The Outrageous Celebrity

The Outrageous Celebrity

To practice applying the seven different approaches of psychology to real-life issues, you are to choose the most outrageous celebrity you can think of, past or present. You should provide a short list of some of the outrageous behaviors this person has exhibited. Then, you will attempt to explain these behaviors from the point of view of each major psychology perspective. Your reasoning can be as ridiculous as the behavior itself, as long as it falls in line with the perspective. They don’t have to be true!

Your project should be on a sheet of unlined paper or posterboard (this could be 8 ½ x 11 typing paper or larger). In the middle of the poster you should write your celebrity’s name, a brief description of their outrageous behavior, and include a picture. Each of the 7 approaches should be arranged around the celebrity, with an explanation for each. An example is included below.

How you will be marked:

← How you will be marked:

←  Presentation ___/20 clarity, informative, all aspects covered

←  Perspectives ___/20appropriate inclusion and explanation of perspectives

←  Poster ___/20 readability, neatness, creativity

←  Total marks ___/60


Dennis Rodman

Known for his outrageous behavior, cross-dressing,

and rapidly changing hair color.


Biological: Perhaps Dennis Rodman has a high level of estrogen that makes him feel as though he should wear women’s clothing.

Evolutionary: Rodman’s tall height and athleticism are traits that are naturally selected for; however, his cross-dressing tendencies are counterintuitive to him passing on his own genes. His ancestors were most likely tall and athletic as well.

Psychodynamic: Dennis was traumatized as a child when he was not permitted to have a Halloween costume. He has repressed the memory but, as a result, dresses in outrageous clothing to try and overcompensate for his loss as a child.

Behavioral: Rodman’s father and grandfather were both cross-dressers and frequently dies their hair. Dennis observed this throughout his life and is now imitating the same behavior.

Cognitive: Rodman interprets his role in the NBA as needing to create attention for his team. As a result, he thinks that by cross-dressing, dying his hair, and tattooing his body, his team will get the positive attention it requires.

Sociocultural: Perhaps in the NBA culture, those behaviors occur often and are widely accepted; thus, Rodman believes his behavior to be typical and not out of the ordinary.

Humanistic: Because Rodman is so comfortable with his own identity, he can experiment with alternative lifestyles that encourage him to embrace his “feminine side.” This helps him to become more sensitive to the opposite gender.


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