SharePoint “15” App Model – Introduction

MACROBUTTON AcceptAllChangesInDoc Microsoft SharePoint 2013 - Governance PlanningVerified Against Build #15.0.4128.1014Prepared bySriram BalaSharePoint PracticeTable of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Governance Planning PAGEREF _Toc384306558 \h 6Executive Summary PAGEREF _Toc384306559 \h 6Introduction PAGEREF _Toc384306560 \h 6Objectives PAGEREF _Toc384306561 \h 6Audience PAGEREF _Toc384306562 \h 7Scope PAGEREF _Toc384306563 \h 7Risks / Concerns PAGEREF _Toc384306564 \h 7Non-Compliance PAGEREF _Toc384306565 \h 7Model PAGEREF _Toc384306566 \h 8SharePoint Governance PAGEREF _Toc384306567 \h 11What is Governance? PAGEREF _Toc384306568 \h 11What is SharePoint Governance and why is it important? PAGEREF _Toc384306569 \h 11Collaboration Advisory Board (CAB) PAGEREF _Toc384306570 \h 12SharePoint Guiding Principles PAGEREF _Toc384306571 \h 13Roles and Responsibilities PAGEREF _Toc384306572 \h 13IT Roles PAGEREF _Toc384306573 \h 14SharePoint Roles PAGEREF _Toc384306574 \h 15Business Roles PAGEREF _Toc384306575 \h 20Governance Hierarchy PAGEREF _Toc384306576 \h 22Content Management Policies PAGEREF _Toc384306577 \h 22SharePoint vs. Content Manager vs. File Share PAGEREF _Toc384306578 \h 22SharePoint Published Content vs. Collaborative Content PAGEREF _Toc384306579 \h 23Promoting Collaboration Content to Published Content PAGEREF _Toc384306580 \h 23Our Portal Policies PAGEREF _Toc384306581 \h 24Branding Policy PAGEREF _Toc384306582 \h 24Social Networking Policy PAGEREF _Toc384306583 \h 24Collaboration Policies PAGEREF _Toc384306584 \h 25Branding Policy PAGEREF _Toc384306585 \h 25Collaboration Site Provisioning Policy PAGEREF _Toc384306586 \h 25Site Provisioning Automation PAGEREF _Toc384306587 \h 26Describe the process to automate site provisioning and creation of site templates? PAGEREF _Toc384306588 \h 27Describe the process employed to manage and maintain permissions across the farm/farms? PAGEREF _Toc384306589 \h 28Describe the quota management process and automation of the same? PAGEREF _Toc384306590 \h 29Describe the de-provisioning of the sites? PAGEREF _Toc384306591 \h 29Collaboration Configuration Site Policy PAGEREF _Toc384306592 \h 30External Configuration Site Policy PAGEREF _Toc384306593 \h 30Collaboration Best Practices PAGEREF _Toc384306594 \h 30Site Usage Policy PAGEREF _Toc384306595 \h 31Collaboration Site Quotas PAGEREF _Toc384306596 \h 32SharePoint Capabilities Allowed PAGEREF _Toc384306597 \h 33Non-Supported Functions PAGEREF _Toc384306598 \h 34Security Policy PAGEREF _Toc384306599 \h 34Operational Policies PAGEREF _Toc384306600 \h 36Site Life Cycle Management Policy PAGEREF _Toc384306601 \h 36Site Administrator validity Policy PAGEREF _Toc384306602 \h 36Data Retention Policy PAGEREF _Toc384306603 \h 36Data Privacy Policy PAGEREF _Toc384306604 \h 36Backup and Recovery Policy PAGEREF _Toc384306605 \h 36Operating Level Agreements PAGEREF _Toc384306606 \h 38Supported Features Policy PAGEREF _Toc384306607 \h 39Usage Analysis Policy PAGEREF _Toc384306608 \h 39Search Policy PAGEREF _Toc384306609 \h 40Crawl Schedule PAGEREF _Toc384306610 \h 40Property Mappings PAGEREF _Toc384306611 \h 40People Search/PhoneBook PAGEREF _Toc384306612 \h 40Expired Data Search PAGEREF _Toc384306613 \h 40Archived Data Search PAGEREF _Toc384306614 \h 40SharePoint Point Solutions Policy PAGEREF _Toc384306615 \h 41Integration with External Application PAGEREF _Toc384306616 \h 41Key Processes PAGEREF _Toc384306617 \h 43SDM Integration PAGEREF _Toc384306618 \h 43End User PAGEREF _Toc384306619 \h 44Site Provisioning Process PAGEREF _Toc384306620 \h 44Support Engagement Process PAGEREF _Toc384306621 \h 44Site Feedback Mechanism PAGEREF _Toc384306622 \h 45Level 2 (Service Center) and LEVEL 3 (Collaboration Services Team) engagement process PAGEREF _Toc384306623 \h 45Feature Exception Process PAGEREF _Toc384306624 \h 46After Business hours support PAGEREF _Toc384306625 \h 46Central Administration PAGEREF _Toc384306626 \h 47Operational Monitoring PAGEREF _Toc384306627 \h 47Operational Matrix PAGEREF _Toc384306628 \h 47Change Control Process PAGEREF _Toc384306629 \h 48Patching Process PAGEREF _Toc384306630 \h 48Database Management Processes PAGEREF _Toc384306631 \h 49Application Management Processes PAGEREF _Toc384306632 \h 49New Functionality PAGEREF _Toc384306633 \h 49Communication for Collaboration Application Outage PAGEREF _Toc384306634 \h 49Our PORTAL PAGEREF _Toc384306635 \h 50New Site Engagement / Content Publishing Process PAGEREF _Toc384306636 \h 50Site Lifecycle process PAGEREF _Toc384306637 \h 50Application Portal PAGEREF _Toc384306638 \h 50Communication Plan PAGEREF _Toc384306639 \h 51Communication to End Users PAGEREF _Toc384306640 \h 51Training PAGEREF _Toc384306641 \h 52Training Channels PAGEREF _Toc384306642 \h 52End User Training PAGEREF _Toc384306643 \h 52Help Desk Training PAGEREF _Toc384306644 \h 53Central Administrators Training PAGEREF _Toc384306645 \h 53Business Partner Training PAGEREF _Toc384306646 \h 53Customer Training PAGEREF _Toc384306647 \h 53Governance PlanningExecutive Summary HYPERLINK "javascript:void(0)" \o "Click to collapse. Double-click to collapse all." The SharePoint