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Elementary: Pre-Kindergarten/Early Childhood/Elementary Education Competencies

60 Points per Certificate



General Objective

The purpose of this component is to increase teachers' and administrators' skills in and knowledge of competencies in Prekindergarten/Early Childhood/Elementary Education. Upon successful completion of the component, participants will be able to screen, assess, diagnose, SRUSS, and prescribe interventions which will enhance the educational experiences of students.

Specific Objectives

Upon completion of this component, participants will be able to:

1. Demonstrate knowledge of various screening instruments for identifying PK-5 students for assignment of the appropriate strategies.

2. Demonstrate skill in administration and interpretation of screening instruments.

3. Administer a diagnostic test for pre-readiness, readiness, and basic skills.

4. Interpret student's test scores.

5. Prescribe group activities to meet individual needs.

6. Form ad-hoc groups to meet individual needs.

7. Demonstrate knowledge of the PK-5 curriculum.

8. Demonstrate content knowledge of selected developmental and sequential learning patterns.

9. Improve and refine techniques for teaching basic skills, including pre-readiness and readiness.

10. Demonstrate knowledge of the hierarchy in teaching the skills mentioned in #9.

11. Demonstrate knowledge of various learning theories.

12. Apply a specific learning theory to the individual needs of a student based upon an evaluation which includes his/her best learning modality.

13. Demonstrate techniques for teaching a specific learning theory (mode).

14. Identify materials appropriate to the specific skills contained in the Curriculum Guide and which

are appropriate to each student’s needs.

15. Organize and construct a file according to appropriate skills listed in the curriculum guide using the following:

a. multi-level materials d. directions

b. variety of activities e. answer keys

c. coding according to levels

16. Develop and demonstrate suggested techniques for educational strategies involving parents and other

support personnel.

17. Develop lists of appropriate educational materials for parents' use with their children.

18. Demonstrate the ability to provide diagnostic information.

19. Demonstrate knowledge of task analyses.

20. Simulate a clinical teaching environment.

21. Develop an individualized program for a student.

22. Analyze and interpret test data and place a student in the appropriate instructional strategy.

23. Maintain records and conduct on-going re-evaluations of each child's progress and classroom instruction.

24. Select and use an observational checklist in screening and identifying each student.

25. Select and use an observational checklist in planning and conducting the on-going evaluation for each student.

Description of Activities

Participants will examine and discuss the PK-5 curriculum. They will be involved in discussions of the techniques for administering diagnostic tests, and will administer, score, and interpret random samples of instruments and discuss the information yielded. They will also examine and discuss sample test results to determine strengths and weaknesses of students. They will be given practice in selecting and using an observational checklist in screening, identifying, planning, and conducting the on-going evaluation for students. Participants will select developmental and sequential learning patterns, and develop and demonstrate a specific technique for improving the teaching of a basic skill. They will present an oral or written summary on the development for the hierarchy of teaching a basic skill. They will compare three learning theories, selecting a student profile from one of the students evaluated and match a theory to the individual profile. They will briefly outline techniques and materials necessary in implementing a specific learning theory (mode) to meet student's needs. Participants will determine specific deficits and their relationships to the weaknesses. They will develop specific remediation strategies.

Evaluation of Participants

Appropriate pre- and post-tests will be administered. These may include, but will not be limited to, a list of techniques used to administer a diagnostic test, a chart and interpretation of the results of pre-scored diagnostic tests, a written prescriptive program for a group of students, a listing of ad-hoc groups formed using student test data and reasons for decision for group formation, a chart showing the hierarchical skills in a specific subject area, a written or oral summary of three learning theories, an outline of techniques and materials to implement the program for student needs based upon strongest learning modality, a written document for parents and support personnel with suggested techniques and materials for educational strategies, a chart showing individual students' strengths and weaknesses with an outline for remediating this deficit, and an observational checklist used in screening, identifying, re-evaluating, and planning. In order to earn inservice credits, participants must demonstrate increased competencies in 80% or more of the specific objectives.

Evaluation of Activity

An online evaluation for this activity will be conducted through the Santa Rosa Professional Growth System.


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