are partially |Pacing reflects adequate time for |The teacher provides adequate time for |The teacher presents, adjusts and |

|time effectively. |are not productively engaged in |organized, resulting in some |learning activities, classroom business |presentation and for completion of |facilitates instruction and daily |

| |learning. Transitions are chaotic |off-task behavior when teacher is |and transitions and provides time for |learning activities. He/she paces |activities so all students have time |

| |and inefficient, resulting in a loss |involved with one group. Much time |students to complete learning |instruction and classroom business to |for learning, are continually |

| |of instructional time. Considerable |is lost during transitions. Systems|activities. Routines are firmly |maintain engagement. The teacher uses |engaged, and have opportunities for |

| |instructional time is lost in |for performing non-instructional |established for classroom business and |transitions to support engagement of all |reflection and assessment. He/she |

| |performing non-instructional duties. |duties are inefficient, resulting in|transitions. He/she uses strategies to |students and paces instruction to include |supports students to self-monitor |

| | |some loss of instructional time. |pace and adjust instruction to insure |ongoing review and disclosure of lessons |time on task. |

| | | |continual engagement. |to connect them to future lessons. | |

Understanding and Organizing Subject Matter for Student Learning

| |Unsatisfactory |Needs Improvement |Meets Standards |Exceeds Standards |Exemplary |

|Organizing curriculum |The teacher displays little |The teacher indicates some awareness |The teacher demonstrates knowledge of |The teacher identifies key concepts, |The teacher designs and adapts |

|to support student |understanding of prerequisite |of prerequisite learning, although |curriculum and uses knowledge of |skills and units/themes to facilitate |subject matter to demonstrate a |

|understanding of |knowledge important for student |such knowledge may be incomplete or |subject matter to promote students’ |student understanding of appropriate |consistent in-depth student |

|subject matter. |learning of the |inaccurate. |understanding of key concepts, skills |standards. He/ she organizes and |understanding of content and |

| |content. | |and standards taught. He/she connects |sequences subject matter clearly to |relationships among various concepts |

| | | |key concepts to standards and |coordinate core curriculum and content |and themes. Content standards are |

| | | |frameworks. |standards within and across subject matter|fully integrated in the core |

| | | | |as appropriate. |curriculum. |

|Interrelating ideas |The teacher does not relate content |The teacher occasionally relates |The teacher focuses on core curriculum |The teacher connects key concepts, skills |The teacher connects key concepts and|

|and information within|to prior lessons within the subject |content to prior lessons within the |and skills. He/she relates content to |and themes within subject matter to the |underlying themes within and across |

|and across subject |matter or identify key concepts and |subject matter or identifies key |prior lessons within the subject |standards. He/she builds on prior lessons|the curriculum to extend in-depth |

|matter areas. |skills in core curriculum and |concepts and skills in core |matter. The teacher identifies key |and students’ backgrounds and integrates |learning for all students. He/she |

| |standards. He/she does not connect |curriculum. He/she sometimes |concepts and skills in core curriculum |key concepts, skills and themes within and|supports students’ application of |

| |lessons to previous learning. |connects lessons to previous |and standards. He/she connects lessons|across curriculum to support standards. |cross-curricular learning. |

| | |learning. |to previous learning. |The teacher capitalizes on opportunities | |

| | | | |to make connections while teaching. | |

|Developing student |The teacher displays little |The teacher uses a few instructional |The teacher uses appropriate and |The teacher matches strategies appropriate|The teacher uses a repertoire of |

|understanding through |understanding of appropriate and |strategies to make the content |effective instructional strategies to |to subject matter to encourage student |instructional strategies that are |

|instructional |effective instructional strategies. |accessible to students but does not |make the content accessible to |understanding and critical thinking. |appropriate to subject matter. |

|strategies that are | |anticipate student misconceptions. |students. He/ she matches one or more |He/she uses multiple strategies that |He/she utilizes strategies that |

|appropriate to the | | |appropriate strategies to subject |challenge all students, making use of |challenge and support all students to|

|subject matter. | | |matter to effectively communicate |their interests and backgrounds. The |independently apply and think |

| | | |concepts. |teacher assists students to individually |critically about the subject matter. |

| | | | |construct their own knowledge and think | |

| | | | |critically. | |

|Using materials, |The teacher is unaware of resources |The teacher displays limited |The teacher uses available |The teacher selects and utilizes |The teacher analyzes, adapts and |

|resources, and |available through the school or |awareness of resources available |instructional materials, resources and |appropriate relevant instructional |creates a wide range of relevant |

