Golf Tune Up - Total Fitness Studio
|Golf Tune Up |For overuse injuries, pain control and | |
|Contributed by Ann Lang, MA, OTR, CHT |restoration of flexibility are the initial goals| |
|For avid golfers, golf isn’t simply a sport, it |of treatments. A variety of modalities are | |
|is a passion, addiction, joy of life. Playing |commonly used to quickly reduce pain including | |
|golf is clearly the pastime of priority. |heat, massage, ultrasound, dry whirlpool, gentle| |
|Nothing, not even arm, wrist or hand pain will |stretching, and electric stimulation. In | |
|derail the devotion! But playing with pain can |addition, to rest the inflamed joints, muscles, | |
|exacerbate your condition and lead to |tendons, nerves and /or ligaments custom | |
|compensatory actions in your swing impairing |splinting by a certified hand therapist is | |
|your game. Fluctuating forearm and elbow aches,|highly effective in quickly reducing symptoms | |
|occasional numbness, burning and tingling in |and inflammation. The second phase of treatment| |
|your fingers, wrist pain and stiffness, finger |focuses on strengthening and endurance building.|Reiki |
|triggering, snapping, locking, swelling and |It is imperative to condition the muscles of the|Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress |
|aching are all signs of repetitive strain |entire upper extremity to tolerate the wear and |reduction and relaxation that also promotes |
|injuries that may be easily improved by the |tear of the sport and protect you from further |healing. It is administered by "laying on hands"|
|services of hand therapy. Early intervention is |re-injury. The third phase of treatment is the |and is based on the idea that an unseen "life |
|essential to resolve and enhance a long and |graded return to sport specific instruction in |force energy" flows through us and is what |
|healthy golf career. |golf warm ups and stretches. For some golfers, |causes us to be alive. If one's "life force |
|Specific injuries associated with golf may be |adaptation of their equipment (changed angle of |energy" is low, then we are more likely to get |
|put into two categories; acute/traumatic and |the club handles to reduce awkward wrist angles,|sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are |
|repetitive/overuse. Overuse injuries in golf |build up golf handles to reduce hand strain) or |more capable of being happy and healthy. |
|are those that are sustained, repetitive, |specialized wrist/elbow supports (to support |The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words - |
|resistive, frequently aggravated by awkward |sore tissues) are modifications that can |Rei which means "God's Wisdom or the Higher |
|wrist angles. These include tendonitis, nerve |facilitate a quicker return to pain free |Power" and Ki which is "life force energy". So |
|inflammation and joint pain. Symptoms of overuse|playing. Working with a golf pro at this stage |Reiki is actually "spiritually guided life force|
|injuries commonly include aching and radiating |is helpful to correct aggravating movement |energy." |
|pain along the affected muscle/tendon unit |patterns contributing to repetitive strain. |A treatment feels like a wonderful glowing |
|associated with activity. As the condition |Poor technique and / or inappropriate equipment,|radiance that flows through and around you. |
|escalates pain is noted at rest. A commonly |warrants a visit to the pro shop. Golf related |Reiki treats the whole person including body, |
|occurring tendonitis termed “golfer’s elbow” is |upper extremity aches and pain warrants a visit |emotions, mind and spirit creating many |
|characterized by tenderness on the inside elbow |to a hand therapist for an upper extremity |beneficial effects that include relaxation and |
|bone and pain upon gripping. Overuse injuries |evaluation. Early hand therapy intervention |feelings of peace, security and well-being. Many|
|can occur at the shoulder (impingement syndrome |commonly prevents escalating symptoms, |have reported miraculous results. |
|and rotator cuff tendonitis) and at the wrist |facilitates quicker return to the course, and |Reiki is a simple, natural and safe method of |
|(carpal tunnel syndrome which is nerve |can reduce the need for future invasive |spiritual healing and self-improvement that |
