Purchasing and Property Services

AOC 200

4202 East Fowler Avenue

Tampa, Florida 33620

(813) 974-2481

Web Address:

February 16, 2011

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|Invitation to Negotiate No. |11-11-MH |

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|Entitled: |HVAC Service, Preventative Maintenance and System |

| |Monitoring |

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|Opening Date: |February 23, 2011 at 3:00 p.m. |

Addendum No. 2

Please review the following changes/additions to Invitation to Bid (ITN) No. 11-11-MH to be addressed in submitted proposals:

Note: The following is a list of questions received from vendors regarding ITN 11-11-MH HVAC Service, Preventative Maintenance and System Monitoring; with the University of South Florida’s Responses.

1. Q. Who has been monitoring the water treatment of the system?

A. The system was monitored by BCH/ Cascade Water Services through the warranty period of the project, August 2010. BCH has been request by Housing & Res. Ed to do a complete check of the system until a service provider is contracted. They will also measure and treat the water system as needed.

2. Q. Are exhaust fans on the roofs/kitchen areas included on the bid?

A. Exhaust fans on the roofs of the buildings are not included in the service agreement contract. All exhaust fans in the kitchen areas are serviced by Aramark service provider, not H&RE.

3. Q. Didn’t see schedules/inspection dates in the packet. What are they? Quarterly? Monthly?

A. There is no direct schedule of maintenance but we will expect the awarded contractor to follow all manufacture equipment suggestions and outlines provided in Standard 180-2008 Standard Practice for and Maintenance of Commercial Building HVAC Systems (ANSI/ASHRAE/ACCA Approved). Monthly filter changes are completed by H&RE maintenance technicians. Boiler inspections in accordance to insurance procedures will be conducted through USF Physical Plant schedules and direct notification will occur to H&RE Facilities on which we will inform the awarded contractor to be present if possible, and will be held responsible to make any repairs deemed necessary stemming from all inspections.

4. Q. Where are all BTU meters for individual equipment?

A. All meters specific for equipment are located in the mechanical rooms where the equipment lies. Monthly meter readings are conducted by H&RE Facilities Maintenance for Aramark billing services. Awarded contract shall not reset any meters at any time without specific permission from a representative of H&RE Facilities Maintenance.

5. Q. Control System- Who takes care of it? How is it currently in place?

A. Currently H&RE Facilities Maintenance has an agreement with BCH to maintain the entire system including monitoring. Any repairs to controls system would be fall to the awarded service contractor upon presenting a proposal to the H&RE Facilities Maintenance.

6. Q. Are the VFD Variable Frequency Drives included in the service agreement?

A. Yes, refer to Addendum 1-ITN 11-10-MH- HVAC Maintenance Service and Monitoring

7. Q. 2 boilers in room M 1112, they run the café, they are included?

A. Mechanical Room M1112 is the dining mechanical room. There are 4 boilers located in this room. The 2 wall mounted boilers on the right side (North wall) make hot water for the AHU#3 which service the Juniper Dining area only. These 2 units are included in the service agreement. The 2 large boiler/tanks on the left side of the room (South) are for domestic hot water only for the Juniper Dining and are not included in the service agreement

Mechanical room M1109 which is located outside adjacent to the loading dock is the H&RE hot water. There are 6 boilers and 2 tanks located in this room. The 4 units on the right side of the room make hot water for our 2 AHU #1 (Poplar Housing) & #3 (Juniper Housing), along with all small FCU’s located throughout the building on the above floors. The 2 tanks on the left side of the room are for domestic hot water only in the housing areas. All of these boilers, storage tanks and pumps are included in the service agreement.

8. Q. Do contractors or facilities pull Strainer Baskets?

A. Upon repairs or concerns (low pressures etc.), will H&RE Facilities Maintenance request strainers to be pulled for inspection or cleaning.

9. Q. Will the awarded contractor be responsible for all individual FCU located through all residential rooms in the building?

A. H&RE Facilities Maintenance will be responsible for all individual FCU’s in the complex. The awarded contractor will be held responsible for all larger prior equipment the service the individual FCU’s. Upon direct request H&RE Facilities Maintenance may request quotes for repairs from the awarded contractor for possible work on individual FCU’s at times.

