Element Love Letter - Mrs. Schiraldi's Science Spot

Quarter 3 Science Project

Element Love Letter

“The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.” ― C.G. Jung

During the Chemistry unit we have studied the Periodic Table of Elements and some of the properties that make each element unique. Examples of these properties include state of matter, atomic mass, and number of electrons found orbiting in its outer (valance) shell.

In the chemistry lab, elements bond to become more stable. Bonding is the sharing or transfer of electrons between atoms. Atoms of metals usually have less than four electrons in their outer shell while atoms of non-metals usually have more than four electrons in their outer shell.

Your assignment is to apply your knowledge of chemistry and bonding by researching and becoming an expert in the properties of one specific element and then to determine a compatible element for it to bond with. You will then write your findings in the form of a love letter from your element to the element it would like to bond with.

A love letter is a romantic way to express feelings of love in written form. Whether delivered by hand, mail, carrier pigeon, e-mail, tweet, or romantically left in a secret location, the letter may be anything from a short and simple message of love to a lengthy explanation of feelings. Be creative when writing yours! (See example on next page.)

Dear Chlorine (Cl),

Roses are red, violets are blue, I need to give up one electron, so I would like to bond with you! My name is sodium (Na) and I am looking for a new love to bond with.

I am a solid guy with an explosive personality! I am not a “water person” because every time I go in it, I catch on fire! I am a “softy” silvery solid guy. I was discovered in ancient times so I’ve been in a lot of relationships before, but I have my “ion” you this year. Since I have been watching you from a distance I would like to list all of the qualities I like about you! I noticed you are a greenish-yellow colored gas and have seven electrons in your outer shell and you need one more to feel complete. I can fill that void! I would gladly give you my one electron. Together we can make such a stable ionic couple and put the spice onto people’s food. Since I am a modern guy, if we ever get married we can keep your last name! Sodium chloride has such a nice ring to it. I would have to ask your father, Carl Wilhelm Scheele for your electrons in marriage. I have already shown your photo to my dad, Sir Humphrey Davy and he was thrilled to hear that you may be joining our family! I hope that you will accept my electron and I promise you that we will remain a stable couple forever (according to the Law of Conservation of Matter).

I look forward to making an ionic bond with you soon.


Sodium (Na)

Element Love Letter Grading Rubric

We will go to the Library for you to choose an element and then choose another element that your element is compatible with. Your teacher will give you a list of elements that will work for this project.

Your mission is to write a love letter that explains why the two elements would make a good couple. Below is a list of facts that should be included in your letter:

_______ Name and symbol of your original element (1pt)

_______ Name and symbol of the compatible element (1pt)

_______ State of matter of original element & compatible element (1pt)

_______ At least 2 Physical properties of the original and compatible

Elements (1pt)

_______ At least 2 Chemical properties of the original and compatible

Elements (1pt)

_______ Number of electrons in their outer shell of original element

and compatible element (1pt)

______ Who discovered original element and compatible element (1pt)

_______ Name of the new compound they formed (1pt)

_______ Physical properties of the new compound (at least 2) (1pt)

_______ Chemical properties of the new compound (at least 2) (1pt)

_______ What type of bond did they form (1pt)

_______COVER PAGE (BONUS 1 pt): should include a picture of your elements

before they bonded and then also a picture of their “wedding” day when

they formed a compound.


_______Typed, 1 page long (1pt)

_______Complete Notes Sheet (both sides) (3pts)

**Will not be accepted late at all**

_______Formatted properly (indented paragraphs, 12pt. font, double spaced) (1pt)

_______Uses proper grammar and punctuation through the entire letter (1pt)

______ All information is accurate (2pt)

______ All spelling is correct (1pt)

**Late letters will be docked 1 letter grade each day it is late. Letters will not be accepted more than 3 days late.




Due: _______________


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