SharePoint 2013 Governance Plan

-913765249555000 TITLE \* MERGEFORMAT SharePoint 2013 Governance PlanPrepared for24 September 2014Prepared byPaul D. FoxContributorsTBDTBDRevision and Signoff SheetChange RecordDateAuthorVersionChange reference7 Apr 2014Paul D. Fox1.0Initial Draft for Review/DiscussionReviewersNameVersion approvedPositionDate<Name>Project Sponsor, Chief Information Officer<Name>Senior SharePoint Architect<Name>Director Information Technology<Name>IT Applications Support Team Lead<Name>SharePoint Application Development<Name>SharePoint Application Development<Name>IT Infrastructure (IT Administrator, Network Administrator)TBDTBDTBDTBDTBDSignoffProject SponsorDateSignoffDateTable of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \t "Heading 9,9,Heading Part,9" 1Executive Summary PAGEREF _Toc401597465 \h 12Introduction PAGEREF _Toc401597466 \h 32.1Objectives PAGEREF _Toc401597467 \h 32.2Audience PAGEREF _Toc401597468 \h 32.3Purpose/Scope PAGEREF _Toc401597469 \h 32.4Mission PAGEREF _Toc401597470 \h 32.5Vision PAGEREF _Toc401597471 \h 42.6Risks / Concerns PAGEREF _Toc401597472 \h 52.7Acceptable Use of SharePoint PAGEREF _Toc401597473 \h 52.8Escalation Procedures PAGEREF _Toc401597474 \h 63Definitions and Acronyms PAGEREF _Toc401597475 \h 74Resources PAGEREF _Toc401597476 \h 94.1Team Roles and Responsibilities PAGEREF _Toc401597477 \h 94.2People PAGEREF _Toc401597478 \h 94.3Individual Roles and Responsibilities PAGEREF _Toc401597479 \h 124.4How To Get Involved PAGEREF _Toc401597480 \h 164.5Equipment PAGEREF _Toc401597481 \h 174.6Locations PAGEREF _Toc401597482 \h 175Governance Hierarchy PAGEREF _Toc401597483 \h 185.1SharePoint Management PAGEREF _Toc401597484 \h 185.2SharePoint Governance PAGEREF _Toc401597485 \h 185.2.1Site Governance PAGEREF _Toc401597486 \h 185.2.2Content Governance PAGEREF _Toc401597487 \h 185.2.3Layout and Design Governance PAGEREF _Toc401597488 \h 205.2.4Security Governance PAGEREF _Toc401597489 \h 255.3Development Governance PAGEREF _Toc401597490 \h 265.3.1Procedures for a Fully Customized Solutions PAGEREF _Toc401597491 \h 265.3.2Procedures for Third Party Software Installations PAGEREF _Toc401597492 \h 275.3.3Procedures for Intranet Changes PAGEREF _Toc401597493 \h 276Operations Policies PAGEREF _Toc401597494 \h 297Application Usage Policies PAGEREF _Toc401597495 \h 348Communication and Training PAGEREF _Toc401597496 \h 388.1Communication Plan PAGEREF _Toc401597497 \h 388.2Training Plan PAGEREF _Toc401597498 \h 39Training Recommendations PAGEREF _Toc401597499 \h 398.3Support Plan PAGEREF _Toc401597500 \h 399References PAGEREF _Toc401597501 \h 43Executive SummaryThe SharePoint Governance Plan is a guidebook outlining the administration, maintenance, and support of <Company Name> SharePoint environments. It identifies lines of ownership for both business and technical teams, defining who is responsible for what areas of the system. Furthermore it establishes rules for appropriate usage of the SharePoint environments.An effective governance plan ensures the system is managed and used in accordance with its designed intent to prevent it from becoming an unmanageable system. The management of an enterprise-wide system involves both a strategic, business-minded board to craft rules and procedures for the use of the system and also a tactical, technically-competent team to manage the routine operational tasks that keep the system running. Users of the system will be empowered by a support and developer community sponsored by the business leaders.The primary goals of this document or plan are to:Create the people infrastructure to govern and support the SharePoint environment.Document initial governing policies and procedures of the SharePoint municate the need for the business to provide support via people resources.Positioning of SharePointThe business ultimately owns SharePoint, creating strategic synergies amongst themselves and capturing business opportunities. The IT group facilitates the use of SharePoint through the maintenance and administration of this platform.SharePoint will be the standard technology for hosting the corporate Intranet.To provide an infrastructure platform for hosting SharePoint-based applications.Designed to empower users to collaborate on and share information.Out of box templates to supplement but not replace the enterprise solutions that are already in place.SharePoint site content will be primarily in English; however additional language packs will be available to provide either language specific sites, or site content available through variations. (See section 5.2 Content Governance)Exclusions of SharePointDetermining what SharePoint won’t be used for is just as important as what it will be used for.Extranet and/or Internet development on SharePoint due to licensing costs and network implications.SharePoint should not be used as a repository for Source Code control.Highly sensitive data such as personally identifiable information (e.g. Social Security Information). Future DirectionIt will be the responsibility of the <Company Name> Strategy team to collectively seek out business opportunities to enhance. This team is charged with finding the right balance between technology and the business, and between centralized control and decentralized empowerment. They drive the deployment from a strategic perspective and provide the overall insight and direction needed by the tactical teams. They are constantly looking for synergies where SharePoint can help the organization operate more effectively or efficiently.They understand how the business is growing, and where it could be growing. In the end, their role is about leveraging SharePoint to improve on business processes.The team will ask questions such as:How do we improve business processes and how do we deliver on that?What structures need to be in place to deliver this value?What areas of the business offer the most opportunity for growth?How can we align our activities with the goals of the business?Are there synergies that can be created between divisions and departments?What groups are doing similar initiatives and how can we help?What ways can we reduce inefficiencies and duplication?IntroductionObjectivesThe primary objective of this plan is to define a governing body and to define the rules for the usage and management of the SharePoint environments. Other objectives are:Identify the lines of ownership and support for the business and technical teams.Establish rules for appropriate use of the platform.Identify appropriate business owners willing to provide strategic insight and direction for SharePoint, and able to drive strategic initiatives into their respective organizations.Identify appropriate infrastructure (IT) resources to provide operational support for the system.Create an effective support system with proper channels of escalation for end users of the SharePoint municate the need for business leaders to provide the technical support necessary to the SharePoint platform in the form of technically talented employees who are both willing and able to customize, personalize, and use SharePoint in a manner that fulfils the business opportunities as identified by the strategy team. Establish initial governing usage and maintenance policies and procedures for the SharePoint environments.Define the governance policies for custom developed solutions.Provide direction for business and IT Users in addressing issues.AudienceThis document is intended to be read by all members of the SharePoint governance team as well as all key users of the SharePoint environment (IT, business owners, and site administrators).Purpose/ScopeThis SharePoint Governance Plan outlines the ongoing administration, maintenance, and support of this organisation’s current SharePoint deployment. The plan includes the definition for the SharePoint environments including Disaster Recovery, Development, System Test, UAT, Maintenance and Production. This is the initial service definition and deemed to be a living document. Mission“To be recognized as <Add your company Mission Statement Here…>.”The SharePoint initiative will provide an enhanced communication channel to improve the effectiveness and competitiveness of the organisation by supporting collaboration, knowledge sharing and project execution.VisionThe vision of the product should be aligned to the company vision and support that. Realising this vision however is difficult to achieve without Executive buy-in. Improve Communication: Implement a Portal in SharePoint in order to improve communication between the organizations departments, and employees.Foster and Optimize Collaboration: Implement a structure within SharePoint to enable the sharing and collaboration of files, documents and content through SharePoint’s built-in functionality in order to move away from reliance on file shares.Connect Employees: Improve the ability for employees to find each other and improve team collaboration using SharePoint’s built-in people search capabilities.Improve Productivity: Provide greater efficiency to employees by simplifying access to important business systems. Unify Communication: Implement a more unified communication experience and improve communication between departments and employees.Optimize Collaboration: Improve the sharing and collaboration of files and documents through SharePoint’s built-in functionality in order to move away from reliance on file shares.Accelerate Discovery: Provide the ability to search for and find relevant files and documents using SharePoint’s built-in search capabilities both in and outside of SharePoint.Encourage Engagement: Enable employees to share more personal information through their profiles and the built in social features of SharePoint.Provide a standardized and scalable information management, collaboration and application hosting service to address the business and productivity needs.Manage a collaboration platform that will facilitate the storage and sharing of structured and unstructured corporate documentation.Reduce the size of email by encouraging users to send references to stored documents instead of sending attachments when corresponding.Reduce IT overheads and security risks in support of corporate-wide initiatives by consolidating legacy platforms to standardize information management, collaboration and SharePoint-based application hosting. Facilitate the migration of unstructured documentation on file servers to SharePoint.Provide consistent corporate branded Intranet sites.Empower User: Train users so they are more autonomous and efficient while using SharePoint.Change corporate culture to keep “master” documents on SharePoint for easier backup, search, and auditing and lifecycle management.Support green computing by using technologies like virtualization to reduce the number of physical servers required.Risks / ConcernsThe following are risks to an effective governance plan:Inadequate