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|attract |…………… |flies |…………… |stomach |…………… |

|avoid |…………… |germs |…………… |subject |…………… |

|bathe |…………… |sanitation |…………… |tap |…………… |

|bird flu |…………… |humans |…………… |tin |…………… |

|boil |…………… |hygiene |…………… |touch |…………… |

|call |…………… |infection |…………… |unusual |…………… |

|caller |…………… |insects |…………… |weather |…………… |

|cleanliness |…………… |make sure |…………… |wild birds |…………… |

|cover |…………… |meal |…………… |worry |…………… |

|covered with |…………… |pass |…………… |equip |…………… |

|damaged |…………… |poison |…………… |expert on |…………… |

|dirt |…………… |poisonous |…………… |extremely |…………… |

|dirty |…………… |promise |…………… |outbreak |…………… |

|disappear |…………… |protect |…………… |smell |…………… |

|disappoint |…………… |recent |…………… |illness |…………… |

|disease |…………… |rule |…………… |infected |…………… |

Complete :

worry ……… يقلق علي expert ……. / ……. خبير في unusual ……. غير عادي

…….. control تحت السيطرة has a cut …..… جُرح في ……+ date بحلول

keep …….. from يبتعد عن infected ……. مُصاب بـ put …… weight يزداد في الوزن

protect ……. يحمي من cover ……. يغطي بـ die ……. يموت بسبب

careful ……… حريص علي pass…on to ينقل شيء إلي protect ……. يحمي من

8-You have to be careful .............. your health.

a) on b) about c)by d)to

9- Three hundred people died .......... bird flu.

a) by b) about c)on d)of

10- Bird......... is a disease which both farm and wild birds may catch.

a) cold b) cough c)flu d) illness

11-………protects us from infections diseases.

a) Clean b) Cleanly c) Cleaned d) Cleanliness

12- The ....of ADDS in the world started in Africa.

a) break in b) outbreak c) breakthrough d) break

13- The change of the climate is a problem that....... the whole world.

a) catches b) pleases c) worries d) covers

14- It's hard for you .......... Everest.

a) climbing b) to climb c) climb d) climbed

15- Dishes lying around ........... flies.

a) attend b) attempt c) attract d) attack

1-A.....is someone who makes a telephone call.

a) seller b) caller c) cellar d)cell

2-The disease hasn't disappeared yet. It's .......... with us.

a) no longer b) still c)yet d) no more

3-Scientists all over the world think the disease is ............ control.

a) below b) under c) beneath d) underneath

4-You may catch bird flu if you .......... a bird that has the disease.

a) see b)hear c) touch d) listen to

5-............... is another word for disease.

a) III b) Illness c)Sick d) Sickly

6- You mustn't............. in a hospital.

a) eat b) drink c)walk d) smoke

7-How ........... should I drive? - At 90 km.

a) often b)far c)fast d)many

|a glove maker |صانع قفازات |poem |قصيدة |

|a hat maker |صانع قبعات |poems |قصائد |

|a play |مسرحية |poet |شاعر |

|a rich patron |مشجع- راعي |poetry |الشعر |

|actor |ممثل |prison |سجن |

|artist |فنان |refer to |يشير إلي |

|at the age of |في سن |retired |يتقاعد علي المعاش |

|capture |يأسر |revision |مراجعه |

|compare |يقارن |River Thames |نهر التايمز |

|diary |يوميات |road accident |حادثه طريق |

|discuss |يناقش |soldier |جندي |

|discussion |مناقشه- نقاش |the owner |مالك- صاحب |

|famous |مشهور |theatre |المسرح |

|financial problem |مشاكل ماليه |true |حقيقي |

|injured |مصاب- لحق به أذي |truth |الحقيقة |

|musician |موسيقار |wander |يتجول |

|obvious |واضح |well known |مشهور |

|part owner |شريك |with |مع . بــ |

|patron |راعى . مؤيد. مشجع |without |بدون |

|perform |يؤدي |wonder |يتعجب |

|plane |طائره |writer |كاتب |


William Shakespeare quiz :

A: Let’s do this Shakespeare quiz, shall we?

B: OK. What’s the first question?

A: When was Shakespeare born? Was it 1564, 1764 or 1964?

B: It was a long time ago. It must beمؤكد 1564.

A: OK, the second question is this: How old was Shakespeare

when he left school? Was it when he was 10, 12 or 14?

B: I think it was when he was 14.

A: I agree. He wouldn’t have been such a good writer ذلك الكاتب الجيد if he'd left school when he was 10 or 12.

B: What's the next question?

A: What was Shakespeare's wife name? Was it Anne, Mary or


B: I think it was Mary, but I’m not sure.

