SPECIAL EDUCATION - Burlington-Edison School District


Rubrics for Enhancing Professional Practice




|1a: Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and |Therapist displays little understanding of |Therapist displays content knowledge and |Therapist displays knowledge, planning |Therapist displays content knowledge, |

|Pedagogy [Speech and Language Development |prerequisite knowledge of content and |awareness of prerequisite learning and |reflects understanding of relationships |actively builds on knowledge of |

|and Procedures for Correction] |pedagogical issues, and makes content errors|pedagogical knowledge, but knowledge is |and pedagogical practices reflect current |prerequisite relationships, displays |

| |or does not correct students’ errors. |incomplete and not connected with other |research on best practices. |continuing search for best practice, and |

| | |parts of the discipline. | |anticipates students’ difficulties. |

|1b: Demonstrating Knowledge of Students on |Therapist displays minimal knowledge of |Therapist has knowledge of speech and |Therapist displays thorough understanding |Therapist displays knowledge of students’ |

|Caseload |speech and language developmental |language developmental characteristics and|of speech and language developmental |speech and language developmental |

| |characteristics of age group and is |general understanding of learning |characteristics and different approaches |characteristics, skills, knowledge, |

| |unfamiliar with learning approaches, |approaches while recognizing value of |to learning, and knowledge of students’ |interests and cultural heritage and varies|

| |student’s skills and knowledge, cultural |knowing students’ skills, interests and |skills, interests and cultural heritage. |approaches in instructional planning |

| |heritage and interests. |cultural heritage. | |appropriate to individual students. |

|1c: Selecting Instructional Goals |Goals are not clear, do not reflect current |Goals are moderately valuable, clear, and |Goals are clear, with valuable |Goals are valuable, establish high |

| |evaluation and IEP, are not suitable for the|consistent with current IEP and |expectations, clearly reflect current |expectations, clearly reflect current |

| |instructional setting, reflect only one type|evaluation, reflecting several types of |evaluation and IEP, reflect several types |evaluation and IEP, are clearly |

| |of learning, represent low expectations for |learning, most are suitable for most |of learning opportunities and are suitable|articulated, reflect student initiative, |

| |the students, and do not permit viable |students, sometimes reflect alignment with|for most students, usually reflect |account for different learning needs, |

| |methods of assessment and do not reflect |EALRs and GLEs, but some do not permit |alignment with EALRs and GLEs, and most |reflect alignment with EALRs and GLEs, and|

| |alignment with EALRs or GLEs. |viable methods of assessment. |permit viable methods of assessment. |permit viable methods of assessment. |

|1d: Designing Coherent Instruction, Therapy|Learning activities are not suitable for |Only some of the learning activities are |Most of the learning activities are |Learning activities are highly relevant to|

|Session, and Structure |students or IEP goals. They do not follow |suitable to students or IEP goals. |suitable to students and IEP goals. |students and IEP goals. They progress |

| |an organized progression and do not reflect |Progression of activities is uneven, and |Progression of activities is fairly even, |coherently, producing a unified whole and |

| |recent professional practice. |only some activities reflect recent |and most activities reflect recent |reflecting recent professional research |

| | |professional practice. |professional practice. |and practice. |



|2a: Collection of Information |Usually requires supervisory guidance to |Sometimes requires supervisory guidance to|In most situations, SLP independently and |Independently and accurately selects case |

| |accurately select case history or other |accurately select case history or other |accurately selects case history or other |history or other interview formats with |

| |interview formats with consideration for all|interview formats with consideration for |interview formats with consideration for |consideration for all relevant factors. |

| |relevant factors. SLP collects case history|all relevant factors. SLP may collect |all relevant factors. SLP collects and |SLP efficiently collects pertinent |

| |information that is incomplete or lacking in|case history information that is |probes student/family for additional |information from the student/family |

| |relevance. SLP is unable to integrate data |incomplete or lacking in relevance. SLP |information, obtains information from |spontaneously probes for additional |

| |to identify etiologic and/or contributing |may be unable to integrate data to |other sources, and integrates data to |relevant information, obtains information |

| |factors. |identify etiologic and/or contributing |identify etiologic and/or contributing |from other sources, and integrates data in|

| | |factors. |factors. |order to identify etiologic and/or |

| | | | |contributing factors to develop |

| | | | |comprehensive student profile. |

|2b: Selection of Evaluation/Assessment |Requires supervisory guidance to select |Usually requires some supervisory guidance|SLP independently selects an adequate |Independently selects a comprehensive |

|Materials |evaluation/assessment procedures that are |to select evaluation/assessment procedures|evaluation/assessment battery (i.e. basic |evaluation/assessment battery with |

