Pedro C. Lujan Elementary School - Home

Table of Contents

1. Administrator’s Message……………………………………………………………………………………………. Page 2

2. Administrator’s Duties………………………………………………………………………………………………. Page 3

3. Bell Schedule ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….... Page 4

4. Vision / Mission/ ESLRS/Motto/ School Song………………………………………………………………………. Page 5

5. Inifresi / Fanogi Chamorro…………………………………………………………………………………………… Page 6

6. School Student Discipline Policy / Minor Offenses………………………………………………………………… Page 7

7. Major Offenses / Bullying Policy / Classroom / Cafeteria / Playground / Hallway Rules……………………….. Page 8-10

8. Satellite Behavior Matrix……………………………………………………………………………………………. Page 11

9. Student Attendance …………………………………………………………………………………………………. Page 12-14

10. Student Attendance Communication Log…………………………………………………………………………. Page 15

11. Employee Expectations / Payroll / Leave…………………………………………………………………………… Page 16

12. Administrative / Off-Island / Sick Call In………………………………………………………………………….. Page 17

13. Classroom Supervision / Transitions / PTAC Meetings………………………………………………………….. Page 18

14. Communications / E-Bulletins / Newsletter / Website/ Meetings . …………….………………………………… Page 19

15. School Visitors / Use of Telephone/ Copying / Laminating………………………………………………………. Page 20

16. Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment…………………………………………………………………………. Page 21

17. Grading System/ Report Cards / Progress Reports …………………………………………………………….. Page 22

18. Child Study Team Referrals………………………………………………………………………………………… Page 23

19. Retention…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Page 24

21. Cums / Parent Teacher Conferences………………………………………………………………………………. Page 25

22. Lesson Plans / Substitute Forms …………………………………………………………………………………… Page 26

23. Substitute Teacher Report Form…………………………………………………………………………………… Page 27

24. Field Trips …………………………………………………………………………………........................................ Page 28

25. Field Trip SOP…………………………………………………………………………………………….................. Page 29

26. PTEP …………………………………………………………………………………………………………............. Page 30

27. Brag Sheet …………………………………………………………………………………………………................. Page 31

28. Non-Food Parties / School Committees / Textbooks………………………………………………………………. Page 32

29. Textbook Accountability Form …………………………………………………………………………….............. Page 33

30. Responsibilities of Administrative Assistant/ Computer Operator / School Aides / Custodians ………………. Page 34

31. School Guidance Counselor ………………………………………………………………………………………… Page 35

32. Immunizations / Health Card ………………………………................................................................................... Page 36

33. Daily Health Visits Card…………………………………………………………………………………………….. Page 37

34. School Library Services / Sexual Harassment ………………… ………………………………………………….. Page 38

35. Abuse of Students ……………………………………………………………………………………......................... Page 39

36. Support Curricular Programs / ESL/ SPED / Chamorro / GATE………………………………………………… Page 40-41

37. NAF Overview. …………………………………………………………………………………………..................... Page 42-44

38. NAF Forms ……………………………………………………………………………………………......................... Page 45

39. Memorandum of Understanding…………………………………………………………………………………….. Page 46

40. WASC Framework / Leadership Team Members…………………………………………………………………. Page 47

41. WASC Four Main Goals…………………………………………………………………………………………….. Page 48

Administrator’s Message

Welcome to a new school year!  Congratulations on your most recent accomplishment with regaining accreditation for three school years. In spite of the challenges that you have faced as a team, you have triumphed and excelled in ensuring that we are a trustworthy school catering to high quality education for all students.

Our education journey will continue this school year as we continue to actively participate in the continuous cycle of improvement and incorporate the demands of the newly adopted Common Core State Standards, but, as we worked as a team last school year, we have faith that we will continue to strive this school year.   Our mission is to provide a nurturing child-friendly environment and the best education possible to ensure success for “all” children and build our capacity as professional educators and support staff, always keeping our students at the center of our endeavors.

As we work collaboratively to achieve our School Improvement Plan goals, fully implement our Professional Learning Communities, we will need your continued dedication and commitment to our students.   Your teamwork is a crucial component in this process in the attainment of high student achievement and providing quality instruction. We will work towards building collaboration among the faculty, staff and parents.  We will continue to empower you to be actively involved in the decision-making process that pertains to our mission. We will also recognize the need for shared governance in matters affecting P.C. Lujan’s educational welfare.  

The Faculty and Staff Handbook will provide guidance in the school’s day to day operation and other pertinent information to further guide you.  Use this handbook as a quick reference guide to address the multiple issues that may arise among the faculty and staff. Addendums to the handbook will be communicated through the weekly electronic bulletins.  

Together let us ensure another successful year.

Germaine M. Iglesias


Geraldine J. Pablo

Assistant Principal

Principal & Assistant Principal Responsibilities

Please use this as a guide when you need assistance. If there are any issues that you need assistance with that is not listed below, feel free to meet with us.

|Germaine M. Iglesias, Principal |Geraldine J. Pablo, Assistant Principal |

| | |

|Ensure Quality Instruction via Curriculum |Ensure Safety is Priority for all Students |

|Accreditation |Accreditation |

|Faculty Evaluations |Staff Evaluations |

|Informal and Formal Observations |Supervision of Staff (Para-educators / AMI / custodians / |

|Supervision of Faculty |substitutes, etc.) |

|SAT 10 |Supervision of the Library / Librarian |

|Special Education Compliance |Supervision of custodial, maintenance work requests, OSHA, Public |

|ESL / GATE / Pre-School SPED |Health/Fire/Building/EPA and all other related inspections. |

|School Improvement Plan |Cafeteria / Building / EPA compliance |

|School Budget |Parent Teacher Advisory Council Affairs |

|Parent Teacher Advisory Council Affairs |Student Discipline/School-Wide Discipline Plan |

|Non-Appropriated Funds |Emergency Procedures (Fire, Earthquake & Lock down drills) |

|Counselor |Grounds and facilities |

|Student Discipline/School-Wide Discipline Plan |Staff Payroll / Leave Approval |

|IEP Observations / Meetings |To carry out all responsibilities in the absence of the Principal. |

|Child Study Team Meetings |Resolve Grievances at the Lowest Possible Level |

|Central Office Matters |and other related duties… |

|Faculty Payroll / Leave Approval | |

|DEED | |

|5th Grade Peer Coach | |

|Resolve Grievances at the Lowest Possible Level | |

| | |

|and other related duties… | |


Our Educational Community Prepares all students for Life, Promotes Excellence

and Provides Support!


The students, parents, staff and community of Pedro C. Lujan Elementary are Working Partners in providing a nurturing child-friendly environment and the best education possible to ensure success for “all” children.


“Good, Better, Best, Never let it rest,

‘til the Good is Better and the Better, BEST!”

Expected School-wide Learning Results (ESLRs)

P - Problem Solving, Solution Focused skills;

C – Communication and Coping skills;

L - Law Abiding Citizenship;

S – Self Acceptance and Respect for Others.

School Improvement Plan

GOAL 1: The school will implement and monitor the current Standard-based curriculum aligned with the adopted textbooks and resources to help students learn and achieve grade level standards.

GOAL 2: The school will identify and implement research based assessments for Language Arts and Math to collect, disaggregate and analyze student progress and performance.

GOAL 3: The school will develop and implement school and home connection to establish and maintain a working partnership that will monitor student learning.

SCHOOL SONG (Sung to ABBA’s “Super Trooper)

P. C. Lujan Elementary School,

My alma mater true, Being a part of you

Soaring through the white and blue.

Success is here, in things I do

Guiding me with patience filled with love

Learning seems so easy and it’s true

Reaching for the stars up above

Sharing with a lot of friends around me

Suddenly I feel all right, And it’s going to be so lovely

‘Cause I’m here at my school site.


P.C. Lujan Elementary School

Lifting me up high, shining in the sky

Smiling and soaring high.

P.C. Lujan Elementary School

Lifting me up high, shining in the sky

Feeling like I’m number one.

(Repeat Verse II and Chorus)

So I’ll be there, when you need me

The sight of you will prove to me

I’m still a part of you as we move on to reach our goal

I know it’s gonna mean so much to all.


(Repeat Chorus)

Lyrics by: Rosary Leon Guerrero (former principal) and Joanne Leon Guerrero (former 5th grade teacher)


Ginen I mas takhilo’ gi hinasso-ku

Ginen I mas takhalom gi kurason-hu

Yan I mas figu na nina sina-hu

Hu ufresen maisa yu’.

Para bai protehi, yan hu difende

I hinengge, I Kottura, I Lengguahi,

I Aire, I Hanom yan I Tano Chamorro

Ni irensia-ku direchu ginen as Yu’os Tata

Este hu afitma gi hilo I Bibplia

Yan I Bandera-hu, I Banderan Guahan.


From the highest of my thoughts

From the deepest of my heart

And with the utmost strength

I offer myself.

I will protect and defend

Our beliefs, the culture, the language,

The air, the water and land of the Chamorro

Which is our inherent God given right

This I will affirm by the Holy Bible

And our banner, the Guam flag.


Fanhoge Chamorro put I tano’ta

Kanta I matuna-na gi todu I lugat

Para I onra, para I Gloria

Abiba I isla senparat (Repeat)

Todu I tiempo I pas para hita

Yan ginen I langet na bendision

Kontra peligru, na’ fansafo’ ham

Yu’os prutehi I islan Guam (Repeat)


(B.P. 400)

Discipline is EXTREMELY important. The school and home must work together to reinforce appropriate behaviors. Teachers and parents are partners in this effort and SHALL work together to achieve this goal. The Assistant Principal with the support of the Principal will address disciplinary issues.

STUDENT DISCIPLINE REFERRAL – electronic documents provided on your flash drive.

When referring a student for major infractions, A completed discipline card (kept with classroom teacher to record students’ historical infractions) and Office Discipline Referral (ODR) must accompany the child with an explanation of the situation. The referral form must include interventions made if the referral is a 4th minor offense. The Assistant Principal will address disciplinary issues.