A: I think it was Anne. And question four: Which of these is not a play مسرحية by Shakespeare? Macbeth, Hamlet and Juliet, King Lear.

B: Definitely Hamlet and Juliet. It was Romeo and Juliet, wasn't it?أليس كذلك

A: Yes, of course. So here's the last question: What was the name of the theatre in London where people could see Shakespeare's plays? Was it The Globe, the World or the Earth?

B: I have no idea.

A: I think it was The Globe but, I’m not sure.

The life of William Shakespeare:

Guide: المرشد Welcome to Stratford, where Shakespeare lived. I'd like to start by telling you something about Shakespeare’s life. William Shakespeare was born on April 23. 1564 in Stratford in the Midlands الأراضي الوسطي of England. His father was a glove maker.صانع قفازات

William went school when he was 7 but he had to leaveيترك it at the age of 14 because his family had financial problemsمشاكل مالية

When he was 18. Shakespeare married a farmer’s daughter called Anne Heathway. William and Anne had three children. After that no one is sure what Shakespeare did but, in 1592, he left his family and went to London to become an actor.يصبح ممثل

Then he started writing poems, بدأ كتابة القصائد and one of his longest poems "Venus and Adonis” فينوس وأدونيس was so successfulناجحة جداًthat it made him famous. If he hadn’t found a patron راعي at this time he wouldn't have become a famous writer.

In 1594, Shakespeare was a well-known actor and writer who wrote and performedأدي for a theatre group فرقة مسرحية called King's Men. رجال المل Shakespeare had started writing in 1588 and for the next 17 years he wrote two plays a yearكتب مسرحيتين كل سنة .Many of these were performed at the Globe Theatre مسرح العالم near to the River Thames in London. His five famous plays are probablyتقريباً Romeo and Juliet and A Mid-summer Night's Dream حلم منتصف ليلة صيف written in 1601. King Lear and Macbeth in 1606 .Shakespeare part-owned شارك في ملكية The Globe Theatre and made a lot of money to buy a very large House in Stratford and he retiredتقاعد there in 1611, Shakespeare died on April 23, 1616.

King Lear الملك لير

Lear is the King of Britain. When he is old, he decides toقرر أن give his country to his three daughters, بناته الثلاثة Goneril, Regan and Cordelia. But before he does this, he asks them to tell him how much they love him. Two of the daughters, Goneril and Regan, say they love him much more than they really do. أكثر من الحقيقة The third daughter, Cordelia, does not say very much. She does not know how to describeكيف تصف her love for her father. Lear is angry with

Cordelia, and gives all his money and land to Goneril and Regan. Cordelia is sent away طُردتand goes to live in France where she marries the king.

Old Lear soonسريعاً discovers that he has made a terrible mistakeخطأ فظيع his two daughters, said they loved him onlyفقط so thatلذلك they could have his money and his country.

The truth الحقيقة is that they do not love their father at allمطلقاً Lear wanders around يتجول حول the country with his last two good friends .They arrive in Dover.

Cordelia hears what has happened to her father. She comes to England with soldiersجنوده to try to save him ينقذه and to take his country back from her two sisters. English soldiers arrive in Dover and beatهزم the French. Cordelia and Lear are captured أُسرت and taken to prison السجن . Here, Cordelia tells her father how much she really loves him.

At the end, King Lear that people can have feelings without talking about them.

(house منزل ( مبني ) يمكن أن يأتي قبلها حرف جر home بيت / وطن ( لا يأتي قبلها حرف جر

house wife ربة منزل house keeper مربية homeland أرض الوطن homesick مشتاق للوطن

(wonder يتساءل / يتعجب wonderful رائع wonders عجائب wonderland أرض العجائب

wander يتجول wanderer متجول

(diary مفكرة / مذكرة dairy معمل ألبان / مائدة daily يومي / يومياً

(stay in يقيم في + مكان stay with يقيم مع + شخص

رض الوطن homesick HHH(angry with / at غاضب من شخص angry about غاضب من شيء

catch (capture يسيطر علي ( بعد سيطرة ) / يأسر catch يمسك شيء متحرك conquer يغزو / يقهر

(actor ممثل representative ممثل / مندوب

(patron = supporterراعى/ مشجع / مؤيد fan مشجع لفريق ( رياضي ) sponsor كفيل / ضامن

( perform = act يؤدى ( دور ) perform ( an operation ) يجرى عملية جراحية

(retireيتقاعد على المعاش . يعتزل quit = leave يغادر withdraw ينسحب

(Obvious = clear واضح pure صافي

(music موسيقى musician موسيقارcomposeيؤلف موسيقي composerمؤلف موسيقى

(without +noun / v. ing بدون I like tea without milk.