|technologies to make |district for teachers, and resources |through the school or district. |technologies for specific lessons to |materials, resources and technologies to |instructional materials, resources |

|subject matter |available for students. | |support student learning and to present|present concepts and skills. Materials |and technologies to extend students’ |

|accessible to | | |concepts and skills. Some materials |reflect linguistic diversity of students. |understanding and provide equal |

|students. | | |and resources reflect students’ |He/she selects, adapts and creates a range|access. Materials reflect diversity |

| | | |diversity. The teacher ensures |of relevant materials, resources and |beyond the classroom. |

| | | |equitable access to resources for all |technologies to enrich learning, to | |

| | | |students. |reflect linguistic and cultural diversity | |

| | | | |of students and to provide for equal | |

| | | | |access. | |

Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students

| |Unsatisfactory |Needs Improvement |Meets Standards |Exceeds Standards |Exemplary |

|Establishing and |The teacher does not explain |The teacher occasionally explains |Goals for lessons may be identified for|The teacher articulates and links goals to|The teacher articulates short- and |

|articulating goals for|activities for lessons. He/she |activities for lessons. He/she |students. Activities for lessons are |instructional activities. He/she |long-term goals with high |

|student |rarely communicates expectations for |communicates expectations for student|explained. The teacher communicates |maintains high expectations when setting |expectations for learning. He/she |

|learning. |student learning in lessons. |learning in some lessons. |expectations for student learning in |goals for students and ensures that |designs activities so that students|

| | | |most lessons. |students understand short- and long-term |have opportunities to participate |

| | | | |learning goals. Goals reflect high |in setting, revising, and achieving|

| | | | |expectations and challenge students at |personal goals. |

| | | | |their level. | |

|Developing and |The lessons display little or no |The teacher develops some concepts |The teacher develops lessons to address|The teacher plans appropriately sequenced |The teacher sequences instruction |

|sequencing |sequential development. Rarely |and skills through a series of |a particular concept or skill utilizing|instruction and use of materials to |to help students synthesize and |

|instructional |considers student linguistic and |lessons that are connected and |available resources. He/ she develops |promote student understanding of basic |apply new knowledge and make |

|activities and |instructional needs. |sometimes considers student |most concepts and skills through a |concepts and skills and considers |connections within and across |

|materials for student | |linguistic and instructional needs. |series of lessons that are sequential |linguistic and instructional needs. |subject matter areas. |

|learning. | | |and considers student linguistic and |He/she develops and sequences lessons | |

| | | |instructional needs. |appropriate to subject matter complexity | |

| | | | |and interrelatedness to ensure student | |

| | | | |learning. | |

|Designing short-term |The teacher demonstrates little or no|The teacher designs both short- and |The teacher plans for daily lessons and|The teacher develops short- and long-term |The teacher designs comprehensive |

|and long-term plans to|short and/or long-term planning. |long-term plans but with occasional |activities based on available |plans that organize and link goals with |and cohesive short – and long-term |

|foster student | |gaps and inconsistency. |materials, curriculum outlines, and |learning activities and student content |plans that foster high student |

|learning. | | |student content standards. Plans for |standards. Designs and sequences coherent|achievement. |

| | | |daily and weekly lessons with attention|short- and long-term plans appropriate to | |

| | | |to unit/short-term goals and student |the content. Plans integrate goals, | |

| | | |content standards. |student content standards, and learning | |

| | | | |activities. | |

|Modifying |The teacher makes few or no |In advance, the teacher rarely uses |In advance, the teacher uses |In advance, the teacher frequently uses a |The teacher systematically |

|instructional plans to|adjustments to lesson plans. He/she |assessments to modify lessons to |assessments to modify lessons to |wide range of assessments to modify |incorporates data from a whole |

|adjust for student |does not check for student |accommodate levels of ability and |accommodate levels of ability and |lessons to accommodate levels of ability |range of assessments resulting in |

|needs. |comprehension. |interests of students. During the |interests of most students. During |and interests of all students. During |seamless adjustments so that |

| | |lesson, he/she attempts to modify to |lessons, he/she makes modifications for|lessons, he/she consistently makes |students monitor and communicate |

| | |address confusions and individual |students to address confusions and |appropriate modifications for students and|their own understanding as |

| | |student performance. |individual student performance. |supports students in monitoring and |appropriate. |

| | | | |communicating their own understanding. | |

Assessing Student Learning

| |Unsatisfactory |Needs Improvement |Meets Standards |Exceeds Standards |Exemplary |

|Collecting and using |The teacher’s assessments are not |The teacher uses a single source of |The teacher develops strategies to use |The teacher embeds a wide range of ongoing| |