10. Q. Are the hot water systems monitored by MetaSys system?

A. All hot water systems, boilers etc. that are connected to the specific AHU’s are monitored through the Metasys system. The Juniper Dining and Housing domestic water boilers are not monitored.

11. Q. Vendor would like a drawing of the control system equipment, is this available?

A. Upon request the awarded contractor will be able to get copies of equipment O&M’s, close out documents, drawings, commissioning reports, and any other current documentation that is in the property of H&RE Facilities Maintenance.

12. Q. What is the occupancy of JPH during the semesters?

A. For all concerns, the JPH complex is occupied 24/ 7, 365 days a year. Response time is serious on all system “Critical Alarm” warnings as indicted in the bid package.

13. Q. Parking and vendor passes? Where will vendors park at JPH?

A. H&RE Facilities Maintenance highly recommends that the awarded contractor purchase a yearly vendor/contractor pass for parking. All parking concerns or question can be addressed to Parking Services at 813-974-3990, or online at Also refer to bid package on page 23, line 7-11 on specific parking policies in and around housing buildings.

14. Q. Can contractor set up monitoring similar to what we have set up with notifications going to blackberries or other devices?

A. H&RE Facilities Maintenance highly recommends that all current notification procedures and setups remain the same and will assist the awarded contractor in obtaining a continuation of this monitoring if possible.

15. Q. Please expand on “mandatory monitoring of Metasys system”. Specifically the desired frequency.

A. H&RE supervisory staffs are automatically notified in the case of an alarm through their email/Blackberry system. There is always one staff member on call through a central phone number (contact number to be supplied upon awarding). The awarded contractor must have the ability to monitor, adjust, or change, set-points from remote locations, based on current and acceptable settings. Contractor is to determine nature and significance of the alarm. If the issue causing the alarm can be adjusted /corrected remotely it should be done. If the alarm is emergency in nature the awarded contract must be either in route to the site if necessary, or making adjustments remotely in order to get the system out of emergency alarm and back on line or stabilized. They must stay in direct contact with H&RE supervisor on call to keep them updated on what they are doing, seeing, or recommending as a plan of action. How the awarded contractor sets up the monitoring frequency remotely on their end should be outlined in the bid package or submitted upon request by USF in a formal presentation through the negotiating period. H&RE does not want to be the first contact to the awarded contractor when the system is in alarm, but does understand that this will occur at times.

16. Q. Please expand on monitoring alarms with regards to critical or continue monitoring. Does USF want to be notified about every alarm?

A. We want to continue to be informed as we are currently. When an alarm trigger goes off the system it sends our supervisor staff an email through the BB/email service. The awarded contractor should have something similar in place. They should be looking at the system remotely and to check all pressures, temperatures, set points etc. (Examples: Alarm status-Lost power chiller plant is an “emergency”. We expect that the awarded contractor would be in contact directly with our on call supervisor and are trying to restart the system remotely and/or in route to the site. Alarm status- CWS high temp, does not necessarily identify itself as an emergency. We would want the awarded contractor to be remotely looking at the system making any adjustments to get the temperatures to fall back down into range. This is what we would consider a “continue to monitor” situation, but, if the temperature continues to climbs that would fall into an emergency situation.

17. Q. Please expand on S.O.P. inclusions: preventative maintenance, basic operations, alarms, etc.

A. The SOP Standard Operating Procedures book will have all the information in it to run the system. It will also be utilized when an emergency is ongoing so H&RE can communicate specifically with the awarded contractor in assessing the situation. It should include information such as, how to restart the chiller on power failures, how to bypass any lines, how to switch pumps over, how to adjust any controls, what to look for/or do when specific emergencies are occurring. It is basically an overview of the PM that is occurring in the system. It is another tool that will be used to assist the H&RE and the awarded contractor in procedures of the system. We will expect that the SOP will be updated with more information as the contract period continues.