support from the business leaders to affect proper governance.Administrators or users refusing to follow the given policies in this plan.Lack of policy enforcement. The Governance team does nothing.Acceptable Use of SharePointThis list is not all inclusive and subject to be amended as and when required. Violation of these policies will result in the revoking of site access with immediate effect by the relevant Administrator. Restoration of the user’s access needs to be motivated in writing by the business unit owner and subject to approval by the Governance Forum: All content stored is subject to the official Social Media and Internet Usage Policies. Do not post any offensive, racist, defamatory, pornographic information of any kind.? All configuration of out of box functionality and templates is acceptable, (with the conditions stipulated in ‘Positioning of SharePoint’).No customization to the look and feel or default site themes is permitted under any circumstances.No changes allowed to the Master Pages or core.css files in development tools, e.g.: SharePoint Designer and Visual Studio.Customization with SharePoint using SharePoint Designer is not permitted unless by trained and authorized personnel.No leveraging of Content Types is allowed without the correct level of expertise and evaluation by the IT SharePoint team.Under NO circumstances may anyone change the “TITLE” field or any other field on the core Item Content Type or any other core Content Type.All company content must be stored on the Intranet, Department, Project or Team sites, not on My Sites. My Sites are for limited private information only.Under NO circumstances may anyone leverage Enterprise Features or build and deploy Forms Services, Excel Services, BCS’s or Report Centers without prior approval from IT as these components require additional support and expertise to properly implement. No-one may create "Administrator Approved" InfoPath forms without following the IT SharePoint Development Standards.No-one may do custom development with an internal or external developer without following the full change control and SDLC process and SharePoint Development Standards.? Custom development is anything that needs to be compiled and deployed to the SharePoint Platform.Escalation ProceduresSooner or later someone is going to break the rules and put something “illegal” on the platform, or refuse to follow best practices or governance rules. There needs to be an escalation procedure for this. Any 3 violations of the governance policy will result in all access being revoked from the platform and reinstatement will need to be submitted in writing which needs to be approved by the governance team first.In the event of business users or administrators experiencing issues, the escalation process will be as follows: The business users or administrators should contact the IT Support Line (IT Help Desk). If the IT Support personnel cannot resolve the issue, then they will contact the SharePoint Administrator who will follow up on the issue.Definitions and AcronymsList any new terms or abbreviations in the document that business users are not likely to have heard before.TermDescriptionSite CollectionA Collection of SharePoint Sites that share content and permissions. Each set of sites have the same owner and share administration settings. Each site collection contains a top-level Web site and can contain one or more sub-sites. There can be multiple site collections on SharePoint Farm.SiteThe Top-Level site in a SharePoint Site Collection.FarmA centralized grouping of Network Servers. A SharePoint Server Farm may Host Several SharePoint Related ServicesSDLCSystems Development Lifecycle.SharePoint A Web based platform framework providing collaboration and content management. The framework can be used to create web based solutions that map back to business processes.WSPWindows SharePoint Package. Custom coded solutions that when deployed to a Farm provides additional or unique functionality.FeatureA Set of Activities or Functions that when enabled, wakes up new SharePoint functionality.WebSharePoint Sub-Site contained in a Site PathClient-Side (Office) Tool for creating Electronic Forms.My SiteA single page portal that contains the user personal sites links, etc. My Site consists of both a public and private view. The private view is intended as a personal workplace for the individual end user. The public view, on the other hand, acts like a business card that can be accessed by other portal users. You can see the different views by clicking either Private or Public under the Select View list.Content TypeA content type is a reusable collection of metadata (columns), workflow, behaviour, and other settings for a category of items or documents in a SharePoint list or document library. Content types enable you to manage the settings for a category of information in a centralized, reusable way.Site ColumnA reusable list column (Metadata). Site columns can be applied to Content Types which are attached to a List, or added directly to a List.MetadataThe properties associated with a document. Metadata can be system-defined, such as file size or modified date, or user-defined, such as author or title.Master DocumentThe single document that defines the “One Version of the Truth”. Having a Master document eliminates multiple versions of the same document which can cause confusion as to which document is the real or final version. SharePoint handles versioning in Lists and Libraries, but only shows the latest document in the List view.PropertyAn element of metadata for a document profile. Each document profile has multiple properties. Properties can be system-defined, such as file size or creation date, or can be user-defined, such as title or keywords. See also: metadataITInformation TechnologyResourcesTeam Roles and ResponsibilitiesThe SharePoint environments will be managed by two teams: a strategy team and a tactical team. Regardless of what name we ascribe to these teams, they will play distinct roles and have distinct responsibilities. For the purposes of this governance plan, the teams are defined as follows:PeopleStrategy TeamServes as the primary governance body with ultimate responsibility for meeting the goals of the business. This team provides strategic business insight, direction and prioritization for the portal and is comprised of representatives of each of the major businesses represented including Corporate Affairs, and IT. This small team will provide strategic insight and direction for the SharePoint. A business, technology, and geographically diverse representation are ideal. Membership is temporary and volunteer. This team consists of appropriate business owners willing to provide strategic insight and direction for the platform, and able to drive strategic initiatives into their respective organizations. Resources represent a good balance between business and IT, and also centralized control vs. decentralized empowerment. This team is a small, living team reconstructed on a quarterly basis with new volunteers to maintain a fresh perspective on the business and exploit the collective wisdom of the company.LocationDepartmentContactContact EmailContact PhonePittsburghExecutive<Name>PittsburghInformation Technology<Name> ?PittsburghInformation TechnologyFinance *Sales & Marketing *Human Resources *Legal & ComplianceOperations *Administration *Communication *Technical *Security* Temporary Members, rotated out? SharePoint AdministratorTactical: Operations TeamThis team will provide operational (IT-related) support and maintenance for the system infrastructure. Membership is more or less permanent and required. Infrastructure (IT) resources provide operational support for the system as they help to ensure the enforcement of the governance plan and manage the more routine maintenance of the system by performing nightly backups, usage monitoring and analysis, scheduled task validation, and keeping the system current with security releases and system upgrades.LocationDepartmentContactContact EmailContact PhonePittsburghInformation TechnologyNew YorkInformation TechnologyPittsburghInformation Technology<Name>PittsburghInformation Technology<Name> ?New YorkInformation Technology<Name> ?? SharePoint AdministratorTactical: Support TeamThis team will provide support of the SharePoint applications to end users. Membership by business owners is semi-permanent; expected, but not required. Regional Support Members and all end users will rely on business membership. SharePoint site owner’s, help desk personnel, and other various support resources create an effective support system with proper channels of escalation for end users of the SharePoint environments. This team handles application questions, bugs, and other problems requiring issue resolution.LocationDepartmentContactContact EmailContact PhonePittsburghNew York? SharePoint AdministratorTactical: Development TeamThis team will customize, personalize, and use SharePoint in a manner that fulfils the business opportunities as identified by the strategy team. Membership is assigned by member’s business unit on either a permanent or ad hoc basis. Technically talented people both willing and able to customize, personalize, and use SharePoint in a manner that fulfils the business opportunities as identified by the strategy team. This team is a loosely-knit community of developers with varying degrees of proficiency in software development. Members can range from highly skilled programmers to technically savvy end users in charge of personalizing departmental team sites. Skilled developers will handle large change requests, new features, and program management while ensuring adherence to standards.Representing AreaContactContact EmailContact PhoneInformation Technology<Name> ?Information Technology<Name> ?? SharePoint AdministratorStrategy TeamRoleProvide strategic insight and direction for the platform.Who*Appropriate business owners worldwide representing a good balance between business and IT, and also centralized control vs. decentralized empowerment.ResponsibilitiesBe willing and able to drive strategic initiatives into their respective organizationsVolunteer for a six month service rotation to maintain a fresh perspective on the business and exploit the collective wisdom.Seek answers to the following:How do we improve business processes and how do we deliver on that?What structures need to be in place to deliver this value?What areas of the business offer the most opportunity for growth?How can we align our activities with the goals of the business?Are there synergies that can be created between divisions and departments?What groups are doing similar initiatives and how can we help?What ways can we reduce inefficiencies and duplication?Visionary – survey the platform landscape, developing and directing its future directionEvangelist – serve as cheerleader for the platform