Discipline Folders

Folders with the discipline card will be kept by the classroom teacher and requested by the School Administrator in charge of discipline when necessary. The Discipline Card and ODR must be filled out by the teacher or school personnel referring the child. A teacher or school personnel making the referral will receive documentation of the action taken on the referral by the School Administrator initiating the discipline (which can include for example the Administrative Assistant in minor situations such as timing out a student). School aides may time out students under the direction and approval of the School Administration. A Suspension Notice must have either the Principal or Assistant Principal’s signature. Suspension will be enforced for major disciplinary cases. Students may be suspended from school for up to ten (10) days. (Board Policy 405)

School Wide General Rules

1. Be Prepared

2. Be Productive

3. Be Respectful

4. Be Responsible

5. Be a Team Player


These offenses include, but are not limited to: gum chewing, teasing, lying (initial), cheating (initial), hair cutting (initial), inappropriate touching (initial), insolence, i.e., “dirty” looks, demeaning or derogatory remarks to staff; harassing others; or other than those addressed by major offenses. The following consequences will be given to students that misbehave:

1st offense Warning

2nd offense No Recess

3rd offense Teacher to call parent for a mandatory conference

4th offense Intervention provided (counseling or other agreed upon interventions)

After the fourth minor offense, the child will be sent to the Assistant Principal’s office for further disciplinary action.


Students who display the following behaviors will immediately be sent to the Assistant Principal’s office.

|Offense |Minimum |Maximum |

|Fighting w/physical & uncontrollable aggression |Counseling |Suspension |

|Overt Defiance (disrespectful to adults) |Warning |Suspension |

|Harassment/Bullying |Mandatory Parent Conference with |Suspension |

|SEE Board Policy 409 |Detention / Loss of Privileges | |

| |GPD will be notified | |

|Vandalism/Graffiti |Mandatory Conference |Suspension |

| |Payment of property destroyed | |

|Attempted Theft/Theft of Property |Mandatory Conference |Suspension |

|Skipping |Parent Shadowing |Suspension |

|Possession and / or Use of Drugs /Alcohol |Mandatory Conference |Suspension |

(Board Policy 409) – Prevention and Intervention Against Harassment, Intimidation or Bullying Cyber bullying, Sexting, and Sexual Harassment


A. Harassment, Intimidation or Bullying

17 GCA Section 3112.1 (a) – “any gesture or written, verbal, or physical act that a reasonable person under the circumstances should know will have the effect of harming a pupil or damaging his or her property or placing a pupil in a reasonable fear of harm to his or her person or damage to his or her property, or that has the effect of insulting or demeaning any pupil or group of pupils in such a way as to disrupt or interfere with the school’s educational mission or the education of any pupil. Harassment, intimidation, or bullying includes but is not limited to, such gesture or written, verbal, or physical act that is reasonably perceived as being motivated by a pupil’s religion, race, color, national origin, age sex, sexual orientation, disability, height, weight, or socioeconomic status, or by any other distinguishing characteristic”.

B. Cyber Bullying

17 GCA Section 3112.1 (3) – the use of any electronic communication device to harass, intimidate or bully as defined in 17 GCA Section 3112 (2).

C. Sexting

9 GCA §28.100; a minor is guilty of an offense of Illegal use of a Computer Telecommunication Device Involvi9ng a minor, otherwise known as sexting, if the minor, by use of a computer or any telecommunications device, recklessly or knowingly creates, receives, exchanges, sends, disseminates, transmits or possesses a photograph, video, depiction or other material that shows himself or herself, or of any other minor, in the state of nudity.

D. Sexual Harassment

Office of Civil Rights Title IX – Sexual harassment is unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature. Sexual harassment can include unwelcomed sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal, nonverbal, or physical conduct of a sexual nature. Sexual harassment of a student can deny or limit, on the basis of sex, the student’s ability to participate in or to receive benefits, services, or opportunities in the school’s program. Sexual harassment of student is, therefore, a form of sex discrimination prohibited by Title IX.

Responsibility of Teachers and School Staff

Teachers and school staff who receive complaints of bullying and sexual harassment by

students are required to refer the complaints immediately to the Principal and Assistant Principal.


All teachers must submit a classroom management and discipline plan to be reviewed and approved by the Principal. These plans must be communicated to parents with documentation that they have been communicated and understood by parent(s)/guardian and child.


The discipline plan will focus on positive behaviors and address the behaviors that need to be changed. Implementation should lead to a desirable behavior display. Communication is critical every step of the way because it allows all parties involved to reinforce such interventions.

1. Come to school prepared to do work and ready to learn.

2. Listen to and follow all directions given at ALL times.

3. Play safely inside and outside of the classroom.

4. Respect others. ASK before YOU TOUCH.

5. Use your indoor voices at all times.


Misbehavior that occurs outside of the classroom will first be reported to the teacher by the school aide or staff monitoring the students. The particular misbehavior will first be handled by the teacher for corrective action. Depending on the severity of the misbehavior, the teacher will fill out the discipline card and ODR for referral to the Assistant Principal for further action.


1. Use indoor voices AT ALL TIMES.

2. Use proper eating etiquette.

3. Stay with your class until called on to leave the cafeteria.


5. Keep your hands and feet to yourself.

6. Clean up when you are done eating.

PLAYGROUND RULES The playground is a privilege.

1. Play safely with other students AT ALL TIMES.

2. Be courteous – take turns with playground equipment.

3. Listen and follow directions given by adults supervising on the playground.

4. Make sure all trash get into their proper place.

5. Eating and drinking will only be permitted in designated areas.


1. Flush toilet after each use.

2. Wash your hands after use.

3. Put trash in garbage cans.

4. No playing in the restrooms.


1. Walk on the right side.

2. Speak softly.

3. Keep hands to yourself.


The following items are NOT permitted on the school campus:

1. Gum/Candy/Chips/Soda/ Tea

2. Weapons/Sharp objects

3. Tobacco/Illegal drugs

4. Pak-Pak

5. Fire Crackers

6. Hazardous Materials

7. Heeley Wheels

8. Electronic Games/Devices

9. Expensive jewelry

If found on campus, it will be confiscated and held until a parent/guardian retrieves the item. If the item is hazardous, it will be disposed of immediately. Discipline will be administered accordingly. This may include calling appropriate authorities (police).

Any material, weapon, toy or such that is determined to be dangerous or hazardous to the general welfare of ALL students shall be confiscated and parent(s)/guardian shall be called in. In any event, appropriate action (i.e. calling in appropriate authorities, etc.) shall be taken. Each case shall be dealt with directly and on a case by case basis by the school administrator. The final decision of the student’s status in school shall rest with the school administrator.


The best discipline is maintained with preventive action rather than reactive actions.


1. An attractive classroom is the beginning of a pleasant classroom atmosphere.

2. Meet the children at the door and establish the Classroom Climate there.

3. Plan carefully and be prepared

4. Be sure there is a two-way communication between the teacher and the students.

5. Be consistent. Only when the teacher is consistent does the child know what to expect.

6. Be firm, fair, and friendly.

7. Classroom rules should be presented positively and clearly understood.

8. Avoid making rules you cannot enforce.

9. Do not ignore minor infraction, especially at the beginning of the school. It is easier to relax rules than to break poor habits.

10. Keep confidential information confidential.

11. Avoid putting yourself in a position where you argue with a student.

12. Insist on attention, but avoid shouting

13. Depend upon your own disciplinary measures.

14. Hitting the table or desk with a ruler or book, pinching, pulling hair, shaking, yelling at the student, to maintain discipline is not acceptable and may result in disciplinary action.

SATELLITE Behavior Matrix

| | | | | | |

|Location |Be Prepared |Be Productive |Be Respectful |Be Responsible |Be a Team Player |

| |“Solution Focused” |“Problem Solving” |“Respect for Self & Others” |“ Law Abiding” |“Communication & Coping” |

|Classroom / |Be on time. |Use time well. |Use kind words and actions. |Follow directions. |Follow classroom rules. |

|Library |Always have supplies |Ask questions when needed. |Wait your turn. |Take care of materials. |Help one another. |

| |/textbooks ready. |Complete assignments on |Work cooperatively and |Demonstrate initiative. |Seek help when needed. |

| | |time. |quietly. |Clean up after self. | |

| | | |Listen while others are |Return books/materials promptly.| |

| | | |speaking. | | |

|Hallway |Always walk facing forward. |Arrive to your assigned area|Use quiet voices and feet. |Walk safely at all times. |Offer help to those who |

| |Walk through halls away from|on time. |Keep hands, feet, and objects|Avoid danger. |need it. |

| |the doors. |Pick up trash that may not |to self. |Hold playground equipment in |Seek help when needed. |

| |Stay in line. |be yours. |Greet and respond to people. |your hands. |Allow others to pass. |

| | | |Be aware of new faces in our |Be aware of your surroundings. |Say ’Excuse me.” |

| | | |school. | | |

|Cafeteria |Wash hands. |Walk to your table in an |Keep hands, feet, and objects|Keep food on your tray. |Allow others to sit with |

| |Face forward when in line. |orderly fashion. |to yourself. |Clean up. |you. |

| |Listen for instructions from|Eat your meal in a timely |Sit with both feet on the |Tell an adult about spills. |Seek help when needed. |

| |an adult. |manner. |floor. |Go to assigned area after | |

| | |Use indoor voices. |Face the table. |eating. | |

| | | |Say “Please” and “Thank You”.| | |

| | | |Talk to the person next to | | |

| | | |you. | | |

|Playground |Patiently wait for signal to|Use time wisely. |Play fair. |Ask permission to leave |Follow rules of the game. |

| |go out and to come in. |Engage in active play. |Be a good sport. |playground. |Include others. |

| |Use toilet and drink water |Cooperate with one another. |Use kind words and actions. |Stay within boundaries. |Seek help when needed. |

| |before going out and before | | |Be a problem solver. |Show self- control. |

| |returning to class. | | |Take care of and use equipment | |

| | | | |correctly. | |

|Restroom |Use toilet during recess and|Always wash your hands |Wait your turn. |Ask permission. |Seek help when needed. |

| |before class. |before leaving. |Give privacy. |Flush toilet. |Keep area clean and dry. |

| | | |Close the stall door. |Wash hands. | |

| | | |Use indoor voices. |Throw trash. | |

| | | | |Go back to class on time. | |

|Bus |Have all items ready to go |Patiently wait in line. |Patiently wait while others |Follow directions. |Seeks help when needed. |

| |home. |Look for a seat. |look for a seat. |Stay in your seat at all times. |Offer an available seat. |

| | | |Use kind words and actions. |Please do not eat. |Pick up trash. |

| | | |Keep hands and feet to |Use indoor voices | |

| | | |yourself. | | |

STUDENT ATTENDANCE (Board Policy 411) – electronic attendance documents provided on your flash drive.

