Web Posting Set-up - Columbia University


Posting homework assignments to the web

All assignments for the class are to be posted to your personal web space. Below are instructions for making a simple web page to post your homework assignments. I do not expect elaborate web pages. I just want an easy way to view your files and I also thought it would be useful to learn how to create an extremely simple web page.

Step 1: Working with your Columbia WEB/UNIX Space:

When you get an email account you also get a web space, but that web space does not become readable to the world until you tell it to. So, the first steps below teach you how to look at your web space and make your web space readable to the world of the internet.

1. Go to Start, Programs, open up WinSCP

2. Type in “.columbia.edu” under Host Name. Your User name is your UNI and your Password is your UNI password (whatever your password to your email account is.) Hit Login.

3. When you’ve logged in to your session, you should see the following screen. This screen shows you all your files located on your web space. The public_html folder is the folder that we will make viewable for the Web.

4. We will change the interface by going to View and select Preferences

The WINSCP program has a better way to view your files. There is another view dialog that allows you to see the files on your local machine as well as the files located on your Columbia UNIX space where your public_html folder is located. To view the program in this way, follow these directions:

1. In the Main Menu go to View>Preferences. In the dialog, under the Environment option, pick Interface. Select that you want the Norton Commander interface – as shown below. To set this interface you actually have to close out of WINSCP and open again. So click OK on the dialog below then close out of WINSCP.


2. Now Open WINSCP. You will need to specify Host Name, User Name, and Password again.

Host Name : .columbia.edu

Username : your UNI

Password : Your UNI password

Once you log in the dialog below will appear. This dialog allows you to drag files from your hard drive into your UNIX space, thereby making it web readable. Ahh… but we haven’t made your folder web readable yet so that’s the next step.

Step 2: Making your public_html folder readable on the web.

1. In the Main Menu of WINSCP go to Commands>Open Terminal. Click OK to the popup message. Your screen should look like the following:


3. In the Enter command box, type the following command:

chmod a+x ~

Click the Execute Button. Then, type the following command in the same box:

chmod a+rx ~/public_html

Click the Execute Button, then click Close.

(Note these are UNIX commands that allow you to make a directory and allows the world to read your files, but not write files to your website directly.)

This is the only time you will need to do this. Once you have made your directories readable to the world, they will always be world-readable.

Adding Files to Your Web Space

1. In your WinSCP window, you should see your local directories on the left and your public directories on the right. Double click the “public_html” folder to open

2. Right click anywhere on the public directories (right side) of the window and select Create Directory.

3. Name your new folder “4577” and press OK.

You can now copy and drag any homework assignment from your local drive into this space and I will be able to see the files if I go to your web page. Try copying anything from the left side of the window to this folder and see if you can see it on your web space.

Your Web Site is columbia.edu/~youruni so my web site is columbia.edu/~sw2279 .

Try Going to Your Web Site.

You should submit all your homework, your midterm, and your final exam to this folder. Please use the following naming scheme:


Some examples are below.




Step 3: Using Dreamweaver to Create a Simple WEB Page

The first thing that you will do is create a folder on your M:/space that will be used only for your Web space. When creating a web page you need to have a folder on your local space that completely mimics the file structure on your web space. I suggest you make a folder on your M:/ called GIS_FALL2009. This is the folder where you should hold all of your web files and homework assignments related to class.

1. Create this folder now: M:/GIS_FALL2008/gis_web. Copy this word document into that folder.

2. Now go to Start>Programs>Macromedia>Dreamweaver to Open Macromedia Dreamweaver.

3. Once Dreamweaver is open, go to Site>Manage Sites in the main menu at the top of the screen. The following dialog will appear.


Choose New > Site to create a new site.

The following dialog should appear.


Specify that you would like to name your new site GIS_FALL2009.

Click Next and the following dialog will appear.


Specify that you do not want to use server technology.

Click Next and the following dialog will appear.


Specify that you would like to Edit local copies on my machine, then upload to server when ready (recommended).

In the “Where on your computer do you want to store your files?” specify that you want to save them to M:\GIS_FALL2009 (this is the directory you just created).

Click Next. The Following dialog will appear.


In the How do you connect to your remote server? Specify FTP and the following dialog will appear.


Make sure you enter the following information into the dialog:

1. How should you connect to your remote server. = FTP

2. The hostname or your FTP address is = .columbia.edu

3. What folder on the server do you want to store your files? public_html/4577

4. Your FTP Login is your UNI

5. Your FTP password is your email password.

6. Put a check next to Use Secure FTP (SFTP)

7. Click the Test Connection button to make sure that you entered everything correctly. If you put in the proper information a dialog will appear noting that you successfully connected to the server.

Click Next and the following dialog will appear.


Click - No, do not enable check in and check out. Then click Next and the following dialog will appear.


Click Done. The following dialog will appear showing that you have added the site to your web page.


Click Done. The dialog will close.

Dreamweaver will look like the image below. Notice that on the right hand side there is a file management system – which will be pointing to your local web site files. The only files that you currently have in your local drive is this web_post.doc If you don’t see the web_post document make sure that Local View is specified in your drop down. See arrow below.


Now we want to create a simple html document that allows us to link to this page.

On the main screen, select Create New > HTML.

The HTML document will appear. See Below. You can begin typing anything in the lower screen, and that is what will appear on your Web Site. Type:


Week 1


Highlight your text and change the font and size to something you like using the Properties dialog at the bottom.

Then save your new HTML document. Go to the Main Menu> File>Save and call the file INTRO_GIS_2009.html .

Then, highlight the text: Week 1. Then, in the Properties dialog at the bottom of the screen, click on the folder next to the Link drop-down and navigate to your web_post.doc to link this document to your web site.

You’re done creating your first web page! All you need to do is load it to your web space. To do this you first need to connect to your web space. That can be done through Dreamweaver.

Look at the connect button (see circled button below) on the right side of the screen. A green light should appear indicating that you are connected to your web space. If there is no green light, click the button to connect.

Now you can load your files. To do so - select the up arrow which is often referred to as the put button.

[pic] [pic]

It will ask if you are sure you want to load all the files of your site. Click Ok to say that you do.

You have now created your page. You can check you page online by going to the following location.


There are a lot of web sites that provide free training on specific Dreamweaver functions. Here is a link to one that you might find useful.

The library also has a number of number of Ebooks about how to use Dreamweaver, If you want to learn more use these books. Here are some Ebook links from Columbia University Libraries web site.


Link Folder






In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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