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Set a default associations configuration file pdf file format pdf online

You can automatically assign a specific app with the file extension for which it is registered. Since Windows 10 tracks changes in the file association settings, the first time you try to open an HTML file, a window may appear confirming that Firefox is used as the default program to open this file type (the request appears only once). But each time the

policies are updated, the GPO settings will be reapplied.Another alternative to distribute the default application file is with Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager (MEMCM, formerly called SCCM). Therefore, to deploy the default file association you must first configure a reference machine and then export its configuration to an XML file that you

will distribute to the rest of the computers.The first step in managing default file association is to export your configuration to an XML file.When you run some applications (such as Adobe Reader) the program asks you if you want to configure it as the default program for certain types of files. Automatically when your devices update their policies,

they will check the DefaultApps.xml and apply the changes.Microsoft documentation say that despite having this GPO applied, users will be able to configure the application association in Windows. Please note the following registry parameters: ProgId ? this is the identifier of the registered app for opening this file type. Here you look for the

extensions that you want to manage and choose the default application:Specify Adobe Acrobat Reader DC as default .pdf reader in Windows 10In Windows 11 you have a search engine to specify an extension and assign an application. This registry key contains the association settings for the html file extension. ConfigurationDefault File Associations

Windows ? GPO ? Active Directory ? Set a default associations configuration file. As an example, I'll show you how to set a default browser app to open HTML files, import these settings into an XML file, and deploy file association settings to other computers manually or using Group Policy (GPO). This policy named Set a default associations

configuration file is located under Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Windows Components ->File Explorer. Find the .HTML file in the list of file extensions and use the "Choose a default" button to change the default program to open html files from Microsoft Edge to Firefox. This app is specified in the XML file. In case you

want to remove some associations, you can delete the lines.In the example below, all lines not associated with Adobe Reader DC and PDF files have been deleted:

Now you can distribute the XML of default file associations by file type using one of the following methods.The most common method of distributing the default application file is

with Active Directory's Group Policy (GPO). The next screen contains a list of file types supported by the application. How to Set or Change Default Apps on Windows 10? In this case, Windows 10 will automatically reset the file association settings to the default state. If you have not done so, you can configure it in the settings of "Settings > Apps >

Default apps > Choose defaults by file type". To do this, select Set default by apps in the Default Apps section, find your program in the list and click the Manage button. ResultAs you can see from the images, you need to use a network share that all computers in the domain can access. Now let's see how it looks in the Windows 10 registry. This is

partially true, as the interface is not locked and the change can be made. This security mechanism is needed to protect users from malicious programs that can replace file associations without user's approval. If a long identifier is specified instead of the application name, then the file association with the modern UWP (Metro-style) application is

configured. Managing default file associations apps in Windows 10 and Windows 11 is one of the most important features when managing Windows. To do this, you need a reference computer with Windows 10 (in this example, the current build 1909 is used) and the installed Firefox browser. You can open the DefaultAssoc.xml file in any text editor,

and see the full list of file associations exported. PDF:Specify Adobe Acrobat Reader DC as default .pdf reader in Windows 11Once the configuration is done, open a Command Prompt (as an administrator) and use a DISM command to export the current user's settings to a . First, you have to mount the image: Dism /Mount-Image

/ImageFile:C:\mnt\images\install.wim /MountDir:C:\mnt\offline And then import the XML file: Dism.exe /Image:C:\mnt\offline /Import-DefaultAppAssociations:\\Server1\Share\DefaultAssoc.xml Set Default File Associations with Group Policy Windows 10/8.1 introduced a new Group Policy (GPO) option that allows you to apply an xml file with file

association settings to all current users on a computer. To manually create a mapping between a file extension and a program, open the Settings -> Default Apps and click the "Choose default apps by file type" button. In order to reset the file associations manually configured by the user to the default ones, you need to click on the Reset button in the

Settings -> Apps -> Default Applications. Create a new GPO and go to the section "Computer Configuration > Policies > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > File Explorer > Set a default associations configuration file" and configure it with the DefaultApps.xml's path.Default File Associations Windows ? GPO ? Active Directory ? Set a

default associations configuration file. The presence of this hash ensures that the user or administrator (through the GPO) has configured this file mapping. To do this we can distribute a Package or launch a step of "Run Command Line" from a Task Sequence. How to Reset File Associations in Windows 10? In my case I recommend using a share,

specifically the sysvol.Every time you want to add a new association in Windows 10 or Windows 11, you will only have to update the DefaultApps in the network share. Select the file extensions that you want to open with Firefox. You can also export configured file associations to a Windows image that is deployed to clients on your network (manually,

via WDS or SCCM). In the previous section, we showed you how to configure the association for the .html file type with a Firefox browser through an XML file and Group Policy. Leave only the lines with the file extensions you need. You can hide these notifications by enabling the policy "Do not show the `new application installed' notification" in the

same GPO section. Enable the policy and specify the UNC path to your XML file. The main difference between Windows 10 and previous Windows versions is that now you can't manage file association settings through the Registry or the "Open With" feature of the Group Policy Preferences. XML: Dism.exe /online /Export-

