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P.A.S.S. Questions For KHC Group LeadersSermon Dates: 10/15-16, 2016Sermon Title: SIMPLY #5: Serving: Serving Christ by Serving OthersSermon Passage: Acts 20:35Group Leaders: Don’t feel like you need to get through all the questions. Pickone participation question and 2-3 others. Also, feel free to adapt or ask yourown questions. The main objective is to underscore the main points of thesermon in an interactive/dialogical way – and certainly leave room for prayer.P - Participation (get everyone involved in the dialog)1. Tell us about a time that you observed an act of service. How did witnessingthe act impact you?2. Tell us about a time that you were the recipient/beneficiary of someoneserving/giving to you.A - Application (makes it personal)3. Tell us about a time that you were the one serving. Who did you serve/giveto? When? What specifically did you do? How was your service received?4. Did you see evidence of truth in Jesus' statement: "It is more blessed to givethan to receive."?S - Scripture (thinking biblically is a learned behavior! :-)5. Review the Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37). What stands outto you about the practical care (service) provided by the Samaritan to thestranger/neighbor? What sacrifices does he make?6. The passage concludes with Jesus saying, "You go, and do likewise." What isJesus indicating that the lawyer (religious person) should go and do?S – Sharing (aim for a time of honest reflection, authenticity, andtransparency in a safe atmosphere modeled by you). [Choose one ofthe following as a final dialogue question.]7. Review Luke 9:1-2. Have you ever experienced/witnessed/been used by Godto cast out a demon or cure a disease? If so, briefly share the testimony.8. Review Ephesians 2:8-10. What "good works" has God prepared for you?How are you currently serving God's kingdom purposes? If you are not servingyet, do you sense God leading you to get involved in anything specifically? ................

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