With +noun /v. ing مع / بـ With finishing work on time, I'll reward you.

(poem قصيدة poet شاعر poetry فن الشعر

Prose فن النثر verse نظم شعري ( أكثر تحرراً من قواعد الشعر )

أفعال وأسماء تأتي معاً : (

|make |a decision/ a mistake / money / noise / a suggestion |

|do |Homework / a job / a quiz / damage / a sport |

|write |Music-poetry-stories-novels-drama |

move back to يعود إلي go on holiday يذهب في إجازة send away يطرد / يُبعد

learn from his mistakes يتعلم ن أخطاؤه wander around يتجول في at all علي الإطلاق

put him in prison يضعه في السجن in answer to رداً علي at the beginning في البداية

Suggestion الاقتراح:

Let's + inf ....................... How about +v+ ing.........

What about +v+ ing........ Why don't we + inf.........

I suggest +v+ ing........... Shall we + inf..................

الموافقة -That's a good idea. -I'd love to.

الرفض - I'm afraid I can't.

تم شرح الجمل الشرطية مسبقاً

1- If Ali........... the alarm, he would have got up on time.

a) set b)sets c) has set d) had set

2- If Shakespeare had not met a rich patron, he ........... become a great writer.

a) would have b) wouldn't c) wouldn't have d) won't

3- Salem .......... high marks if he hadn't studied hard.

a) won't get b) wouldn't get c) wouldn't have got d) would have got

4-1........... my best if I were you.

a) would have done b) would do c) will do d) wouldn't do

5-............... he had taken a taxi, he wouldn't have been late for work.

a) If b) Unless c) Without d) Although

6- Samir ............ some tea if he feels sleepy.

a) drank b) drinks c) would drink d) would have drunk.

7- Manal can't buy a car ........... having money.

a) if b) unless c) without d)but

8-........... Radwa got up early, she missed the school bus.

a) If b)Although c) Unless d) Without

9- If Raouf had come to the party, he ......... some old friends.

a) would meet b) would have met c) can meet d) will meet

10-Mum .......... all our needs if she had enough money.

a) would have bought b) would buy c) will buy d) can buy

11-She .......... her exams last year without my help.

a) wouldn't pass b) wouldn't have passed c) can't pass d) won't pass

12-Unless the athlete ......... fast, he wouldn't have won the race.

a) ran b)runs c) had run d) has run

13-Seham drove fast........... she arrived late.

a) so b)but c)lf d) although

14-If Nagy ......... earlier, he would meet some of his old friends.

a) conies b)came c) had come d) has come

15.............. his financial help, I wouldn't have gone to university.

a) Unless b)|f c) Without d)But

16-The team lost the game .......... they played well.

a) if b)but c) although d) unless

17-If he had been more careful, he ............ that mistake.

a) will make b) would have made c) wouldn't have made d) wouldn't make

18-You ............. early if you take the train.

a) arrive b) will arrive c) would arrive d) would have arrived

19-Travelling by plane is comfortable .......... expensive.

a) if b)but c) unless d) without

20-The driver wouldn't have had an accident if he ........... careless.

a) weren't b) wasn't c) had been d) hadn't been

1- Many people lost their jobs because the factory closed down. (If)


2- The player played badly, so he lost the match. (if)


3- He was late for work, therefore he took a taxi. (Unless)


4- If Mona hadn't had money, she wouldn't have lent me some. (because)


5- The driver managed to avoid a serious accident as he was careful. (If)


6- Unless dad had helped me, I wouldn't have passed the test. (Without)


7- The athlete was injured. That's why he didn't finish the race. (If)


8- If Soha were not absent, she would understand this lesson. (as)


9- Shakespeare became a successful writer because he met a rich patron. (unless)


10- Unless the firemen had made great efforts, many people would have died in the fire. (without)


11-He left his coat at home, so he caught a cold. (if)


12-Although Hassan is a good student, he has got low marks. (but)


13-Salma got the first prize because of her patience. (if)


14-Randa got up early but she arrived at work late. (Although)


Mr. Jones is visiting Cairo next week. He is phoning the Stars Hotel to book a room.

Receptionist: Good morning, Stars Hotel. Can I help you?

Mr. Jones : My name is Jones Rocky and I'd like…….(1)………………………………….…... Receptionist :………………(2)……………………………………………………………….……….?

Mr. Jones :Next Sunday morning. Receptionist: Next Sunday morning? I think it is not available now but I'll try (3)…………….…?

Mr. Jones : Single, please with a private bath.

Receptionist: …………………..(4)…………………………………………………….....………….?