technology and what it can do for the businessUser adoption – facilitate user adoption via focused, one-on-one tutorials (primarily with executives who don’t have time to sit thru training programs), incentive programs (for best collaborative sites, etc.), and feedback surveys.Training – as primary trainer for SharePoint, will hold regular training sessions for advanced users and site administrators.Support – serve as top level support for site administrators (infrastructure support will be provided by IT).Business Analyst and Developer Liaison – meet with business leaders to gather requirements for new SharePoint projects and manage development efforts of development team.Tactical: Operations TeamRoleProvide operational (IT-related) support and maintenance for the system infrastructure.WhoInfrastructure (IT) Resources; Central IT, & Local Operations Teams.ResponsibilitiesHelp ensure the enforcement of the governance planManage routine maintenance tasks such as:nightly backupsusage monitoring and analysisscheduled task validationkeeping the system current with security releases and system upgradesTactical: Support TeamRoleProvide support of the SharePoint applications to end users.WhoSharePoint site owners, help desk personnel, and other various support resources worldwide.ResponsibilitiesCreate an effective support system with proper channels of escalationRespond to application questions, bugs, and other problems requiring issue resolution.Provide typical SharePoint administration roles such as:Provisioning site for end usersAssigning security permissions to users and groupsTactical: Development TeamRoleCustomize, personalize, and use SharePoint in a manner that fulfils the business opportunities as identified by the strategy team.WhoTechnically talented people worldwide. Members can range from highly skilled programmers to technically savvy end users in charge of personalizing departmental team sites.ResponsibilitiesSkilled developers will handle large change requests, new features, and program management while ensuring adherence to standards.Develop customized and personalized solutions for departmental team sites and divisional SharePoint sites.Individual Roles and ResponsibilitiesInformation Technology RolesRoleResponsibilities and TasksPermissionsRequired SkillsCandidate ExampleSystem AdministratorResponsible for platform infrastructure (hardware, OS, etc.)Security / permissionsBackups / restorationInitial support; train and assign a resident SharePoint expert for WSS admin.Disseminate general SharePoint infoTeach SharePointMeet w/ business on "how-to" accomplish tasksManage file size limits or quotasInitial configuration of WSS (Central IT)Has SharePoint Administrator rightsHas site collection accessWill have access to SharePoint and site configuration settings, but should not make any changes without the SharePoint Administrators permissionSharePoint AdministrationWindows Server AdministrationSQL Server AdministrationNetworkingInformation Technology ProfessionalSQL AdministratorSQL backups and restoresHas no SharePoint or WSS administration rightsSQL Server AdministrationSQL DBAInfrastructure Resource(s)Responsible for the acquisition, installation and maintenance of the hardware infrastructure.Provide day-to-day operation support to SharePoint TeamReview existing infrastructure setup, develop best practices and operation guidelinesNetworking Configuration PermissionsNetwork AdministrationDomain AdministrationCorporate or Regional IT, Communication and Network Engineers, Network Security Engineers.Active Directory Resource(s)Responsible for ensuring the SharePoint is leveraging AD appropriately.Assist with Setting up the SharePoint to use AD for authenticationAssist in synchronization of SharePoint with ADActive Directory Write Access PermissionsActive DirectoryDomain Name Services (DNS)Active Directory architects.SharePoint RolesRoleResponsibilities and TasksPermissionsRequired SkillsCandidate ExampleSharePoint AdministratorResponsible for global SharePoint and WSS configuration, shared services, policies, procedures, and SharePoint vision.Configuration of SharePointTotal access to the entire SharePoint areas and all sites.Total access to SharePoint and site configuration settings.Has no system administrative or SQL administration rights.SharePoint AdministrationSharePoint Topology ArchitectureCorporate or Regional IT SharePoint Farm AdministratorArea Owner / AdministratorResponsible for SharePoint area content.Manage securityCreate sub-areasExample: News Area will be managed by the Communications department.Content creationSite and Web PermissionsHas no Site Collection MasterPage and Page Layout rights.Online PublishingSharePoint SecurityCommunications Lead; other high-level Corporate publishing lead.Site Collection AdministratorResponsible for site provisioning of all sub-sites; responsible for administering and maintaining site.Manage security for all sub-sitesSharePoint Site Collection PermissionsSharePoint PublishingSharePoint Security and PermissionsContent ManagementAdvanced SharePoint FeaturesTypically a Site Owner with elevated security rights; a Departmental site admin; anyone in the company with the required SharePoint security knowledge; typically this person would also be the site owner if they are responsible for content.Site OwnerPrimary and Secondary site owner.Manage the site layout (look and feel), structure, and content.Content creation.Grant access to this site, but not sub-sites.Web designer permissions.SharePoint Security and PermissionsContent ManagementDepartmental head; team lead; end user; anyone requesting a site for a business purpose.Web DesignerBranding,?Page Layout and Graphics designSite Collection Administration?HTML, MasterPage and Page Layout design. Graphics development?Web Designer, Graphics Designer?ContributorRead, Write and Deletion of ContentSite Member Permissions?Content ManagementSite or Web Member providing content creationReader?Reader or Viewer of contentHas read-only access to contentWeb Browser NavigationSite or Web VisitorSocial Media ModeratorModerate content created by end users for accuracy and …Wiki, Blog, Discussion Board owners.Taxonomy AdministratorManage the Global Information Taxonomy, Global Navigation, Keywords, Best BetsManaged Metadata AdministrationManaged Metadata, Search AdministrationSharePoint Administrator’s, Intranet AdministratorsBusiness RolesRoleResponsibilities and TasksRequired SkillsCandidate ExampleExecutive SponsorServes as the executive level “champion” for the portal. The primary responsibility of the Executive Sponsor is strategic, positioning the solution as a critical mechanism for achieving business value and helping to communicate the value of the solution to the management levels of the organizationOverview of SharePoint capabilities. Budget Management.Encourages platform adoptionBusiness Lead (could include IT)SharePoint Lead ArchitectResponsible for translating business needs addressed by the Strategy Team into initiatives for the SharePoint and coordinating SharePoint Administrator efforts.Gather initial business requirementsDesign the initial architecture for successful developmentProvide architectural guidance to developmentLead consulting team for initial releaseManage project risks, and escalate incidents to the team as necessaryWork with the Infrastructure Team to develop infrastructure and operation best practicesWork with System Administrators to develop best practicesSystems analysisNetworkingIT researchStrategic planningProject managementGroup leadershipResource planningThis is a business role who understands the company and how the platform can support business needs.DevelopersResponsible for building the framework and features of the SharePoint.Build the SharePoint look and FeelModify SharePoint Templates as NeededBuild New Web PartsWrite CodeParticipate in Design Tasks as neededParticipate in Development and Testing as neededSystems and SharePoint developers. Power Users.Application ResourcesResponsible for SharePoint applications and third party applications.Build and maintain applications or web parts that leverage KPI dataBusiness Intelligence, Reporting, Dashboards, and data analytics.Financial analysisMetric designTechnical understandingMarket researchBusiness Professional/Power UserBusiness AnalystsResponsible for communicating with the business to gather requirements and translating them into business solutions.Financial analysisMetric designTechnical understandingTypical B/A who understands the Platform’s capabilitiesBusiness OwnerResponsible for owning and directing a specific piece of the SharePoint, relevant to their business unit, department, or team.Strategic planningDepartmental head, team lead, or end user having responsibility of a business problem; typically departmental head or higher.Content CreatorResponsible for content creation.Web PublishingSite ContributorsLegalResponsible for SharePoint and content compliance with legal mandates.Assist with compliance policy creationEducate users on compliance lawAudit and enforce compliance.Knowledge of compliance lawsCorporate Legal and SecurityHow To Get InvolvedEmployees interested in becoming a member on any of the SharePoint support teams (Strategy, Operations, Support, or Development) should look for a link on SharePoint that takes them to the SharePoint Governance site. Employees will be able to volunteer their services on this site. Alternatively, Employees can contact any of the SharePoint Administrators directly.EquipmentThe following equipment is subject to this governance plan except where existing IT governance policy dictates otherwise. In cases of discrepancy, the existing IT governance policy will prevail. Unless otherwise noted, all equipment is located in Denver, USA where the time zone is GMT -7.Production Server Farm (Physical & Virtual Servers)Server RoleServer Name (FQDN)IP AddressWeb Front End 1 (WFE1)Web Front End 2 (WFE2)Application Server 1 (APPS1)Application Server 2 (APPS2)SQL Server 2012 (1)SQL Server 2012 (2)SQL Server 2012 SSRS (1) SAN Array (1)SAN Array (2)Staging Server Farm (Physical & Virtual Servers)Server RoleServer Name (FQDN)IP AddressWeb Front End 1 (WFE1)Web Front End 2 (WFE2)Application Server 1 (APPS1)Application Server 2 (APPS2)SQL Server 2012 (1)SQL Server 2012 (2)SQL Server 2012 SSRS (1) SAN Array (1)SAN Array (2)Development Server Farm (Physical & Virtual Servers)DeveloperServer Name (FQDN)IP Address<Name><ServerName>.xx.xx.xx.xx<Name><ServerName>.xx.xx.xx.xxLocationsThis governance plan covers all SharePoint usage for the Corporation worldwide. The following locations are governed by this plan:Location Notes<Location Name><Location Name>(All Plant and Office Sites)Not all employees will have access directly from these locations. VPN may be ernance HierarchySharePoint ManagementThe SharePoint environments will be managed via a top-down approach out of two geographically