Spider Strategies


ISAPI Redirect

Setup Guide

For Running Apache Tomcat 6.0

Web Application Under IIS 7.0

Updated October 2, 2012

Scoreboard and QuickScore

By Spider Strategies

ISAPI Redirect Setup


This appendix contains instructions on setting up an ISAPI redirect, which allows for an Apache Tomcat web application to run underneath Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) web server. These instructions are specific to IIS 7.0. The most common reasons for using an ISAPI redirect are:

1. The web server hosts both IIS and Apache Tomcat and there is a desire for the Scoreboard/QuickScore web application to be served over the IIS web port.

2. There is a desire to encrypt Scoreboard/QuickScore data transfer utilizing IIS-based SSL encryption (HTTPS).

Required Items/Information for this Installation:

1. Two populated “redirector” folders to be placed under %TOMCAT_HOME%/bin and %TOMCAT_HOME%/conf subfolders. (Contact Spider Strategies if you need these).

2. isapi_redirect.dll file. Spider Strategies will provide, but you can download the most recent here:

a. - Go to:

b. - Select "Binary Releases".

c. - Select "Windows".

d. - Select the "Tomcat Connectors" file having name ending with "x86_64-iis.zip".

3. IIS7, Apache Tomcat, and Java Runtime Environment must already be installed.

4. Note the path to the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.6.0 installation.

Example: C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_16

5. Note the path to the Apache Tomcat 6.0 installation.

Example: D:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 6.0

Part 1 –Configure and Deploy “redirector” folders


1. Locate the “tomcat-bin-redirector” folder and observe that it contains a sub-folder called “redirector”.

2. In the “redirector” sub-folder, edit the “isapi_redirect.properties” file in a text editor.

3. Perform a “Replace-All”, replacing the text “%TOMCAT_HOME%” with the path to your Tomcat installation. (Ex: D:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 6.0 – note that you should not include an ending back-slash “\”)

4. Save the file.

5. Copy this “redirector” sub-folder and place under your %TOMCAT_HOME%\bin folder.

6. Locate the “tomcat-conf-redirector” folder and observe that it contains a sub-folder called “redirector”.

7. In the “redirector” sub-folder, edit the “workers.properties” file in a text editor.

8. Perform a “Replace-All”, replacing the text “%TOMCAT_HOME%” with the path to your Tomcat installation. (Ex: D:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 6.0 – note that you should not include an ending back-slash “\”)

9. Perform a “Replace-All”, replacing the text “%JAVA_HOME%” with the path to your JRE installation. (Ex: C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_16 – note that you should not include an ending back-slash “\”)

10. Save the file.

11. Copy this “redirector” sub-folder and place under your %TOMCAT_HOME%\conf folder.

12. Restart the Apache Tomcat service

Part 2 –Add IIS Role Services (Windows Server 2008 or 2008 R2)


1. On the taskbar, click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Server Manager.

2. In the Server Manager hierarchy pane, expand Roles, and then click Web Server (IIS).

3. In the Web Server (IIS) pane, scroll to the Role Services section, and then click Add Role Services.

4. On the Select Role Services page of the Add Role Services Wizard, select ISAPI Filters, and then click Next. (Note – some guides recommend checking EVERYTHING beneath “Web Server” except for ODBC Logging).

5. On the Confirm Installation Selections page, click Install.

6. On the Results page, click Close..

Part 3 –Setup ISAPI & CGI Restriction at IIS Server


1. Open IIS Manager and Select Your Server.

2. From the features view open “ISAPI and CGI Restrctions”, Click Add from the Actions Bar.

3. For ISAPI or CGI Path click the “…” button and choose your isapi_redirect.dll file at your %TOMCAT_HOME%\bin\redirector\ folder.

4. In the Description field write “isapi_redirect”.

5. Tick the “Allow extension path to execute” checkbox and click “OK”.

Part 4 –Enable ISAPI Filters at IIS Default Web Site


1. In IIS, select the “Default Web Site” and double-click the “ISAPI Filters” to open it. Click Add to launch “Add ISAPI Filter” form.

2. Enter “jakarta” as the filter name and click “…” button to locate the same “isapi_redirect.dll” file as in the previous section.

3. Click “Open” to select this DLL file and close the window when done.

Part 5 –Creating Virtual Directory and Handler Mappings


1. In IIS, right-click on “Default Web Site” and choose “Add Virtual Directory”.

2. Enter “jakarta” in the Alias field. Click the “…” button. Browse to and choose the path of the folder containing the “isapi_redirect.dll” file referenced in previous sections. (Example: D:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 6.0\bin\redirector\)

3. Click OK when done.

4. Now, open the “Handler Mappings” display by selecting the virtual directory “jakarta”.

5. On the right-side “Actions” bar, select the “Edit Feature Permissions” link. Check All (Read, Script, Execute) and click OK.

Part 6 – Test the Configuration


1. Restart the “IIS Admin” windows service. Then restart the “Apache Tomcat” service and the “IIS Admin” windows service.

2. Test the configuration by trying to access the site via IIS: . If you see the Apache Tomcat page, then ISAPI redirection has been successfully configured.

Part 7 – Troubleshooting

Note that both IIS and the ISAPI redirect filter log any problems to the Windows Event Viewer.

Part 8 – Update Application Configuration

Note – Only follow these steps if the Scoreboard/QuickScore software has already been deployed. Otherwise, you will encounter these steps later during the standard installation process.


1. Launch the Scoreboard or QuickScore web application in your preferred web browser and login as the “admin” user.

2. Click on the “Admin Tab” and select “Server Configuration”.

3. Under the “This Server” section, ensure that the configurations are still valid:

Protocol: If using SSL encryption, switch to HTTPS.

Host: Ensure that value matches your desired IIS hostname.

Port: Change this value to match your IIS web port.

Context: This should not change when setting up the ISAPI redirect.

SSO Header Variable: Do not change this value.

4. Click “Save” and logout of the application.

5. You may wish to restart the Tomcat service to ensure that any changes are immediately enacted.


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