Service Learning Project: Reflection

Biol 105/Engl& 101 Exploring Natural History in Word and FieldLandel/HughesService Learning Project:? Reflection Activities ??Research shows that reflection is an integral part of a successful service learning experience. We’d like you to reflect on this project not just at the end, but throughout the process, beginning now as you get started on it. You’ll have several opportunities to continue your reflection in your weekly reports to us. I. Pre-Service ReflectionWe’d like you to begin your service project with a brief reflection that encourages you to think about your current knowledge, attitudes & behaviors about habitat and environmental issues Please answer the following questions by circling your response (where appropriate) AND writing a short paragraph for each. (Feel free to attach additional paper if needed). 1) How would you describe your knowledge of the community partner you’ll be working with: Are you familiar with what this organization does? Why do you think they’ve chosen to do this work? 2) How would you describe your own level of interest and concern about the issues that your community partner is addressing, such as habitat loss: Not so concerned Somewhat concerned Very concerned Please explain your response: 3) How would you describe how you feel about environmental issues in general (Feel free to circle more than one answer): Not so interested Someone else will solve these problems Very concerned for the future Overwhelmed Other ________________Please explain your response: 4) How would you describe your current “green practices”, such as recycling, conserving water, cutting back on driving, eating locally, etc. Not currently participating in any green practices Think about it, but not so motivated to do it. Think about it, but not sure it’ll make a difference Participate in 1 or 2 “green” practices Participate in 3 or more green practices. Please explain your response: 4) How would you describe your current willingness to be involved in working toward solutions: Not willing Maybe willing Willing but not sure how to go about it Definitely willing Feel empowered Please explain your response: 5) How would you describe the likelihood that you’ll continue to work with this community partner or another like it on environmental restoration projects: Not likely Maybe Somewhat likely Definitely Please explain your response: s what you need to do to complete this Service Learning ProjectII. Description of Service Learning Project & Reflection ?Please respond to the following questions on a separate sheet with a paragraph for each. 1)?????Please describe the service learning activities you participated in with your community partner or another local community organization during the course of your SL Project.2)?????What was the most significant thing you learned by participating in the service project with your community partner? What was the biggest challenge to your success with this project? 3)????What connections can you make between what you learned in class and your service work? Were you able to apply what you learned to your service? Please give us an example. If not, why not? Did the service project enhance your class learning? Please give an example. If not, why not? 4) Please reflect on how and if your attitudes and behaviors have changed by completing the activity described below (Comparing Pre & Post Service Learning Reflection). 5) What suggestions do you have for other groups embarking on this project? What suggestions do you have for this project next time it’s taught?III. Comparing Pre & Post Service Learning Reflection Please re-read your Pre-Service Learning Reflection. Focusing primarily on questions 2 – 5, write a paragraph for each question describing if & how your answers have changed. If they’ve changed, describe and explain how the SL project helped facilitate this. If not, please explain why not. Feel free to add any other reflection that seems relevant or helpful in understanding your response. ................

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