Every teacher is responsible for keeping an accurate Student Daily Attendance Register inclusive of student tardy for each class (Reading, Language, Math, Chamoru, etc.). The office will provide each teacher an Attendance Folder at the beginning of each year for homeroom attendance. Every student must have a written note each time he/she is absent from school. Discuss with the students that a note from home is required after an absence. Upon receiving the note, please make a notation of excused or unexcused on the attendance card. Keep the absent and tardy excuse notes for your records. Keep the notes until the end of the school year; they may be placed in the student’s cum.

Use these proper codes when marking attendance cards:







Territorial Law for all students’ ages 5-16 requires attendance at school. Failure to attend school seriously interferes with schoolwork. In order to keep records straight when TRUANT cases are followed through for court referrals, it is of utmost importance that accountability is emphasized.

Attendance procedures are implemented with accuracy before court intervention. The Juvenile Court not only penalized parents for negligence of reporting but also school personnel. You will be in non-compliance with the attendance procedures.

As a fail-safe, double check system, the classroom teacher should monitor attendance recording. The record book issued by the school should contain the attendance and tardy information maintained by the classroom teacher.

If a student is absent for more than three (3) days, it is your responsibility to contact the home by using emergency contact numbers made available to the school. The Parent Family Outreach Program is available, in the main office with Computer Operator in the main office. Teacher attempts before referral to truancy is recommended by the courts. The teacher must maintain communication with the parents. The teacher must keep a log of phone calls, or notes, or meetings with the parents on file – page 15.

Unexcused Absences

Unexcused absences are absences that occur for the following reasons:

- truancy

- baby sitting

- parental neglect

- lice – if sent home by the nurse and still out on the 3rd day

- helping at a party or attending a rosary

Please follow these procedures when addressing unexcused absences: (The Office Truancy Referral Form packet will be provided for future reference).

3rd Unexcused Absence – Teacher will call and / or send a note home. Conference with Student, refer to the Parent Family Outreach worker (PFO) (if needed), truancy notice acknowledged and sent home. Record these dates on the OTRF. Inform the parent that after the 6th unexcused absence, a mandatory meeting with the administrator will be required.

6th Unexcused Absence – Referral to the administrator. A Mandatory Conference with the Administrator and parent. Student placed on school attendance contract, referral to the counselor and PFO (as needed), and truancy notice acknowledged and sent home. Record these dates on the OTRF. Informs parent after the 9th unexcused absence a meeting with the Truancy Officer will be scheduled.

9th Unexcused Absence – Meeting with truancy officer will be scheduled. Student placed on school attendance contract, referral to the school psychologist and PFO (as needed), and truancy notice acknowledged and sent home. Record these dates on the OTRF. Informs parent after the 12th unexcused absence a referral will be made to the School Attendance Officer.

Informs parent that after the 12th unexcused absence, a referral to the court / truancy officer will be made.

12th Unexcused Absence – Referral to the Truant Officer to be processed for a court appearance.***********Use attached form to log attendance contacts (pg. 14) and submit with Student Attendance Referral Form.

Beyond 12 Unexcused Absences – A written statement from the teacher explaining failure to address Habitual truancy status. A STUDENT’S TRUANCY REFERRAL FORM FOR UNEXCUSED ABSENCES MUST ACCOMPLANY THE STUDENT’S REPORT CARDS.

Excused Absences

School attendance is very important. A student may be excused for legitimate reasons such as:

- serious illness (quarantine)or death of an immediate family member;

- court or medical appointments;

- natural disaster (typhoon, earthquake, etc.);

- failure of bus transportation

Please note that these types of absences will be excused. Whenever the above occurs, the school must be notified by parent or guardian. After any absence, a written note must be submitted to the child’s teacher from the parent. Any absence without a note submitted will be considered unexcused.

Students absent for three (3) or more consecutive days require a doctor’s note explaining the reason for the absence. Teachers must ensure that they have communicated with parents, the school health counselor and the guidance counselor to ensure that all efforts are made to clear truancy concerns. Verbal communication must be made to respective administrators notifying of truancy concerns. Teachers should keep a log of all contacts made for documentation reasons.

Tardies – excessive tardies will hamper your child’s success. This may be grounds for a truancy and or Parent Family Outreach referral. Out of District students may be asked to dis-enroll to his / her district.

1. Three unexcused tardies – communicate in student’s planner your concerns.

2. Four – Six unexcused tardies – call the parents to inform them of your concerns.

(Document this communication using the log on page 14.)

3. Seven – Ten unexcused tardies – schedule a meeting with the Principal and the parent. Fill out a Parent Family Outreach form. (Please see the computer operator for this form.)

4. Eleven and above unexcused tardies – Fill out a second Parent Family Outreach referral and initiate a call to the truancy officer.


Prearranged absences can be arranged on a case by case basis. The required prearranged absences form is available in the office. All arrangements must be approved by the teacher first and then, the school administrator. Extended absences are highly discouraged.


It sometimes occurs that a child will be present for morning attendance reporting, but will then disappear during recess or lunch. Unless you are notified of the absence, it will be unnoticed. It will also be very embarrassing for you to be unaware that you have a child missing. To avoid this, please develop the habit of taking a head count after morning recess, after lunch, and after other transition periods of time. Immediately notify the office if a student cannot be accounted for.


Student: Teacher: Room #:

Mother: Contact Numbers: (H)

Father: (W)

Home Address:

|Date |Time |Contact Person |Comments |Initial |

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| | | | | |

| | | | | |

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| | | | | |

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Attendance Guidelines:

1. A student must be present each school day except for a legitimate reason.

2. He/She must be in class by 8:00 a.m. Arrival after 8:00 a.m. means the student is tardy and he/she must obtain a tardy pass from the office before being admitted into the classroom.

3. The child’s name, date, time and grade level will be documented.

4. When reporting to school after an absence, the student must submit to his/her teacher an excuse note from the parent or guardian on the day after the absence. Any absence without an excuse note will be considered an unexcused absence.

5. Students absent three or more consecutive days require a doctor’s note explaining the reason for the absence.

6. A student must be signed out from the office before leaving school at any time during the school day. (See Policy “Leaving Campus”)

7. Excessive tardies are not acceptable and a Parent Family Outreach representative and or truancy officer may be contacted to do a home visit.


PAYROLL – leave forms provided on you flash drive.

Sign-in sheets are located in the office. All employees are to SIGN IN EVERY MORNING BEFORE REPORTING TO THEIR CLASSROOM OR WORK SITE.

All Leave Forms are sent to the Payroll Office every non-payday Friday. You are responsible for properly documenting Leave Forms and submitting them to the timekeeper. Failure to do so will result in AWOL (Absence without Leave) status. The Principal may not approve your Back-In pay for failure to submit your leave form on time. For Federally Funded employees, correctly complete and submit the Time Distribution Report (TDR)on a daily basis. Upon timing in and out during the day, complete the TDR. These are to be attached to your timesheets. The TDRs are submitted to payroll with timesheets and leave forms.

The timekeeper will not look for you to complete your leave form or fill out a leave form in your absence. Our responsibility is to submit all completed payroll in a timely manner. If you fail to submit your leave form before the end of the pay period you will have to hand carry your leave form to the Payroll office.


Personal Leave is granted to each nine (9) month employee each school year. Personal Leave does not carry over into the next school year. Teachers are entitled to 24 hours or 3 days of Personal Leave.

Twenty-four (24) hours advance notice is required prior to taking Personal Leave. This leave may be denied for good cause such as the unavailability of substitutes. Leave taken to extend holidays require at least 48 hours advance notice. (Please keep this in mind toward the close of the school year). Personal leave shall not be taken at the first and last week of school.


Sick Leave is accumulated at the rate of four (4) hours each pay period. (26 pay period per year).

26x4 = 104

- 8 hours

= 13 days per year

Sick leave can be taken in ½ -hour increments. For amounts taken in excess of 3 days consecutively, a physician’s statement may be requested. Please consult the Board Union Contract –refer to Sick Leave.


Employees that are tardy 15 minutes after their assigned duty time, must sign leave for 30 minutes. Leave will be taken in ½ increments.


The Administrator and the Superintendent must approve all requests for Administrative Leave.

Comp Time does not apply to teaching positions.


Off-island Personal/Sick Leave requires approval from the Principal and the Deputy Superintendent of Educational Support and Community Learning. Submit a memorandum requesting for off-island leave to the Deputy Superintendent of Elementary School Community Learning via the School Principal. The memorandum should indicate reason for off-island leave. For Sick and Military leave, attach all supporting documents supporting your request. Submit completed Leave Application Form and Off-Island Leave Request with memorandum to the Principal for review and approval.


If you are to be absent for the day due to illness, call the Administrative Assistant at 734-3971 ext. 2903/4/5 after 6:30 a.m.. This will ensure that coverage or the area of supervision will be assigned. For teachers, prepare an emergency lesson plan in anticipation of the days that you will be absent. If you are going to be out for more than one day, contact the Administrative Assistant or Principal to inform him/ her of your situation. If the Administrative Assistant or Principal is not available when you call in, please make note of the name of the person that took your call.


Compensation/Flex time is allowed for permanent school staff (not to include faculty). Compensation time must be taken during the pay period. Compensation/Flex time is to be authorized by the Principal / Assistant Principal. Compensation time is usually initiated for unexpected / emergency situations made of the employee to be on duty and not part of the employee’s regular work hour schedule. This usually goes beyond the eight hour day or 40 hour work week. Flex time is an adjustment in a daily schedule due to an emergency situation, employee appointment, or tardiness.


School staff adjusted daily schedule for purposes of school manpower shortage in student/grounds supervision can be adjusted for emergency situations but must have an employee agreement to waiver any break (recess or lunch or both) for that day to be taken at the end of the day in essence late lunch or early work release.