Governance Plan is a guidebook outlining the administration, maintenance, and support of our Internal Portal and Collaboration environments often referred to as SharePoint. It identifies the various IT, Portal and Collaboration Delivery team’s, business roles, defining who is responsible for what areas of the system. Furthermore it establishes both the policies for appropriate usage of the internal portal and collaboration environments and the processes in place to support the environment.An effective governance plan ensures the system is managed and used in accordance with its designed intent to prevent it from becoming an unmanageable system. Within our environment, multiple teams will be involved with supporting and maintaining the internal portal and collaboration environment. A key to the success of the Internal Portal and Collaboration Model is the empowerment of end users. The primary goals of this document are to:-Create the people infrastructure to govern and support the Collaboration environmentsDocument initial governing policies and processes of the SharePoint environmentsCommunicate the idea of a self-service model, requiring training and support for all users of the collaboration environment.IntroductionObjectivesThe primary objective of this plan is to establish initial governing usage and maintenance policies and processes for the enterprise IT supported Collaboration environments. This plan also establishes the creation of a governing body for the usage and management of the Collaboration environments. Other objectives are:Provide strategies for mitigating risk related to the challenges of managing SharePoint as an enterprise collaboration platformIdentify and define the roles and responsibilities surrounding CollaborationDefine the policies that will be used to govern the management of the our collaboration environmentIdentify the processes that support these policiesDefine the training needs and provide information on training opportunities.AudienceThis document is intended to be read by all members of the SharePoint Governing Body as well as all key users of the Collaboration environment (IT, Business Owners, and Site Administrators). Key policies in this plan should be incorporated into user training. Training should be provided not only by IT but the business and Site Administrators as well. This will increase the probability of success for SharePoint’s use throughout the organization.ScopeMicrosoft Office SharePoint Server 2013 is capable of solving many business problems. The challenge of implementing this type of technology is building a strategic plan that, when well implemented, manages growth and supportability. Our plans to use SharePoint in several environments: The Intranet Portal, The Collaboration Environment (Project and Team Sites), External Collaboration, Social Media, Application Portals, and Point Solutions. The scope of this document will include primarily the Intranet Portal, Application Portals, and Collaboration sites. The primary focus, however, will be the methods of governing the Our Internal Portal and Collaboration Environments. This document is not intended to be a substitute for any vital design or implementation planning documents. It is meant to function as a living guide that is managed by the SharePoint Governing Body (SGB). Risks / ConcernsThe following are risks to implementing an effective governance plan:Inadequate support from the business leaders to affect proper governance.Site Administrators, Owners or Contributors refusing to abide by the given policies in this plan. This includes training and communications to the end user base. Numerous amounts of content and tools have been provided on Collaboration University to support this need.Lack of policy enforcementExisting Collaboration sites may not adhere to the governance policies thus creating the possibility of a level of non-compliance.Non-ComplianceUsers of the IT supported Collaboration environment are required to follow all SharePoint governance policies and best practices. Where critical and possible, essential policies are enforced through technology. In other cases, tools and/or reports are run to identify non-compliance. For those sites, content, or users that are, at any point, identified as “not compliant,” IT will notify the affected party of the non-compliance and request that it be addressed. If it is not immediately addressed, IT reserves the right to do one or more of the following:Provide minimal support.Shut the site down.Report the issue to Risk.ModelGovernance is an important aspect for building a robust architecture foundation and managing the SharePoint portal environment. SharePoint governance related features to be implemented for including information architecture, taxonomy, branding, site provisioning, controlling the authorization process as a part of the portal implementation and architecture. A well-defined model and set of artifacts covering guidelines, processes associated with different areas such as information architecture, development lifecycle, infrastructure, and change management to enable the governance implementation.The model comprises of following elements:Policies, Standards and Guidelines: These will be defined and followed in managing and developing the Portal ernance Organization: To define, implement and adhere to the governance policies, standards and ernance areas: Key governance areas related to the portal implementation. Processes: These include process for policy management, compliance procedures, assessment reviews, and training and change management for the awareness and adoption of the governance mechanism implemented.Policy Implementations: Procedural manuals or automated implementations of the policies.Knowledge Repository: to store the governance related artifacts.Following figure shows the implementation approach for SharePoint governance to progressively evolve across the maturity levels.SharePoint Portal Governance ApproachThe SharePoint governance is categorized into following 4 areas (also depicted in the figure below). TCS will identify and prioritize these based on specific rmation Architecture Governance: This includes the standards and policies with respect to the information architecture including policies for standard templates, layouts, taxonomy, metadata management, site structure, and security and permission levels. Development Lifecycle Governance: This includes standards for the application development lifecycle such as development/testing tools, release and builds procedures, deployment procedures and coding standards.Infrastructure and Operational Governance: The infrastructure governance includes policies and standards to manage the portal environment infrastructure including backup/archival frequency, patch management, capacity planning, and monitoring and health check standards.Change Management Governance: This includes the guidelines for portal governance team structure, site provisioning, content management and publishing, and training requirementsA sample set of policies and guidelines are listed below:Identify and build enterprise content types. Ensure that common structured information across the organization is represented through the enterprise content types.Build appropriate hierarchy of content types such as enterprise content type, department content type, business unit content type aligned with the organizational hierarchy.Ensure that the content types leverage the organizational taxonomy.The color, scheme, style sheet, branding used across sites should be consistent.Documents shared across multiple departments must be stored on the top level site.Define list of file types that should be prohibited to upload on the portal.Content Approval records should be maintained for audit complianceDefine limits for List Views, Paging, Threshold Limits and Resource Throttling.Item level security to be discouraged.SharePoint GovernanceWhat is Governance?Governance is the set of policies, roles, responsibilities, and processes that control how an organization's business divisions and IT teams work together to meet organizational goals. Every organization has unique needs and goals that influence its approach to governance.A good governance plan can:Streamline the deployment of products and technologies, such as SharePoint Server 2013.Help keep your organization’s system secure and compliant.Help ensure the best return on your investment in technology.What is SharePoint Governance and why is it important?A Governance Plan is a critical success factor for any SharePoint rollout:The creation of a comprehensive governance plan and a well thought out information architecture strategy is a best practiceGovernance is required to provide the rules and guidelines that give users just enough flexibility and control to produce customized solutions, while at the same time providing enough oversight so that the solutions remain manageable Governance is needed to ensure that the technology is used in accordance with its designed intent in such a way that the SharePoint environment can be maintained and controlledDue to the user empowering properties of SharePoint, it cannot be governed solely by technology.Our SharePoint Plan will use Roles and Responsibilities, Policies, Processes and Technology to clarify ambiguity, manage goals, mitigate conflict and ensure successful management of an Enterprise SharePoint environment. The primary components of the governance plan consist of:-Roles and Responsibilities - The people who will govern and manage the SharePoint environment, along with their various areas of responsibilityPolicies – The collection of principles that will define our Collaboration fundamentals Processes – The processes will help to define how policies are implemented, common tasks are accomplished and business goals are met Technology – The SharePoint features, along with additional third-party tools, which can help to enable enforcement of policies and processes.It is important to note that Policies and Processes are very important as SharePoint Governance cannot rely solely on technology. Collaboration Advisory Board (CAB)The Collaboration Advisory Board was originally established to explore new collaboration solutions for our environment. It was a joint venture between multiple organizations such as Enterprise Architecture, Technology Services, Corporate Communications and Business