|inflammation). The joint at the base of the |procedures including surgery. Preexisting |everyone can use. It has been effective in |
|thumb also frequently inflames with the |conditions like arthritis or past injury can |helping virtually every known illness and malady|
|sustained, repetitive and resistive activities |predispose you for overuse injuries. If there is|and always creates a beneficial effect. It also |
|integral to golf. |pain, weakness, or numbness in the upper |works in conjunction with all other medical or |
|Acute or traumatic injuries that commonly occur |extremity a hand therapy evaluation is |therapeutic techniques to relieve side effects |
|in golfers are ligament tears, muscle strains, |indicated. Improve your game. Improve your |and promote recovery. |
|stress fractures, and joint sprains. These |health. Improve and prolong your enjoyment. | |
|injuries occur with sudden impact loading, such | |Practice News: |
|as the golf club striking the ground, rock, or | |There is a new website for the practice: |
|another object, causing a sudden deceleration in| | |
|the swing. Immediate evaluation by a physician | |There is also a link to a website for Dr. Jaff’s|
|is necessary for acute injuries. Once injuries | |medi-gym Total Fitness Studio: |
|are stable and adequately healed rehabilitation | | |
|is usually indicated. | |The facility is pleased to announce a fantastic |
|A certified hand therapist is an occupational or| |addition. Lyn Genet Recitas now offers massage |
|physical therapist who specializes in the | |and manual therapy in a newly renovated massage |
|evaluation and treatment of shoulder, elbow, | |room. If interested in exploring the |
|wrist, and hand problems. She creates a specific| |possibilities massage can offer, please contact |
|program tailored to fit individual needs | |Lyn at 917-402-8875 or browse her website: |
|facilitating return to playing your best. | | |
|[pic] |electrodiagnostic studies Only after tests |placebo controlled, parallel assignment, |
|Facial Pain |rule out other factors can a diagnosis of ATFP |efficacy study on over 1,500 osteoarthritis |
|Facial pain problems can have many different |be made. |sufferers. All patients' pain levels were |
|causes but the symptoms are usually similar. |Medication is usually the first course of |evaluated at the beginning of the study and |
|Typical pain is described as burning, aching or |treatment. Surgical procedures such as |again at the end of the four weeks. The |
|cramping, occurring on one side of the face, |microvascular decompression generally are not |Glucosamine and Chondroitin combination was |
|often in the region of one of the main facial |successful with these patients. Medications, |found to significantly reduce pain compared to |
|nerves. Symptoms can extend into the upper neck |hot/cold compresses, acupuncture, biofeedback |placebo AND Celebrex® (celecoxib), using the |
|or back of the scalp. Although rarely as severe |and dental splints are the most common |WOMAC Pain Index (Western Ontario and McMaster |
|as trigeminal neuralgia (TN), a true nerve |therapies. Very often, treatment of muscle |Osteoarthritis Index). This study was conducted|
|disease, facial pain is often continuous with |spasm and trigger points can alleviate much of |using taxpayer’s – not a manufacturer’s - |
|few, if any periods of remission. Recent studies |a person’s symptoms. These are best treated |dollars. The Glucosamine Unum-in-Die (Once a |
|propose that a condition known as “Atypical |with manual manipulation or trigger point |Day) Efficacy (GUIDE) Trial took place in 13 |
|Facial Pain” (ATFP) is an early form of |injections. |different European hospitals and compared a |
|trigeminal neuralgia. Indeed, some patients have |If you find you have facial pain, consult a |1,500mg daily dose of glucosamine sulfate and a|
|components of both ATFP and TN symptoms. Earlier|dentist or ENT specialist to treat any |much larger 3,000 mg dose of the OTC drug |
|literature has linked ATFP to "psychological |underlying disease. Once the acute problem is |Acetaminophen (commonly found in Tylenol, |
|pathology." Recent studies, however have shown no|addressed, consult a physiatrist to help manage|Excedrin, and many others) to a placebo in 318 |
