Lab: Characteristics of Life - klakulakbiology

Lab: Characteristics of Life

In your lab write ups always write the title, and each of the 7 steps of the scientific method with an underline (as shown). Skip lines between each step. Do not write to the left of the red line on your notebook paper. Use pen or pencil but always be consistent. Also remember to use blue or black ink and do not chance once you started with a particular writing implement.

Problem: What are the characteristics of living organisms and can something without all seven be considered living?

Hypothesis: If ______________________________ then it will show ______ of these characteristics:

1. 2.

3. 4.

5. 6.



1. Earthworm 2. Cardboard (paper towel) 3. Wet paper towel 4. Sand paper

5. Metric ruler 6. Light source 7. Scale


1. Place worm on the dampened paper towel.

2. Watch earthworm move.

3. Place the earthworm ventral side up.

a. What does the worm do when placed ventral side up?

4. Look at the dorsal side of the earthworm.

a. How many setae are on each section?

5. Find the band that surrounds the worm (clitellum).

a. Why do earthworms have a clitellum?

6. Place earthworm on dry paper towel, right beside a moist paper towel.

a. What way does the earthworm move? Why?

7. Place the earthworm on dry paper towel, right next to sandpaper.

a. What way does the earthworm move? Why?

8. Shine a light on the front of the worm, middle of the worm.

a. How does the worm react each time?

9. Weigh the mass of the earthworm. Measure the length of the earthworm. Measure the width of the earthworm. Smell the odor of the earthworm.

10. Compare your earthworm’s size and weight to your neighbors.

a. Why are they different sizes?

b. Is the earthworm unicellular or multicellular?

11. Look at the earthworm’s darker side. Find the dark line inside the body.

a. Can you see organs or organ systems moving inside?


1. Make “Data Table 1” for the mass, length, width and odor of the earthworm.

2. “Data Table 2” should contain the environmental stimuli and the worms responses.

3. “Data table 3” should contain the Characteristics of life and the evidence you found in through your investigation.

Analysis: (Answer the questions above in addition to the following questions. Use complete sentences. Use paragraphs as needed.)

1. Discuss how an earthworm can be classified as a living thing. What are the major characteristics of life that you observed on the earthworm? (Refer to your data.) Which characteristics do you think is/are most important? Explain.

2. Science is about having questions. One experiment leads to more questions. List one question that came to your mind when you were in the lab.

3. Predict what would happen to the earthworm if there was no soil left on the earth.

4. Dog’s occasionally get heartworm. It’s scientific name is (Toxocara canis) and the earthworm’s scientific name is (Lumbricus terrestris). Are they the same species? How do you know?

5. If you did not observe all seven characteristics, provide an explanation. Do you think it is because an earthworm is not alive or is there perhaps another explanation?

Conclusion: Answer your question listed in the problem based on the knowledge you gained from this lab. Use your data and analysis to help you.


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