Learning activity options

CMS Enrichment OpportunitiesGrades 9-12Spring 2020Learning activity optionsThe following activities are designed to enrich existing instructional frameworks, across all curriculum areas. They are organized by academic department and students are encouraged to communicate with their teachers either through email or Schoology while working through them. Please note that these are optional enrichment activities that will not be graded, and that it is up to parents and students to decide which ones, if any, to complete. Teachers are, however, available to help, answer questions, or provide feedback.? TABLE OF CONTENTS: HYPERLINK \l "_heading=h.1fob9te" English/ELA HYPERLINK \l "_heading=h.3znysh7" Math HYPERLINK \l "_heading=h.2et92p0" Social Studies HYPERLINK \l "_heading=h.tyjcwt" Science HYPERLINK \l "_heading=h.3dy6vkm" Related Arts (Foreign Language, Business, STEM)Health and PEEnglishActivity OneKeep a daily journal.? It can be handwritten or typed, but concentrate on your feelings and the changes in your life at this time.?Activity TwoWrite a fictional end to the Corona Virus.? It can be a 1st or 3rd person narrative, but you must be the protagonist. The conclusion should be at least 2 pages in length.??Activity ThreeWrite a day in the life of a character who is isolated. Why are they isolated? Is it self-imposed or not? How do they go about their daily lives?Activity FourSearch the hashtag #creationinisolation on social media. Create a piece of art, using any medium available to you, in response to the art that you saw other people creating. Then, post it under the same hashtag and see how your work impacts people.?Activity FiveWrite a dramatic dialog between two characters who meet at a local grocery store. One is observing the quarantine rules, and one is not. How do they interact? How do they express their discomfort or irritation?Activity SixGo to the website . Under the search bar, click “Find Poems.” From there, search for a poem that deals with a particular theme that interests you. Read one of the poems that you find and respond to it by either writing a paragraph that summarizes the poem or by writing a poem of your own in response.?Activity SevenThink about all of the texts that we have read this year, fiction and nonfiction. Choose a character and place them in the world somewhere, imagining their life during this current pandemic. Communicate their experiences through any media of your choosing: story, comic, video, poetry, song. Include how their perceptions and daily activities have changed, their reactions to self and others, how they are handling physical and emotional stress, etc.?Activity EightExpress your opinions, let it all out. This is your chance to critique those around you, recognizing the positive and the negative. What are you learning about people, locally and globally? How do you feel about the decisions being made by the leaders of the world? If you were in charge, what would you be doing? Yes, you can even suggest an educational enrichment activity.?Activity NineOne of the things we love doing is sharing our lives with others. You are always telling us to check out this video or watch this series, listen to certain songs, or read various media that has been created by you or others. Choose one or several teachers and make them a quarantine to-do list. Include what you would like us to do and why. Additionally, let us know how you would like to receive feedback, after completing our list - you can even give a due date.?Activity TenInvestigate the current coverage/documentation of the global pandemic we are experiencing. Choose at least three media platforms to explore in-depth. Evaluate how these platforms are distributing information. Are they focused on truth, exaggeration, a mixture of both and for what purposes? How does their coverage reflect what communities, locally and globally, value? Compile your thoughts and findings in a format that you can share.?Activity ElevenSocial media has become flooded with images, like memes, infographics, photos, etc., that are intended to spread information or claims about the pandemic and/or the government’s response to it. How do you know if these images are factual, misleading, or downright false? Find one of these images that is being shared, conduct a Reverse Google Image Search on it, make a determination if the image is credible or not, and justify your conclusion. Directions on conducting a reverse image search on any device can be found here: . Some questions to consider when researching the image: Who created the image, where was it originally published, and are these credible sources? What is the purpose of the image (information, persuasion, etc.)? How does the image make me feel? (Strong emotional responses can be a red flag). What are third party fact checkers, like and news outlets, saying about the image and should I trust them? Does the image have a caption and is it factual or misleading?Activity TwelveRead (SSR) every day for your own enjoyment or personal growth. This could be a book that you own, borrowed from somebody, or have checked out from the library. Share the book that you are reading by telling us a little about the plot and your thoughts about it (Are you enjoying the book? What do you like/dislike? Would you recommend it to others?). Your review can be a simple write-up or something more creative, like a video, skit, animation, collage, artwork, audio podcast, etc. HYPERLINK \l "_heading=h.gjdgxs" Back to HomemathActivity 1: Data Analysis: Compare and ContrastDirections: Use the provided links to address the following prompts. Useful Links:John Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center. John Hopkins University & Medicine, 2020, . Accessed 26 Mar. 2020.Coronavirus (Covid-19) Pennsylvania Overview. Pennsylvania Department of Health, 2020, . Accessed 26 Mar. 2020.?Prompt Choices:?Using the data on the websites above, students should