Mr. Jones :By credit card.

Receptionist: That's fine. You are welcome, sir.

1- Your brother dropped his money carelessly and couldn't buy what he needed.


2- Your sister left the door of the cage open, so the birds flew away.


3- You tell a friend what King Lear learns from his terrible mistake.


4- Your little brother was carrying many bottles, so they all fell down and broke.

What, do you think, he learnt from this?


1- In 1592, Shakespeare went to London to be a/ an ............. .

a) writer b) actor c) novelist d) journalist

2- A .... is someone who supports or gives money to an organization, artist or musical performer.

a) partner b) painter c) parent d) patron

3- A ........... is a building with a stage where plays are performed.

a) cinema b) circus c) theatre d) playground

4- When old Lear discovers that he has made a terrible mistake, he...... around the country with his last two good friends.

a) wishes b) wonders c) wanders d) moves

5- The English soldiers arrived in Dover and ............. the French.

a) beat b)won c) gained d) scored

6- If Shakespeare's family ........financial problems, he wouldn't have left school at the age of 14.

a) had b) had had c) hadn't had d) would have

7- He ............ to hospital if he hadn't been injured.

a) would have gone b) would go c) wouldn't go d) wouldn't have gone

8- What sport do you .............?

a) make b)do c)give d)take

9- Try not to .......... any noise when you go into the library.

a) do b)give c)make d)say

10- If he ............ today's newspaper, he wouldn't have known about the job advertisement.

a) had bought b) bought c) hadn't bought d) hasn't bought

1- He didn't go for a walk because it was raining heavily. (If)


2- The car was too expensive, so they couldn't buy it. (If)


3- Let's have lunch outdoors. (suggest)


4- Tamer got married at the age of twenty-nine. (when)


Old king Lear soon discovers that he has made a terrible mistake. It is soon...(1).... to him that his two daughters say that they love him to get his ....(2)...... The ....(3)..... is that they do not love their....(4).... at all. Lear ....(5).... around the country with his last two good friends until they arrive in Dover. Cordelia comes to England with ......(6)....... to try to save him and to take his country back.

Gertrude was the Queen of Denmark two months after the death of the king of Denmark. She married Claudius his brother. She did not know that Claudius was evil. People believed that he had killed his brother so that he himself might become the king. Hamlet was her son.

Hamlet loved his dead father and was very sad at his death. His mother's marriage made Hamlet even unhappy. He became tired of the world; he had no more pleasure in the things he used to do. He stopped wanting to read, to play and to do all the things that young men love to do.

Neither Hamlet's mother nor Claudius could do anything to make Hamlet happier. The ghost of Hamlet's father appeared and told his son that Claudius killed him while sleeping. He poured poisonous liquid into his ears and caused his death. He told him that he must kill his uncle but he asked him not to hurt his mother.

Hamlet pretended to be mad. He thought of a plan. He asked the actors to act a story which was like the death of his father.

1- Why was Hamlet sad?


2- What did the people believe about Claudius?


3- How was Hamlet's father killed?


4- What must Hamlet do after he met the ghost?


5- The underlined word, 'He' refers to .............. .

a) Claudius b) Hamlet c) his friend d) his father

6- In order to be sure that his uncle killed his father, Hamlet......... .

a) became tired of the world b) had no more pleasure in the things he used to do

c) asked the actors to act the story which is like the death of his father

d) stopped wanting to read

7- After Hamlet had met the ghost, he pretended to be….

a) sad b)mad c) tired d) pleased

1- Why is Cordelia sent away to France?


2- What terrible mistake does King Lear make?


3- What is the truth about Goneril and Regan?


4- How, do you think, Cordelia feels when she hears what has happened to her father?


5- How, do you think, Lear feels when Cordelia tries to help him?


6- What, do you think, Lear learns from the mistake he has made?


1- What was the fruit of having a good memory for faces?


2- What did the writer expect for himself if he worked as a reporter?


3- What can the writer do concerning faces and places?


4- Why did m. d decide to go to the court?


"There is one gentleman who could improve that I was there, but I don't know who he is, nor where to look for him"

1- Who said that?


2- Which gentleman is he talking about?


3- Why does he say so?


A story about learning from past mistakes





1- Shakespeare would not have been so rich if he hadn't been the part owner of the Globe Theatre in London.


2- The rich should always help the poor in every possible way.


ماذا تعلمت من أخطائك التي ارتكبتها في الماضي؟


Teacher : If it had taken ten men ten days to build a wall,

How long would five men have?

Maro : No time at all, sir.

Teacher : What do you mean?

Maro : Well, the ten men have already built the wall!





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