Creating a Slogan - Mr. George Academics

Creating a Slogan


The key factor that drives the need for a new slogan is the intent to produce new advertising.

New advertising is most often developed when:

• A brand's advertising undergoes change

• A brand's advertising undergoes new thinking

• A new or revised brand, product or service is introduced.

Address Questions

Most advertising agencies have a comprehensive account planning process which typically involves answering the following questions:

• What is being advertised?

• To whom are you advertising?

• What do you know about your audience?

• What do you want them to do?

• What can you say that will get them to do that?

• How will you know it worked?

• What ideas might work?

• What is your tone of voice?

• What is your key message?

Slogan Steps

    1. Research the Brand Category

    2. Check out the Competition

    3. Develop the Message

    4. Complete the Message

    5. Evaluate the Message

    6. Coordinate into one simple package

    7. Create new slogan


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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