Hospitality Sample Assignment


Sample Assignment

Assignment front sheet

|Qualification |Unit number and title |

|Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma Hospitality Management |Unit 3 Customer Service |

|Student name |Assessor name |

| | |

|Date issued |Completion date |Submitted on |

| | | |

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|Assignment title |Assignment: A Case Study in Customer Care (1 of 2) |

|LO | |AC |In this assessment you will have the opportunity to present |Task no. | |

| |Learning outcome | |evidence that shows you are able to: | |Evidence |

| |(LO) | | | |(Page no) |

|LO 1 |Understand customer service |1.1 |Discuss reasons for using customer service policies |1 | |

| |policies within business and | | | | |

| |services contexts | | | | |

| | |1.2 |Discuss the purpose of evaluating a customer service policy, |2 | |

| | | |indicating how this can assist future staff training and | | |

| | | |development | | |

|LO 2 |Understand the purpose of |2.1 |Evaluate different communication methods and how these are used |3 | |

| |promoting a customer-focused | |to best effect | | |

| |culture | | | | |

| | |2.2 |Analyse how customer perception is influenced by customer |3 | |

| | | |service provision | | |

|Learner declaration |

|I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own and research sources are fully acknowledged. |

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|Student signature: Date: |

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|In addition to the above PASS criteria, this assignment gives you the opportunity to submit evidence in order to achieve the following MERIT and DISTINCTION grades |

| | | |

|Grade Descriptor |Indicative characteristic/s |Contextualisation |

|M1 |An effective approach to study and research has been applied. |The research for task 1 was used to produce a presentation. |

|Identify and apply strategies to find appropriate | |Additional research was completed to address task 3. |

|solutions | | |

|M2 |The selection of methods and techniques/sources has been justified. |The selection and use of methods for tasks 2 and 3 were appropriate and justified and |

|Select/design and apply appropriate methods/ |Appropriate learning methods/techniques have been applied. |employed appropriate application of learning. |

|techniques | | |

|M3 |An appropriate structure and approach has been used (in the presentation and communication|The presentation for task 1 was structured coherently. |

|Present and communicate appropriate findings |of your findings). |For task 2 the documents developed were appropriate and employed a range of presentation |

| |A range of methods of presentation have been used and technical language has been |formats. |

| |accurately used. |The language used throughout the responses to tasks employed appropriate technical language.|

| |The communication is appropriate for familiar and unfamiliar audiences and appropriate | |

| |media have been used. |The presentation in task 1 and the documents produced in task 2 and task 3 were appropriate |

| | |for different audiences. |

|D1 |Conclusions have been arrived at through synthesis of ideas and have been justified. |The results of the research for tasks 1 and 2 and the tabulated text table for task 3 were |

|Use critical reflection to evaluate own work and |The validity of results has been evaluated using defined criteria. |synthesised and justified. |

|justify valid conclusions | | |

|D2 |Substantial activities, projects or investigations have been planned, managed and |The research was effectively managed, synthesised and justified; there was evidence of |

|Take responsibility for managing and organising |organised. |effective time management to meet the unit assessment deadlines to produce exemplary results|

|activities |The unforeseen has been accommodated. |for each task. |

| |The importance of interdependence has been recognised and achieved. |Contingency arrangements were described in research reviews. |

| | |Inter-dependence is evident in the evidence submitted and recommendations for tasks 2 and 3.|

|D3 | | |

|Demonstrate convergent/lateral/creative thinking | | |

| | | |

Please note that for unit assignments Assessors should use these or other exemplar indicative characteristics for the individual grade descriptors from Annexe C of the HN specification or any other relevant indicative characteristics for the particular assignment. The indicative characteristic should then be contextualised. Only one indicative characteristic per grade descriptor, M2, M2, M3, D1, D2, D3 is required.

|Assignment brief |

|Unit number and title |Unit 3 Customer Service |

|Qualification |Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Hospitality Management |

|Start date | |

|Deadline/hand-in | |

|Assessor | |

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|Assignment title |A Case Study in Customer Care (1 of 2) |

|Purpose of this assignment |

|The aim of this assignment is to introduce students to the principles and objectives of customer service, with a focus on business and services operations in a |

|hotel. The assignment will help students develop an understanding of the nature of a customer service culture and the principle of quality service in the |

|business and services management environment. The assignment will help students to appreciate how important information gathered from customers is and its |

|relevance to improved delivery of services. |

|Scenario |

|You have started a summer placement working in a large hotel in a town centre location. Because of this location the hotel is used by both domestic and incoming|

|tourists and business people. The hotel has a pub in the basement that serves food; conference facilities and a spa. The hotel has limited pre-booked car |

|parking in a small multi-story car park. There is access to night clubs, theatres, shops and good public transport links to nearby sporting venues. |

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|You are fortunate to be working with the customer services team, as you wish to develop your customer service skills; the Customer Service Manager is pleased to|

|have you as a team member as the extra staffing will facilitate some essential research to improve staff communications and possibly the development of staff |

|improvement training materials for customer care. |

|Task 1 : (LO 1: 1.1 and M1, M3, D1) |

|The customer service team think that staff members need to be reminded about the reason for having a customer service policy (there have been one or two |

|complaints from customers recently). |

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|You are asked to put together a short presentation for staff, to be used as an agenda item in different department meetings. Your presentation should identify |

|how the policy requires each member of staff to meet customer requirements and expectations and the need for staff to communicate effectively with internal and |

|external personnel and customers. |

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|You are instructed to put together a PowerPoint presentation and notes to be used by each Department Manager. |