| |appropriate and complete. SLP requires |that are appropriate and complete. SLP |procedures needed to define problem |consideration for all relevant factors. |

| |assistance with consideration of relevant |requires assistance with consideration of |adequately) with consideration for most |SLP efficiently and accurately administers|

| |factors. Assessment/evaluation materials do|relevant factors. SLP may administer |relevant factors. SLP administers the |the battery and consistently scores tests |

| |not answer question of concern. SLP may |and/or score tests inaccurately or |battery and consistently scores tests |accurately. |

| |administer and/or score tests inaccurately |incompletely. |accurately. | |

| |or incompletely. | | | |

|2c: Adaptation of Evaluation |Usually requires supervisory guidance to |Sometimes requires supervisory guidance to|In most situations, SLP independently and |Independently and accurately recognizes |

| |recognize the need for |recognize the need for and/or adapt |accurately recognizes when testing |when testing procedures need to be adapted|

| |adaptations/modifications. SLP consistently|procedures to accommodate individual |procedures need to be adapted to |to accommodate needs unique to specific |

| |requires assistance in adapting procedures |and/or unique student needs, including |accommodate needs unique to specific |students. SLP effectively implements |

| |to accommodate individual and/or unique |communication variations such as cultural |students and implements appropriate |appropriate adaptations and makes maximum |

| |student needs, including communication |and linguistic diversity, Limited English |modifications. May need assistance in |use of all available resources to provide |

| |variations such as cultural and linguistic |proficiency, etc. |accessing available resources, including |for unusual circumstances, including |

| |diversity, Limited English proficiency, | |communication variations such as cultural |communication variations such as cultural |

| |etc. | |and linguistic diversity, Limited English |and linguistic diversity, Limited English |

| | | |proficiency, etc. |proficiency, etc. |

|2d: Interprets and integrates test results|Usually requires supervisory guidance to |Sometimes requires supervisory guidance to|In most situations, SLP independently and |Consistently, independently, and |

| |interpret diagnostic data and/or behavioral |interpret diagnostic data and/or |accurately interprets and integrates test |accurately interprets and integrates test |

| |observations accurately. SLP consistently |behavioral observations accurately in |results and behavioral observations to |results and behavioral observations to |

| |requires supervisory assistance in defining |order to define the student’s |define the student’s communicative |define the student’s communicative |

| |student’s level of communicative |communicative functioning. Diagnostic |functioning. SLP develops diagnostic |functioning, which includes relating |

| |functioning. Diagnostic impressions and/or |impressions and/or recommendations may be |impressions and makes basic |etiologic factors to observed behaviors |

| |recommendations are either inappropriate, |inappropriate, inconsistent with |recommendations that are consistent with |and test results. SLP consistently |

| |inconsistent with evaluation results, or |evaluation results, or absent. |evaluation results and that are adequate |develops diagnostic impressions and makes |

| |absent. | |for case. |comprehensive recommendations leading to |

| | | | |appropriate case management. |



|3a: Develops and implements treatment |Usually requires supervisory guidance to |Sometimes requires supervisory guidance to |In most situations, SLP independently and |Independently and accurately establishes a |

|plans |accurately develop a treatment plan |accurately develop a treatment plan |accurately establishes treatment plans |treatment plan appropriate for the student.|

| |appropriate for the student. The treatment|appropriate for the student. The treatment|appropriate for the student. The treatment|SLP consistently develops specific and |

| |plan may include adequate long-term goals, |plan may include adequate long-term goals, |plan includes long-term goals and |reasonable treatment plans that include |

| |but objectives do not reflect logical |but objectives may not reflect logical |short-term objectives, which usually |long-term goals and short-term objectives |

| |sequencing of learned steps. SLP does not |sequencing of learned steps. SLP may not |reflect a logical sequencing of learning |which reflect appropriate learning |

| |identify appropriate service delivery |identify appropriate service delivery |steps. SLP generally explores alternative |sequence; explores all alternative service |

| |options, and even with guidance, does not |options, and requires supervision to |service delivery options, but may need help|delivery options, identifies the most |

| |demonstrate ability to effectively |effectively implement treatment plans. |in selecting the most appropriate options. |appropriate settings for service, and |

| |implement treatment plans. | |SLP can effectively implement planned |effectively implements plans. |

| | | |procedures. | |

|3b: Develops and implements intervention |Usually requires supervisory guidance to |Sometimes requires supervisory guidance to |In most situations, SLP independently |Independently selects/develops and |

|strategies |select/develop and implement intervention |select/develop and implement intervention |selects/develops and implements |implements comprehensive intervention |