|multiple sources of |valid, accurate or appropriate. |information to assess student |assessment tools for monitoring student|assessments in instructional activities to| |

|information to assess | |learning and monitor student |progress and informing instruction and |provide consistent guidance for planning | |

|student learning. | |progress. |uses a variety of assessment tools. |and instruction. | |

| | | |He/she collects, selects and reflects | | |

| | | |upon evidence to guide short and | | |

| | | |long-term plans and support student | | |

| | | |learning. | | |

|Involving and guiding |Feedback either is not provided or is|Feedback is inconsistent in quality |The teacher checks and monitors work in|The teacher presents guidelines for |The teacher engages all students in|

|all students in |of uniformly poor quality. Feedback |and timeliness. |progress. Communicates student |assessment to students. He/she assists |self and peer assessment, and in |

|assessing their own |is not provided in a timely manner. | |progress through school mandated |students in reflecting on and assessing |monitoring their progress and goals|

|learning. | | |procedures and provides students with |their own work and may integrate student |over time as appropriate. |

| | | |feedback on work in progress, as well |self-assessment and reflection into the | |

| | | |as completed tasks. There is some |learning activities. Students engage in | |

| | | |student involvement in correcting work.|some peer assessment of work as | |

| | | | |appropriate. | |

|Using the results of |Instructional goals, content, or |Instructional goals are not |The teacher uses formal and informal |The teacher regularly checks for | |

|assessments to guide |methods do not match assessment |consistently assessed. Assessment |assessments to plan lessons. He/she |understanding from a wide variety of | |

|instruction. |results. The proposed approach |criteria and standards have been |recognizes student confusion and |students to identify student needs and | |

| |contains no clear criteria or |developed, but they are either not |re-teaches material primarily using the|modify instruction. He/she identifies | |

| |standards. The assessment results |clear or have not been clearly |same technique. The teacher uses |student understanding during the lesson | |

| |affect planning for these students |communicated to students. The |information from assessments to plan |using a variety of methods and adjusts | |

| |only minimally or negatively. |teacher uses assessment results to |learning activities. The teacher |teaching to meet student needs. | |

| | |plan for the class as a whole. |checks for understanding while | | |

| | | |teaching, and addresses confusions. | | |

| | | |He/she includes assessments as a | | |

| | | |regular part of the instructional plan | | |

| | | |and revises lessons accordingly. | | |

|Communicating with |The teacher provides little |The teacher responses to parent |The teacher provides students, families|The teacher provides students with | |

|students, families, |information about the instructional |concerns are minimal. The teacher |and support personnel with information |information about their current progress, | |

|and other audiences |program to families. He/she provides|makes modest and inconsistently |about student progress on a regular |and how to improve their work. He/she | |

|about student |minimal information to parents and |successful attempts to engage |basis. He/she provides students with |establishes regular communication with | |

|progress. |does not respond--or responds |families in the instructional |feedback about their progress as they |families and support personnel. The | |

| |insensitively--to parent concerns |program. |engage in learning activities. He/she |teacher engages students, families and | |

| |about students. The teacher makes no| |initiates and maintains communication |support personnel in regular discussion | |

| |attempt to engage families in the | |with appropriate professionals and |regarding student progress and improvement| |

| |instructional program, or such | |agencies to enhance student |plans. Ongoing information is provided | |

| |attempts are inappropriate. | |performance. |from a variety of sources for students, | |

| | | | |families and support personnel. | |

Developing as a Professional Educator (February 28 session begins here)

| |Unsatisfactory |Needs Improvement |Meets Standards |Exceeds Standards |Exemplary |

|Establishing |The teacher engages in no |The teacher participates in |The teacher develops goals through |The teacher sets short-term professional |The teacher contributes to |

|professional goals and|professional development activities |professional activities to a limited |required processes. Attends required |goals based on self-assessment of |professional organizations, |

|pursuing opportunities|to enhance knowledge or skill. |extent when they are convenient. |in-service trainings and may set goals |effectiveness, student learning, and |literature, and development |

|to grow |Teacher makes no effort to share |Teacher finds limited ways to |considering self-assessment and other |feedback. Seeks out opportunities to |opportunities to extend own |

|professionally. |knowledge with others or to assume |contribute to the profession. |feedback. Expands knowledge and skills|realize professional goals and may set and|teaching practice and that of |

| |professional responsibilities. | |through available professional |modify short and long-term goals |colleagues. Leads professsional |

| | | |development opportunities (e.g. |considering self-assessment and feedback |development. |

