Pringdale Board of Health Meeting

Springdale Board of Health Meeting

October 9, 2014

Mayor Webster called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

In Attendance were: Mayor Webster, Scott Garrison, Mrs. Hart, Mrs. Hicks, Mrs. Jones, Mr. Kellner, Dr. Ketring, Mrs. Mitrione, Mr. Squires, and Mr. Mick Higgins.

Mayor Webster introduced Mr. Higgins.

Dr. Ketring made a motion to approve the Minutes from the September 11th, 2014 Board of Health meeting with the following correction on page 1, paragraph 8: "... Association has been having communications with the city ...” vice meetings. Mrs. Jones seconded. Minutes of September 11 were approved with correction as noted by five affirmative votes. Mrs. Mitrione asked the BOH about the level of detail of the minutes. It was agreed by all that the proceedings could be summarized more and less verbatim.

City Council Report

Mr. Squires reported on the Resolution passed at the last City Council meeting accepting the Amounts and Rates as Determined by the Budget Commission and Authorizing the Necessary Tax Levies for 2015. Mr. Squires then reviewed the potential projects for the Community Development Block Grant Program: Home Improvement Program, walking path overlay, tennis and basketball courts resurfacing, and extension of a sidewalk from Baldwin Grove up to the existing crosswalk at Maple Trace, which the City Engineer needs to come up with an estimate for. Mr. Higgins spoke at the Public Hearing and brought up another potential project - mosquito traps. It was agreed at the Council meeting/Public Hearing that Mr. Higgins would attend the Board of Health meeting to discuss the mosquito traps.

Mick Higgins, who had been certified by the Department of Agriculture in pest control, presented a case of why and Springdale could benefit from mosquito traps. There are certain areas in Springdale that are notorious for mosquitoes. Springdale has a high water table, which contributes to a favorable environment for mosquitoes. Mr. Higgins discussed the different options for mosquito control e.g., controlled spraying and "dunks", neither of which is a good long-term solution. A newer alternative is a mosquito trap. Mr. Higgins provided specifications (e.g., capacity, performance, attractants) on three different models of traps. These traps could be moved around the city to areas of heavier infestations and/or to various locations before events like the ComeUnity Bash.

Mayor Webster stated that he had conferred with City Administration about this idea. They want to separate this idea from the Community Development Block Grant Program projects because there are a lot of details to flush out, such as how to secure the units. The Mayor thanked Mr. Higgins for bringing this to the attention of Council and attending the BOH meeting to present the information. Mrs. Mitrione said it sounds like fly trap a lot of food establishments utilize. Mrs. Mitrione stated the Health Department works with Public Works about using the dunks in abandoned pools.

Mr. Garrison asked about the West Kemper Road Sidewalk Project. Mayor Webster responded that the residents did not want the sidewalks so that project was scrapped.

Unfinished Business

BOH Regulation R1-2015, Amending BOH Regulation R1-2014 Which Established Fees for Food Service Operations, Retail food Establishments, Vending Machine Locations, and Temporary Food Operations within the City of Springdale; and Established Fees for Food Service Operation and Retail Food Establishment Plan Reviews

The Health Commissioner reviewed the 2015 Proposed Food Service License Fees (handout). Comparisons were made between Springdale and other communities (Hamilton County, Sharonville, Norwood, City of Cincinnati, and Butler County) as well as between Springdale FY2014 and Springdale FY2015. There was discussion about whether to increase fees and, if so, how much. The maximum allowed is six percent. Mayor Webster was not sure increased fees could be justified while Dr. Ketring felt that, as a citizen, we want every Department in the City to be self-sufficient. Mrs. Hart made a motion to not raise the fees. Dr. Ketring seconded. The Board voted 3-2 to not raise the Food Service License Fees.

BOH Resolution R1-2014

Mrs. Mitrione reviewed BOH Resolution R1-2014, Amending BOH Resolution R1-2003, Authorizing the City of Springdale Health Commissioner and any Board Sanitarian to Take Any Action that the Springdale BOH itself may Take Under Ohio Revised Code 3717.29 as to the Suspension or Revocation of Retail Food Establishment Licenses and Under Ohio Revised Code 3717.49 as the to Suspension or Revocation of a Food Service Operation License. The difference in R1-2014 is the addition of Sections 1 and 2, in which the BOH authorizes the Health Commissioner and any sanitarian to take action and authorizes the HC to suspend a FSO or RFE license if it has been determined that an immediate danger to Public Health exists. The BOH adopted Resolution R1-2014 with five affirmative votes.

Mrs. Mitrione reviewed the draft Health Department 2015-2019 Five-Year Budget, which was handed in on October 3, 2014. The Annual Budget is due October 13, 2014. Line item descriptions were provided to justify the dollar amounts. Additional details were provided for certain line items (e.g., -52610, Other Contractual, includes the fees for the Accreditation process.)

New Business / Health Commissioner Report

Mrs. Mitrione shared a July 10, 2014 letter from the Ohio Department of Health (ODH) concerning the ODH Public Swimming Pool and Spa Survey conducted in February, 2014. The letter stated "the Public Swimming Pool Program is meeting acceptable standards … therefore, the Springdale City Health Department is hereby approved as the licensor for the district it serves”.