Partners. The board evaluated the concept of the “Connected Enterprise,” and defined the vision for a cohesive employee productivity improvement scenario. Several products were evaluated and SharePoint was chosen as the desired platform for the new intranet and collaboration environment. Moving forward, the CAB will be responsible for all strategic decisions as they relate to SharePoint, including major policy decisions, governance, architecture, and new functionality requests. The CAB will also be the decision makers for any discrepancies that may arise over whether or not SharePoint is the appropriate tool for a Point Solution request. Over time, it may be prudent to include other collaboration technologies (such as Instant Messaging and Conferencing) as part of the scope of technologies governed by the CAB.The Collaboration Advisory Board will be composed of individuals playing various roles:IT ApplicationsIT InfrastructureArchitectureBusinessIntranet and CommunicationsFor a list of the current CAB members, see Collaboration Advisory Board Team Members.The charter of the CAB is to govern our collaboration environment, referencing the SharePoint Guiding Principles and using this Governance Plan as a starting point. The CAB will be tasked with: Reviewing and approving initial policies and processes in the collaboration technology arenaDealing with issues that arise by developing, approving, and rolling out new policies and processesOwning and maintaining governance documentationLooking for synergies between businesses, departments and team sites and rolling out these best practices enterprise wideLooking for opportunities to reduce inefficiencies and duplicationReviewing process metrics and identify opportunities for improvementProviding guidance when the use of SharePoint for a point solution is in question.The CAB will be led by the Chair, a rotating position that will be responsible for all administrative aspects of the CAB, such as scheduling meetings and soliciting agenda items.SharePoint Guiding PrinciplesThere are several guiding principles that should be followed in developing SharePoint Governance:Empower teams to collaborate effectivelyEncourage standards and consistencyReduce total cost of ownership for SharePoint.These guiding principles will be accomplished by:Creating a self-service model with accountability, distributing administrative responsibilities and enabling the businessProviding a set of standard capabilities which can evolve as business needs change and the user base evolvesUsing a mix of technical controls, processes and best practices to create and maintain the SharePoint environment.Roles and ResponsibilitiesThe SharePoint environments will be managed by various teams with distinct roles and distinct responsibilities. The Site Collection Administrators are referred as Site Administrators, within the roles and responsibilities section. For the purposes of this governance plan, the roles and responsibilities are defined as follows:Infrastructure (IT) Resources: Provide operational support for the system as they help to ensure the enforcement of the governance plan and manage the more routine maintenance of the system by performing nightly backups, usage monitoring and analysis, scheduled task validation, and keeping the system current with security releases and system upgrades.SharePoint Resources: Configure the SharePoint environment, manage security, maintain and use the individual SharePoint sites, support the SharePoint end users.Business Resources: Skilled developers, experienced SharePoint end users, etc. who develop customized and personalized solutions for departmental team sites and divisional portal sites while ensuring adherence to standards.Redundancy should be built into all roles so that backups are available if the primary resource is unavailable.IT RolesRoleResponsibilities and TasksPermissionsOrganizationIT Central AdministratorResponsible for portal infrastructure (hardware, OS, etc.)Security / permissionsBackups / restorationManage file size limits or quotasInitial configuration of WSS (Central IT)SharePoint Performance ManagementHas Portal Administrator rightsHas site collection accessWill have access to portal and site configuration settings, but should not make any changes without the Collaboration Portal Owner or Site Owner permission?COLLABORATION AND PORTAL SERVICESSQL AdministratorSQL backups and restoresDB Maintenance onlyHas no portal or WSS administration rightsSQL TeamInfrastructure Resource(s)Responsible for the acquisition, installation and maintenance of the hardware infrastructure.Provide day-to-day operation support to Central AdministratorsReview existing infrastructure setup, develop best practices and operation guidelines.Local admin rights on serverNo portal admin rightsHelps with mgmt. of performance countersCommodity Computing (Local Server Team)Identity Resource(s)Responsible for ensuring the portal is leveraging AD appropriately.Assist with Setting up the portal to use AD for authenticationAssist in synchronization of portal with ADEnsure sites utilizing Site Minder for SSO are properly configured for LDAP/AD IDMSharePoint RolesRoleResponsibilities and TasksPermissionsOrganizationSharePoint