DefaultAppAssociations:C:\Temp\DefaultApps.xmlDism.exe /online /Export-DefaultAppAssociations:C:\Temp\DefaultApps.xmlNow you have a DefaultApps.xml with all of our user's default file associations. If you need to use only a part of associations from this list (in order not to override the existing user settings), you can manually edit the XML file.

An app caused a problem with the default app setting for .html files, so it was reset to Microsoft Edge. For example, we'll leave the following lines for HTM and HTML extensions: Importing Default App Associations on Windows 10 The resulting XML file can be imported into a Windows 10 on other computers using DISM tool: Dism.exe /Online

/Import-DefaultAppAssociations:C:\PS\DefaultAssoc.xml You can also import these settings to the offline Windows image in the WIM file. It can be located on a shared network folder, SYSVOL directory on the domain controller or pre-copied to the computers using GPP or SCCM. The new file association settings will be applied to all users of the

computer after the next login. In this article we will see how to specify Adobe Reader DC as the default PDF reader and how to distribute the configuration automatically with GPOs (Active Directory) or SCCM (Configuration Manager).In Windows 10 and Windows 11, file association is User-based. In this case, all file associations will return to the

state of clean Windows 10 installation. If you try to manually change the ProgId registry value and associate another program, the Hash value will cease to be valid. Changing File Association on Windows 10 via Registry As we said above, in Windows 10 the way to set file association options has changed. Using the following command, you can reset

the settings of file associations imported earlier: Dism.exe /Online /Remove-DefaultAppAssociations After running this command, all new users will be logged with the default file association (the reset has no effect on the existing user profiles). With both methods, you must include within the package the DefaultApps.xml and launch the following

command: dism.exe /online /Import-DefaultAppAssociations:.\defaultapps.xmldism.exe /online /Import-DefaultAppAssociations:.\defaultapps.xmlYou can distribute the package to the computers or add the step in a Task Sequence of New Computer as follows (after installing the Windows 10 or Windows 11 and restarting):Default File Associations

Windows 10 ? SCCM ? Task SequenceYou can see the list of default applications set for each extension with the following CMD command: dism.exe /Online /Get-DefaultAppAssociationsdism.exe /Online /Get-DefaultAppAssociationsTo remove all the default applications by extension configured in Windows you can run the following CMD command:

dism.exe /Online /Remove-DefaultAppAssociationsdism.exe /Online /Remove-DefaultAppAssociationsWith this command you will eliminate all the customization made both manually and by GPO or SCCM, but in case there is an active GPO / Distribution it will be configured automatically again.FAQ about default file associations in WindowsHow to set

default file associations apps in Windows 10 and Windows 11?In Windows 10 and Windows 11 you can configure the default file associations by file type in "Settings > Apps > Default apps > Choose defaults by file type" as indicated in this manual.How to configure a GPO to set default file associations apps in Windows 10 and Windows 11?You must

create a GPO in Active Directory and configure the "Computer Configuration > Policies > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > File Explorer > Set a default associations configuration file" section by adding an .XML that you have previously created with this manual. In this article, we will look on how to manage default file association

on Windows 10 and Windows Server 2019/2016/2012R2. Hash ? a hash value that is automatically generated to validate matching the type of files with the program. Run the Registry Editor (regedit.exe) and go to the registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ Explorer\FileExts\.html\UserChoice. But there was

a new opportunity to export the current file association settings from the "reference" computer to the XML file and apply this file on other computers. It is also possible to copy the DefaultApps.xml to each computer and put a local path, but this makes it difficult to update the .XML. Such a request will always appear after installing a new application,

that is registered to open an existing file type or protocol. Accordingly, in Windows 10/Windows Server 2016 you won't be able to configure file mapping through the registry, as it worked in Windows 7/Windows Server 2008R2. In this case, the user will see a notification: An app default was reset. Suppose you want to use the Firefox browser to open

.HTML files on all domain computers (you want to associate this file extension with the app). In the following image we have searched for ".pd" and assigned Adobe Acrobat Reader DC to extensions. Exporting File Associations on Windows 10 to the XML file You can export the current configuration of file associations to the XML file using DISM:

Dism.exe /online /Export-DefaultAppAssociations:C:\PS\DefaultAssoc.xml The command will save all the program associations you have configured on your user profile to the XML file.

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