compare the projected trajectory of the disease and compare and contrast the U.S. with two other countries.Why do you think the trajectories are different/same?Using the data from your chosen countries, calculate the percentage of people that have died vs. the percentage of people that have recovered.? Calculate those same statistics for the entire world. How do these numbers compare and contrast? Why do you think the numbers are higher/lower for your chosen countries vs. the world as a whole?Activity 2: Data Analysis & Modeling: Flattening the CurveDirections: Watch the video “Covid 19 Pandemic” . After watching the video address the following prompts. Prompt Choices:?Can exponential growth continue indefinitely? Explain why you think this.What is regression? Have you seen this anywhere else in your mathematical studies? Does this remind you of any other topics you have covered in the past??What happens at the inflection point of this curve? Why is this point important? Talk about this in mathematical terms and in how it would be seen in our communities.How can we “flatten the curve” to meet the capacity of our health care system both mathematically and by our own personal actions?Activity 3: Estimating: Covid 19 Cases in your AreaDirections: Watch the video by Khan Academy “Estimating Actual Covid 19 Cases in an area” Choices:?What happens to the graph and number of cases after China “shut down” Hubei province on January 22nd?Compare and contrast the “number of cases” to the “confirmed cases”? Why is it so important to have widespread testing available?Activity 4: Real Risks via Mathematical AnalysisDirections: Watch the video “Covid 19 The Real Risk via Mathematical Analysis” .? After watching the video address the following prompts. Prompt Choices:?What are the assumptions that were made in this model?What information is needed to better predict the death rate and the number of infected individuals?What math related information has surprised you the most regarding the Covid-19 outbreak?Activity 5: Economic Impact of CoronavirusDirections:? Watch the video “Breaking down coronavirus’ impact on the U.S. economy”,??. After watching the video address the following prompts. Prompt Choices:?Using the video above and your own research, Compare and contrast businesses that will suffer and businesses that may get a boost from the coronavirus pandemic.How have some businesses changed how/what they produce to both help in overcoming the coronavirus while also helping themselves to stay in business???As seen on local media and social media, the biggest impact will be to small businesses. Compare and contrast small businesses vs. big business.? Why is big business more prepared to handle the economic changes? What specifically is causing the hardship for both big and small businesses. What can individuals, even while quarantined, do to lessen the effect on small businesses?Explain how specific actions now and in the months to come by citizens, government, and businesses will help to alleviate the economic impact of the coronavirus on individuals or businesses??Activity 6: Exponential Growth and the Coronavirus*Recommended for students who have taken PreCalculusDirections: Watch the video “Exponential Growth and Epidemics” .? After watching the video address the following prompts. Prompts Choices:?What did you learn about an exponential curve and how does it compare and contrast to a logistic curve?Define the Growth Factor. How does the growth factor change when you hit the inflection point of a logistic curve?Activity 7: Geometry and Social Distancing*Recommended for students who have completed GeometryThis sign in San Francisco was used to remind people to stay 6 feet apart to practice proper social distancing. The picture shows each person is 6 feet from each other diagonally, but how far apart would each person be vertically or horizontally? Are these people actually 6 feet from each other? Use your knowledge of the Pythagorean theorem to help in your analysis. Assume the four people are standing in a square shape and are all the same distance from each other. Your conclusion could include calculations and written analysis.ContinueActivity 8: Imagining Disease Outbreak?Directions:? Watch the video “Ebola outbreak in Uganda” ? After watching the video address the following prompts. Prompt Choices:?In a small town of 200 people, imagine one person is infected with a contagious virus and that anyone who’s infected spreads the virus to one new person each week. Create a table showing how the infected and healthy populations change during the first ten weeks.There are approximately 7.7 billion humans on Earth. If the virus spreads beyond the 200-person town, how long will it be until everyone on the planet is infected?Some viruses are more contagious than others. Instead of passing the virus to one new person, imagine each infected person passes it to three new people. How will this affect how long it takes for the virus to infect everyone on Earth?There are more than 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 viruses on Earth. While some viruses are more contagious than others, they all have the same goal: spread. What are some characteristics of “successful” viruses and how can humans keep them in check?Activity 9: Comparing DataDirections:? Look over the the data on the coronavirus provided by the World Health Organization (WHO) using this link: Then address the following prompt. How does the case fatality rate of Covid-19 compare with that of other diseases, based on what we know now? How might the numbers tell a different story as we gather additional data over the next weeks or months?Additional Online ResourcesNY released 10 days of lesson plans for Alg 1 and Geo Academy - videos on various topics in all disciplines HYPERLINK \l "_heading=h.gjdgxs" Back to HomeSocial StudiesActivity OneUse this text set in Newsela to gain perspective on the 1918 pandemic and the Corona