dispersed regions: North America and Europe. Environments to manage will be both IT infrastructure operations and the SharePoint application usage. Each region will have an IT resource and a SharePoint resource. Regions are ultimately governed by the SharePoint Strategy Team. Additionally, each site will have its own local administrator—typically the Site Owner/Administrator—who will manage SharePoint locally and escalate issues up to the regional resource as necessary.SharePoint GovernanceThe SharePoint Strategy Team will provide a unified, centrally governed approach to the SharePoint environments. This team is the overriding authority for all architectural, design, and development decisions, including all policies and procedures created for the SharePoint environments. IT will strongly influence foundational and framework-related ernance will be tightly controlled in areas where there is substantial public exposure in terms of readership (whether internal or external) or potential litigation issues. In areas with limited readership or public exposure, governance will be less controlled and allow for a more de-centralized empowerment of end users. IT will generally defer to the business’ direction or influence for features and content-related issues.The following areas will be considered by the SharePoint Strategy Team for inclusion in this governance plan:A network user account (Windows Account) is required to access SharePoint.Internal users, internal data sources, and inputs/outputs.Personal, team, departmental, divisional, corporate, global considerations.Subsidiaries and Affiliates: Technologies, processes, logistics, and finances.Cultural, political, language, religious, social, economic, and gender forces and influences.Site GovernanceDormant sites will be deleted, disposed or archived after 3 months of inactivity. Inactivity is considered as content that has not been updated. A communication will be sent to the relevant site owner advising of the deletion first. If no response is received from the site owner, the site will be archived, and then deleted from the farm. A new site request form will need to be completed should the requirement arise in the future.Content GovernanceWhat follows are merely suggestions as a starting point for defining your SharePoint legal and accountability standards. Realistically your standards might vary quite a bit depending on your industry, SharePoint usage and compliance needs.SharePoint Legal, Compliance and Accountability StandardsExisting standards and policies which relate to the use of technology in the enterprise still apply. This includes acceptable use, privacy, copyright, records retention, confidentiality, and content security. Do not post content that we do not own the legal right to post electronically, including scanned images of journal articles or other documents from sources to which our organization does not have online publishing rights. A link may be created to this content on the content owner’s Web site. Copyright violations can be very costly to our business. Content Contribution and OwnershipSite Owners are accountable for ensuring that the content posted on their pages is accurate and relevant and complies with Legal, Compliance, Accountability standards, and content/records retention policies. While Site Owners are accountable everyone has a shared responsibility of ensuring content is accurate, relevant, current, and appropriate. Only post content that you “own” on a collaboration site or on your My Site. Ownership means that the document is or was created by someone in your department and your department is committed to maintaining the content for its entire lifecycle. If a document is not owned by your department but access to the document is needed on your site, ask the owner to post it and then create a link to it on your site. This improves how current or up to date content will be and reduces the potential of having multiple copies of the same document throughout SharePoint confusing search and adding extra layers of document management. An exception to this rule may be if a source and target relationship is created through the use of send to functionality. In this way the chances of ‘copies’ being out of date has been reduced. Edit content in place. Don’t delete documents to create new ones. Because content contributors on one site may have a link to content on a site they don’t own, it is important to have a standard reminding users to “edit documents in place” so that links do not break. Folder creation in libraries should be avoided at all possible. Consider using Document Sets as a replacement.Always provide a “Title” when creating or uploading documents. This provides the basis for Search.Use shorter names for sites, folders, lists, and documents and control the depth of the site and folder structures to reduce the lengths of URLs. Always provision these assets using a short naming convention (without spaces or special characters) and then renaming the label (Title) after the asset has been provisioned (Created).There are length restrictions which can have a significant impact if not planned for with careful naming: . Content SecurityFor standards related to content security see our SharePoint Security Policy. Discussion Boards and Internal ForumsMust have a champion who will also serve as the discussion board moderator. It is this individual’s responsibility to ensure questions are answered, that the discussion board is adding value and to help the facilitation and categorization of discussions to improve readability and response. Use of LanguageThere will be ten languages provided for use on the SharePoint Platform. (English, Spanish, French, Czech, Slovak, Romanian, Serbian, Hungarian, Dutch, Turkish)The use of the Variations feature can be used to provide the same publishing content in these languages.Document StandardsFile names should be topical and descriptive.Avoid using spaces or special characters when creating or uploading documents. Replace spaces with “Underscores”. This helps avoid broken links when e-mailing document links.Avoid the use of dates or version numbers in file names whenever possible. Use the Built-In Versioning feature instead.Reduce file size whenever possible. No files over 100mb should be stored within SharePoint. Homepage StandardsAll content displayed on the homepage must be approved by an appropriate subject matter expert as well as the homepage administrator. In order to be fair in determining what content should be on the homepage it’s important to follow an approval process for homepage content. This is the most visited page in our SharePoint implementation so it’s important to carefully consider design, usability, and applicability of the content before it is posted. Layout and Design GovernanceNavigation Core navigation changes to the top navigation bar of the home site must be approved by the Taxonomy administrator. Whenever possible the navigation should not be nested more than 3 levels deep. Page Design and LayoutAll pages should render at minimum on 1024 by 768 screen resolutions with no horizontal scrolling. Whenever possible vertical scrolling should be avoided by splitting the content into multiple pages. The most important content should be in the top left most region of the page. Since readers read left to right and top to bottom this is where they will look first and should be where the most prominent/important content on any page should begin. Light fonts on light backgrounds and dark fonts on dark backgrounds should never be used on any pages or articles of content. Pictures and MediaAny added pictures should have alt tags defined for them. If possible all video content should have an available transcript. It is important to follow all existing individual consent policies when including pictures of other people in any SharePoint site.RatingsContent ratings represent how useful the content was to you. In our organization a piece of content rated as 5 is very useful, where as a rating of 0 or 1 would denote that it was not useful to you.Providing a rating on content will improve “Rank Coercion” which improves weighting on Relevant Searches.Rich Text and Page ContentDo not underline anything that is not a hyperlink, instead using a bold typeface. LinksMake any link text concise and descriptive so that it is clear and easy to read what the link references. Bad: Click here for the latest application form Better: Download the latest application form Best: Download the latest application form Links to documents or pages within the site collection should not open in a new window. Links to documents or pages in another site collection should open in a new window. Links outside the intranet (to another application or external site) should open in a new window. Site StandardsEvery SharePoint Site must have an identified sponsor/owner. Further roles can be identified such as a site administrator, security administrator, or content manager for any specific site. A review of each site must be conducted at a minimum of every 12 months with the sponsor/owner as well as any other relevant site roles. This review must ensure that site content is accurate, relevant, and current. A checklist to assist the site review process will be provided to you upon creation of the site and can be downloaded at the following location: All SharePoint sites should have a primary and secondary contact responsible for the site and its content. The site contact(s) should be listed on the site homepage where (if possible) their names link to their respective profile pages. The email address of each contact should also be displayed to simplify and encourage contact with them. New site requests must follow the defined site provisioning process found here: Content Ownership and Site Ownership must be assigned before a site can be provisioned. Any significant security requirements must be identified. Storage and growth expectations must be identified. Sites should have short descriptive names without spaces or special characters. Use shorter names for sites, folders, and documents and control the depth of the site and folder structures to reduce the lengths of URLs as there are length restrictions which can have a significant impact: . Avoid the use of spaces, or special characters as they add extra length to the URL of content when encoded. Communities of Practice (CoP)Whenever possible a community site should have at least 200 to 300 members.This helps ensure that there is a large enough group of people to keep the community site fresh, active, and that personal connection/communication isn’t as viable (based on the size of the collective).Authors Note: Microsoft has stated this a few times for many reasons around growth, activity, and other reasons. However that doesn’t mean a smaller community wouldn’t have potential munities should have at least one clear designated moderator.The