If School Personnel is requesting to leave campus during working hours and there isn’t any approved advance leave request, approval must come from the Principal/Assistant Principal who supervises you (a leave form may be required). If it is an emergency, inform the office personnel and contact the Principal/Assistant Principal as soon as possible. Before leaving campus, sign out in the Employee’s Sign Out Log Book. If you are still on the clock/on duty, you must indicate destination/time of departure and return if returning for purposes of coverage. A leave form will be filled upon your immediate return to document the time that you were absent.


The students should never be left unattended in or outside the classroom. The teacher should make every effort to have someone notify the office if there is an emergency and it necessitates the teacher leaving the class. Other matters such as arranging for field trips, inquiry of a student, etc. should be handled before or after school, or if the teacher chooses during his/her free time and not during instructional hours. All necessary material for classroom use should be obtained or prepared in advance so that the teacher does not leave his/her class to seek for needed items. All requests will be issued within 24 hours after they are made. Students should not be sent around looking or requesting for needed materials at the last minute.


Immediately take Attendance . If a child is not present, call the Main Office to verify absence. Do not verify student attendance by word of mouth only. This is safety and liability issue.


The Parent Teacher Advisory Council supports the family-school partnership. This attendance is considered a professional activity and teacher participation is highly encouraged and recorded.


The attendance of conferences, workshops and meetings are part of a teacher’s duty day. At the very least, teachers must wait to depart school grounds fifteen (15) minutes after pupils are dismissed. However, important meetings that relate to student or program needs are part of the teachers’ responsibility, therefore, teachers must attend these meetings.


P.C. LUJAN WEBSITE – This website was created as a portal to our educational community in an effort to be transparent and better inform our stakeholders of our efforts. Please visit the website at , click on links and then pc lujan or


On-going communication is vital to school operations and student learning. Therefore, a Weekly Electronic Bulletin will be issued to the faculty and staff. You are expected to read this document on a weekly basis as it will contain pertinent information regarding deadlines and school related activities. All faculty and staff are expected to have a GDOE email account. If you do not have one, please see the Administrative Assistant as soon as possible.

PARENT NEWSLETTERS will be disseminated monthly or as needed to keep the lines of communication open with our stakeholders.

Yearly School Calendar has been created to guide you through out the school year. Items such as the submission of the summative, formative and other related topics will be provided in advance for you to plan accordingly.

Professional Learning Communities / Grade Level Meetings / Binders will be conducted on a daily basis within your grade level. The main topic must always be student learning and the cycle of improvement. In your binders please document at least one meeting per week. The binder will be turned in at the end of the month for review to the Principal. Please refrain from documenting fundraising events and field trips, these are not necessarily student learning focal points.

The Principal will call for PLC / Grade Level Meetings as needed.

FACULTY and SPECIAL Meetings As per the Board Union Contract

1. - 5.H.1.b. Teachers will be required to attend a maximum of ten (10) regular faculty meetings a year and no meeting will exceed one (1) hour. The agenda shall be distributed to faculty members one (1) day in advance. The agenda for the meeting may include subjects submitted by the faculty members at least two (2) school days in advance. Announcement of the meeting must be made at least one (1) week in advance unless the meeting is regularly scheduled. Therefore, should you not be able to attend as per the contract, you may be required to sign leave. The majority of the teachers voted to have the meetings for SY 2012-2013 on the first Thursday of every month.

2. - 5.H.2. Special Meetings

The Principal may call special faculty meetings as needed. No formal agenda is

required, but meetings are limited to a single topic. Meetings shall be thirty (30)

minutes or less. Teachers shall not be required to attend more than three (3) special

faculty meetings per semester, unless the Principal and steward agree otherwise.


It is expected that you keep a communication log to strengthen the parent-teacher relationship and document the most crucial components of student achievement and challenges.


All visitors must report to the Main Office and sign in. A valid form of ID is required before proceeding to your designated area. The ID will be held and a visitor’s pass issued, upon return of the pass, the ID will be returned. –Only authorized visitors are allowed. If you see anyone on campus that is not Faculty or Staff, please inquire as to the presence on our school campus and ask for their visitor’s pass.

All visits to the classroom must have the School Administrator’s approval. This is to ensure the safety of students and prevent instruction disruption. All visitors must have a Visitor’s pass.


Incoming calls will be answered in the office and should be limited to official business only. Teachers will not be called to the phone during school hours unless for emergency reasons. Messages will be placed in your box. Should there be a problem or concern, please see administration. Personal calls should be made during non-instructional hours.

XEROXING / LAMINATING (School Year / Summer School / DEED)

GFT Contract pg.32 – 5.H.8 – Teacher workrooms or work areas will be provided at teach school and shall be smoke free. The department shall provide duplicating services at each worksite such that teacher will have instructional materials duplicated within twenty four hours.

In an effort to Go Green and ensure that the troubleshooting with the Xerox Company is kept at a minimum, this SOP will guide you accordingly.


1. Fill out Xerox / Copying Folders prior to submission. Folders will be distributed to each teacher.

2. Requests to copy will be made within 24 hours.

3. You will be issued 3000 copies per quarter.

4. All finished copied items will be placed in your box.

5. Review all copied material, should there be any discrepancies, please see Ms. Marissa.

6. If you did not receive your request within 24 hours please see the Principal immediately.


1.) Please submit your flash drive or email your document to Ms. Marissa to copy.

2.) Requests will be made within 24 hours.

C. SCHOOL AIDE COPIER ASSIGNMENTS – (Alternate – Marissa Castro or Cil Benavente)

1. Ana Iriarte – Support Programs

2. Barbara Guerrero – Kinder and First

3. Lil Unchangco – Second and Third

4. Liz Pinzon – Fourth and Fifth

5. Marissa Castro – Summative / CFAs / Tests

C. Lamination

1. Commercial bought items – 6 yards

2. Teacher made materials – 10 yards

3. Request must be made 24 hours in advance. Subject to availability of film.


The Division of Curriculum and Instruction of the Guam Department of Education has provided the Adopted Content Standards and Performance Indicators for all of the mandated subject areas in the past. As of February of 2012, the Department has also adopted the Common Core State Standards- (provided on your flash drive) to better streamline the expectations of what all students should learn. Based on the GDOE Content Standards and Performance Indicators in conjunction with the Common Core State Standards, each Grade Level will collaboratively merge the two curricular documents of Reading, Language Arts and Math to better inform our curriculum. Using this as a foundational baseline, common formative and summative assessments will be used to further gauge instructional progress. The data obtained at the end of the quarter will be documented and tracked to measure growth and further provide a guide as to the course of action to take for the remaining quarters.

Common Formative Assessment scored test documents are to be meticulously shredded and properly disposed of to maintain the validity of the student’s test scores. In the beginning of the school year, the pre-test is to be summarized and graphed to use as a foundational baseline to gauge at the end of the year. Then, at the end of the school year, the Summative Assessment data is to be summarized in your grade level (how many students made the benchmark) and passed on to your respective grade chairperson. In turn, that grade level / peer coach will pass it on to the receiving peer coaches.

Quarterly report card grades for English as a Second Language (ESL) and SPED students must be indicated in the teacher comments section if the student is serviced directly by the ESL Program. Notation must be made if the work has been modified.

GRADE BOOK / Lesson Plan Book / For Your Information Corner Each teacher will be issued a Grade and Lesson Plan Book to record the students’ daily marks. Your Grade and Lesson Plan Book should be kept legible, in order and up-to-date. Be sure that you are able to justify your students’ grades by averaging the scores on the grade book. At the end of the school year, the Grade and Lesson Plan Book will be submitted to the office. The administrators may call to review your grade and lesson plan book. Numerical percentage grades with letter grades are acceptable. Codes such as: Star (*), Minus (-), Plus (+), and other codes are not acceptable.

It is a requirement that you designate a corner in your classroom that is easily accessible for all stakeholders to view your completed lesson plan, cycle of improvement chart and other pertinent data you would like to display related to student progress.

GRADING PERIOD/Progress Reports

Report cards will be issued quarterly. A STUDENT’S TRUANCY REFERRAL FORM FOR UNEXCUSED ABSENCES MUST ACCOMPLANY THE STUDENT’S REPORT CARD. Every 5th week of the quarter, progress reports should be sent home to keep parents / guardians informed of how their child is doing. Parents /Guardians must review, sign and return the progress report, if not contact the parent. The teacher must keep it on file. (Make a copy of the progress / report card before you send it home). Special Education progress reports are due at the end of every quarter. These are to be made in triplicate, one for SPED’s main office, cum folder (to be filed by teacher or SPED aide) and for the parents/guardians.

*** Submit Progress and Report Cards in the folder provided to you with student’s names.

Any child who is in attendance from four to nine weeks should be issued a report card. From one to three weeks, issue a statement of student’s current accomplishment during that period and make reference to his/her previous grades.

GRADING SYSTEM (Board Policy 350)

Report Cards – These documents must be completed using the following guidelines below:

1. Numerical Score (%) / over the Letter Grade – example 98%/A

2. Reading Levels Indicated

3. Attendance Marked – If unexcused, evidence of interventions must be provided

4. Assessment Tool under the reading levels: For the mainstream – Reading Diagnostic and Content Standards and Performance Indicators

5. At the end of the school year, DO NOT average the Performance Levels.


The following key is used on Report Cards.

Example: 98% / A

A= 90-100 Excellent Work

B= 80-89 Above Average

C= 70-79 Average

D= 60-69 Below Average

F= 0-59 Unsatisfactory

For Kindergarten Character Development Grades:

M = Most of the time M=Most of the time

S = Sometimes / Developing Skills S = Sometimes / Developing Skills

/ = Not Evaluated Yet N = Improvement Needed

I = Improvement Needed

For Grades 1-5 Character Development Grades:

A=90% to 100% E = Excellent

B= 80% to 89% S = Satisfactory

C =70% to 79% N = Needs Improvement I

D = 60% to 69%

F= 59% and below


Child Study Team (CST) referrals should be conducted only after the classroom teacher has attempted all reasonable efforts to help a student and finds that appropriate adjustments have not occurred. Parents must be informed to assist with planned interventions prior to a Child Study Team referral.