| | | |workshops, classes, seminars). |from a variety of sources. Actively | |

| | | | |engages in and contributes to professional| |

| | | | |development. | |

|Working with |The teacher’s relationships with |The teacher maintains cordial |The teacher learns about students’ |The teacher identifies and uses |The teacher promotes school and |

|communities to improve|colleagues are negative or |relationships with colleagues to |communities. The teacher may take |appropriate district resources in support |community collaborations across |

|professional practice.|self-serving. The teacher avoids |fulfill the duties that the school or|students into their community as a part|of families and student learning. The |multiple groups. He/she provides |

| |becoming involved in school events; |district requires. The teacher |of learning activities and may increase|teacher expands knowledge of--and |students with a full range of |

| |avoids becoming involved in school |participates in school events when |understanding of the roles of the |connections with--the full range of |community experiences that benefit |

| |and district projects. |specifically asked; participates in |community in students’ lives. The |community resources, and may use knowledge|students and/or families. |

| | |school and district projects when |teacher may attend selected community |of--and strengthen connections with--local| |

| | |specifically asked. |event; uses some district resources and|community culture, services and resources,| |

| | | |community resources available through |to support student learning. | |

| | | |the school. | | |

|Working with families |The teacher provides little |The teacher participates in the |The teacher communicates with families |The teacher regularly communicates student|The teacher engages families in a |

|to improve |information about the instructional |school’s activities for parent |at reporting periods and school events.|progress in appropriate ways, taking into |variety of responsive, ongoing, |

|professional practice.|program to families. The teacher |communication but offers little |Advises families of problems. |account the diversity of families. |two-way communications in support |

| |provides minimal information to |additional information. The teacher |Recognizes the role of the family in |Encourages families to contribute to the |of student success. Structures a |

| |parents and does not respond--or |adheres to the school’s required |student learning and shares student |classroom and school and may maintain |wide range of opportunities for |

| |responds insensitively--to parent |procedures for communicating to |progress and classroom activities. |regular and responsive communication with |families to contribute to the |

| |concerns about students. The teacher|parents. Responses to parent |Invites families to contribute in the |all families. Provides opportunities for |classroom and school community. |

| |makes no attempt to engage families |concerns are minimal. The teacher |classroom. Values family backgrounds |families to actively participate in the | |

| |in the instructional program, or such|makes modest and inconsistently |and their role in student learning. |classroom and school. | |

| |tempts are inappropriate. |successful attempts to engage | | | |

| | |families in the instructional | | | |

| | |program. | | | |

|Working with |Teacher is not alert to students’ |Teacher’s attempts to serve students |Establishes a positive working |Works constructively with colleagues and |Provides opportunities to |

|colleagues to improve |needs. Teacher contributes to school|are inconsistent. Teacher does not |relationship with a few colleagues. |support staff to improve student learning |collaborate with staff to support |

|professional practice.|practices that result in some |knowingly contribute to some students|Interacts with colleagues to gather |and reflect on practice and may engage |learning for all students. |

| |students being ill served by the |being ill-served by the school. |resources. Seeks out trusted |staff in dialogue and reflection to |Provides leadership for and |

| |school. | |colleagues to consider solutions to |support student learning and reflect on |contributes to the learning of |

| | | |problems with students and may expand |practice and may engage staff in dialogue |other educators. |

| | | |positive working relationships with |and reflection to support student learning| |

| | | |colleagues and support staff. |and teacher growth in responsive and | |

| | | |Collaborates with colleagues to plan |appropriate ways. | |

| | | |curriculum, coordinate resources, and | | |

| | | |solve problems. | | |

|Balancing professional|Teacher makes decisions based on |Teacher’s decisions are based on |Has a positive attitude in the |Maintains a positive attitude through the |Maintains motivation and commitment|

|responsibilities and |self-serving interests. |limited though genuinely professional|classroom. Develops an understanding |year, demonstrates professional integrity,|to all students and the |

|maintaining | |considerations. |of professional responsibilities and |and balances professional responsibility |professional community, |

|motivation. | | |may maintain positive attitude, |with personal needs. May maintain |demonstrates and models |

| | | |demonstrate understanding of |motivation and commitment to all students,|professional integrity, and |

| | | |professional responsibilities, and seek|demonstrate professional integrity, and |challenges self intellectually and |

| | | |support to balance professional |challenge self intellectually and |creatively throughout career. |

| | | |responsibilities with personal needs. |creatively. | |

Marilyn Torp, Laura Gladstone, Kathryn Grey, Fred Thompson, Mitzi Soo and Katheryn Burke.


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