|such link exists. |the pain effectively. You can avoid developing|patients. After 24 weeks of monitoring |
|Possible conditions leading to facial pain |chronic headaches or neck pain if you treat |osteoarthritis sufferers, the study clearly |
|include infections of the sinuses or teeth. A |facial pain in a timely manner.( |showed superior effectiveness of the |
|low-grade infectious and/or inflammatory process | |glucosamine dietary supplement (even at half |
|occurring over a long period can result in nerve |Sensible Exercise OK for Older Adults |the dosage of the drug) on many levels of |
|damage and be the triggering factor for pain. |Results from a new study of older adults by |discomfort and mobility. |
|Vascular compression of the trigeminal nerve in |researchers from The Johns Hopkins School of |The American College of Rheumatology has |
|the same area that is postulated to lead to |Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland, showed that a |recommended acetaminophen as the first line of |
|trigeminal neuralgia is a cause of facial pain |moderate program of physical exertion had no |pharmacological treatment for the pain from |
|although studies have shown that microvascular |ill effects on the heart's ability to pump |osteoarthritis for many years. Review of |
|decompression rarely leads to pain relief in ATFP|blood nor did it produce a harmful increase in |available literature shows that they maintain |
|patients. Dental or some sort of physical trauma |heart size. For a six-month period, researchers|this recommendation. Numerous studies |
|is also linked to ATFP. |assessed the benefits of a supervised program |performed in the past have shown comparable |
|It's not unusual for affected patients to have |of exercise training in a group of 104 men and |relief can be obtained using acetaminophen and |
|undergone numerous dental procedures, seen |women, age 55 to 75, measuring heart function, |the anti-inflammatory medications (ibuprofen, |
|multiple doctors and undergone many medical tests|body fitness and fat levels at the start and |naproxen sodium, celecoxib). To date there has|
|before being successfully diagnosed and treated. |end of the study. All of the participants were |been no official statement made by the college |
|A diagnosis of ATFP is usually a process of |in general good health except for untreated, |regarding the efficacy or safety of using |
|elimination. When a patient complains of constant|mild hypertension. Published in the July 2006 |Glucosamine over the other pharmaceutical |
|facial pain restricted to one side of the face, |issue of Heart, the article reported that after|agents available. |
|the physician must first rule out any other |six months of aerobic exercise on a treadmill, | |
|conditions. Tests include x-rays of the skull, |bicycle or stepper, plus weightlifting, | |
|MRI and/ or CT scan with particular attention to |participants showed no overall ill effects in | |
|the skull base, careful dental and otolaryngolgic|11 measures of diastolic heart function. They | |
|evaluation, and thorough neurological examination|also found that exercise produced no increase |Stacey Jaff, MD |
|including |in eight measures of heart size, including left|Board Certified Physiatrist |
| |ventricular mass and wall thickness. (JHM News | |
| |Service, 7/27/06) |Address all Correspondence to: |
| | | |
| |The Latest News on Glucosamine Supplements |382 Central Park West #20V |
| |Two research studies have released findings |New York, NY 10025 |
| |supporting that Glucosamine taken to treat the |Telephone (212) 222-1007 |
| |pain from osteoarthritis offers effective pain |Fax (212) 222-1007 |
| |relief. The two studies suggest the supplement| |
| |can be more effective than the current first |Office Address: |
| |line treatment, acetaminophen (Tylenol). |43 Central Park North, 1B |
| |The "GAIT" Glucosamine/Chondroitin Arthritis |New York, NY 10026 |
| |Intervention Trial: Under the direction of the | |
| |NIH (National Institutes of Health) 13 research|Office Hours: |
| |universities in the United States performed |Monday through Friday 8AM –7:30PM |
| |this randomized, double-blind, | |
Ann Lang, MA, OTR, CHT
Certified Hand Therapist
2 West 86th Street
New York, NY 10024
(212) 787-6585
Justine Renson
Reiki, Yoga, Personal
(646) 316-2406
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