Berryhill Teaching Resume Dec 2013 - ACU Blogs


Resume, Teaching Focus

Carisse Mickey Berryhill, PhD

December 2013

Employment History


Abilene Christian University. Brown Library.

Assoc. Dean of Digital Initiatives, Special Collections, and Univ. Archives, 2011--

Professor of Library Science, 2009--

Associate Professor of Library Science, 2004--2009

1992--2004 Harding Graduate School of Theology. Graves Library.

Associate Librarian, 2001--2004

Assistant Librarian, 1992--2001

1975--1992 Lubbock Christian University.

English Department.

Professor, 1989--92

Associate Professor, 1982--89

Assistant Professor, 1975--82

1973--1975 Florida State University. English Department.

Teaching Assistant, 1974--75

University Fellow, 1973--74



M.A. in Church History, Harding School of Theology

Project: "A Descriptive Guide to Eight Early Alexander Campbell Manuscripts."

Director: John Mark Hicks

1990 M.S. in Library Science, University of North Texas

1982 Ph.D. in English, Florida State University

Dissertation: "Sense, Expression, and Purpose: Alexander Campbell's Natural

Philosophy of Rhetoric." Director: Fred Standley

1974 M.A. in English, Florida State University

1973 B.A. in English, Harding University

B.A. in Biology, Harding University

NCATE--certified in secondary education, Arkansas, English, Biology

Teaching Experience

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University of Illinois, Graduate School of Library and Information Science

Theological librarianship, F2005, F2006, F2007, F2008, F2009, F2010, Sp2012, Sp2013,


Abilene Christian University

Early English Literature (online), Sum2007

Harding School of Theology

History of Religion in America, Sp2004

Writing in Ministry, (online) F2003, Sp2002.

History of Restoration Movement in America,


Introduction to Graduate Study, co--teach June 2003; assist June 2000; assist Sp1998.

Lubbock Christian University, English Department, 1975--1992

Director of Freshman English, Supervisor of English Lab.

Freshman English I, II

Sophomore Literature I

Technical Writing

Introduction to Linguistics

History of English Grammar

Early British Literature (to 1700)

Advanced Composition (prose)

Creative Writing

Florida State University, English Department,

Teaching Assistant, 1974--1975

Courses taught: Freshman English I.

Research Interests

History of rhetoric in American Restoration Movement (Stone--Campbell).

Heuristics; esp., how writing incorporates library skills in various rhetorical genres of

theological discourse.

Hospitality as a virtue in theological librarianship.

Publications (most recent at top)

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"Teaching and Learning in the Archives: Partnering for Undergraduate Formation in Service and Research." With Tracy Shilcutt. ATLA Proceedings 67 (2013), forthcoming.

"The Guest Brings the Blessing: Hospitality in Theological Librarianship." ATLA Proceedings 67 (2013), forthcoming.

"Core Competencies for Theological Librarians (Panel): Part Three: The Character of the Theological Librarian." ATLA Proceedings 66 (2012): 226--229.

"'Be With Me, Lord': Sanderson's Great Hymn," in Never Enough Singing: Essays in Honor of Seth Kasten, ed. Melody Layton McMahon. Chicago: ATLA, 2011, 9--14.

"From Facts to Feeling: The Rhetoric of Moral Formation in Alexander Campbell's Morning Lectures at Bethany College," in

And the Word Became Flesh: Studies in History, Communication, and Scripture in Memory of Michael W. Casey. Edited by Thomas H. Olbricht and David Fleer. Eugene, OR: Pickwick, 2009.

"The Ministry of Scholarship: The Jubilee History of Restoration Quarterly, Part II: Leaders and Scholars," Restoration Quarterly 50 (2008): 91--106.

"Sources of Understanding About Research Readers," ATLA Proceedings (2007): 189--190.

Review of McMahon and Stewart's A Broadening Conversation: Classic Readings in Theological Librarianship, Library Quarterly 77, no. 2 (April 2007): 249--251.

"Belief, Union and Mission: The Gospel of John in the Early Stone--Campbell Movement," in Evangelicalism & the Stone Campbell Movement: Engaging Basic Christian Doctrine. Edited by William R. Baker.

Abilene, TX: ACU Press, 2006.

"From Dreaded Guest to Welcoming Host: Paul and Hospitality in the Book of Acts," in Restoring the First--century Church in the Twenty--first Century: Essays on the Stone--Campbell Restoration Movement. Edited by Warren Lewis and Hans Rollmann. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, 2005.

"Roundtable Discussions: Institutional Anniversaries and Archives."ATLA Proceedings (2005): 261--262.

"Common Sense Philosophy," in Stone--Campbell Encyclopedia. Edited by Doug Foster, Newell Williams, and Paul Blowers. Grand Rapids : Eerdmans. 2004.

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"Roundtable Discussions: Institutional Archives." ATLA Proceedings (2004): 231--232.

"Scottish Rhetoric and the Declaration and Address," in The Quest for Christian Unity, Peace, and Purity in Thomas Campbell's Declaration and Address: Text and Studies. Edited by Thomas H. Olbricht and Hans Rollmann. American Theological Library Association Monograph Series, 46. Lanham, MD : Scarecrow, 2000.

Review of Wasson's Hymntune Index, ATLA Newsletter 46, no. 2 (Feb. 1999): 22--23.

Review of Anchor Bible Dictionary on CD--ROM, ATLA

Newsletter 45, no. 4 (May 1998): 27--28.