Teachers must complete a CST packet before the scheduled meeting date and provide documents (work samples, performance standards results, assessment results, intervention data, etc.) to validate the referral. Any documents that supported the child in an attempt to address his / her deficiencies are to be submitted with the CST packet. Packets will be with the School Guidance Counselor. The packets being logged out will be documented and required to be filed in the student’s cum folder at the end of the school year. Also, filing of packets will be needed in order to clear at the end of the school year.

Initial Child Study Team referrals are to be submitted at the end of first quarter to the School Guidance Counselor. Student enrolled after first quarter will be scheduled for initial meetings during second quarter. CST information can be obtained via counselor’s office.

Teachers are accountable for student academic and behavioral progress. Teacher may request for assistance in completing a Child Study Team Packet if student(s) is/are not appropriately progressing. Teachers who fail to submit a Child Study Team packet for students who are not progressing may be liable for negligence of duty.

Child Study Team follow-up meetings will be held to review progress.

Maintain good records on your students.

Keep written notes on facts (incidents and dates) in case it becomes necessary to take action regarding one of your students. In the long run, your job becomes simpler and school administration can better support you when you can clearly and concisely report all pertinent information concerning the performance of one of your students.

Example of anecdotal remarks:

09/21 Consistently inattentive, unable to respond.

11/21 Did special report on South America, willing to do extra work.

12/04 Counseled for running in room and falling over chair. Had been warned previously.

02/21 Assignment repeatedly not done. Contacted parents to assist child.


** Board Policy #339 states that each child shall be placed where he/she will have the greatest opportunity to develop as a useful citizen in society. Generally, this means that a child should go from grade to grade in the usual fashion, unless by reason of chronological age or mental capacity and achievement that he/she is clearly misplaced.

Retention is a placement alternative that we as educators may consider after utilizing all other possible services to which the student has gained little or no success. At the same time, the possible retention or continuation of the present grade of a student shall be the decision of the student’s parent/guardians and the child study team. Each case is unique. Emotional, physical, mental, academic, behavioral, maturational and social growth developments are the major factors that will be the basis for the decision to retain or promote a child.

Documents/Anecdotes supporting academic, behavioral and achievement strengths and weaknesses should be presented by the student’s teacher and by any other support staff that instructs the child directly, (such as ESL, SpEd, Speech/Language, OT/PT, etc), or homebound teacher. The Guidance Counselor can provide achievement test results. The Guidance Counselor may do further Individualized Achievement Tests provided that parental permission to test is given. It is the teacher’s responsibility to inform parents/guardians of their child’s low academic achievement and behavioral progress as early as first quarter. As the school year proceeds, the teacher should continually consult with the parents. If the student shows slow progress or little/no improvement, the teacher is highly encouraged to submit a Child Study Team referral to discuss possible alternatives to help the child succeed in school. Assistance from other educational placement alternative services should be sought that include, but are not limited to ESL, SpEd, Peer Tutoring, Adult Volunteer Tutoring, after school tutoring, etc. It is recommended that the teacher review the student’s academic and Health Cumulative Folders and initially seek the assistance of the School Health Counselor to rule out any physical, physiological, neurological factors.

*The Child Study Team should include a School Administrator or designee, the Regular Classroom Teacher, the Reading Facilitator with Reading/Language/Math information, the Guidance Counselor, School Nurse, Special Education Teacher and other support faculty/staff.

The Administration cannot be expected to support a teacher’s “last minute” effort to retain a student. Possible/potential retention should be spotted by the end of Second Quarter. Following are the appropriate steps to proceed with your concern:

a. Express your concern to the parent as early as first quarter. (Verbal and Written form);

b. Review student’s Cumulative records and Health files;

c. Consult with Reading Coordinator, Reading, Language & Math Teachers;

d. Inform Administrator and submit a Child Study Team (CST) referral;

Teachers should be highly sensitive to the identification of students with academic difficulty, who have been consecutively passed on to the next grade. Our duty as educators is to prevent the potential of academic failure.


The Cumulative folders include the personal/legal and permanent academic/educational records of our students and are strictly overseen and maintained by our School Guidance Counselor. Teachers (who have a direct educational relationship) are expected to review the records of their students. The students’ cumulative folders are meant to be utilized to the best advantage of the child. The Board Policy 825, states “The Guam Public School System and/or School Administrators in charge of educational records will maintain an accurate record of all requests for it to disclose information from, or to permit access to a student’s educational records and information it discloses and access it permits.” In our P.C. Lujan Elementary community, any school personnel who wish to review a student’s folder must have a direct educational relationship to the student and any other person must have a legal relationship with the student. Students are allowed to review their records. Cumulative folders may be reviewed in the School Guidance Counselor’s Office throughout the school year and are updated as soon as parents/guardians and teachers submit new information (i.e. change of residence/contact numbers, legal documents, authorized persons for pick up, report cards of transferring students, etc…) At the closing of each school year, every classroom teacher and support faculty are expected to file exact/completed photocopies of Report Cards, Progress Reports, Disciplinary, Health, CST Packets and other related critical documents that provide evidence of the student’s progress to date.

Please inform the Guidance counselor of your request and properly check out each cum you wish to view. They are to be returned at the end of the day, cums are not allowed to go home.


School-wide Parent-Teacher Conferences are scheduled once a semester. However, teachers and parents are encouraged to set up individual conferences when the need arises during the school year. It is mandatory that you attend these conferences. Parent-Teacher Conference may be held with all teachers providing instructions.

It is advisable that you keep copies of all parental communications. At times, you may find that parents will not respond and a record of your efforts would be most beneficial. Utilize the Outreach Program Social Worker to contact parents.

When parental conferences are necessary, be prepared. Know the nature and extent of the difficulty and be able to state it specifically. You may request to have an administrator with you at these conferences.

Parent Teacher Conference Attendance Logs will be issued during Teacher Orientation Day. Submit these logs immediately after the parent conference for accountability purposes.


|Description Term: |Descriptor Code: |Issued Date: |

|LESSON PLAN POLICY |378 |September 03, 2004 |

| |Rescind: |Issued: |

Board Policy

Policy Statement

The Guam Education Policy Board, hereby, referred to as the “Board” recognizes that lesson plans provide a foundation for the effective delivery of instruction that ensures Students regardless of their assigned teacher receive the same content of instruction to consistently achieve at high levels of academic performance established by district and school level standards.

Classroom teachers shall be responsible for preparing daily written lesson plans consistent with the adopted curriculum, district content standards and performance indicators, national learning standards, and the standards reflected in the Professional Teacher Evaluation Program (PTEP). The length, style, and specifics of each lesson shall contain, at a minimum, the following components:

( Expected School wide Learning Results (ESLRs)

( Skills/Content Standards & Performance Indicators addressed

( Anticipatory set or effective grabber

( Instruction objectives

( Instruction strategies

( Methods of assessment

( Checking for understanding

( Guided practice

( Closure

( Modifications for students in need

( Textbooks/Materials/Resources used to support the lesson.

The school principal and or his/her designee are responsible for monitoring compliance with this policy, and rendering assistance to teachers as requested or needed. Lesson plans shall be readily available for review by the school administration and for the use of a substitute teacher.

Lesson plans shall serve to clarify and specify the successful student outcomes or achievement that may reasonably be expected following a segment of instruction. They shall contain elements to guide the teachers’ performance towards producing desired student outcomes and outline methods to determine if student outcomes have been achieve.

***** Please make visible in the classroom the condition, criteria and behavior of the lesson.

Adopted by the Guam Education Policy Board on August 18, 2004.

Substitute Feedback: Teacher/Substitute covering the class will provide feedback to the teacher on a School Substitute Feedback Form by the next class day. Feedback is to improve lesson planning and communication for teaching. If there are concerns about the lesson or feedback, speak to the source. Administrators will only get involved to resolve concerns. Feedback should be filed for reflection and record purposes and turned in at the end of the School Year with your Grade Book to be stored as an official school document.


Substitute Teacher: Date:

Absent Teacher: Grade: Room:

1. Lesson Plan provided: / / Yes / / No

2. Classroom Keys submitted / / Yes / / No

3. I covered the following:

3. Number of Student(s) absent: (Please write name(s) on back of this form).

Number of Student(s) tardy: (Please write name(s) on back of this form).


4. Behavior problems: (name and incident).


Signature of Substitute


Reminders to on-call substitutes:

1. If any problem should occur in the classroom at which you are unable to control, please

send a student to the office with a note concerning the problem. If problem is severe, seek closest teacher’s assistance.

2. During class time, NEVER leave students unattended. There should always be adult supervision.

3. During lunchtime, you must walk the students to the cafeteria, and after school, you

must also walk the students to the bus. Students are to be picked up at their designated waiting area and brought to class, in the morning, after recess, and after lunch.

4. Return this report to the Administrative Assistant in the office at the end of the day. A copy of this report will be given to the teacher.


Thank you for your cooperation. Ms. Germaine Iglesias



Field Trips ( Academic and Performance) (Board Policy 363) – forms provided on your flash drive.

1. Academic- a field trip of educational value that can’t be obtained within a classroom setting. It is based upon a course of study and is considered an extension of the learning experience.

2. Performance – is a field trip designed to provide an opportunity for band, choral, drama club, and other school groups to perform and exhibit the skills learned in school to the public. Movie Theater field trips are highly discouraged. These types of field trips may be considered after the SAT 10 at the end of the school year. Teachers requesting to see a movie must view the movie prior to submitting a request for proposal to ensure that the movie does not have any appropriate connotations that will cause controversy with our educational vision and mission.

General Guidelines

1. Submit your request two weeks in advance.

2. Inform the lunch clerk and cafeteria staff at least one week in advance so that those students’ lunches can be prepared.

3. Over the phone field trip authorizations are NOT allowed.

4. Behavior is not a reason a child should be denied the opportunity to go on a field trip. Plan accordingly and request that a parent or authorized adult accompany the child.

5. If parents do not wish to allow their child to attend the field trip and the amount of student is nine or less, you may make arrangements with another teacher. If the amount of students not allowed to attend is ten and above a teacher will have to stay behind.

6. Do not expect an aide to be assigned to your class on field trips.

7. If your student’s field trip form is not signed on the day of the field trip, it is your responsibility to resolve this issue. Do not send them to the office to use the phone for permission.

