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Walk-Through the Bible Lesson #2

Andover Baptist Church-Wednesday Night Bible Study-December 19th, 2012

REVIEW OF LAST WEEKS HOMEWORK: (do this first) The Shadow Christology Worksheet

HANDOUT: (handout before DVD) Chronology Worksheet

HOMEWORK: Think through the ‘names’ of the first 11 chapters of Genesis

A. This lesson will take us through the entire Old Testament

B. Review of last week

1. Where do we start? Ur of the Chaldeas

2. What four People? Abraham, Sarah, Terah and Lot

3. Came down what river? Euphrates

4. To? Haran

5. Who died there? Terah [who is he? Abraham’s father]

6. Came to what country? Canaan

7. What is in the northern part of that country? Sea of Galilee

8. What was down from it? Dead Sea

9. In-between the two? Wiggly River Jordan

10. Two Boys: Isaac and Ishmael [Sons of? Abraham]

11. Two Boys: Jacob and Esau [Sons of? Isaac]

12. How many boys did Jacob have? 12

13. Name of Jacob’s daughter? Dinah

14. Jacob’s two youngest sons? Benjamin and Joseph

15. Joseph was sold into slavery where? Egypt

16. Joseph was sold to whom? Potiphar

17. How long were the Israelites in Egypt? 400 years

18. Who was the mighty deliver that God raised? Moses

19. How many plagues? 10

20. What sea? Red Sea

21. Went to where? Mount Sinai

22. What to things happened there? Giving of the law and the plans for the tabernacle

23. What are the three parts of the law? Moral Law, Shadow Christology, New Way of Life

C. Story of Jacob and Esau

1. Names then meant something

a. Esau was born very red and hairy, his name means ‘red and hairy’

b. Jacob’s name means ‘heel grabber, supplanter’ he had grabbed Esau’s heel when he was born

2. Jacob and Esau story

a. Esau was the oldest and supposed to have the birthright, be the priest of the family and get a double

portion of inheritance

b. Esau liked to hunt

1. Came into the house after a hunt famished

2. Jacob was cooking a stew

3. Esau asks for a bowl of it

4. Jacob offers him a bowl for his birthright

5. Esau agrees and Jacob gets the birthright

6. When it came time for Isaac to bless the boys, Jacob with the help of Rebekah deceived him

7. Esau threatens to kill Jacob so he runs to Haran

c. Jacob works seven years to marry Rachel

1. Instead he is tricked into sleeping with Leah (she had ‘tender eyes’)

2. Worked another 7 years for Rachel

d. Jacob takes his family and sneaks away from his father in law

e. Esau was coming to meet him, Jacob was afraid

1. Jacob split up his family

2. He sent servants with presents to Esau

3. He put Rachel and her family in the back

4. He then put Leah in front of her

5. He is on the other side of the river when he is visited by an Angel who wrestles him and gets

a blessing out of the Angel, gets name changed to Israel (‘Prince with God’)

D. Worship at the Tabernacle

1. Happened at the Brazen Altar, outside the tabernacle

2. People would bring their animals (heifer used as an example), place their hands on it and tell their sins, the

throat of the animal would be cut, the meat divided and some was burned

3. God is worthy to take my sins

4. The picture shows that sin was horrible and has a terrible cost

5. The priest would wash his hands in the lavar

6. Then they would go into the tent

7. Go to the candlestick

8. Then go to the showbread

9. Then they would offer incense on the altar of incense

10. They would do this several times a day

11. Once a year the High Priest by himself and go through the same procedure, except he would push the veil

back and enter the holy of holies, which held the Ark of the Covenant which was covered by the Mercy

Seat, he would sprinkle blood on and around that Mercy Seat seven times

E. Picking up from after the Israelites when to Mt. Sinai

1. The Law points out sin, points to Christ

2. When Moses went up Mt. Sinai, he came down to find that the people had Aaron make them a golden calf

made of gold to worship, Moses threw down the stone, had Aaron explain, ground up calf put it in water and

made the people drink it

3. They went to Kadesh Barnea [KD & the Barn]

4. Sent 12 spies in for each of the 12 tribes of Israel

a. 10 said it was impossible to take the land because of the people there

b. 2 said that they could take the land

c. The majority won over

5. Because of their unbelief God tell them they will wander in the wilderness for 40 years (everyone over

20 years will die before entering)