| |strategies relevant to the disorder and |strategies relevant to the disorder and/or |intervention strategies relevant to the |strategies that take into consideration all|

| |needs of the student. |needs of the student. |communication disorder and the unique |unique characteristics and communication |

| | | |characteristics of the student. |needs of the student. |

|3c: Selection and Use of Procedures |Usually requires supervisory guidance to |Requires some supervisory guidance to |Recognizes when intervention procedures, |Independently and consistently adapts |

| |recognize the need for adaptation of |recognize the need for adaptation of |strategies, materials, and/or |intervention procedures, strategies, |

| |intervention procedures, strategies, |intervention procedures, strategies, |instrumentation need to be adapted to |materials, and instrumentation to |

| |materials, and/or instrumentation to |materials, and/or instrumentation to |accommodate needs unique to specific |accommodate needs unique to specific |

| |accommodate needs unique to specific |accommodate needs unique to specific |students. May use available resources for |students. Makes maximum use of all |

| |students. SLP demonstrates difficulty |students. SLP may have difficulty |unusual circumstances. May need assistance|available resources to provide for unusual |

| |implementing identified adaptations and |implementing identified adaptations and may|in making appropriate adaptations. |circumstances. SLP effectively implements |

| |does not seek supervisory guidance when |not consistently seek supervisory guidance | |appropriate adaptations. |

| |needed. |when needed. | | |

|3d: Selection and Use of Materials |Usually requires supervisory guidance to |Requires some supervisory guidance to |In most cases, SLP independently |Independently and consistently |

| |select materials and/or instrumentation |select materials and/or instrumentation |selects/develops materials and |selects/develops materials and |

| |that are appropriate to the treatment |that are appropriate to the treatment |instrumentation that are relevant to the |instrumentation with basis for clear |

| |objectives, student, and/or the activity. |objectives, student, and/or the activity. |communication disorder and uses materials |rationale, and uses these materials and |

| |SLP requires supervision to use materials |Once selected, SLP may not use materials |and/or instrumentation effectively. |instrumentation creatively and effectively |

| |and/or instrumentation effectively. |and/or instrumentation effectively. | |to enhance the treatment process. |

|3e: Utilizes therapy time effectively |Usually requires supervisory guidance to |Sometimes requires supervisory guidance to |In most cases, SLP independently |Independently and consistently demonstrates|

| |establish efficient use of direct therapy |generate efficient use of direct therapy |demonstrates efficient use of direct |efficient use of direct therapy time |

| |time. SLP requires assistance in |time. SLP may need assistance in |therapy time through preparation and |through preparation and adaptation of |

| |preparation and adaptation of materials and|preparation and adaptation of materials, |adaptation of appropriate materials, use of|appropriate materials, use of appropriate |

| |utilization of therapy behavioral supports.|use of therapy behavioral supports, |appropriate behavioral supports, |behavioral supports, organization of |

| |Data collection procedures are not relevant|organization of relevant data collection |organization of relevant data collection |relevant data collection procedures, and |

| |to objectives and scheduling of therapy |procedures, and scheduling of therapy |procedures, and scheduling of therapy |scheduling of therapy sessions. SLP |

| |sessions may be ineffective for student |sessions. Objective(s) may be clearly |sessions. SLP usually demonstrates clearly|demonstrates clearly evident objective(s) |

| |needs. Objective(s) are not evident for |evident for each therapy session. |evident objective(s) for each therapy |for each therapy session. |

| |therapy session(s). | |session. | |

|3f: Establishes Rapport |Interactions with students are negative or |Interactions with students are generally |Interactions with students are friendly, |Interactions with students are friendly, |

| |inappropriate. Standards of conduct are |appropriate. Standards of conduct appear |positive, and respectful. Standards of |positive, respectful, and dynamic. |

| |not evident; students do not appear |to have been established; students are not |conduct are consistently established; |Standards of conduct are clearly and |

| |engaged; and student behavior is not |consistently engaged; and student behavior |students are usually engaged; and student |consistently established; students are |

| |monitored. |is monitored infrequently. |behavior is frequently monitored. |actively engaged; and student behavior is |

| | | | |consistently monitored. |



|4a: Collaborates with other professionals|SLP usually requires supervisory guidance |SLP sometimes requires supervisory guidance|In most situations, SLP appropriately |SLP independently and consistently |

| |to effectively identify the need to consult|to effectively identify the need to consult|identifies the need to consult or |identifies the need to consult or |

| |or collaborate with other professionals |or collaborate with other professionals |collaborate with other professionals |collaborate with other professionals |