8. Bring all emergency contact numbers with you.

9. Provide the main office with an official head count on the day of the field trip and contact numbers.

10. Field trips that are requesting for movies that are PG rated require viewing of the movie prior to the field trip, notification and permission of the parent. Otherwise, this will not be allowed. This is necessary to ensure that the movie does not contain any inappropriate sexual or vulgar connotations that conflict with our vision and mission.

11. Water type field trips will require the approval of the Deputy Superintendent and Principal.


1. Ensure that all children attending the fieldtrip have a signed permission form.

2. Parent must be notified if their child is not attending the fieldtrip.

3. Fieldtrips should have an instructional value to it and should be an extension of what was learned in the classroom.

4. Fieldtrip request forms should be completed and submitted to School Administrator for approval at least 2 weeks in advance.

5. Fieldtrips, to the extent possible, should occur after the reading block.

6. Bussing arrangements should be made in advance. Teachers and staff will ride the bus with students.

7. Uniforms must be worn.

8. Attendance should be taken before bus departure, upon arrival, intermittently, and before departing fieldtrip site. Please ensure that you also do not have any students going on fieldtrip who should not be going.

9. Students must report to homeroom first for attendance.

10. Emergency contact numbers should be on hand (parents, school) to include medical information.

11. Letters going home to parents about the fieldtrip should be reviewed and approved by a school administrator (when applicable, letters should include if an extra snack, drink or money is needed).

12. Parent volunteers should be encouraged and solicited to assist with chaperoning. A PPD and police clearance must be provided. A list of volunteers should be provided to the office.

13. Teachers please coordinate with the lunch clerk and Sodexo Supervisor regarding the amount of packed lunches needed one week in advance. It is either everyone or no one receives a packed lunch. This is as a result of the FERPA law.


PROFESSIONAL TEACHER EVALUATION PROGRAM (PTEP) – Progress Report Forms are provided on you flash drive.

The Professional Teacher Evaluation Program (PTEP) is an assessment program designed to determine the quality of teacher performance in relation to a set of professional performance standards. For further information on the Professional Teacher Evaluation Program, you may check out the PTEP binder from the Principal’s Office. The Principal will schedule a pre-conference to discuss your evaluation program for the school year. A sign up sheet has been posted on the door starting August 17, 2012.

It is the teacher’s responsibility to read the PTEP and ask questions to increase the understanding of the expectations. The school administration will work with the teachers to make the evaluation process connect with every aspect relating to excellence in teaching.


The school administrators will be doing periodic informal observations during the course of the school year. These observations will be unannounced. Teachers will receive feedback on observations. The administrator conducting the classroom observation may request to see lesson plan book, record book, and content standards. Formal Observations will be pre-arranged between the teacher and administrator.



Professional involvement and accomplishments for school year 2012-2013:

1. Course(s) completed:

2. Workshop/training attended:

3. Professional Organization:

4. Community Involvement: (i.e.: Church involvement, I-Recycle, etc.)

5. Attended out of Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO) meetings for P.C.Lujan Elementary School.

6. Attended out of faculty meetings.

7. Attendance: out of 186 duty days.

8. Grade Level Chairperson (GLC) for Quarter.

9. Indicate GLC goals.

10. Did you achieve your goals? If no, please indicate reason(s).

11. List activities and/or tasks that you have been involved with and indicate if you held the chair, co-chair, secretary, treasurer, or member position. Please identify committee.

1. Additional comments:

Please submit your BRAG SHEET to Ms. Marissa by the end of May 2013. THIS WILL BE A PART OF YOUR END OF THE YEAR CLEARANCE.



Please refer to the request for classroom parties form to be submitted for approval by the Principal. In an effort to be in compliance, all food parties will be prohibited for this school year. Non-food parties may be allowed with proper notification.

Student Textbooks

Accountability will be enforced. For lost / damaged textbooks text books please issue the following contract to students when you issue any school textbooks. Their parent must acknowledge, sign and return by the next day after it is issued. Upon completion of this process, please file for your copy.

Use this form as a checklist in clearing a student and a way to hold parents accountable for lost / damaged textbooks. This will be a part of the teacher clearance process at the end of the school year.

| | | |

If a students loses a book, inform Ms. Marissa or Ms. Bobbie immediately so that the notice of lost book can be issued. This notice will include the amount needed to recover the textbook. Parents will be advised to keep their receipt in the event that they find the book, they can be reimbursed.


School Year 2012-2013

(Form provide on you flash drive)

Dear Parent/Guardian,

Your child has been issued the following textbooks with it’s corresponding textbook number. Should your child lose, or damage a book, as a parent you are obligated to replace the book so that GDOE can replenish it’s inventory. Please check the list and sign the form and return to the school A.S.A.P.

Child’s Name: Grade: Room #:


| | |Condition of Book | |

|Textbook |Publisher | |Book # |


|1. | | | | | | |

|2. | | | | | | |

|3. | | | | | | |

|4. | | | | | | |

|5. | | | | | | |

|6. | | | | | | |

|7. | | | | | | |

|8. | | | | | | |

|9. | | | | | | |

|10. | | | | | | |

|11. | | | | | | |

|12. | | | | | | |

|13. | | | | | | |

|14. | | | | | | |

|15. | | | | | | |

|16. | | | | | | |

I understand I will be responsible to pay for any lost books listed above and assigned to my child.

Parent: Signature: Date:

Administrative Assistant, Computer Operator, School Aides & Custodians


To schedule and provide adequate coverage for the school day and IEP, prepare and address payroll concerns, input requisitions, incremental paperwork, manage the office operations, maintain the fixed and textbook inventory, ensure that the lamination and copying services are being addressed within the stipulated deadlines, assist with the budget preparation, follow up on maintenance work requests in-house and at the maintenance department, manage the money committee, assume the duties of the Non- appropriated funds as the Treasurer and performs duties requested by the Administrators.


To address registration and withdrawal concerns, prepare and request for cum folders, facilitate the lunch program, assist with scheduling or I.E.P.s, truancy and parent family outreach referrals, power school data for discipline, NAF Book Keeper, alternate payroll clerk, and other related duties assigned by the Administration. Performs duties requested by the Administrators.


The first priority within the School Aides responsibilities is to supervise students at all times when they are not under the supervision of their teachers. Any and all other duties of the School Aide give way to their supervision of playgrounds. They share with the faculty the supervision of the children at all times anywhere on campus. Aides will keep students away from moving vehicles and unauthorized areas.

- When aides come to assist in a classroom, teachers should not leave the room.

- Aides must maintain a mature attitude with respectful language and dress appropriately.

- Teachers should not expect an aide to accompany their class on fieldtrips.

- Aides will perform other duties as directed by the Administrator.

The school administrator will inform the teacher when an aide gets temporarily re-assigned.


Aides may be assigned to assist in classrooms. The Kindergarten, ESL and Special Education classrooms have priority. When an aide is assigned to a room, refrain from having them:

1. Correct papers during instructional time.

2. Leave to do photocopying/duplicating for you.

3. Work with difficult students while teacher works with easy students.

Aides can assist with instruction. If you do not need an aide in your room, please notify the office in writing. They will be reassigned to areas they are needed.

If you need an aide to cover your class, you must get approval from the office.


- Custodians are responsible for maintenance and up keep of all facilities and grounds. Classroom should be cleaned on a daily basis.

- Communicate with the Principal / Assistant Principal if you are not satisfied with the service.

- A meeting will be held to discuss concerns with the Principal / Assistant Principal.

- Custodians will perform other duties as directed by Administration.


The School Guidance Counselor is a support faculty member who provides direct/supplemental assistance to the students, faculty/staff, administration and parents/guardians, to fulfill and enhance the adjustment and developmental needs of students so they can be contributing members of the school environment and community.

The SGC is not any one/student’s individual therapist; there are service providers in our community. Emphasis is placed on Pro-Active and Preventative counseling activities that encourage positive self esteem, promotes the understanding of self and others, and assist in developing an awareness of the importance of realizing and maintaining healthy interpersonal relationships. The mission of the established Guidance Program is to provide all students with the best possible opportunity for learning in order for them to gain the knowledge, values, and skills necessary to become competent citizens. If adequate personnel are provided, weekly guidance classes will be conducted, otherwise, quarterly activities will be scheduled. Topics such as Personal Safety Skills, Decision-Making Skills, Puberty Education, Self-Concept, Self-Awareness, Interpersonal Relationships, Communication skills, Career Exploration, to name a few, will be addressed. Crisis Intervention will be provided to students/families in need of immediate assistance or are in need of additional services. In this way, like all educators, the School Guidance Counselor can have a positive influential impact on all students.

Your School Guidance Counselor will:

• Work with individual or groups

• Conduct classroom guidance activities

• Coordinate, conduct, review and interpret achievement test results;

• Help children get along with others;

• Assist the faculty, staff, parents/guardians or other students to help a particular student, including making appropriate referrals to other agencies;

• Provide professional literature pertaining to the intellectual, emotional, social and/or physical development of a child to parents, faculty, staff, administration;

• Perform related duties as assigned by school Principal/Assistant Principal


The nurse works the same hours as a teacher.

All students who are referred to the nurse must have a health card/referral form with them. These health cards serve as a log of all the child’s visits to the nurse’s office. Teacher will keep health cards in secure place. The health cards will be returned to teacher via the student or in your box. It will include the child’s name, health problems, and hearing or vision problems. Health cards will be filed in the student’s Health Record at the end of the school year.

The nurse performs health screening, lice checks, and coordinates hearing screening and dental exams annually with Public Health.

The nurse dispenses prescription medication during school hours. In order for medication to be given to the student, it will require a written permission by the physician and have a properly labeled bottle.

No over the counter medication will be given without a written consent authorization of parents/guardians and with a properly labeled bottle.

All medication is to be stored in the nurse’s office. In the nurse’s absence another staff member will be designated to administer prescription medication only. Teachers should not administer medication.

The nurse will investigate student referrals related to health problems, vision, hearing, dental, and hyperactivity, physical and emotional difficulty.

The nurse also serves as a resource person for coordination with other agencies and community resources. The nurse will monitor the students’ health and hygiene.


All students entering the Guam Public Schools must have a physical examination and Tuberculin Skin Test done within the last twelve (12) months. Shot (Immunization) records must also be provided. Immunization must be completed and up to date.