18. Q. How does email notification come to the staff currently?

A. Current alarm notifications and daily tests come directly to the H&RE supervisory staff from the MetaSys system. Emails look like this:


2/10/2011 10:00:00 AM Test Alarm Schedule Alarm 68 Daily Test Page

Value Alarm

Item Fully Qualified Reference JPH-NAE1: JPH-NAE1/Programming.

Test Alarm. Test Alarm Schedule

Item Category General

19. Q. Is the maintenance PM considered preventative or comprehensive?

A. Preventive

20. Q. Will the control system be the responsibility of the selected provider?

A. The control system in place monitors all point of the system. The monitoring requires the awarded vendor to control the entire system. If a specific control breaks down we would ask the awarded vendor to quote us repairs materials etc.

21. Q. Will the selected provider be responsible for control upgrades?

A. If a specific new piece of equipment on the system needed to be replaced and it required a specific control, that would be in the quoted in the replacement. Otherwise, the current controls on the system now would remain or be replaced if they gave out (at a cost to USF H&RE).

22. Q. Can you provide a more specific scope of services, maintenance, testing and monitoring protocols which will be required with the NAE Metasys System?

A. The NAE Metasys System is used to monitor the entire system through controls points in the entire system. The bidding companies must already have experience in HVAC system monitoring in order to be awarded. USF H&RE is relying on the awarded vendor to present how they intend on covering the monitoring issues/procedures (protocol) with the system in accordance to how they already monitor and maintain systems with similar sized facilities. (Page 20-#8 Qualifications.)

23. Q. Bi-weekly does it mean twice a week or every other week?

Re: page 21-#6 Awarded contractor will provide water treatment on the entire system with bi-weekly water testing and chemical balancing to include PH levels, and levels of residue corrosion inhibitors. All chemicals shall be provided by the awarded contractor and approved first by USF H&RE, Facilities Maintenance. Monthly reports showing detailed levels and treatment steps will be submitted to the facility on-site supervisor.

A. Mistyped should read; Awarded contractor will provide water treatment on the entire system with bi-monthly water testing and chemical balancing to include PH levels, and levels of residue corrosion inhibitors. All chemicals shall be provided by the awarded contractor and approved first by USF H&RE, Facilities Maintenance. Monthly reports showing detailed levels and treatment steps will be submitted to the facility on-site supervisor. (2 times a month)

24. Q. Deficiencies and Insurance inspections. Are these billable?

A. Correct, any issues, upgrades etc. found on boiler inspections would be billable work.

25. Q. Re: page 21- #10 Meetings and discussions. Is the Contractor’s time billable?

10. Awarded contractor will be present for any inspections and/or scheduled meetings/discussions upon request, by the State Fire Marshall, USF Code Compliance Department, USF Facilities Planning & Construction and/or USF Environmental Health and Safety which directly concerns the HVAC system in any aspect. (Advanced notice will be given when possible.)

A. The contractors time, should they be contacted to be present, would not be billable.

26. Q. Is this a preventive maintenance agreement only?

A. The contract is for preventive maintenance and monitoring of the HVAC system at the Juniper Poplar Complex as stated in Section III, item 1 page19 of ITN 11-11-MH.

27. Q. Page 8 (section 26 see paragraph below) “authorized dealer/representative of manufacturer”, “manufacturers certification” as it implies contract to be awarded to manufacturers. Non Manufacturers cannot obtain this certification. Can this be omitted from the invitation?

Bids and/or proposals submitted by other than the equipment manufacturer shall be inclusive of a certification executed by the manufacturer stating that the bidder and/or contractor is an authorized dealer/representative of the manufacturer. A “dealer” agreement shall not be accepted in lieu of manufacturer certification. Bids and/or proposals requiring manufacturer certification will not be considered if certification is not submitted with the bid and/or proposal response.

A. No this statement will not be omitted, this passage is standard language for facilities contractual services. The intent is to ensure that all the vendors submitting proposals are certified “Manufacturer Authorized Dealers” for all the equipment that the vendor offers to USF relating to this contract. And further explains that a “Dealer Agreement” is not an acceptable substitution for certification as a “Manufacturer Authorized Dealer”.

Note: Please note receipt of this addendum by signing and returning with your proposal response.


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