"Instructing Theological Students in Book Reviewing," ATLA Proceedings (1995): 161--164.

"Sense, Expression, and Purpose: Alexander Campbell's Natural Philosophy of Rhetoric," Restoration Quarterly 30 (1988): 111--124.

Rpt. in Disciples Theological Digest 4 (1989): 5--19.

Editorial Projects

West, Earl Irvin. Searcher for the Ancient Order: The Golden Odyssey of Earl I. West. Nashville:

Gospel Advocate. 2004.

Shank, Harold. Children Mean the World to God. Nashville: 21st Century Christian, 2001.

Academic Conference Presentations, Consultations, and Panels (most recent at top)

"Here is Water: Providing Global Access to Local Religion Through a Digital Archive," Keynote

lecture, Center for the Study of Information and Religion second annual conference,

Kent State University, Kent, OH, May 2012.

"The Library Professor: Purpose, Praxis, Presence." Southern California Theological Library Association workshop at Hope International University, Fullerton, California, 2011.

"The Horace Coffman Papers at ACU's Center for Restoration Studies." With Matthew Stephens

and Ron Longwell. Stone--Campbell Journal Conference, Cincinnati, 2010.

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"LEEPing through Five Years: A Status Report on the ATLA--Sponsored Theological Librarianship Course," Poster session. American Theological Library Association national conference, Louisville, KY, 2010.

"Jeepers, LEEPers! Teaching Theological Librarianship Online through UIUC's LEEP Program."

Tennessee Theological Library Assocation, Nashville, TN, 2009.

"Research Behaviors of Theological Educators and Students." Panel with David Stewart and

Christine Wenderoth, June 16. American Theological Library Association national conference, Philadelphia, PA, 2007.

"Building Community through Library Hospitality: Co--curricular Learning Spaces for the 21st Century," with Laura Baker and John Mark Tucker. Christian College Librarians, Rochester College, June 1, and Inscription Conference: Intersections of Faith and Learning, Abilene Christian University, Sept. 29, 2004.

"The Gospel of John in the Early Restoration Movement." Plenary address,

March 21.

Stone Campbell Journal annual conference, St. Louis, MO. 2003.

"Understanding Our Readers as Writers." Workshop, June 22. American Theological Library Association national conference, St. Paul, MN, 2002.

Review of Casey & Foster, The Stone--Campbell Movement, Christian Scholars' Conference, July 20 (teleconference), Oklahoma Christian University, 2002.

Wabash Consultation on Teaching and Learning in Theological Libraries; an invitational colloquy and working group of 15 librarians from the American Theological Library Association held July 22--26, 2000.

Institute for Emerging Women Leaders in Higher Education. Sponsored by the National Association of Women in Education. Baltimore, Maryland, November 1999.

"Book Reviewing: Teaching the Methods." Tennessee Library Association Annual Conference workshop, April 16, Memphis, TN, 1998.

Participant, Women in Leadership in Theological Education fall conference. Sponsored by the Association of Theological Schools, October 16--18, 1998.

"Instructing Theological Students in Book Reviewing." Workshop, Jun. 16.

American Theological Library Association national conference, Nashville, TN, 1995.

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Younger Scholars Panel.

Bethany College, West Virginia, Bicentennial Conference, 200th

anniversary of Alexander Campbell's birth, 1988.

"Sense, Expression, and Purpose: The Coherence of George Campbell's Philosophy of Rhetoric,"

paper read at Speech Communication Association national conference, Chicago, IL, Nov. 13,


"Settler, Sister, and Saint: the Myth of Sallie Mickey."

Presentation with Callie Mickey for

"Texas Women: A Connection to our Past," a joint meeting of the Texas State Historical

Association and the Texas Foundation for Women's Resources.

Austin, TX, March 7, 1986.

Mellon Fellow, Rice University, "Biology and the Study of Women." May 20--Jun. 1, 1984,

Houston, Tex. Callback meeting, April 13, 1985.

Professional Association Memberships

American Theological Library Association, 1992--

Board of Directors, 2006-- 2012; Executive Director Search Committee, 2010

Convener, Campbell--Stone Librarians Denominational Group, 2004--

National Nominating Committee, 2001--2004

Technical Services Interest Group Steering Committee, 2000--2004

Southwestern Theological Library Association, 2004--

Christian College Librarians, 1992--

Restoration Serials Index Board, 2008--

Indexer for Christian Journal, 2001--2004

Restoration Archives Committee Chair, 1998--

Indexer for Gospel Light, 1992--2004

Board, 2001-- 2003

President, 2000--2001

Vice President / President--Elect, 1998--2000

Secretary / Treasurer, 1996--1998

Tennessee Theological Library Association, 1992--2004

Vice--President / President--Elect, 1997--1999

President, 1999--2001

Memphis Area Library Council, 1992--2004

Vice--President / President--Elect, 1999--2000

President, 2000--2001

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Conference on Christianity and Literature, Southwest Region, 1975--1992.

Church Membership


University Church of Christ, Abilene, TX

1992--2004 White Station Church of Christ, Memphis, TN

1975--1992 Broadway Church of Christ, Lubbock, TX

1973--1975 Call Street Church of Christ, Tallahassee, FL

1963--1973 Preston Road Church of Christ, Dallas, TX

1960--1963 Shamrock Shores Church of Christ, Dallas, TX


Church of Christ, Quanah, TX; baptized April 1, 1960.

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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