pandemic.? Consider completing the quiz to check your understanding and try the writing prompt. TwoCNN10 is consistently reliable as a news source designed for students.? CNN10 is now on YouTube. Consider signing up for the daily emails and test yourself by taking their weekly news quiz posted on Fridays.Activity ThreeThis article reviews how past epidemics have impacted societies.? After reading, make predictions about how this pandemic will impact our society.? Provide support for those predictions by collecting examples in current news reports.?? FourThis link accesses the photo analysis guide at the National Archives.? Use this link in conjunction with the photos provided below. FiveThe following two links provide photographs of the 1918 Flu pandemic and the Coronavirus pandemic.? How do the images compare and contrast? SixThe 1918 pandemic was documented in many ways.? Survivor interviews are one example. View an interview or two at this link and begin conducting your own interviews with those around you, including family, friends, and coworkers. excellent guide to planning your interviews at UNC: to consider:How did society manage the pandemic of 1918?? How are we managing the current pandemic? Cite evidence that lessons learned from the 1918 pandemic are being applied today.What major world event made recovery from the 1918 pandemic more difficult than it might have been?? Are there places in the world today where similar events will again add difficulty to recovery?How will the current epidemic change education?? What can be done by schools and universities that will better enable them to deliver education in future pandemics?Activity SevenHistorians use primary documents to access what people experienced. Write a diary entry on what you have thought, felt, or physically experienced during this social lockdown.? EightWe look at the past and make judgements. How do you think the future will judge how we as individuals, media, and political leadership handled this global pandemic? NineMajor events change the course of history. The Quartering Act led to the Bill of Rights. John Brown started the Civil War. Pearl Harbor ended an isolationist sentiment. 9/11 led to the expansion of executive powers. What do you envision as the long-term impact of the pandemic on social issues, health care, and government policy? TenAs society begins to accept the science behind Covid-19 and the techniques being utilized to overcome this global event, how will you help to be a part of the solution?? Create an original Public Service Announcement using Clips or iMovie which could be shared on social media platforms like Tik Tok, Instagram, and Snapchat.?? ActivitiesArticle1 the pros and cons on “flattening the curve”Article 2 a map to show how this virus is causing the stock market to struggleArticle 3 pros and cons of postponing the Olympic games in Tokyo, what effect will this have on the economy, foreign relationships, trade, athletes, etc.Article 4 worldwide pandemics become more frequent, and what could be done to stop these pandemics? HYPERLINK \l "_heading=h.gjdgxs" Back to HomeScienceActivity One What is Covid-19? Using your online research skills, investigate resources to answer the following questions:1) How is it similar to and different from other viruses?2) How does this affect the effectiveness of vaccines?Submit your research notes and answers in any format of your choosing.Activity TwoWatch the following video about estimating actual COVID 19 cases (novel corona virus infections) in an area based on deaths: about five different things you learned while watching, and then reflect on the importance of collecting data. Submit your responses in the format of your choosing.??Activity ThreeWhat can be learned about chemistry regarding the difference between chloroquine and chloroquine phosphate? can this be extrapolated to other chemicals (i.e. ingesting sodium and chloride vs table salt)? Submit your responses in the format of your choosing.Activity FourInteractive Tutorial - Viruses Explore the interactive at the following link: the worksheet and use the interactive to work through itActivity Five????Are viruses alive? Support your answer with at least three independent studies, and submit your responses in the format of your choosing.Activity Six?????Vaccine Discovery – SmallpoxWatch the video: ? three ways that we either can or cannot apply this information to Covid-19.Activity SevenWhy do different people react differently to the virus and why are some people more susceptible to dying than others? (Pre-existing medical conditions, lung capacity, etc.) After considering this question and researching, compile your thoughts and submit your responses in the format of your choosing. HYPERLINK \l "_heading=h.gjdgxs" Back to HomeRelated artsChoose ONE of the following questions to research and develop an understanding for the topic of your choice.? Underneath each question, we’ve provided you with multiple resources as a starting point for your research.? As to how you must demonstrate your understanding, we will leave that up to you.? We want you to be creative and enjoy this process therefore we have listed multiple ways to demonstrate your understanding below, but are not limited to just these.Possible ways to demonstrate understanding are as follows:Create a Keynote.Create a video explaining your research process as well as your findings.Write an essay.Create an infographic.Create a digital portfolio.Create a Sparkpage.Enrichment Project Questions:1) What can we learn from other countries who are also fighting the virus? Which countries successfully slowed the curve and how?Why Is Russia's Coronavirus Case Count So Low? HYPERLINK "" Life on Coronavirus Lockdown in China HYPERLINK "" China May Be Beating the Coronavirus, at a Painful Cost HYPERLINK "" What China's coronavirus response can teach the rest of the world HYPERLINK "" 2) Specifically looking at Spanish-speaking countries, what are