

TEACHER’S NAME: Michelle Abady

| |Day of the Week |DAILY FOCUS |Follow up Activity ON DAILY FOCUS |Skill Building Activity |Play focus |

| | |(Focuses on the unit’s student | |(Small group centers: |[Planting seeds for play activities (aka |

| | |outcomes- lesson) | |Math, Literacy, cutting/ handwriting,|learning centers)] |

| | | | |Library) | |

|ACTIVITIES | | | | | |

| | |*Our Daily Focus for Today will be to| | | |

| | |talk about what is a baby, and who |Fun Activity to do with your child: | |Art |

| | |takes care of babies. |Show your child a picture of them when they were a|MATH |-have your child draw a baby picture of |

| |Monday |-Babies are young/ infant human |baby. You can discuss what they see in their |Have your child Practice 1:1 |themselves. They can refer to the baby |

| |Date: 5/18 |beings. Parents, mom, dad, and |picture. Example: are they small or big, who’s |correspondence by counting items. |picture you showed him/her earlier. |

| | |families take care of their babies. |holding them, what are they doing in the picture |Example: |Materials: paper, marker, pencil/crayons. |

| | | |(sleeping, being fed etc). |5 books, crayons) | |

| | | |Materials: Pencil, paper, crayons | | |

| | |You can review what we learned the | |LITERACY- |Gross Motor/Movement |

| | |past two weeks. In the Springtime | |Alphabet Review (Phonics) |Have you child crawl like a baby- Walk like|

| | |baby animals are born. We learned | |Letter of the Week: D |a baby. |

| | |about baby farm animal names and who | |Color letter D with a crayon or |Computer- |

| | |takes care of them by feeding them & | |marker. |Sesame Street: Babies | Elmo's World |

| | |keeping them safe (their parents and | | | |

| | |a farmer). | |*See page 23 & 24 by clicking below: | |

| | |We also learned baby zoo animal names| | |

| | |and who takes care of them at the | |2020/03/literacy.pdf | |

| | | | | |

| | |g5sSy0zoo. Besides the parents, | |HANDWRITING- | |

| | |another person who takes care of the | |See page 46 by clicking on link | |

| | |baby animals is the zookeeper. | |below: | |

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| | | | |2020/03/handwriting.pdf | |

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| | |*Our Daily Focus for Today will be to| |MINUTES A DAY- VISIT A RECOMMENDED | |

| | |talk about what is a baby, and who | |INTERACTIVE WEBSITE | |

| | |takes care of babies. | | | |

| | |-Babies are young/ infant human | |[pic] | |

| | |beings. Parents, mom, dad, and | | | |

| | |families take care of their babies. | |My New Baby by Rachel Fuller | |

| | | | |Click on link below: | |

| | |Interesting facts about Babies | | | |

| | |Educational Video for Kids. | |XRDg4o | |

| | |Click on link below: | | | |

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| | |Today we will talk about what do | |MATH- | |

| | |human babies need to help them grow. | |Clothing Sort |Dramatic play |

| | |Human babies need special food and |Make a banana puree which is just like baby food. |Allow your child to sort clothing by |-Have a grown up pretend he/she is a baby. |

| |Tuesday |care. | |Infant Size and "Big Kid" Size! |Your child will pretend he/she is the |

| |Date: 5/19 |-Babies cannot eat by themselves |Directions on how to make a banana puree. |Materials: clothing items in two |caretaker and feeding the baby (the adult) |

| | |-Babies cannot walk by themselves |Peel and slice the banana |different sizes--infant and |food. |

| | |-Babies cannot dress themselves |Puree the banana using a food processor or blender|preschool. | |

| | | |until smooth and add water as needed | | |

| | |-Babies cannot take a bath by |Enjoy your banana puree! | |Science |

| | |themselves | |LITERACY- “Letter D “ |- Make a mystery box by cutting holes in |

| | | |You can use or add other ingredients such as |*“The D Tree” |the sides of a large shoe box or a boot |