moderator will be responsible for clarifying the community’s purpose, when possible aggregating responses into best replies, re-categorizing mistakenly categorized questions or discussions, managing reported content, and managing badges/rewards.Moderators should have a simple ‘Moderator Badge’ using the badge functionality of the SharePoint community applied to them (allowing for easier identification).All categories within community sites should have an image or Logo associated with them that represent the category.Depending on how sites are provisioned, tracked, and managed it may be important to note the type of community site clearly for each community site. This enables easier management, and coordination around communities. There are four types of community sitesPrivate - available only to invited members.Closed - read for all but only approved members can contribute. The owner gets an action request when someone wants to join or auto-approval can be enabled.Open with explicit action required to join (i.e. users click the "Join this community" button).Open with no explicit requirement to join. Anyone can participate without joining. Without joining, however, there is no automatic following of sites.If a question has been answered, but a best reply isn’t clear to the poster – they should contact the moderator to assist in compiling a best reply answer that is an aggregation of the answers.An additional view of “No Replies” should be created to assist users in finding unanswered questions, or discussions that have not been followed up to improve awareness.Social TaggingSocially tagged content is still security trimmed. That means that any socially tagged content will only be shared and available to other people who can already see that content. Tags should add to the value of the content. Use words that help identify it, or describe what you found to be positive about the content. Here are some examples sectioned into the two types of tags. Identification Project XYZ Marketing Schedule Positive Excellent Comprehensive Good Case Study It is entirely acceptable to tag content the same way that someone else has already tagged it. It is entirely acceptable to tag content with a phrase or word even if that content has a column value specifying the same thing. Negative tagging is not allowed in our organization. Instead or alternatively identifying words should be used. Acceptable Outdated No Longer Relevant Incomplete Missing References or Research Unacceptable Prehistoric Thinking Bad Case Study Garbage Profanity News FeedAvoid split posts to the newsfeed based on length limits (meaning if you have more to say than 512 characters consider a discussion or other medium for capturing/sharing).“Everyone” or Public Newsfeed Posts are not security trimmed (meaning everyone can see these posts, links contained within them, or other post information).Automatically generated posts are security trimmed (where appropriate).Site newsfeed posts are security trimmed based on the site’s security.Negative #Hashtags are not allowed in our organization. Instead or alternatively identifying words should be used.Acceptable Examples#Help#Marketing#Boston#LessonLearnedUnacceptable#Fail#MarketingSucks#Profanity#StupidUser ProfilesYou are responsible for updating and maintaining any personal information you would like to share on your profile. You are responsible for ensuring that any information you share on your personal profile is targeted and secured in the way you want it to be. The privacy options available to you are: You only (Private) Your manager (Manager) Your workgroup (Organization) Your colleagues (Contacts) Everyone (Public) “About Me” can and should contain any relevant information that you believe will be beneficial to share and highlight about yourself. Here are some examples of About Me descriptions to help clarify what you could share. “I have been a Quality Engineer with our company for over 10 years. I spend most of my time coming up with effective methods of stress testing, and verifying the quality of our products. I live in Boston, MA with my two daughters, my dog, and my wife and run a community hack space (where we take apart things and see how they work and build new things out of them).” “Designer Extraordinaire: I work with our Marketing department and other areas of the business on everything relating to design including Print, Web, and Interactive.” “Currently I am on contract and working with HR. I am currently enrolled in my third year of a MBA program at the Boston University’s School of Management. I have so far been involved in our new Microsoft Technology Training initiative, our corporate wide succession planning initiative, helped drive the implementation of our coaches’ corner and mentoring system and many more great projects.” AppsSharePoint Apps is a new concept in SharePoint allowing you to purchase and download pre-built applications from the SharePoint App store.When you visit the SharePoint store you may view apps that interest you, but will be unable to purchase or download these apps directly. Instead you will need to fill out an app request which will be reviewed and the app team will try their best to meet your underlying needs.Security GovernanceEnvironmental Security StandardsSeparate accounts must be used for different services and processes. No executing service or process account may be running with local administrator permissions. All Servers are managed by IT in a secure server room on premises.Content Security StandardsCustomizing item level permissions should be avoided whenever possible. Assigning individual user permissions should be avoided whenever possible. Group and Permission ManagementEach group must have a clear description which lists its purpose and the reasoning behind its creation. Create a custom group when: You have more (or fewer) user roles within your organization than are apparent in the default groups. For example, if in addition to Approvers, Designers, and Hierarchy Managers, you have a set of people who are tasked with publishing content to the site, you might want to create a Publishers group. There are well-known names for unique roles within your organization that perform very different tasks in the sites. For example, if you are creating a public site to sell your organization’s products, you might want to create a Customers group that replaces Visitors or Viewers. You want to preserve a one-to-one relationship between Windows security groups and the SharePoint groups. For example, if your organization has a security group called Web Site Managers, you might want to use that name as a SharePoint group name for easy identification when managing the site. You prefer other group names because it adds clarity/improves the group’s usability/applicability. If the default groups are not being used, remove them from the SharePoint site to improve group management and mitigate incorrect group assignment. Do not customize the default permission levels. A valid alternative is to create a copy of a default permission level and to modify the copy. You should create new permission levels (using the method above) if: You want to exclude several permissions from a particular permission level. You want to define a unique set of permissions for a new permission level. Using Active Directory Groups vs. SharePoint GroupsManaging SharePoint Security is accomplished with SharePoint Security groups. These groups can contain Active Directory groups or Individual Active Directory members or a combination of both. Always add Individual Active Directory members or Groups to SharePoint Groups, never add these explicitly. There is no set rule on when to use Active Directory groups over Individual Members. Active Directory groups are the preferred method when working with many users on a site as this improves performance of search crawls and is the typical method for Intranets. Team Sites are typically either use Individual Active Directory Members as they are typically smaller in size and can be managed by the Site Owners themselves.The default SharePoint groups should NEVER be deleted or modified. This is the same rule for SharePoint Permission Levels. Instead, create new SharePoint Groups and assign them the appropriate permission levels.The following table lists the default permission levels for team sites in SharePoint 2013.Permission level Description Permissions included by default View OnlyEnables users to view application pages. The View Only permission level is used for the Excel Services Viewers group.View Application PagesView ItemsView VersionsCreate AlertsUse Self Service Site CreationView PagesBrowse User InformationUse Remote InterfacesUse Client Integration FeaturesOpenLimited AccessEnables users to access shared resources and a specific asset. Limited Access is designed to be combined with fine-grained permissions to enable users to access a specific list, document library, folder, list item, or document, without enabling them to access the whole site. Limited Access cannot be edited or deleted.View Application PagesBrowse User InformationUse Remote InterfacesUse Client Integration FeaturesOpenRead Enables users to view pages and list items, and to download documents.Limited Access permissions, plus:View ItemsOpen ItemsView VersionsCreate AlertsUse Self-Service Site CreationView PagesContributeEnables users to manage personal views, edit items and user information, delete versions in existing lists and document libraries, and add, remove, and update personal Web Parts.Read permissions, plus:Add ItemsEdit ItemsDelete ItemsDelete VersionsBrowse DirectoriesEdit Personal User InformationManage Personal ViewsAdd/Remove Personal Web PartsUpdate Personal Web PartsEditEnables users to manage lists.Contribute permissions, plus:Manage ListsDesign Enables users to view, add, update, delete, approve, and customize items or pages in the website.Edit permissions, plus:Add and Customize PagesApply Themes and BordersApply Style Sheets Override List BehavioursApprove ItemsFull Control Enables users to have full control of the website.All permissions If you use a site template other than the team site template, you will see a different list of default SharePoint permission levels. For example, the following table shows additional permission levels provided with the publishing template.Permission level Description Permissions included by default Restricted ReadView pages and documents. For publishing sites only.View ItemsOpen ItemsView PagesOpenApproveEdit and approve pages, list items, and documents. For publishing sites only.Contribute permissions, plus:Override List BehavioursApprove ItemsManage HierarchyCreate sites; edit pages, list items, and documents, and change site permissions. For Publishing sites only.Design permissions minus the Approve Items, Apply Themes and Borders, and Apply Style Sheets permissions, plus:Manage permissionsView Web