Central AdministratorResponsible for global portal and WSS configuration, shared services, policies, procedures, and portal vision.Configuration of SharePointResponsible for WSS database, site collection, and site backups.Enforce site standards (layouts, security processes, etc.)Local contact for local employeesConfiguration of SharePointSite provisioning Disseminate general SharePoint infoTeach SharePointMeet w/ business on "how-to" accomplish tasksOwns policy and process to audit and retire stale sites.Total access to the entire portal area and all sites.Total access to portal and site configuration settings.No SQL administration rights.COLLABORATION AND PORTAL SERVICESCollaboration Portal OwnerResponsible for Collaboration portal area contentManage security policyCollaboration Information ArchitectureContent creationCollaboration Governance Application of corporate branding standards and style guideSocial Networking Policy and TrainingManage site and sub-site permissionsAssign Primary and Secondary ownersCustomize within constraints of Information ArchitectureContent CreationSite provisioning of all sub-sitesAdministering and maintaining sitesManage site collection featuresContact for lifecycle managementAdmin. Permissions to CollaborationTotal access to PortalPublic Affairs -> eBusiness – New MediaApplication Portal OwnerResponsible for portal area contentManage security policyContent creationAdmin permissions to application portal Business StakeholderSocial Media Central AdministratorKnowing and adhering to theHYPERLINK "" Social Media Governance PolicyAssign Primary and Secondary Site Admin – Ensuring there are at least 2Customize within constraints of Information ArchitectureKnowing Intended Site UseEnsuring proper Site Content with no confidential dataCreate search scope Contact for lifecycle managementContact for receiving communication from SharePoint team regarding site maintenance, outage, policy changes and service enhancements.Act as a liaison between Digital Marketing team and user community Elicit Engage Help and Feedback Community, & Managers ForumPublic Affairs -> eBusiness – New MediaCollaboration Site Administrator(SiteAdmin)Knowing and adhering to the Governance PolicyAssign Primary and Secondary Site Admin – Ensuring there are at least 2. If Site Administrator ownership transfers, responsibilities remain intact until the site reassignment is completed. As the site’s primary point of contact, acknowledges only they can submit a Get IT Help ticket for their site maintenance or support. Customize within constraints of Information ArchitectureKnowing Intended Site UseEnsuring proper Site Content with no confidential dataSite provisioning of all sub-siteAdministering and maintaining site; including Version Control, Workflow Histories and deleting expired contentManage site and sub-site access permissionsManage site collection featuresCreate search scope Contact for lifecycle managementContact for receiving communication from SharePoint team regarding site maintenance, outage, policy changes and service enhancements.Act as a liaison between SharePoint team and user community for communicating changes and updates to collaboration site(s). Take annual certification trainingSupport and training for end usersUpdate Permissions for their siteUpdate the Manage Access Request field for their site Add Pages & Sub-sites for their siteDelete their own siteBusiness StakeholderCollaboration Site OwnersWhile Site Owners have “Full Control” they are limited in that they CANNOT perform the following:A?SITE OWNER is limited in that they CANNOT:Activate Site Collection Level Features Update Site Administrators Delete the Site CollectionManage Site Collection Administration Settings,?i.e. Search, Site Collection Analytics, FeaturesDepending on inherited or broken permissions, they may not have the same permissions at the Site Collection or other sub-sites levelsSite Owners are responsible for:Knowing Intended Site UseEnsuring proper Site Content with no confidential dataManaging access permissionsMaintain Site Size (through Version Control, Workflow Histories and deleting old content)Site Owners can be promoted to the Site Collection Administrator role at any time when there is less than 2 Site Administrators to support the site. Each sub-site can have distinct Site OwnersUpdate Permissions for their siteUpdate the Manage Access Request field for their site Add Pages & Sub-sites for their siteDelete their own siteApplication Site Administrator (SiteAdmin)Assign Primary and Secondary Site AdminContent creationMaintaining site Contact for lifecycle managementCustomize within constraints of Information ArchitectureContent creationSite provisioning of all sub-siteAdministering and maintaining siteManage site and sub-site access permissionsContact for lifecycle managementPublish Content?Business Stakeholder.TrainerTraining Site Administrators and end usersDevelopment and delivery of training content.Maintain training materialAdminister certification??Level 1 SupportFirst level of support.All Roles and Responsibilities as outlined in Roles & Responsibilities of Site AdministratorReference of Collaboration tutorialsUtilization of