they doing to slow the curve?? How are they fighting the virus? Is it helping? What can we learn from their successes or mistakes?Spain: America: America:) How is the virus impacting professions and businesses? How does the government determine essential v. non-essential? v. non-essential resources: HYPERLINK \l "_heading=h.gjdgxs" Back to HomeHealth and PEENRICHMENT OPPORTUNITIESYou may demonstrate competency or completion of any of the opportunities below in any way you choose. Some examples may include keynotes, creating a video explaining your research procedures and findings or what you’ve done for the project, writing/typing an essay, creating portfolios, infographics, artwork, or any other concept you choose that reflects your work and dedication to our “big ideas.”Enrichment Opportunity #1: Physical and mental wellness is imperative during this time.? Are you taking care of yourself? Can you identify the barriers that are keeping you and your peers from being well? (Big Idea: Building Positive Community, grades 9-12 #3. I can identify problems facing my peers and myself.)??Shape America Physical Activity CalendarThese mind & body calendars are a great resource to use from home!? The physical activity calendars give you fitness ideas without the need for a “gym” or equipment or even other people (perfect for a time of social distancing.)? The ideas in the calendar will encourage you to stay physically active while encouraging mental and emotional wellness, too.Do you have a younger sibling or need some modifications or additional ideas to supplement the calendar above?? Have fun! The “elementary” calendar can be found here: Shape America Physical Activity Calendar (modified)Extension (optional): Identify resources that you are using or someone else could benefit from for physical activity and mental/emotional wellness during this time.?Enrichment Opportunity #2:? Dimensions of Wellness Photo & Voice journalBig Idea: “Investigating My World & Covid-19 and Its Impact on Our World”During our time away from one another, you have the chance to create a photo/voice/video/drawing journal, giving consideration to the six dimensions of wellness.? For this initial rollout, we’ve given you one domain in which to focus: Physical Wellness. If you’d like to take on the other domains when you’re ready, feel free to CREATE!? This project is designed to enrich your prior knowledge and allow us to dive deeper into our social and emotional learning (whether or not you are enrolled in Health or Physical Education classes during this current semester)! We will reflect on each of our personal experiences and use this as an opportunity to capture images, discuss different topics, and collaborate within yourselves, families, and community as we look at applying skill building opportunities in health and overall wellness.?Elements of your journal may include (but are not limited to) pictures and images that mean something to you in response to any journal prompt, drawings, infographics, electronic or hard copy illustrations or writings, Keynotes for specific topics or big ideas, etc.? Your options are endless!Unit 1: Physical WellnessTake care of your body for optimal wellness and functioning. This includes regular physical activity, healthy eating, appropriate medical care, self-care, and avoidance of substance use/abuse. How can you reflect your decisions with regard to your physical wellness during our time apart?? How can you apply concepts of cardio endurance, team sports, or health education in your daily life?? Think, “How has my world changed?? What possible solutions can I offer?” (Covid-19 and its impact; investigating issues, ideas, and events in our world; grades 6-12 #5)In your journal, you might include:Take/find/create a photo of you eating a healthy meal or snackTake/find/create a work-out log, photo, or fitness routine (daily, weekly, monthly)Take/find/create a reflection of you being outside doing some sort of activityTake/find/create you doing a chore or being helpful in your homeTake/find/create a meal that you prepared and served for your familyTake/find/create a food label reflecting something you ateTake/find/create a picture of you social distancingWriting prompts in which you may choose to respond:How are you using social distancing?? How have you witnessed your community using social distancing?? Do you think it is a good way of curbing the virus? What changes have you made or will you continue to make during this time?How have you been exercising during this time?? Identify your plan for fitness until we join together at school once again.?How does making healthy choices with regard to your nutrition change during our school closure?How is “supply and demand” impacting food choices during this school closure?How do you anticipate the closure of athletics, sport suspensions (professional, collegiate, school) will impact our country, community, school, and/or yourself?How can you advocate for healthy choices in your family regarding physical wellness right now and during this time of closure?? How can you advocate for healthy choices in your family and with your friends even once the closures have ceased?A peek at additional domains of wellness (when you are ready or if you prefer):Social WellnessEmotional WellnessEnvironmental WellnessIntellectual WellnessSpiritual WellnessExtensions: Occupational, FinancialEnrichment Opportunity #3: Stay Well Journal – COVID19Big Idea: “Investigating My World & Covid-19 and Its Impact on Our World”Google Drive link to Stay Well Journal: (click below)My Stay Well Journal (enrichment activity)This is an opportunity for you during our time apart.? While there are some goals included in the journaling prompts, you are welcome to modify or create entries in response to your own ideas, thoughts and experiences during this time.? Anything you create is welcomed!??Back to Home? ................

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