Analytics DataCreate Sub sitesManage AlertsEnumerate PermissionsManage Web SiteDevelopment GovernanceThis section really falls under IT governance of SharePoint. You don’t necessarily have to go into these lengths in the business version, but you do want to mention at least that all custom development is subject to IT rules and approval.If your organisation is large enough to warrant proper development with dedicated teams, then the following is required to manage that. You don’t want users just dropping things on the platform at will. Some vendors will attempt to bypass governance rules through the business users. Make sure the development rules are properly communicated to users. In SharePoint it’s easy to put custom developed solutions onto the platform using Sandbox Solutions if they have the correct rights. Establish rules around that.SharePoint hosts both out of box collaboration solutions as well as business critical applications. The stability of the environment is at threat with custom developed solutions, and for that reason, all development is very strictly governed. Custom solutions using Enterprise Features also have licensing implications and need to be approved by IT. Regardless of whether the development is done in-house or by external vendors, and irrespective of the type of development; all the following procedures described need to be adhered to.Procedures for a Fully Customized SolutionsA Technical Impact Assessment must be completed by the business unit and / or Sector Portfolio Manager and submitted to IT which will assess amongst other considerations, licensing and capacity implications. Formal feedback on the assessment will be provided.The business unit engages with its Project Manager to ensure that the request for a solution is formally documented in a Business System Specification.The Project Manager must be engaged for all development projects. When necessary, he will appoint an analyst and decide what development effort is required to build the required solution. The Project Manager arranges a cost estimation exercise to give to the business unit, along with the findings from the Technical Impact Assessment.It is the business unit’s responsibility to secure the necessary funding for their requirements and register a formal project. If sufficient IT resources are not available to develop the solution within the business expected delivery timeframe, then the Project Manager will at his discretion outsource the development of the solution to an IT approved SharePoint solution provider.The Project Manager must formally notify the business unit of the expected timeframes so that user expectations can be managed. The assumption must always be that the team developing the customized solution will not be the team supporting and maintaining the solution. To this effect it is a non-negotiable requirement that systems documentation must be produced describing the components that enable the specialization and customization of the solution.Where an external vendor has been selected to do the development, a company Production Support person must be assigned to the project team to facilitate future support. The project must be managed by a company Project Manager. All SharePoint development must be done under the auspices of IT. Under no circumstances may a business unit engage directly with SharePoint solution providers without the authorization or permission of IT.It is mandatory that all custom development be presented to the IT design forums for approval.At the User Acceptance Testing stage the solution needs to be load tested to ensure that the impact on the SharePoint infrastructure is predictable. IT can be called on to assist for this.All newly developed sites must conform to the Intranet standards for look and feel.Any look and feel changes away from the approved theme must be approved by Group Marketing’s branding team first; then implemented with the full SDLC process. All themes must be correctly packaged.Procedures for Third Party Software InstallationsAll third party products need to be evaluated by IT.If the product is deemed appropriate, IT will request approval from the Software Standards Council to get the product to the software list. If the vendor is not on the preferred supplier list, they must be placed on the vendor application process first. The initiating business unit needs to provide funding for the software. The software then needs to follow the SDLC process before being deployed to Production.Procedures for Intranet ChangesThese are configuration changes or may change the way the Intranet is presented and structured, i.e. the classification of sites and the site hierarchy. The navigation of the Intranet may be affected.This development is done by the Intranet team.The activities required will be developed on a Test / Development site and the necessary steps documented.The Intranet Team will raise a service request to have the changes implemented and are also responsible for communicating the impending changes to the affected user community.The Server Team will use the documentation provided to effect the changes in the Production environment with the necessary change control procedures.Feedback to Intranet will be provided by the Server Team when the implementation is completed. Governance ModelIntranetSharePoint Development TeamSharePoint Strategy TeamSharePoint Operations TeamSharePoint Support TeamTaxonomic SectionCharacteristicsOwnersCorporate SharePointPermanentControlled; tightly governedPush information to usersDashboards, Business Intelligence, BPMApplications, ContentSharePoint administratorsCorporate stakeholdersDivisional SharePoint’sPermanentControlled; tightly governedPush information to usersAll public sites - content is divisional informationDashboards, Business Intelligence, BPMApplications, ContentSharePoint administratorsDivisional business ownersDepartment and Team SitesPermanent and TemporarySharing information (push / pull)CollaborationAd hoc, lax controlDivisional business ownersDepartmental business ownersProject Team SitesShort lived, timed expirationCollaborationAd hoc, lax controlDepartmental business ownersPersonal My SitesPermanentPersonal infoPull informationAd hoc, lax controlSharePoint administratorsEmployeesOperations PoliciesSystem AdministrationTasksManage SQL Databases and Available Storage SpaceBackup and Restoration schedules and audits (list what to backup and where)Auditing of security logsMonitoring: Usage analysis and Tuning; automatic monitoring (MOM) and event notifications.Maintenance of the servers (service packs, etc.)Set and manage quotas for sitesProvide self-support for hardware and software. Where escalation is required, escalate through normal channels (third party vendors and partners).DocumentationDocument the installation and configuration of the system in its environment. The system must be documented well enough so as to be reinstalled and reconfigured to last known good operating standards, should it become necessary to do so.Document and maintain a document of Scheduled Tasks.Document the IT Support Team and Escalation points of contact.Document the installation and configuration of the system in its environment. The system must be documented well enough so as to be reinstalled and reconfigured to last known good operating standards, should it become necessary to do so.PoliciesDisaster RecoverySharePoint recovery must provide a full recovery from last backup. Recovery of lost sites will be to the current state of the site at the time the last backup was done.Regional WSS sites are limited to true disaster recovery (i.e., no item level recovery) until WSS v3.0 is released and implemented.HardwareAccess to and governance of hardware is subject to existing IT policies.Hardware will be kept up to date with latest service packs and security updates.Adhere to policies created by SharePoint Administrators and the SharePoint Strategy Team.The general purpose server should be used for File, Print, and SharePoint only.Change ManagementCommunicate with all SharePoint Administrators as defined in the Roles and Responsibilities, any required changes to infrastructure components prior to performing any municate with all SharePoint Administrators any proposed changes to the software application, including custom web applications or web parts.Scheduled TasksThe system provides for some self-maintenance in the form of scheduled tasks, those tasks that run automatically and unattended on a routine, scheduled, basis.There is a need to coordinate the timing of the scheduled tasks to ensure no conflicts of scheduled tasks.Scheduled taskScheduleActive Directory importsNightlyIndex replicationNightlyIndexing of content.For performance reasons, Europe might index content local to them during European night-time. At that same time, the US might index content stored on European servers. The indexing process would be the reverse during US night-time.Various content-dependent schedules during non-business hours.File System and Database BackupsNightlyData replication, if needed for disaster recovery purposesReal timeTime ZonesFor scheduling purposes, the following time zones shall be observed:LocationNorth AmericaEuropeAsia-PacificTime ZoneDenver, USA GMT -7Europe GMT + 1China, Singapore GMT +8Denver, USA GMT -78 am – 5 pm4 pm – 1 am11 pm – 8 amEurope GMT +112 am – 9 am8 am – 5 pm3 pm – 12 amChina GMT +85 pm – 2 am1 am – 10 am8 am – 5 pmSingapore GMT +85 pm – 2 am1 am – 10 am8 am – 5 pmAsia-Pacific will be supported by Singapore and China. Hours of support are below.India GMT +77 am – 4 pmJapan GMT +99 am – 6 pmKorea GMT +99 am – 6 pmDandenong, Victoria GMT +1010 am – 7 pm2367915476250EU Support00EU Support3774440476250AP Support00AP Support208915476250NA Support00NA SupportService OfferingThe following services are offered for SharePoint:Full Disaster Recovery. Uptime target of 99.9% or better during business operating hours.Restore Point Objective of 4 hours or less for non-severe outages and 7 days for severe outages. Recovery point objective of 24 hours or less.First line of site support on an ongoing basis by Intranet and Team Site Administrators with an escalation process to second level support.An initial deployment and upgrade to 100GB of data with the ability to grow as and when the business dictates – the current infrastructure should support 1,000 concurrent users for a limited number of sites over the first year.Built in auditing to capture content and user activity accessible to site owners, as well as more advanced reporting with [management tool] on demand from the Administrators.Search facility on all indexed content.Single sign on.Default site allocation of 25GB per team site – all further space requirements (SAN Storage) need to be purchased in bulk.Default My Site allocation of 100MB – increased space requirements can be motivated.Team sites – ring fenced to a team or division.Intranet