'Smyrna-The Suffering Church' - Sermon Outlines. Org

"Smyrna-The Suffering Church"

Revelation 2:8-11

INTRO. Smyrna was a port city on the west coast of Asia Minor. It had a well

protected harbor and was a natural trade-route up the Hermus river.

It was a major commercial center in the first century; it has been said

to have been the pride of all Asia. Today, it has been renamed Izmir

located in Turkey. Smyrna was inhabited at least 3000 years before

Christ. It was located 35 miles north of Ephesus.

Although it was a free city, it gave its total allegiance to the Roman

Empire. They even built a temple to the Roman Emperors in 195 BC.

The city was famous for science, medicine, and the architecture of its


The word "Smyrna" means myrrh or bitterness and presents a picture

of Jesus' suffering and eventual death. Myrrh, in that day, was also a

sweet-smelling perfume. And although Smyrna was suffering the

bitterness of suffering, they were a sweet perfume to God.

Christ, the LORD revealed himself to The Church of Smyrna in two

ways. First of all, He said in v.8, “I AM THE FIRST AND THE LAST”—

their Divine LORD. And secondly, by saying, "I WAS DEAD AND NOW

LIVE." Although Christ suffered and died for the sins of the whole

world, He is alive today! He won the victory over death, hell, and the

grave. And He ever lives to make intercession for us.

This knowledge of what the LORD suffered for them, gave the Church

at Smyrna great comfort, because they were facing horrible

persecution when John wrote Revelation. Let's look at what the

LORD said to the Church of Smyrna tonight.


(1) Commendation

Text: Revelation 2:9

--He commended them for 2 things, but there was no condemnation, as

with the other Churches.

A. The Suffering they endured (v.9a). The LORD said, "I know thy works,

and tribulation, and poverty(but thou art rich!)..."---Materially, they had

nothing, but Spiritually, they lacked nothing.

John 16:33—"In this world, ye shall have tribulation, but be of good

cheer, I have overcome the world"

B. The Stand They Took (v.9b). The Jewish community in Smyrna was

being used by Satan to blaspheme the work of The Church and Christ

in the city. The Jewish officials were turning Christians over to Roman

authorities who would imprison or kill them.

(2) Counsel

Text: Rev. 2:lOa

A. Have not Fear—“Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer..”.

The LORD counseled the Church not to "fear" the things they would

suffer; He would be there with them.

Hebrews 13:5—"I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee"

2 Corinthians 12:9—"His Grace is sufficient for thee"

The LORD says, "some of you will be cast into prison, tried and kept there ten days." Different interpretations of the "Ten days of tribulation" have been rendered, but most likely it means some of them were imprisoned 10 days.

B. Have Faith—“Be thou faithful unto death"

(3) Crown

Text: Rev. 2:lOb, 11

A. The Response to Suffering.

B. The Reward from The Savior. The LORD promised to reward those who remained faithful, with a "Crown of Life" The Crown referred to by John was a wreath of garland like those given in the Grecian games for winning a race. But to us that are saved, the crowns we receive for faithful service, we will cast at the Savior's feet.

The LORD also promised that, "He that hears what the Spirit saith to the Churches and overcometh shall not be hurt or face the second death." In other words, if you are truly saved you will overcome

because you are a overcomer!"

CLOSING: The Christians at Smyrna faced crushing persecution, but through it all they emitted a sweet fragrance to God.

What about you? How do you face your trials and tribulations?

Take your burden to the LORD and leave it there!


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