| |regarding case management activities. SLP |regarding case management activities. SLP |regarding case management activities. SLP |regarding case management activities. SLP |

| |does not make decisions based on shared |does not make decisions based on shared |listens carefully to input from others, |consistently listens carefully to input |

| |information, contribute and/or focus on |information, contribute and/or focus on |makes appropriate decisions based on shared|from others, makes appropriate decisions |

| |mutual problem solving activities. |mutual problem solving activities. |information, and usually participates in |based on shared information, initiates |

| | | |activities and contributes information that|activities, and contributes information |

| | | |promotes mutual problem solving. |that promotes mutual problem solving. |

|4b: Works Cooperatively |SLP is not available to staff for questions|SLP is rarely available to staff for |SLP is available to staff and welcomes |SLP often engages and is engaged with the |

| |and/or assistance. Does not consult with |questions and/or assistance. May consult |questions. Discusses professional subjects|staff in discussion about topics of concern|

| |others nor provide knowledge or |with others or provide knowledge or |with staff from basic knowledge and |to the staff. Spends as much time |

| |understanding of material. |understanding of material. |collaborates with others when addressing |listening as speaking. Helps others to |

| | | |student needs. |understand knowledge. |

|4c: Identifies and refers students for |SLP usually requires supervisory guidance |SLP requires some supervisory guidance to |SLP usually identifies the need for and |SLP consistently identifies the need for |

|services |to identify the need for student referrals |identify the need for student referrals |makes student referrals, and seeks |and makes appropriate student referrals, |

| |and/or to make appropriate referrals. |and/or to make appropriate referrals and |assistance in locating specific resources |and locates specific resources when |

| | |seeks assistance in locating specific |when appropriate. |appropriate. |

| | |resources when appropriate. | | |

DOMAINS: #5 Communication Skills


|5a: Communicates effectively |SLP does not present information |SLP intermittently presents information |SLP usually presents information |SLP independently presents information |

| |accurately, logically, and concisely. Oral|accurately, logically, and concisely. Oral|accurately, clearly, logically, and |accurately, clearly, logically, and |

| |communication is not appropriate for the |communication is rarely appropriate and |concisely. Oral communication is |concisely. Oral communication is always |

| |needs of the audience. SLP uses |terminology and phrasing are often |appropriate in most situations, using |appropriate for the needs of the audience. |

| |terminology and phrasing inconsistent with |inconsistent with the semantic competency |terminology and phrasing consistent with |SLP uses terminology and phrasing |

| |the semantic competence of the audience and|of the audience. SLP usually includes |the semantic competency of the audience. |consistent with the semantic competence of |

| |includes information that is inaccurate |information that is accurate and/or |SLP includes information that is accurate |the audience and includes accurate and |

| |and/or incomplete. SLP does not listen |complete. SLP may listen to students, |and/or complete. SLP listens to students, |complete information, listens carefully to |

| |carefully to students, parents, and other |parents, and other professionals but often |parents, and other professionals, but may |students, parents, and other professionals,|

| |professionals and fails to provide |has difficulty providing appropriate |have difficulty providing appropriate |takes initiative providing appropriate |

| |appropriate clarification when needed. SLP|clarification when needed. SLP |clarification when needed. SLP |clarifications when needed, and |

| |demonstrates inappropriate non-verbal |acknowledges the impact of own non-verbal |acknowledges the impact of own non-verbal |demonstrates appropriate non-verbal |

| |communication style. |communication style, but usually has |communication style, but may have |communication style. |

| | |difficulty demonstrating this consistently.|difficulty demonstrating this consistently.| |

|5b: Writes reports clearly and concisely |SLP does no present information accurately,|SLP intermittently presents information |SLP usually presents information |SLP independently presents written |

| |logically, and concisely. Written reports |accurately, logically, and concisely. |accurately, clearly, logically, and |information accurately, clearly, logically,|

| |and letters are inappropriate for the needs|Written reports and letters are sometimes |concisely. Written reports and letters are|and concisely. Written reports and letters|

| |of the audience and may include grammatical|appropriate, using terminology and phrasing|appropriate in most situations, using |are always appropriate for the needs of the|

| |errors. SLP uses terminology and phrasing |often inconsistent with the semantic |terminology and phrasing consistent with |audience. SLP uses terminology and |

| |inconsistent with the semantic competence |competency of the audience. SLP sometimes |the semantic competency of the audience. |phrasing consistent with the semantic |

| |of the audience and includes information |includes information that is accurate |SLP usually includes information that is |competence of the audience and consistently|

| |that is inaccurate and/or incomplete. |and/or complete. |accurate and/or complete. |includes accurate and complete information.|


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