Final Exam Review WS

Final Exam Review WS Discrete Math Name_________________

Which reasoning process is shown in the following example?

1. All books by Stephen Kind have made the best seller list. Carrie is a novel by Stephen King. Therefore, Carrie was on the best-seller list.

2. All books by Stephen King have made the best-seller list. There fore, it is highly probably tha the novel King is currently working on will make the best-seller list.

3. Estimate the number of seconds in a day.

4. The following table relates an adult’s body weight, in pounds, to his or her dosage of a certain medication in milligrams.

Weight 100 125 150 175 200 225

Dosage 30 37 44

a. Use inductive reasoning to fill in the missing portions of the table.

b. What would be the dosage of a person who weighs 375 pounds?

5. A car rents for $290 per week plus $0.10 per mile. Find the rental cost for a three-week trip of 600 miles.

6. A rental car company that rents cars for local-only use charges $30 plus $.20 for each mile the rental car is driven. If a customer gives the rental attendant $100 for a charge of $42, how many miles did the customer drive?

7. A coin is tossed 5 times. How many ways can it come up heads 4 times and tails once?

The bar graph below represents various colors of cars sold. Use the graph to answer the questions.

8. Estimate how many more red cars were sold than

tan cars.

9. Which color sold under 20,000 cars?

10. A publishing company sold 46,265,592 books in 2005. Round the number of books sold to the nearest ten million.

11. A couch sells for $820. Instead of paying the total amount at the time of purchase, the same couch can be bought by paying $400 down and $60 a month for 12 months. How much is saved by paying the total amount at the time of purchase?

12. Write the Hindu-Arabic numeral 965 in expanded form.

13. Express (5 x 105) + (1 x 104) + (8 x 103) + (6 x 102) + (7 x 101) + (8 x 1) as a Hindu-Arabic numeral.

Final Exam Review WS Cont. Discrete Math Pg 2

14. If the Babylonian numeral V stands for one and the Babylonian numeral < stands for ten, then write the Babylonian numeral VVV ................

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