Immunization needed by children include:

MMR Measles, Mumps, Rubella

MMR#2 for student in grades K-1, provided the second dose was received no sooner than the fourth birthday.

DPT Diphtheria/Tetanus/Pertusis

TD Tetanus and Diphtheria

TOPV Trivalent Oral Polio Vaccine

PPD Pure Protein Derivative

Students will not be accepted for registration unless an updated immunization can be provided, as well as proof of a completed or soon to be completed physical form. The school health counselor will follow up on the incomplete physical examinations.

Each student should have a personal Health Information Card completed by his/her parents. This card contains such information as the student’s medical history, emergency contact numbers, etc. It is important that the school is informed whenever information of the Health Card changes, especially contact numbers. We want to be able to reach parents should an emergency arise.



NOTE: Teacher is to keep this card in the classroom and send it with the child to the nurse when needed. Please fill out form before sending child to health room. At the end of school year, this card is to be filed in the health record.

Student: Grade: ______Room: Teacher:


HEALTH PROBLEMS: [ ] Glasses [ ] Allergies [ ] Hearing [ ] Skin [ ] Pediculosis

Abbreviations: H – Headache V – Vomiting S- Stomach T – Temperature L – Lice C - Cold


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Students will receive library services at least once a week. If a student loses his/her library book, they cannot borrow another book until the lost book is returned or paid for.

Please remind your students that time in the library are to be used for reading, library activities, instruction, or assignments.

A log will be created to monitor visitors attendance and purpose of library usage.


It is the policy of the Department of Education (DOE) to maintain learning and working environment that is free from sexual harassment. The Board of Education (BOE) prohibits any form of sexual harassment.

It shall be a violation of this policy for any student, teacher, support staff, administrator or other school personnel of the DOE to harass a student, teacher, support staff, administrator or other school personnel through conduct or communication of a sexual nature as defined by this policy. (For purposes of this policy, school personnel includes school board members, school employees, agents, volunteers, contractors or persons subject to the supervision and control of the DOE).

It shall be a violation of this policy for any student, teacher, support staff, administrator or other school personnel of the DOE to inflict, threaten to inflict, or attempt to inflict sexual violence upon any student, teacher, support staff, administrator or other personnel.

The Department of Education shall act to investigate all complaints, formal or informal, oral or written, of sexual harassment, and to discipline or take appropriate action against any student, teacher, support staff, administrator or other school personnel who is found to have violated this policy.


Any person who believes he or she has been the victim of sexual harassment by a student, teacher, support staff, administrator or other school personnel of the department, or any person with knowledge or belief of conduct which may constitute sexual harassment toward a student, teacher, support staff, administrator or other school personnel should report the alleged acts immediately to an official designated by this policy. The department encourages the reporting party or complaint to use the report forms available from the office or division within available from the department. Oral reports shall be considered complaints as well.


P.L. 20-209 Guam’s Law on Child Abuse/Neglect (Rev. 8/90)

Any person who, in the course of his/her employment, occupation or practice of his/her profession, comes into contact with children shall report when he/she has reason to suspect on the basis of his/her medical professional, or other training and experience that a child is an abused or neglected child. Such persons include, but not limited to: school administrators, teachers, guidance counselor, health counselors, custodians and school aides. No person may claim privileged communications as basis for his/her refusal of failure to report suspected child abuse or neglect. Such reports shall be made immediately by telephone to either Child Protective Services (CPS – Tel #475-2572/2617/2653/2609 & FAX #472-6649/477-0500) or to the Guam Police Department and followed up in writing to CPS within 48 hours after the oral report. Persons who are required to report are required to reveal their names; however, their identity will be treated with the utmost confidentiality and they shall have immunity from any liability, civil or criminal, that might arise from such action. Failure to report is a misdemeanor and is punishable by confinement for a term not exceeding six months, by a fine of not more than $1,000.00, or by both. A second or subsequent conviction shall be a felony in the third degree… Employees of the Department of Education are now required to report suspected cases of child abuse/neglect directly to either Child Protective Services or the Guam Police Department employees, (while reporting to their supervisor) shall not make such reports to their supervisor (e.g. principal) with the expectation that the supervisor will forward the report to Child Protective Services…nor can they ask others including their supervisor, to make such a report on their behalf. Failure to report directly makes the person who suspects the abuse or neglect personally liable and subject to the penalties listed above. Therefore, no one can interfere with employees who report suspected child abuse/neglect in accordance with this law (Memo, 10/90).

Type of referral: Physical Abuse Sexual Abuse

Physical Neglect Abandoned

Medical Neglect Education Neglect

Emotional Neglect Other (Specify)

“…Child abuse/neglect can only be committed by someone responsible for the welfare of the child, e.g. father, mother, guardian, foster parent, et cetera, thus providing the child with food, clothing and shelter. Consequently, an uncle who beats a nephew, or a stranger who molests a child, or a school employee who assaults a student, does not commit child abuse; they commit criminal assault (Memo, 10/90).”

Forms may be obtained in the Main Office, Counselor’s Office and Nurse’ Office. Any further questions can be addressed to the School Administrators, School Guidance or School Nurse. It is your responsibility to drop the form off to the Child Protective Services on the same day. Please provide a courtesy copy to the Principal.




How a student is identified as ESL?

The Language Assessment Scale (LAS) is the instrument used by Guam Public School System to determine the level of the student’s oral language proficiency. The LAS test will be administered to the following students when:

a. A student who’s Home Language Survey (HLS) contains a language other than English.

b. Any student is recommended for testing by a regular classroom teacher.

c. Any other student whose English proficiency is questionable.

Determining ESL Eligibility A student who meets the following criteria is identified as limited English Proficient and thereby entitled to ESL services:

Levels based on the LAS Orals Test Level-0/1 Non English Speaker Level-2/3 Limited English Speaker Level-4/5 Proficient English Speaker

Notification of Parent/Guardian A notice will be sent home informing the student’s Parent/Guardian that the child is eligible for ESL Transition Room. Once the parent signs, we will place the child for services.

Exemption from the Program

A. LAS Orals Post – Test

Students may exit the ESL Transition Class if:

1. LAS Post-Test score is Level 4 or 5

2. Most recent grades are all “C” or above at appropriate grade level.

3. ESL teacher recommends

B. Reading/Writing Test

Students in 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade who have scored a Level 4 or 5 in the LAS Oral Test will be administered a Reading/Writing Test. Results from this test will identify the student’s competency level.

FEP = Fluent English Proficient LEP = Limited English Proficient

Based upon the students level:

FEP = The student is no longer in need of ESL services. LEP = The student will continue ESL services to enhance his/her Reading/Writing skills.


Every child with a disability has an inalienable right to be educated in the education setting most appropriate for the child. The most appropriate setting is one that can be described as the “least restrictive environment”.

Students identified as in need of Special Education services will receive the services as indicated in their Individual Education Program (IEP) as determined by the IEP team.

Regular classroom teacher and Special Education teacher must provide to the Committee current documentation on student progress (strengths and weaknesses) with student’s work samples and grades during the meeting. Otherwise, meetings may be rescheduled or/and decisions may be pending evidence of student work. If you will be absent on the day of the meeting, it is your responsibility to submit the documentation to the CRT.

All teachers should come prepared to IEP Meetings with documents on student’s progress. Consult CRT/SGC for Child Student Team Referral.


The Chamorro Program services all students. Chamorro Teachers follow a Schedule when reporting to the classrooms. As teachers, they cover the Chamorro Curriculum mandated by the Guam Public School System.


GATE services are provided to students identified as Gifted. Please review the information below, to assist you in determining if you would like to refer a child for GATE testing.


PRESCHOOL to 8th Grade


A. Classroom teachers and parents may refer students to the GATE program through the GATE resource teachers of the DOE GATE section. If you are unsure whether to make a referral, talk with the GATE Teacher.

B. Upon referral, the student’s classroom teacher must locate the child’s most recent SRA, SAT or other achievement test total battery scores. All students in grade K-8 must have minimum of 80 percentile using national norms for the total battery. If the percentile score is below 80, no further procedures will be taken.

C. If the achievement test scores meet the minimum requirements as listed above, the regular classroom teacher must then complete and submit to the GATE teacher the following:

1. The student’s achievement test score.

2. A teacher rating scale form.

3. Parents’ permission form for testing.



Students may qualify for the program through consideration of students potential as well as demonstrated abilities. A Rating Scale based upon classroom observation as well as standardized measures such as the Stanford Achievement Test, PIAT, SRA, and individual intelligence test such as the Raven Progressive Matrix, Wechsler Intelligence Test, Stanford Binet Intelligence Test, and the Slosson Intelligence Test are utilized for this purpose. At least one achievement test, one intelligence test and the Raven will be administered to all children testing for the program.


All data is compiled and placed on a matrix scale for evaluation.


Students who meet the criteria described above will then be placed into the GATE program for probationary evaluation period of 5 to 18 weeks. Those students who successfully complete the evaluation period will be admitted into the GATE program.


A. All students admitted into the program are constantly subject to review during the school year. At any time should the parents, regular classroom teacher or GATE resource teacher feel that a child is incorrectly placed in the program, a parent-teacher conference may be called to discuss the matter. If an acceptable decision cannot be agreed upon the matter will then be referred to the screening committee.

B. Each child’s participation in the GATE Program will be evaluated four times a year. The pupil’s grade in K-5 will not receive letter grades but will receive a quarterly student evaluation and a portfolio assessment along with his/her report card. Pupils in middle school will receive a letter grade, which will be included on the regular report card as part of their major content subject area.

C. In addition to the child’s individual evaluation, the GATE program also conducts a yearly self-evaluation from the students, parents, evaluation are used to initiate improvements within their program to better meet the needs of the students.

D. If a child is having difficulty keeping up with regular class work, a special meeting may be called to decide if child could take time off from GATE. For more information, please see the GATE teacher.

Cancellation of Special Program Classes (GATE, Chamorro, ESL, SPED etc.)

The cancellation of classes conducted in these programs must be approved in advanced by the Principal. All mandated classes will be made up. In the event the classes coincide with a curricular related school wide event such as student assemblies, achievement ceremonies, etc. these events will be in lie of the mandated classes.

