Python set environment variable temporary


Python set environment variable temporary

Instantly share code, notes, and snippets. A Python context manager for setting/unsetting environment variables You can't perform that action at this time. You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Ever had a Python project that uses a tool or package that is configured by environment variables to authenticates with some service? When that is the case, we often have our project locally configured to work against the actual "working" service environment, usually using the credentials of our personal user on that service -- for example, using the S3 of our AWS research account.However, when we write integration tsts for the same project, we might want them to work against an actual environment of that service (and not against a mock of it), but still not against a production environment. If we use a CI service (like Travis or Circle CI), we can set up credentials for a different user -- or even for a different environment -- just for test runs, but we might also want to be able to run test locally against the testing user/environment without interfering with "normal"/actual runs of the code, meant to run against production/working environments.If that is the case, and you're using pytest to test your project, you might find the following solution helpful.I found it useful when wanting to run local (laptop-bound) tests for a project that uses a Databricks-hosted mlflow server for experiment tracking -- authenticating using environment variables used by the databricks-cli Python package -- against a dedicated test server, without messing up my local runs of actual experiments of the same project writing to the research mlflow server.The SolutionThe solution is made up of two Python files, both to be added to your pytest tests directory (usually tests in the root of your project) -- A standard way to configure advanced pytest features such as hooks, fixtures (our use case) and A Python file to list the temporary, test-only, environment variables to set up.You tests directory should thus end up looking something like this:First, set up the environment variables you want to add and/or remove for the duration of the test in , using the appropriate global variables defined there.For example, I used this to set up credentials for my test Databricks account, also making sure an alternative authentication method -- via a token -- is nullified for the duration of the tests, without messing up the credentials for the production account, stored in the same environment variables:Now, here's how uses them:Since this is a quick-and-dirty gist/tutorial, I won't explain what pytest fixtures are, but basically:The combination of scope="session" and autouse=True means this code runs only once for the whole test suit.Everything before the yield will be performed before all tests are run.Everything after the yield will be performed after all tests are run.This is a common setup/tear-down pattern for pytest.As you can see, the code simply imports the environment variables to setup from your untracked variables file, gracefully creating an empty dict and an empty list if the import fails (for example, on our remote CI server which also runs these tests, but has these variables set up normally for the project).It then keeps a copy of os.environ, the mapping Python uses to represent the string environment (and which your third-party dependency uses to read environment variables), and updates this mapping with the temporary variables, also removing forbidden ones.Finally, when all tests finish running, it restores the pre-test environment.Important: Add */ to your .gitignore file, to ensure test credentials are never committed into your git repository!That's it. I hope some of you will find this useful. Let me know if I've made a mistake, or if you've got a better way to achieve this. :)If different parts of your test suit require different values for the same environment variables, I suggest you take the time to understand pytest fixtures a bit more in-depth, and then use the ability to define them for smaller scopes (namely, function, class, module and package) to expand the above approach to handle such cases.Sources I've been stumped for far too long. Hoping someone can assist. I am writing a Python CLI application that needs to set a temporary environment variable (PATH) for the current command prompt session (Windows). The application already sets the environment variables permanently for all future sessions, using the method seen here. To attempt to set the temporary env vars for the current session, I attempted the following: using os.environ to set the environment variables using the answer here which makes use of a temporary file. Unfortunately this works when run directly from the Cmd Prompt, but not from Python. calling SET using, subprocess.check_call The users of the tool will need this so they do not have to close the command prompt in order to leverage the environment variables I've set permanently. I've see other applications do this, but I'm not sure how to accomplish this with Python. 