Oracle® Enterprise Manager ServiceNow Management Connector

[Pages:50]Oracle? Enterprise Manager

ServiceNow Management Connector Installation and Configuration Guide

13c Release 4

F23309-01 May 2020

Oracle Enterprise Manager ServiceNow Management Connector Installation and Configuration Guide, 13c Release 4


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1 Introduction to the ServiceNow Ticketing Connector

ServiceNow Ticketing Connector Overview


Auto Ticketing


Manual Ticketing


Ticket Templates


Grace Period Setting




Versions Supported


Protocol Supported


2 Installing and Uninstalling the ServiceNow Ticketing Connector

ServiceNow Ticketing Connector Prerequisites


Installing the ServiceNow Ticketing Connector


Downloading the Connector


Installing the Connector


Installing the Connector if Enterprise Manager is in "Offline" Mode


Uninstalling the ServiceNow Connector


3 Configuring the ServiceNow Ticketing Connector

Configuring ServiceNow to Support the Enterprise Manager ServiceNow Connector


Creating a Connector Instance


Configuring a Connector Instance


Enabling or Disabling the Connector



Deleting the Connector


4 Creating ServiceNow Tickets

Automatically Creating a Ticket


Manually Creating a Ticket


Postcreation Advisory Information


5 Working with Ticketing Templates

Default Ticketing Templates Standard Fields Mapping Priority and Severity Mapping State Mapping Customizable Fields Customizing an Existing Template Creating a New Custom Template Exporting a Template File

Exporting Installation Files to a Managed Host Exporting Installation Files to Your Workstation Restoring Templates

5-1 5-2 5-4 5-5 5-5 5-5 5-6 5-6 5-7 5-10 5-10

6 Enabling SSL for HTTPS

Importing the Server Certificate on Enterprise Manager


7 Troubleshooting the ServiceNow Connector

ServiceNow BasicAuth Script Not Configured Correctly


Insufficient User Permissions


SSL Not Enabled for HTTPS


Errors from Oracle Enterprise Manager


Invalid Web Service Credentials


Invalid IP Address


Invalid Port Number


Firewall Blocking Access


Unknown Host


Invalid XML Format




This ServiceNow Management Connector Installation and Configuration Guide provides the required information to install and configure the ServiceNow Connector that integrates Oracle Enterprise Manager with ServiceNow.


This guide is written for Oracle Enterprise Manager system administrators who want to install and configure Management Connectors to enable integration between Oracle Enterprise Manager and other systems.

You should already be familiar with Oracle Enterprise Manager.

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Related Documents

For more information, see the following books in the Oracle Enterprise Manager documentation set:

? Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Basic Installation Guide ? Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation and Configuration

Guide ? Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Administrator's Guide ? Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Upgrade Guide ? Oracle Enterprise Manager Framework, Host, and Services Metric Reference

Manual ? Oracle Enterprise Manager Command Line Interface ? Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Extensibility Programmer's Guide The latest versions of this and other Oracle Enterprise Manager documentation can be found at:



Oracle Enterprise Manager also provides extensive online help. Click Help on any Oracle Enterprise Manager page to display the online help system.


The following text conventions are used in this document:

Convention boldface italic monospace


Boldface type indicates graphical user interface elements associated with an action, or terms defined in text or the glossary.

Italic type indicates book titles, emphasis, or placeholder variables for which you supply particular values.

Monospace type indicates commands within a paragraph, URLs, code in examples, text that appears on the screen, or text that you enter.



Introduction to the ServiceNow Ticketing Connector

This chapter introduces you to the ServiceNow ticketing connector, including features of the connector, supported versions, and supported protocols. This chapter covers the following topics: ? ServiceNow Ticketing Connector Overview ? Auto Ticketing ? Manual Ticketing ? Ticket Templates ? Grace Period Setting ? Retry ? Versions Supported ? Protocol Supported

ServiceNow Ticketing Connector Overview

The ServiceNow ticketing connector integrates Oracle Enterprise Manager with ServiceNow through an HTTPS connection. Using this connector you can create, update, resolve, close, or reopen tickets (incident tickets) on the ServiceNow system for any incident generated in Enterprise Manager.

Note: Incident tickets in ServiceNow are referred to as tickets in Enterprise Manager and the ServiceNow Connector.

The ticket generated by the connector contains the relevant information about the Enterprise Manager incident, including a link to the Enterprise Manager console to enable service desk analysts to leverage Enterprise Manager's diagnostic and resolution features to resolve the incident. In Enterprise Manager, the ticket ID and link to the ServiceNow console is shown in the context of the incident. This provides Enterprise Manager administrators with status information and an easy way to quickly access the ticket. Figure 1-1 shows the communication between the various components of the ServiceNow connector:


Chapter 1 Auto Ticketing

Figure 1-1 ServiceNow Connector Communication Between Components

Auto Ticketing

Auto ticketing refers to creating or updating tickets automatically for any matching rule(s) in Enterprise Manager. You can define a set of event or incident rules for which tickets must be opened/updated for changes in underlying event or incident attributes. For example, changing event severity from Warning to Critical can update the associated ticket. See the Incident Management chapter in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Administrator's Guide for more information. After the ticket is opened, any subsequent update of the incident attributes or underlying event attributes, such as a change in underlying events severity, updates the ticket. After the incident is cleared in Enterprise Manager, the ticket is updated and you can optionally go to ServiceNow to close the ticket, or use a template that automatically closes/resolves the ticket in ServiceNow. See Also: Automatically Creating a Ticket

Manual Ticketing

From the Enterprise Manager console, you can manually open a ServiceNow ticket based on an open incident in Enterprise Manager. The ServiceNow connector populates the ticket with details based on the incident and the ticket template selected. See Also: Manually Creating a Ticket

Ticket Templates

Ticket templates are XML transformation style sheets that transform Enterprise Manager incident information to a ticket format before the requests are sent to ServiceNow. A ticket template specifies how an Enterprise Manager ticket and its associated event attributes can be mapped to the incident attributes of ServiceNow. In Auto Ticketing, while setting up a rule, you select a configured connector and select the ticket template from the template list. The selected ticket template is used when a ticketing request is sent to ServiceNow. For manual ticketing, you must select a connector instance and ticket template before submitting a request for ticket creation.



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