Non – Appropriated Student Activities


Germaine M. Iglesias……..Principal

Marissa Q. Castro………………..School Treasurer

Cecilia L.G. Salas……………….Bookkeeper

Vera P. Elliott…………..Cash Custodian

Student Money Committee

➢ As per PL 26-26 and BP 715 A Student Activities Money Committee must be established every school year.

➢ The Student Activities Money Committee shall oversee the receipts and expenditures of the school activities’ money.

➢ The committee shall make final approval of all expenditures in excess of one hundred dollars ($100.00) from the student activities fund, etc.

➢ Per Public Law 26-26 the Money Committee are as follows:

Deborah Aguon Julie Taitague Kimberly Torres Ann Marie Trusso

Student Organization

A school-sponsored organization is an organization of students of a school which has been approved by the Principal. Money-raising activities or soliciting of funds by school-sponsored organizations need only the approval of the Principal.

Memorandum of Understanding

A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is a document required to be filled out and signed by all the school’s clubs and organization’s activity sponsors/advisors. Each student activity club should have a sponsor / advisor approved by the Principal. This individual is responsible for ensuring that all monies and records of the activity accounts fund raising events are properly controlled, receipted and deposited with the School’s Treasurer. This document is for the accountability of all finds collected and use by the activity account or club. The MOU form is available with the Administrative Assistant / School Treasurer.

Account Application and Planned Activity Forms

An Account Application and Planned Activities Form must be filled out along with the MOU and submitted to the Treasurer. Upon written approval of the Principal; the Teachers may appeal for funds, sell items and use school property of events. All proceeds must be used to benefit the students here at PCLES. A fund raising activity request must be submitted 10 days prior to the event.

Activity Request Forms

➢ School Committees, School Organizations, Grade Levels, Teachers, and Staff must submit a “Request for Approval to Conduct Fund Raising Activity Form” to the Principal.

➢ Request must be submitted at least five (10) days in advance.

➢ The request form for approval to conduct fund raising activities must indicate the following: submission date, individual(s), or organization name and account, fund raising dates and the specific purpose of the fundraiser.

➢ Upon approval of the School Principal, the approved Request form is given to the School Treasurer. The School Treasurer makes 2 copies: Original, School Treasurer files in NAF Binder, 1 copy to Activity Coordinator, and the other copy to file under Activity Account.

➢ Fundraising authorization will remain valid until rescinded by the School Principal or the disbanding of the Organization.

➢ Principal is the ONLY one who can authorize fund raising activities

School Activity Fund

1. The School Treasurer is responsible for filling out the Bank Deposit Slips for all monies received.

2. The School Treasurer prepares G4S Receipt for Armor services pick up. NOTE: All monies are to be deposited the same day it is received by the School Treasurer and no later than the next school business day.

3. Monies will be deposited to the Bank by an authorized P.C. Lujan personnel designated from the Principal. Accountability is vital.

4. Individual(s) or Organizations will be charged the “handling fee” if any. Fees will be deducted from the respective accounts. The fee charged is $45.00.

Transfer of Funds

1. Funds may be transferred from one account to another for a purpose of the health, safety and welfare of the students at P.C. Lujan Elementary School.

2. Authorized signatures are the responsible teacher/sponsor/advisor of the account, School Treasurer and Principal.

3. Principal is the only one who can authorize the transfer of funds with a purpose within that same school year.

What is ALLOWED to be Purchased

1. Supplies and materials for students to use or take home (consumables).

2. Snacks for students only (Please see approved Snacks & Beverages listing from Food Services).

3. Instructional games for student’s use that will assist in student lessons.

4. Certificates, awards, trophies or medals.

5. Certificate parchment or card stock paper.

6. VCR/DVD & P.E. Equipment – only if fundraised for the purpose to purchase equipment.

7. Fieldtrip expenses: for student’s and advisors as per Department of Education regulations.

What is NOT allowed to be Purchased : any item that was not fundraised.

Any item that has been budgeted for:

➢ Computer supplies or equipment, Teacher resource materials, Teacher supplies. (ie: stapler, scissors, sheet protectors)



1. Activity Sponsor / Advisor: Must make an inventory listing of all equipment purchased by NAF.

2. Provide a copy of equipment inventory listing to Book-keeper and Administrative Assistant for filing.

3. Inventory listing becomes property of the school and is listing on the school’s Fixed Assets listing.

4. Provide up-dated equipment listing to Book-keeper and Administrative Assistant at the end of every month.

5. Any NAF equipment missing must be reported to GPD and a written statement from Activity sponsor or Advisor.

6. Any NAF equipment damaged must be reported to the Principal with a written statement from Activity sponsor or advisor.

7. Any NAF equipment may be shared amongst grade level or where it is needed.

8. All NAF equipment must be turned in to the library at the end of the school year for security purposes.


KINDERGARTEN – Fifth/ ED/ DHH/ SPED/ Special Programs– Monies generated from fundraising will defray the costs for:

➢ Promotional Activities such as, trophies, certificates, gifts, decorations, student lunches, cap & gowns and venue.

➢ Fieldtrips – Students fare for traveling, passenger, food and activities .

➢ Instructional Materials: construction paper, crayons, pencils, paper, and other needed instructional supplies needed for student use.

➢ Equipment: to provide new technologies for our students / teachers learning environment to achieve higher learning standards for students to succeed in learning.

➢ Incentives: to provide students incentives to build good self-esteem, promoting parental involvement by rewarding student(s) whose parent(s) attends school activities throughout the school year.

➢ End of the Year Celebration – ie: Water Park Day

CHAMORRO – Monies generated from fundraising will defray the costs for:

➢ Chamorro Month Activities - Rai and Raina Contest

➢ Trophies, certificates, and gifts for student(s) participating in the Contest; decorations

➢ Fieldtrips – Students fare for traveling, passenger, food and activities

➢ Instructional Materials: construction paper, crayons, pencils, paper, teaching materials, and other needed instructional supplies needed for student success in learning

➢ Equipment: to provide new technologies for our students / teachers learning environment to achieve higher learning standards for students to succeed in learning

➢ Incentives: to provide students incentives to build good self-esteem, promoting parental involvement by rewarding student(s) whose parent(s) attends school activities throughout the school year

➢ End of the Year Celebration– ie: Water Park Day

VENDING MACHINE – Monies generated from machine will defray the costs for:

➢ Students Awards & Promotional Activities such as, trophies, certificates, gifts, and decorations.

➢ Instructional Materials: construction paper, crayons, pencils, paper, teaching materials, and other needed instructional supplies needed for student success in learning.

➢ Equipment: to provide new technologies to our students learning environment to achieve higher learning standards for students to succeed in learning

➢ P.E. Equipment: to provide equipment for students to promote exercising in a healthy way.

➢ Incentives: to provide students incentives to build good self-esteem, promoting parental involvement by rewarding class with “classroom room snack party” with 90% parental involvement .

➢ Fund Shortfall

Leadership Team Members

Administrators - Germaine Iglesias / Geraldine Pablo

Julie Perez – Accreditation Chairperson

Cil Villaverde – Accreditation Chairperson

Focus Group 1 – Organization for Student Learning

Elizabeth Umagat – Chairperson

Eimee Delgado - Chairperson

Focus Group 2 – Curriculum and Instruction

Ann Marie Trusso –Chairperson

Annette Payne –Chairperson

Focus Group 3 – Student Personal and Academic Growth

Julie Taitague – Chairperson

Deborah Aguon – Chairperson

Focus Group 4 – Resource Management

Geraldine Pablo – Chairperson

Marissa Castro – Chairperson


Grade Level Representatives

(*Dual Roles)

Kinder: Eden Quitoriano

1st: Myleen Ramos

2nd: Sonya Quinata

3rd: *Ann Marie Trusso

4th: *Debbie Aguon

*Julie Taitague

*Annette Payne

5th: Kimberly Torres

Support Staff: *Liz Umagat, SpEd

Eimee Garcia, GATE

Vera Elliott, Guidance Counselor

*Marissa Castro, Office Staff

Carol Cepeda, Chamorro (member by default, replacing Ms. Yamashita)

WASC School Improvement Plan Goals

SY 2012 to 2015

Goal 1 (Curriculum Delivery): Engage in a school wide curriculum mapping process that includes a spiral progression of skills, essential learning outcome alignments, and assessments, consistent throughout all grade levels to improve student learning.

Goal 2 (Curriculum Delivery): Improve access and utilization of a technology based curriculum to support learning that will prepare students for 21st century work skills such as critical thinking and problem solving.

Goal 3 (School Environment): To improve a school-wide systematic framework that builds a conducive, positive, healthy and safe environment that supports learning.

Goal 4 (Home-School-Community Partnership): To promote the success of all students by collaborating with families and community members by addressing their diverse needs and interests, and mobilizing community resources.


7:00 a.m. Gates Open / *Office opens* / Reporting time for Staff

7:00 a.m. - 7:45 a.m. Breakfast for Students

7:45 a.m. Reporting time for teachers

7:50 a.m. Teachers Pick-Up Students

Classrooms Open / Attendance

8:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. 1st Instructional Block (K-5th)


9:30 a.m.- 9:45 a.m. Primary Recess (K-2nd)

9:45 a.m.- 10:00 a.m. Intermediate Recess (3rd-5th)


9:45 a.m. - 10:45 a.m. 2nd Instructional Block (K-2nd)

10:00 a.m. - 11:15 a.m. 2nd Instructional Block (3rd-5th)


10:45 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Primary Lunch Recess (K - 2nd)

11:15 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Intermediate Lunch Recess (3rd -5th)


11:30 a.m. -2:00 p.m. 3rd Instructional Block (K-2nd)

12:00 p.m. -2:00 p.m. 3rd Instructional Block (3rd-5th)

1:30 p.m. Gates Close (Entrance / Exit/ Walkers)

2:00 p.m. Warning Bell for Dismissal

*SPED, Pre-School, & D.H.H.

2:00 p.m. Dismissal (K-5th)

2:10 p.m. Dismissal of Busses (1st Trip)

2:15 p.m. All Gates open for *Car –Riders / Walkers

Teachers Dismissal

2:30 p.m. Dismissal of Busses (2nd Trip)

2:15 p.m. - 5:15 p.m. D.E.E.D Program

3:30 p.m. Staff Dismissal



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