2 It is somewhat difficult when it comes to setting and using bash environment variables in python script file. The same step is very easy and straight forward using shell script. In this post, we will check one of the method to set and use environment variable inside python scrip file. Note that, steps mentioned in this post helps only if you are setting and using that variable inside same process i.e. in same python script. There is no way you can modify bash script from python and use that variable in different process. Later, at the end of this post I will explain some simple methods on how to achieve that. I was working on one of the python script to connect to Hadoop Hive server2, our requirement was to use Hive JDBC driver and that require CLASSPATH bash environment variable to be set to Hadoop native jar files path. Below are the steps that I followed to set and use CLASSPATH environment variables: Set Use Environment Variable inside Python Script Before attempting to set variable, you should expand the path if there are any shell variables involved. Expand Shell Variables in Python You can use subprocess module along with check_output to execute shell variables and capture output in python variable. Below is the example; output = subprocess.check_output(['bash','-c', 'echo $CLASSPATH:$(hadoop classpath):/usr/hdp/current/hadoop-client/*']) Set and Use Environment Variable To set CLASSPATH environment variable inside python script, you can use `os.environ'. Below is the example; os.environ['CLASSPATH'] = output Just to confirm that the environment variable assignment was successful, you can print CLASSPATH and check output. print os.environ['CLASSPATH'] As mentioned at the beginning of this post above variable is visible only within current process. Once execution is completed, environment variable will be lost. Export Environment Variable in Shell script and Execute Python inside Shell Script Another method is to use shell script to `export' environment variable and then call Python script that consumes that shell variable. Same as previous approach, environment variable is visible only within current process and will be lost once execution is completed. For examples; #!/bin/bash export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$(hadoop classpath):/usr/hdp/current/hadoop-client/* python Change .bashrc or .profile file Another simple and best approach is set environment variable by changing .bashrc or .profile file. Variables added to .bashrc or.profile files are visible from all processes. If your environmental variable is being used in multiple application, then you can use this approach. For examples, Open .bashrc file using vi editor in insert mode. vi ~/.bashrc and simply add below line and source changed file. export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$(hadoop classpath):/usr/hdp/current/hadoop-client/* source ~/.bashrc Hope this helps. Let me know if you have any other approach to set and use environment variable inside python scrip file. Is it possible to set an ENV variable for just one shell command (ie make it expire right after the command executes)? For example: export VERSIONER_PYTHON_PREFER_32_BIT=yes winpdb I'd like to set my system to use 32bit Python for just this command, then go back to 64bit. Maybe something like VERSIONER_PYTHON_PREFER_32_BIT=yes; winpdb Thanks! 2 I suggest you the following implementation: import contextlib import os @contextlib.contextmanager def set_env(**environ): """ Temporarily set the process environment variables. >>> with set_env(PLUGINS_DIR=u'test/plugins'): ... "PLUGINS_DIR" in os.environ True >>> "PLUGINS_DIR" in os.environ False :type environ: dict[str, unicode] :param environ: Environment variables to set """ old_environ = dict(os.environ) os.environ.update(environ) try: yield finally: os.environ.clear() os.environ.update(old_environ) EDIT: more advanced implementation The context manager below can be used to add/remove/update your environment variables: import contextlib import os @contextlib.contextmanager def modified_environ(*remove, **update): """ Temporarily updates the ``os.environ`` dictionary in-place. The ``os.environ`` dictionary is updated in-place so that the modification is sure to work in all situations. :param remove: Environment variables to remove. :param update: Dictionary of environment variables and values to add/update. """ env = os.environ update = update or {} remove = remove or [] # List of environment variables being updated or removed. stomped = (set(update.keys()) | set(remove)) & set(env.keys()) # Environment variables and values to restore on exit. update_after = {k: env[k] for k in stomped} # Environment variables and values to remove on exit. remove_after = frozenset(k for k in update if k not in env) try: env.update(update) [env.pop(k, None) for k in remove] yield finally: env.update(update_after) [env.pop(k) for k in remove_after] Usage examples: >>> with modified_environ('HOME', LD_LIBRARY_PATH='/my/path/to/lib'): ... home = os.environ.get('HOME') ... path = os.environ.get("LD_LIBRARY_PATH") >>> home is None True >>> path '/my/path/to/lib' >>> home = os.environ.get('HOME') >>> path = os.environ.get("LD_LIBRARY_PATH") >>> home is None False >>> path is None True EDIT2 A demonstration of this context manager is available on GitHub.

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