sites – sites linked to the Intranet and open to everyone in the company.Operational sites – custom developed line of business solutions.SharePoint Quota PlanSite Quotas will be used to manage unique SharePoint sites. Initially all sites will be located in a single site collection, but overtime this model will not sustain continued usage and growth. When the current team site collection reaches a specific size new Site Quota Templates should be provisioned and used for any new team site requests.Note: This requires all new team site/project sites to be unique site collections in order to assign and enforce a quota on each individual team/project site (collection).Three different quota levels will be created. By default, each site will start at Quota 1. When users are notified that their site is approaching the quota limit, the Tactical Operations SharePoint Governance Team will work with them to review the current site and make adjustments to the existing content. If no adjustments can be made, the site will be elevated to the level 2 quota. If users are notified that they are reaching the level 2 quota, the Tactical Operations SharePoint Governance Team will again review the site content. If it is determined that the site will continue to require additional storage space then downtime will be scheduled and the site will be migrated to a dedicated database.The following flowchart describes the process defined above:Quota TemplateQuota 1Quota 2Quota 3Limit Site Storage To A Maximum Of:25GB50GB100GBSend Warning E-Mail When Site Collection Storage Reaches:20GB45GB95GBLimit Maximum Usage Per Day To:300 Points300 Points300 PointsSend Warning E-Mail When Usage Per Day Reaches:100 Points100 Points100 PointsSharePoint Administration ?TasksAuditing of indexing logs; search and index tuning.Monitoring: Usage analysis and tuning.Policy creation and enforcementDetermine content crawling of regional WSS sites (data sources and crawl schedules)Assist with determining what data stays local in WSS and what data gets stored on the SharePointIntegrate global and/or regional locations into SharePointEnforcement of allowable / prohibited file type storagePerform routine releases and upgrades to the application.Create site templates for various business scenarios.Responsible for modifying permissions for SharePoint sites and WSS sites. DocumentationDocument the configuration of the system in its environment such that it could be reconfigured to last known good operating standards, should it become necessary to do so.Document the Application Support Team and Escalation points of contact.Create online documentation for training and support needs or customize existing training material and documentation. This documentation may include a listing of FAQs, How To’s, Wikis, Blogs, Videos and a Glossary of terms.PoliciesThese policies are subject to the Application Usage Policies. For example, SharePoint Administrators will adhere to site provisioning policy as defined under Application Usage Policies when provisioning sites.Coordinate with SharePoint Strategy Team for policy creation and enforcementThe SharePoint will index approximately 20% of data at each remote siteCannot install custom web parts on the server.Cannot install other apps including custom web applications. This specifically includes SQL Server applications.No customization of site templates, definitions, or navigation without consensus of SharePoint Administrators.Releases and UpgradesMaintenance releases will be offered to end-users once a quarter. Work projects will be scoped by 90-day blocks.Releases will be rolled out from Development to Test and then to Production environments according to procedures and schedules as yet undefined.Testing will occur at each stage (development/test/production) and sign-off will be given before advancing to the next stage.Application Usage PoliciesPoliciesSite Provisioning (intranet, extranet, regional vs. corporate, etc.)Sites should target a specific audience.Employees will be able to create their own My Site and manage sub-site creation in their My Site up to the 100MB storage quota.SharePoint Sites should only be used in instances where:Content that applies to multiple parts of the organization is being aggregated and made available.There are resources responsible for maintaining the content on the site.The site can be recognized as a top level topic within the organization and is enduring. (e.g., Human Resources, IT)WSS Sites should be used as follows:For all document workspaces and meeting workspaces. By teams as a method for organizing information that is specific to the team or project they are currently working on. SharePoint Administrators may decide to provision top level sites and grant Business Owners provisioning permissions (create, administer, delete) over their own sites. SharePoint Administrators may need to coordinate and create Project sites since all users may not have access initially; however, smaller team sites can be created by Site Administrators.Sites will be created with templates appropriate for their business purpose.Sites are based on templates that are centrally designed. The assigned business site administrator is responsible for assigning further access to new sites.Sites will adhere to the following standards:Site owner must be displayed in the top-right corner of each pany X template to be used for all top level sitesSub-sites list for immediate (single level) child sub-sites to be displayed under site owner.Sites requests will list the following as required information:PurposeWhat is the intention of the site to be created?Will it be a Departmental, Project, or Community (CoP) site?ValueHow will this site benefit employees or the business??AudienceWho will need access to the site and use the site??Site OwnerWho is the person ultimately responsible for the site? This is the Primary Contact.?Site AdministratorWho will administer and maintain the site? This is the Secondary “Site Owner” Contact.?FeaturesWhat are the features needed on the site?Document Storage, Newsletter, Calendar, Team Collaboration, etc.Site URLs will be created according to the following standards:Intranet SharePoint’s – Divisional SharePoint’s – Departmental Sites – Team Sites – Project Sites – Plant Sites – Site ManagementSite auto expiration: To ensure stale sites are removed and data storage is reclaimed, sites untouched for 90 days will be slated for automatic deletion. Site owners will be notified if their site is slated for deletion and provided with a mechanism to remove it from the automatic deletion list. Site Owners may have the option of having their site archived prior to deletion.User AccessAll SharePoint Administrators must review the training materials and complete a skills assessment prior to becoming an Administrator.DevelopmentThere are business-assigned developers. For any development work, contact your business developer.Custom development needs to be first scoped by the developer and then approved by SharePoint Administrators. This includes any development under Windows Workflow Foundation (WinFX).No web development tools other than those provided by SharePoint for development of the SharePoint user interface (no SharePoint Designer, a.k.a. FrontPage, no Visual Studio, no Cold Fusion, etc.). These tools are permissible only for the development of custom web applications outside of SharePoint. These applications are considered external to pany X Employees must develop web sites in compliance with Intranet design standards and laws concerning copyrights, proprietary names and trademarks.Storage QuotasBy default SharePoint imposes a 50MB limit on the size of a single document that can be uploaded into a document library.100 MB of storage is allotted for each user’s My Site.100 GB of storage is allotted for all Top-level Team Sites.Team Site administrators receive alerts when storage is at 90% of quota.SharePoint administrators can override storage quota for Site Collections if necessary.Document Management Documents used only by a particular location, or with minimal sharing, should be stored at that site, typically on that site’s WSS server.Documents shared across multiple divisions should be stored on the SharePointProhibited file types: ade,adp,asa,ashx,asmx,asp,bas,bat,cdx,cer,chm,class,cmd,cnt,com,config,cpl,crt,csh,der,dll,exe,fxp,gadget,grp,hlp,hpj,hta,htr,htw,ida,idc,idq,ins,isp,its,jse,json,ksh,lnk,mad,maf,mag,mam,maq,mar,mas,mat,mau,mav,maw,mcf,mda,mdb,mde,mdt,mdw,mdz,msc,msh,msh1,msh1xml,msh2,msh2xml,mshxml,msi,ms-one-stub,msp,mst,ops,pcd,pif,pl,prf,prg,printer,ps1,ps1xml,ps2,ps2xml,psc1,psc2,pst,reg,rem,scf,scr,sct,shb,shs,shtm,shtml,soap,stm,svc,url,vb,vbe,vbs,vsix,ws,wsc,wsf,wsh,xamlxPosting software to the <Company Name> Intranet is prohibited. Content ManagementAll SharePoint content that reaches the SharePoint site is created by a user and then deployed to the SharePoint via a request to the appropriate content approver or site administrator to add or update the content on the SharePoint. The administrator may be required to convert some of this content into a format more suitable for the SharePoint prior to updating the SharePoint site. Content will be maintained by the appropriate business content owner, typically the author of the content.Content posted to the Intranet as:INTERNAL is not to be transmitted outside <Company Name>. Content that is not identified is considered to be INTERNAL.CONFIDENTIAL is not to be transmitted or shared with anyone who does not have authorization to see it.PUBLIC USE has been deemed to not contain proprietary or confidential information and may be shared with anyone.PRIVILEGED is regarded as attorney-client communication and shall be dated and not transmitted or shared with anyone who does not have authorization to see it.COPYRIGHTED shall be assumed to be protected by copyright and shall be dated and marked. It shall show the copyright owner’s name and shall not be reproduced in electronic or hard-copy form without authorization.Users follow a built-in approval process for getting content published to their sites. If the setting is “automatically approved” the content is immediately available. Where approval is required, the content must be approved by the appropriate content approver or site administrator. In this case, the content approver is responsible for reviewing and approving content posted to the Intranet.Conduct<Company Name> Employees or agents of <Company Name> using the <Company Name> SharePoint environments are representing the Company. They are expected to conduct all business in a professional business manner.ProceduresHow to Volunteer for Governance (Strategy or Support) TeamsLook for a link on the SharePoint that leads to the SharePoint Governance siteFill out the requested information on this siteAlternatively, contact any of the SharePoint Administrators directlyHow to Obtain SupportContact the site owner listed