| | |-Babies cannot change their own |apples (to make apple sauce) or pears. |see page 28 by clicking link below:|box. Place things that infants use. |

| | |diapers | |: terry cloth, pacifier, baby |

| | |That is why they need their parents | |2020/03/literacy.pdf |bottles, diaper etc. (without your child |

| | |to help take care of them. | | |seeing). Have your child put his/her hands |

| | | |[pic] |HANDWRITING- |in the holes and tries to guess what the |

| | |What do babies need? | |*Practice writing letter D on a piece|item is. |

| | |-Babies need to eat, every few hours.| |of paper with a pencil, crayon or | |

| | | | |marker. | |

| | |-Babies drink milk and formula. Milk | | | |

| | |is also healthy and helps babies grow| |*use playdough to create the letter D|Art |

| | |big and strong | | |-How to draw a Baby | Baby Easy Draw |

| | |–Infants eat soft foods and do not | |LIBRARY/ MEDIA- READ A BOOK FOR 20 |Tutorial |

| | |eat solid foods, because they don't | |MINUTES A DAY- VISIT A RECOMMENDED | |

| | |have teeth. | |INTERACTIVE WEBSITE | |

| | |They eat mashed fruits and | |Peppa Pig: George and the Noisy Baby | |

| | |vegetables. All these food keep the | | |

| | |babies healthy. | |g5sSy0 | |

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| | | |“ |//youtu.beAvuHfFq64 MATH- Have your | |

| | |Today will talk about Babies need |Activity- |child find things that are big and | |

| |Wednesday |different things to stay clean. They|Today your child will make napkin diapers, and |things that are small. They will then|Science- |

| |Date: 5/20 |have to have their diapers change, |pretend they are changing a baby. |sort them according to size. |-Provide diapers and water for your child |

| | |have a bath in a baby bath tub, and |Materials: Paper towel, Tape, Baby doll, of small | |to experiment with. Ask what they think |

| | |soap and water to be clean. |stuffed animal |LITERACY- |will happen to the diaper if they put too |

| | |why do Babies cry? | |*Find items at home that begin with |much water? How much water do you think |

| | |- they are hungry | |“D” sound. Examples: toy dinosaur, |the diaper can hold/ absorb? |

| | |- diaper is dirty. | |donut, dime, diaper. |[pic] |

| | |- they are tired | | | |

| | |-they don’t feel well | | | |

| | | | |HANDWRITING-Write letter D with | |

| | |Watch this video on how to wash a | |crayon/marker. | |

| | |baby | | |Art |

| | | | |-Remind your child that when he/she was a |

| | |XYWkog | |LIBRARY/ MEDIA- READ A BOOK FOR 20 |baby, they scribbled all over the paper. |

| | | | |MINUTES A DAY- VISIT A RECOMMENDED |Let them scribble on a piece of paper. |

| | | | |INTERACTIVE WEBSITE |Materials: paper, crayons. |

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| | | | |I'm A New Big Sister/Princess |Library: |

| | | | |Polly- |-Everywhere Babies |

| | | | | |By Susan Meyers |

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| |Thursday | | | |Computer |

| |Date: 5/21 | |Activity: | |-Play a game called Ernie’s Bath Time Fun |

| | |Today we will review what does a baby|Pretend that your baby toy is dirty. Wash your | |by clicking on the link. |

| | |need when it’s dirty? Who takes care |toy to clean it. What do you need? |Math- |

| | |of a baby when they are dirty?. |Parents, explain & show your child how to hold the|Have your child play a size matching| |

| | |Remember, babies can not take care of|baby doll appropriately where the head is above |game. Find the item that is the right|Music and Movement |

| | |themselves. |the water. |size for the animal. |-Doc McStuffins – Bath Time |

| | | |Materials: container, towel to dry, sponge, water,|Click on link below: |Click on link |

| | | |diaper (or use a napkin or cloth), soap/small | |

| | | |empty shampoo bottle |-dub | |

| | | |[pic] | | |

| | | | | |Art |

| | | |Watch this video on how to wash a baby | |Have your child create a baby using |

| | | | |Literacy- Review |playdough. |

| | | | |Letter of the Week: D | |

| | | | |See Page 27- | |

| | | | |My D Book | |

| | | | |by clicking on link below: | |

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| | | | |2020/03/literacy.pdf | |