6. Moses preaches 5 sermons and he dies

7. Joshua takes over (one of the two spies that said the Israelites could take Canaan)

8. First town they take is Jericho (13 times around)

9. The Israelites go to take the city of Ai (much smaller town, sent a small group and they got beat)

10. The defeat at Ai was because a man named Achan stole a garment and gold from Jericho, even though they

were told to take nothing by God

a. Picture sin: available to us, no value, we try to cover it up, it destroys

b. God points out who it is and Achan is put to death

11. Have a southern and northern campaigns of conquest

12. 400 years of Judges

a. First judge was named Othniel (remember ‘oatmeal’)

b. Last judge was Samuel

c. Samuel anointed the first king of Israel, Saul

13. Second king was David

14. Third king was Solomon

15. Kingdom of Israel split over taxes and there is now two kings

a. Rehoboam

b. Jeroboam

c. 10 Northern tribes split off into the nation of Israel

d. 2 Southern times split off into the nation of Judah

16. Northern tribe of Israel lasted 250 years when they were carried into captivity to Assyria

17. Southern tribe of Judah lasted after Israel 150 years

a. Judah was taken to Babylon (same territory of the Ur of the Chaldeas)

b. Judah was in Babylon for 70 years

c. They came back under the leadership of two men: Ezra and Nehemiah

1. Rebuilt Jerusalem’s Walls

2. Rebuilt Jerusalem’s Temple

18. 400 years before Christ showed up (the entire Old Testament)

F. 12 Chapters of Genesis Run Through

1. Chapters 1 & 2: Creation

2. Chapter 3: Fall of Adam/Man

3. Chapter 4: First Murder (Cain and Abel)

4. Chapters 5 & 10: Family Trees

5. Chapters 6, 7 & 8: Flood

6. Chapter 9: The Rainbow

7. Chapter 11: Tower of Babel

8. Chapter 12: Call of Abraham

G. Complete Run Through

1. Started: Ur of the Chaldeas

2. 4 People: Abraham, Sarah, Terah and Lot

3. Went down the river: Euphrates

4. Terah died in: Haran

5. Came to the land of: Canaan

6. Northern part of Canaan: Sea of Galilee

7. Southern part of Canaan: Dead Sea

8. In-between was: the Wiggly River Jordan

9. Abraham had two boys: Isaac and Ishmael

10. Isaac had two boys: Jacob and Esau

11. Jacob had how many boys: 12

12. Jacob had one daughter: Dinah

13. Jacob’s two youngest boys were: Benjamin and Joseph

14. Joseph was sold into slavery where: Egypt

15. Joseph was sold to whom: Potiphar

16. God raised up a mighty deliverer: Moses

17. They crossed what sea: Red Sea

18. They went down to where: Mt. Sinai

19. What two things happened at Mt. Sinai: Giving of the Law, Plans for the Tabernacle

20. They came to a little oasis by the name of: Kadesh Barnea

21. They wondered in the desert for how long: 40 Years

22. Everyone over what age died: 20 years old

23. Moses does what: 5 sermons

24. Who takes over after Moses dies: Joshua

25. First town they conquered was: Jericho

26. Second town they tried to defeat: Ai

27. 400 years of: Judges

28. First Judge was: Othniel

29. Last Judge was: Samuel

30. First King was: Saul

31. Second King was: David

32. Third King was: Solomon

33. Forth Kings were: Rehoboam and Jereboam

34. 10 Northern tribes became: Israel

35. Northern tribes lasted: 250 years

36. Carried off into captivity where: Assyria

35. 2 Southern tribes became: Judah

36. Northern tribes lasted: 250 years

37. Southern tribes lasted how many years after Northern tribes: 150

38. Southern tribes carried off to captivity where: Babylon

39. Came back under the leadership of what two men: Ezra and Nehemiah

40. Rebuilt two things in Jerusalem: Walls and Temple

41. Period of how long: 400

42. Who was came into the world: Christ

H. To memorize the Bible try breaking the Bible into Chapters

I. Our memory tools only take us through 11 books of the Old Testament, which leaves 28 books

1. We have the first 11 chapters of Genesis

2. From the 12th chapter of Genesis we have Abraham to the Genesis ending with the death of Joseph

3. Exodus begins with the birth of Moses and ends at Mt. Sinai (Leviticus here too)

4. Numbers goes from Mt. Sinai to the death of Moses (Deuteronomy is the 5 sermons of Moses)

5. Joshua starts with death of Moses, fight at Jericho, Ai, ends with northern and southern campaigns

6. Judges: 400 years of ups and downs, Othneil first judge, Samuel last (book of Ruth happens here)

7. 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel and first part of 1 Kings: Saul, King David and King Solomon

8. Second half of 1st Kings: Kingdom divided

9. 2 Kings: Captivity of the Kingdoms (1 and 2 Chronicles: Goes over the history again)

10. Ezra and Nehemiah: Return, rebuilding of Jerusalem walls and temple

J. If you read these 11 books mentioned above you will have the history of the Old Testament down and will be able to

fit the other 28 books where they belong.


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