on the siteContact your local System Administrator unless a SharePoint Support Representative has been designated for your location. In that case, contact your local SharePoint Support RepresentativeContact a member of your business unit’s volunteer Support Team. Members are listed on the SharePoint Governance siteContact the SharePoint Administrator for your region (North America, Europe, and Asia-Pacific). SharePoint Administrators are listed on the SharePoint Governance siteContact the Help Desk.Discover Who is Serving on the Governance TeamsLook for a link on the SharePoint that leads to the SharePoint Governance siteRequesting a New Site (Site provisioning)Business owner fills out requirements on site request formAssign Site Owner and Site Administrator (self or direct report). May be same person.Define the Target Audience (e.g., engineering for AOE worldwide)Define who (public or only members) has visibility to this content. (Contributors will appreciate knowing who can see the posted content and determine what is appropriate).Define the intended purpose of the site.Define value to Employees or business.Define features needed.Submit form for approvalTeam Site / Project Site requests are submitted to the Department OwnerDepartment Site requests are submitted to the Division OwnerSharePoint Site / Community Site requests are submitted to the SharePoint AdministratorSite provision request received by appropriate SharePoint, division, or department administratorRequest approved or denied with “more info needed”Upon approval, appropriate administrator creates site w/requested template (according to site type, business purpose, and features).Email is generated and sent to Business Owner that site is available.Requesting Access To a SiteFind the site owner listed on the site you want access to.Contact that person to request access.Alternatively, if the site has Access Requests enabled, simply submit the access request when presented with that option.How To Become a SharePoint Site Owner/AdministratorAll SharePoint Site Owner/Administrators must review the training materials and complete a skills assessment prior to becoming an Administrator.Steps to becoming a SharePoint Administrator of your own site:? Download the SharePoint Training Guide here. Request a SharePoint Administrator Training Site where you are the Administrator.? Read the entire Training Guide.Use your training site to complete the Skills Training section at the end of Part 4 of the Training Guide. Notify your SharePoint Administrator when you have completed the skills munication and TrainingCommunication PlanCommunication to the BusinessCommunication to the business regarding this Governance Plan will be in the form of web content on a site off the home page of the corporate SharePoint site. There will be sections on the page for the following:End UserHierarchy of Governance (Summary)Team roles and responsibilitiesStrategy TeamTactical Operations TeamTactical Support TeamTactical Development TeamIndividual roles and responsibilitiesIT rolesSharePoint rolesBusiness rolesCurrent membership of above teamsHow to get involved and become a member of above teamsHardware equipment hosting the SharePoint environments (IT access only)How to obtain support, by locationInformation TechnologyOperations Policy (System Administration)TasksDocumentationPoliciesScheduled TasksOperations Policy (SharePoint Administration)TasksDocumentationPoliciesApplication Usage PolicyPoliciesProceduresCommunication to the Governance TeamsCommunication to the governance teams regarding this Governance Plan or any governance activities or issues will be in the following forms:Web content listed aboveScheduled meetings or conference callsAd hoc communications via email.Training PlanFor any new system, a solid training plan is required if the users are going to adopt the new system and use it effectively in their daily activities. Training RecommendationsIt’s important to understand that learning SharePoint (in particular how it can be used for business benefit, and how the features in SharePoint should/should not be used) is an extremely iterative process. As a result of this it’s important for training to follow a “Just in Time” and a “Just enough” approach whenever possible. Training Requirements are listed below.Training All users of the system will require some form of training.Business Owners need education of the product including capabilities.Site Owners need advanced training, including office integration and Security Policies.End Users need usage overview training.Help Desk personnel require intense training and troubleshooting analysis. Tier two or tier three support should be considered for official, externally-provided training.SharePoint Training tools may include:“How to” documentation.Lunch ‘n Learn presentations using real scenarios.Instructor-led training hosted by the SharePoint Administrator or other competent individual(s).On-Demand Video Presentations.Blogs from the experts.Online labs hosted on a sandbox environment.Training will initially consist of online reference materials for both typical end users (addressing “How To” information).Refer to the official SharePoint Training Plan for a comprehensive overview of this training.Support PlanSupport for the SharePoint environments is similar to the management of the SharePoint environments. Support will be provided via a regional, multi-tiered approach. The support system consists of a network of support professionals: business owners and SharePoint Products and Technologies experts for first level support, Site Owners/Administrators or the <Company Name> Corporate Help Desk for tier two support, and SharePoint administrators for tier three support.The types of support required for SharePoint Products and Technologies are Operational support (both back-end system administrator and front-end SharePoint administrator support) and Application Support for end users.Who to ContactOperational SupportSharePoint Administrators will support the day to day operational issues for SharePoint site deployments. Infrastructure issues requiring technical escalation will be escalated to the regional IT contact and subsequently to the corporate IT contact. Final escalation would be to the appropriate hardware or software vendor.End User SupportSharePoint Site Owner/Administrators will be the primary end user support contact for their location until additional Employees are proficient enough to answer simple end user questions. At that time, Site Owners/Administrators should designate one or more of these individuals as resident SharePoint Products and Technologies experts to assist with localized end user support.At such time as is appropriate, it is intended that the <Company Name> Corporate Help Desk assume a role in the support of end users. End users would first contact their resident SharePoint Products and Technologies expert. Second tier escalation will be to either the Site Owner/Administrator or the <Company Name> Corporate Help Desk. Issues requiring further escalation will be escalated to the Regional SharePoint Farm Administrator. Final escalation would be to the appropriate software vendor.Support AvailabilitySupport GroupSpecial FunctionsAvailability User Self HelpOnline information on the Corporate IntranetDefault SharePoint Products and Technologies help documentation Select Site Provisioning, including My Site7 days x 24 hoursTier 1Business ownersPower UsersCorporate Help DeskBasic product support; general how to and troubleshooting questions from usersEscalations to tier 27 days x 24 hoursTier 2Site Owner/AdministratorsCorporate Help DeskSharePoint Products & Technologies ExpertsProvide routine tasks to users such as fulfilling requests for site provisioning of team sitesSite access issuesChange site ownershipIncrease storage quotaEscalations to tier 3Normal localized business office hoursCorporate Help Desk is available M-F from 6:00 AM – 5:00 PM MST (GMT -7)Tier 3SharePoint AdministratorsRegional System AdministratorsCreate or delete SharePoint sitesRedirect or rename siteSite restore requestsResolve escalated issuesM-F from 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM within each of the three regionsOther Possible Support ScenariosSupport Availability ScheduleNotice that many locations will receive support outside the hours of 8 am – 5 pm due to their relation to their SharePoint Administrator’s time zone. No direct support coverage will be available for users between the hours of 2 am – 8 am MST.LocationNorth AmericaEuropeAsia-PacificTime ZoneDenver, USA GMT -7Europe GMT + 1China, Singapore GMT +8Denver, USA GMT -78 am – 5 pm4 pm – 1 am11 pm – 8 amEurope GMT +112 am – 9 am8 am – 5 pm3 pm – 12 amChina GMT +85 pm – 2 am1 am – 10 am8 am – 5 pmSingapore GMT +85 pm – 2 am1 am – 10 am8 am – 5 pmAsia-Pacific will be supported by Singapore and China. Hours of support are below.India GMT +77 am – 4 pmJapan GMT +99 am – 6 pmKorea GMT +99 am – 6 pmDandenong, Victoria GMT +1010 am – 7 pmEU could support Eastern US’s evening hours in their morning and Western AP’s morning hours in their evening, but for simplicity’s sake, we will keep support within geographical regions. If it becomes necessary in the future to offer more comprehensive support hours, we will consider revising this policy at that time.Tier 1.??Local SharePoint Products and Technologies experts, business owners, and the Corporate Help Desk are the first line of contact for all users with questions and problems concerning the SharePoint environments. Support staff helps users validate issues, understand features and functionality, resolve known issues and escalate issues that require additional expertise or back-end administrative access to the SharePoint Products and Technologies application or hardware. Help Desk technicians have SharePoint Products and Technologies experience and receive advance training prior to end users. Tier 2.???Site Owners/Administrators and Corporate Help Desk Technical Support staff comprise tier 2 support and have two roles in assisting users with SharePoint Products and Technologies issues. First, tier 2 staff validates issues and reviews steps taken by tier 1 support to make sure no troubleshooting steps were missed. Second, tier 2 staff has administrative access to SharePoint Products and Technologies and resolves common issues that require administrative access such as quota increases or change of team site owner. Tier 3.???SharePoint Administrators and regional System Administrators with extensive SharePoint Products and Technologies experience, including those involved in the design and architecture of the system, provide tier 3 support. Tier 3 support is expected to comprise approximately 1 to 2 percent of support calls. ReferencesSharePoint Training PlanAnd/Or SharePoint Training GuideIT Security Policy ................

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