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|Research customer service policies using large group hotels and the internet, select a policy and use this as a source for the PowerPoint presentation (you must|

|put together a pack of slides and notes. Provide a written commentary that justifies your choice of policy and include an appendix to show the text and web |

|resources that you researched. |

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|For M1, the research for task 1 was used to produce a presentation. |

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|For M3, the presentation for task 1 was structured coherently and was appropriate for different audiences. |

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|For D1, the results of the research for task 1 were synthesised and justified. |

|Task 2 (LO 1: 1.2, M2, M3, D2) |

|Your Customer Services Manager was pleased with your presentation, but as a result of a discussion with the General Manager, there is some concern that the |

|Hotel Customer Services Policy might need to be updated (there are still customer complaints.) You are asked to continue to research a range of customer service|

|policies, to suggest any revisions to the hotel policy and developments required, with particular attention to the following: |

|how to identify customer expectations |

|how to assess the current quality of customer service |

|how best to evaluate the use of data and feedback. |

| |

|Produce a customer needs analysis for the different types of customers who use the hotel. |

|Develop a draft customer feedback survey questionnaire. |

|Undertake wider research into customer services policies; examine not just hotels, but also restaurants, pubs, bars, nightclubs, food service providers, |

|hospitality services. Record the policy for each organisation and produce a text table that addresses points 1 to 3 above and using the key policy points for |

|each researched organisation, draft a more robust policy for your organisation. |

|Identify any changes to staffing levels and staff training that would need to be implemented as a result of using the revised policy. |

|Identify the methods that could be used to collect quantitative and qualitative methods of customer research data. |

|Suggest how else could you measure guest satisfaction, as well as using a guest questionnaire? |

|What current service quality systems are used in the hospitality industry? |

| |

|For M2, the selection and use of methods for task 2 were appropriate and justified and employed appropriate application of learning. |

| |

|For M3, the documents developed were appropriate for different audiences and employed a range of presentation formats. |

| |

|For D2, inter-dependence is evident in the evidence submitted and recommendations for task 3. |

|Task 3 (LO 2: 2.1, 2.2 and M1, M2, M3, D1, D2) |

|Your presentation used in the department meetings has highlighted the need for improving staff and customer communications. You are asked to put together a |

|self-evaluation checklist that identifies different communications methods, including appearance and body language so that staff can identify their own |

|development needs. You decide to use a text table that will identify the advantages of good communication and impacts if they are poor, you also add some |

|questions for staff to answer, as you feel these will help to inform their training and development needs. |

| |

|Produce a text table to identify different communication types, the quality criteria for each type (for example writes legibly, or speaks clearly) and the |

|benefit of using these effectively; remember to include technology tools (EPOS, touch screen systems pagers, message boards). (AC2.1) |

| |

|Devise a self-assessment questionnaire to be used by staff during training to establish how customer perception is influenced by the way that staff put the |

|customer in a central role, anticipate and respond to their needs, recognising the need for repeat business. (AC 2.2) |

| |

|For M1, additional research was completed to address task 3. |

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|For M2, the selection and use of methods for task 3 were appropriate and justified and employed appropriate application of learning. |

| |

|For M3, the language used throughout the responses to tasks employed appropriate technical language. The documents produced in task 3 were appropriate for |

|different audiences. |

| |

|For D1, the tabulated text for task 3 was synthesised and justified. |

| |

|For D2, inter-dependence is evident in the evidence submitted and recommendations for task 3. Contingency arrangements were described in research reviews. |

|Evidence checklist |Summary of evidence required by student |Evidence presented |

|Task 1 |PowerPoint presentation slides and notes on the current Customer Service policy. | |

|Task 2 |Customer feedback questionnaire for b) | |

| |Text table summarising research results for a), b) and c) | |

| |Redrafted Customer Service policy for c) | |

| |Recommendations for d), e), f) and g) | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |recommendations for points 4 to 7 of task 2. | |

|Task 3 |Text table summarising different communication types for a) | |

| |Staff self-assessment questionnaire for b) | |

|Sources of information: |

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Achievement Summary

| |Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Hospitality | | |

|Qualification |Management |Assessor name | |

| |Unit 3 Customer Service | | |

|Unit Number and title | |Student name | |

| |

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|Criteria Reference |To achieve the criteria the evidence must show that the student is able to: |Achieved? |

| | |(tick) |

|LO 1 | | |

| |Discuss reasons for using customer service policies | |

|1.1 | | |

| |Discuss the purpose of evaluating a customer service policy, indicating how this can assist | |

| |future staff training and development | |

|LO 2 | | |

| |Evaluate different communication methods and how these are used to best effect | |

|2.1 | | |

| |Analyse how customer perception is influenced by customer service provision | |

|2.2 | | |

| |

|Higher Grade achievements (where applicable) |

| | | | |

|Grade descriptor |Achieved? |Grade descriptor |Achieved? |

| |(tick) | |(tick) |

| | | | |

|M1: Identify and apply strategies to find appropriate | |D1: Use critical reflection to evaluate own work | |

|solutions | |and justify valid conclusions | |

| | |D2: Take responsibility for managing and | |

|M2: Select / design and apply appropriate methods / | |organising activities | |

|techniques | | | |

| | |D3: Demonstrate convergent/lateral/creative | |

|M3: Present and communicate appropriate findings | |thinking | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

Assignment Feedback

|Formative Feedback: Assessor to Student |

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|Action Plan |

|Summative feedback |

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|Feedback: Student to Assessor |

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|Assessor signature | |Date | |

| | | | |

|Student signature | |Date | |


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