Seventh Grade Language Arts

4620260-276225Sixth Grade Language Arts Reedy Creek Middle SchoolMs. Robertsonbrobertson2@ robertsonla6.Teaching PhilosophyIt is our mission to give each student an equitable, diverse, and challenging educational experience through focusing on his/her needs and varied learning styles.CurriculumThe sixth grade Language Arts curriculum is based upon the new Common Core course of study, as well as the Wake County Public Schools Curriculum Guide. The curriculum includes: using language to express individual perspectives in response to personal, social, cultural, and historical issues; synthesizing and using information from a variety of sources; refining the understanding and use argument; refining critical thinking skills and creating criteria to evaluate text and multi-media; responding to various literary genres using interpretive and evaluative processes; and applying conventions (grammar and language usage). Positive Behavior SupportReedy Creek is continuing the incentive program to recognize the positive behavior of our students. This is a school-wide program, so students are able to earn tickets from any teacher, in any part of the school day. We are looking forward to honoring those students who exemplify positive behavior with this program.Quarterly GradingClasswork: 50%Tests/Projects: 35%Homework: 15%GRADING SCALEA (93-100)B (85-92)C (77-84)D (70-76)F (Below 70) Late Work1-5 days Max score of 936-10 daysMax score of 8511-15 days Max score of 7716-20 daysMax score of 7021-30 daysMax score of 6031 or more days – ZeroWork Missed Due to an AbsenceIt is the student’s responsibility to make up work missed due to an absence. If a student is absent, he/she must follow school procedures concerning attendance as stated in the student handbook. The student must check “What Did I Miss Folder?” the day they return from an absence. This must be done before or after class. Work assigned prior to the absence is due upon return. The student will have the amount of time absent, plus two days to complete work assigned during the absence. Students are to turn in their assignments into the “Make Up Work” folder. The teacher will empty out the makeup folder once a week.Recovery Plan:The school provides morning study hall Tuesday-Friday for students who may need extra help or failing a class. Study hall will begin roughly 3 weeks after school begins. TuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridayMrs. Ferguson & Mr. BoehmMs. Robertson & Mrs. GoktanMrs. Dobson & Mrs. BellMrs. Lafler & Mr. CabralIn Ms. Robertson’s class students will be given two opportunities throughout the quarter to make-up any assignment that is below a 60 for a grade no higher than 60 for the municationCommunication between home and school is essential for success. Please feel free to email any questions or concerns. Parents may also send notes with their children or call and leave a message with the school office staff at 919-460-3504. My website is another great way to be aware of what is going on in the classroom & school. Ms. Robertson’s Classroom ProceduresEntering: Enter the class quietly. Go directly to your desk to begin working on the class starter.During Class: During whole class activities, raise your hand and wait for Ms. Robertson to finish giving directions or instruction. If you do need to leave your seat for any reason, do so quickly and quietly.Student Center: All materials in the Student Center are available for your use during Language Arts. Materials should not be taken out of the class without permission. Call to Attention: I will give you a 5-10 minute warning during cooperative learning and independent work time to let you know that it is time to wrap up and put away your materials. Once the timer goes off, you should be seated, silent, and waiting for directions.Turning in Assignments: When instructed to turn in an assignment, students are to submit them in the appropriate tray. No names will be placed in the “No Name” folder, located at the class door. Starting 2nd quarter, any assignment without a name will have an automatic 2 points deducted from the assignment’s grade.Tardies: The RCMS tardy policy is used: First unexcused tardy is a warning, second unexcused tardy is a parent contact, and any other tardy will result in administrative referral. If a student is late to class during the day they must have a hall pass from my class or a note from the teacher they are coming from in order to have an excused tardy. Any student who comes to class without a pass, they are marked as tardy, and the RCMS tardy steps will be used.Discipline: This class abides by all school and county rules. The RCMS card system is used.Leaving the classroom: Each student will receive twenty passes per quarter to use when leaving. Unused passes will not carry over to next quarter.Bathroom policy: Students must be in the class for 10 minutes before asking to go to the restroom, and cannot ask the last 5 minutes.Class dismissal: Ms. Robertson dismisses the class, not the clock.Chewing Gum: In Ms. Robertson’s class chewing gum is not permitted. Agendas & Novels: Students are to have their agendas & a book of their choice at all times.Please sign and return this portion by August 29, 2014I have read and understand the Sixth Grade Language Arts Syllabus and Ms. Robertson’s classroom procedures.Student Signature: _________________________________________________Date: _______________ Parent Signature: ___________________________________________________Date: _______________ ................

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