Methodology ILP Services Report - California


ILP Services Report

(Effective Quarter 2, 2011)


Number of Independent Living Program (ILP) services delivered to youth who were in active placement episodes supervised by Child Welfare or probation during the six-month reporting period. This report includes only those service types that are reportable for the National Youth in Transition Database (NYTD).




The numbers represent delivered ILP services. An entry was counted if the service was delivered to youth during the six-month reporting period, and if the youth was in an active placement episode during the period. While a youth may receive more than one service of different types, services of the same type were counted only once per youth. Data are generated separately for CWD and probation youth.


1) Youth ages 15.5 – 20 years old on the start date of service delivery

2) Youth in an open episode during the report period, while at any time during ages 16-20, he/she either had a court-ordered case or was a ward of the state


1) Youth who received ILP services but were not in active placement

episodes during the reporting period

2) ILP service types that are not reportable for NYTD

3) Placement episodes that were open only for one day or less

Independent living services included in this report are listed below. Some service types are grouped together as they would be in NYTD.

|Code |ILP Service Description |

|1804 | ILP - Career/Job Guidance |

|1807 | ILP - Room & Board Financial Assistance |

|5805 | ILP - Education |

|5806 | ILP - Health Care |

|5807 | ILP - Money Management |

|6838 |ILP - Credit Results Reviewed with Youth |

|6854 |ILP - Discuss Credit Counsel/Participate |

|5809 | ILP - Transitional Housing |

|6328 | ILP - Needs Assessment |

|6329 | ILP - Mentoring |

|6330 | ILP - Education Financial Assistance |

|6331 | ILP - Education/Post-Secondary |

|6332 | ILP - Employment/Vocational Training |

|1805 | ILP - Consumer Skills |

|1806 |ILP - Home Management |

|1809 |ILP - Time Management |

|6322 |ILP - Housing Options/Locations/THPP |

|1808 | ILP - Interpersonal/Social Skills |

|5808 |ILP - Parenting Skills |

|1810 | ILP - Transportation |

|6333 |ILP - Financial Assistance Other |

ILP entries are grouped by the county with current responsibility for the case.

Explanation of the first three columns

“Number of Clients in Placement” = Total number of youth eligible for independent living services who were in placement during the reporting period, regardless of the presence of ILP service entries

“Number of Clients Who Received ILP Service” = Total number of unique clients who received at least one ILP service

“Percent of Clients Who Received ILP Service” = Percent of clients in placement who received at least one ILP service


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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