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| | | | |Handwriting- | |

| | | | |Write the following words: | |

| | | | |baby, bath, diaper, bottle. | |

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| | | | |Library/Media- | |

| | | | |READ A BOOK FOR 20 MINUTES A | |


| | | | |WEBSITE | |

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| | | | |Click on link below: | |

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| | | | |The New Baby by Mercer Mayer | |

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| | | | |[pic] | |

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| | | | |qZdJj4 | |

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| | | Today we will talk about other | |MATH- |Movement/Music |

| |Friday |things that can make a baby cry. |Have your child create their own infant Blanket. |Sort shoes from small-large. |- Sing lullaby songs with the family such |

| |Date: 5/22 |They can be tired/sleepy |Materials Needed: pre-cut pictures of infants and |Look at the picture below: |as |

| | |-Where do they sleep?. |young toddlers faces from magazines, construction | |Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, Rockaby baby,|

| | |Babies sleep in a room called a |paper or a , piece of a fabric, markers, scissors,|[pic] |etc. while rocking a baby doll or stuffed |

| | |nursery. What type of things do you |glue sticks. | |animal wrapped in a small blanket & rocking|

| | |think you can find in a nursery? |Have your child glue the infant's head on their |LITERACY- |it gently. |

| | | |paper and then use the construction paper and |- Look through a book or magazine and| |

| | | |markers to decorate a special blanket to cover the|have your child look doe letter D or | |

| | | |little one with. |words that start with the letter D. | |

| | |-The following can be found in a |Parents this is a great time to talk about a | |Block |

| | |nursery: |special blanket they may still have from when they|-You can also do the Letter D hunt |-have your child create a nursery by |

| | |crib, rattles, soft toys, clothes, |were little, and they still use. |around your house by placing small |finding a place in the house (sofa, their |

| | |and a rocking chair. An adult sings | |pieces of paper with the letter D on |bed) where they can place a baby |

| | |a lullaby to the baby, so he/she can | |it. Have your child look for it and |doll/stuffed animal with a blanket, books, |

| | |go to sleep. | |count them & also name something that|baby bottle. |

| | |Click on link below: | |starts with the letter D. | |

| | | | |Art- |

| | |h_query=nursery+room++for+babies | |HANDWRITING- |Have your child draw a nursery using paper,|

| | | | |Practice writing your first name & |markers, crayons, pictures from a magazine |

| | | | |last.Click on |related to a nursery, scissor, tape/glue. |

| | | | |link: |

| | | | |.com/2020/03/handwriting.pdf | |

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| | | | |Baby Bedtime | Books for Kids Read | |

| | | | |Aloud | |

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Social/ Emotional- Week to Review

Week 5: Following Directions

Please refer to for the complete social emotional parent newsletter. Look at page 59

Common Core Domains

Domain 3: Social and emotional learning- Self-awareness and self-management skills

PK.SEL.1. Indicators: c) Demonstrates an ability to independently modify behavior in different situations.

Domain 4B: Communication, language and literacy-Speaking and listening

PK.ELA.19. Participates in collaborative conversations with diverse peers and adults in small and large groups and during play. b) participates in conversations through multiple exchanges.

Domain 5A: Cognition and knowledge of the world: Math

Measurement and data: PK. Math.10. Identifies measurable attributes of objects, such as length or weight, and describes them using appropriate vocabulary (e.g., small, big, short, tall, empty, full, heavy, light)

Domain 5B Cognition and knowledge of the world: Science

PK.SCI.4 Observes familiar plants and animals (including humans) and describes what they need to survive. a) Explores what a variety living organisms need to live and grow (e.g., water, nutrients, environment)

Any questions please email at mglik@


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