Mrs. Mitrione provided the Path Forward document from the City of Sharonville on the potential closure of the Sharonville Health Department.

Public Health Complaints - There were eight complaints in the package including bedbugs and roaches, animals, FSO sanitary issues, and unacceptable housing conditions.

Mrs. Mitrione reported that she had completed and submitted the 2014 Healthy Community application. If approved, this will be our fifth year for the award.

The Health Commissioner reported on events that had occurred since the last meeting: Spanish ServSafe class, ComeUnity Bash, and SOS Walk-a-Thon. T-shirts and donation acknowledgements were distributed to those who had contributed to the Walk-a-Thon, a fundraiser for the SOS Annual Christmas Adopt a Family program.

The Health Commissioner noted upcoming events:

ServSafe Manager Training - October 13 and 14, 2014

Health Fair (flyer included) - October 21, 2014

Public Health Nurse’s Report

The Annual Health Fair is scheduled for Tuesday, October 21st from 12:30 - 2:30 PM. We are offering flu shots, blood pressure and glucose screenings to employees and residents. Sharonville Health Department will be giving the Medicare-aged residents the flu vaccinations since they have a contract with a company that will bill Medicare. New to the Health Fair this year will be the Mammogram Van for women and the PSA blood test for men. To register for appointments for flu vaccination or the PSA blood draw, call 346-5725; for the Mammogram, call 686-3300.

Expo Latino 2014 - The Latino Expo was held on Sunday, September 21 from 1 - 5 PM at the Vineyard Church. Attendance was higher than in the previous years at about 200 persons. Three different Latino dance groups provided entertainment. Q&A informational panel presentations were held between the dance groups. Many vendors had informational booths. The Health Fair was much appreciated. The following services were given: 85 flu vaccinations, 53 Glucose and cholesterol screening finger sticks, nine audiology exams, 13 mammograms, numerous blood pressure screenings and information about prevention of STDs, obtaining health care coverage, and prenatal care. Interpretation was provided throughout the Expo.

The Healthy U Diabetes Self Management Program, scheduled for October 9-November 13, started today. Ten of the fifteen that signed up to came attended today. This is a program that has been proven to help attendees learn to manage their diabetes by making changes in their lifestyle one small goal at a time.

Diabetes Prevention: A Homerun for Good Health was held on October 2 at the Sharonville Convention Center from 11- 3 pm. The Keynote speaker was Lou Brock, a Baseball Hall of Famer, who talked abut his experience dealing with diabetes. He was entertaining and informative. He gave many examples of controlling diabetes in ways similar to playing a baseball game. Approximately 90 – 100 persons attended. Mrs. Hicks gave information about the Springdale Health Department and the Healthy U Diabetes Workshop Program. A copy of the ad about the City of Springdale that was published in the Cincinnati Herald on Sept 27, 2014 is in the BOH packet.


EBOLA - The number of Ebola cases and deaths continues to climb. As of 10/5/14, the total case count is 8033 (as September 23, there were 6574); the total deaths is now 3865 (in September it was 3091); Laboratory-confirmed cases now are 4461 (in September it was 3626) in West Africa.

The first person who became sick in the US, Thomas Eric Duncan, died while in Intensive isolated care at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas, Texas. CDC states that he was not infectious during his flight from West Africa. All of his contacts are being monitored for signs and symptoms of illness.

The virus is spread by direct contact with the blood or body fluids of the person who is sick with Ebola or who has died from the disease.

The CDC case definition of a “Person Under Investigation” is a person who has both consistent symptoms and risk factors as follows: fever greater than 101.5 F and additional symptoms such as severe headache, muscle pain, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, or unexplained hemorrhage; AND travel to an area where Ebola transmission is active or contact with blood or body fluids or human remains of a patient known or suspected of having Ebola". Unfortunately, the symptoms mimic those of other illnesses. That is why the travel and exposure history is so very important.

Mrs. Hicks provided the following CDC articles: “Questions and Answers on Experimental Treatments and Vaccines for Ebola,” “CDC and Texas Health Department Confirm First Ebola Case Diagnosed in the U.S.,” and “Enhanced Screening to Start at Five U.S. Airports.”

If an Ebola Case would occur in this area, public health personnel will be part of a team to help identify potential contacts and to inform all of signs and symptoms. We also would be educating the worried well.

Immunizations: In the BOH packet is a copy of the CDC MMWR article regarding the new recommendations for the use of both the Pneumococcal 13 and the pneumococcal 23 vaccines in adults. The chart on the last page explains the correct spacing of the two vaccines for persons who have already received one PCV23 and for those who have received neither vaccine yet.

Another TriHealth Healthy Women, Healthy Lives fair is being held on September 29th (flyer with additional details provided).

Mayor Webster reported that there was a ribbon-cutting for the Proscan Pink Ribbon Center. This is a program provided by the Cris Collinsworth ProScan fund, a non-profit organization. Springdale is proud to have the third location of this service which provides women's imaging including mammography and ultrasound.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:50; next meeting will be November 13, 2014.

Respectfully submitted,

Cammie Mitrione, RS

Health Commissioner


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