Social Media membersSite Collection AdministratorsLevel 2 SupportSecond level of Support.Ensure that only active Site Administrators are submitting Get IT Help tickets Check Knowledge Base for “How to” articles and direct clients to do sameComplete “Close Notes” field to ensure knowledge trailAnswer SharePoint application “How to questions Service CenterLevel 3 SupportThird level of Support.Assessments: Creates ticket for further case analysisEnhancements: Obtains ITG bucket for client acceptance and billingBreak/Fix: Execute on all Problem cases from Service nowComplete “Close Notes” field to ensure knowledge trail COLLABORATION AND PORTAL SERVICESBusiness RolesRoleResponsibilities and TasksOrganizationSharePoint Lead ArchitectGather initial business requirementsResponsible for translating business needs into solutionsDesign the initial architecture for point solution developmentProvide architectural guidance to developmentLead consulting team for initial releaseWork with the Infrastructure resources to develop infrastructure best practicesDevelopment of training and certification of content COLLABORATION AND PORTAL SERVICES – Technical Architect DevelopersResponsible for building the framework and features of the portal.Build the SharePoint look and FeelModify SharePoint Templates as NeededBuild New Web PartsWrite CodeParticipate in Design Tasks as neededParticipate in Development and Testing as neededTechnical Consultants Business AnalystResponsible for communicating with the business to gather requirements and translating them into business solutions.Responsible for understanding industry standards and trendsBAContent OwnerResponsible for owning and directing a specific piece of the portal, relevant to their business unit, department, or team.Contact for lifecycle managementResponsible for maintaining contentBusiness StakeholderContent CreatorResponsible for content creation.Responsible for content creation.Adhere to Our portal Collaboration Best Practices, including Document Naming and Creation StandardsAdhere to Our portal Security Policies as it Relates to Business SystemsWork with Site Owners to Keep Content Up-to-Date, Provide Feedback, and Suggest New Ideas for a Useful Collaboration SiteNeed to add branding commentBusiness StakeholderLegalResponsible for portal and content compliance with legal mandates.Assist with compliance policy creationEducate users on compliance lawAudit and enforce compliance.IT Head / Company SecretaryAsset ManagerLicensingAsset Mgmt./FinanceGovernance HierarchySharePoint governance is multi-faceted. Governance will be tightly controlled for our Portal and businesses, corporate functions and department sites whose content is viewable by all our portal employees. These sites (“Portal”) contain “published content” and are centrally controlled by our Portal Owner.Collaboration sites (“COD”), contain Project and Team Sites. For these sites, control is distributed with many of the responsibilities pushed to the Site Administrators and end users. These sites follow a self-service model with automated life cycle management. SharePoint Published Content vs. Collaborative Content, elaborates further on the criteria for determining whether sites and content fall under our umbrella or the Collaboration umbrella.The third area that requires some level of governance is Custom Solutions. For Solutions, the focus will be on the decision criteria as to whether or not SharePoint is an appropriate solution. Content Management PoliciesSharePoint vs. Content Manager vs. File ShareThere are a number of tools available for content storage. In general, SharePoint should be used for storing and sharing Microsoft documents and PDF files used by multiple individuals. Enterprise Content Manager (ECM) should be used for documents that require secure records management.The following types of documents or combinations thereof are not permitted in the SharePoint Environment:(SOX, FDA, HIPPA), our portal Private and Confidential documents, and Transactional Content (incoming content triggers back-end processes). Internal Use Only* - (masked CC data, last 4 of SSN + empl ID, birthday info, contractor rates) - protected by NDA\MSAConfidential** - (competitive advantage information - M&A, customer pricing, strategy information, financial data)File shares should be used for storing and backing up personal content,( including email) as well as files larger than 75MB. The Collaboration environment does not support the upload of files (of any type) larger than 75MB. (This excludes Collaboration Custom Solutions of our portal.) Neither ECM nor File Share drive mapping is supported within Collaboration sites. There are known configuration problems that occur when the platform is then updated or enhanced.There may be times when SharePoint content needs to be moved to Enterprise Content Manager. At this time, the transition is a manual process. In the future, this process and interface may be automated.Refer to SharePoint – ECM Guidelines Overview for further details and guidelines in determining the appropriate content management tool to use in a given situation.SharePoint Published Content vs. Collaborative ContentThere are a number of factors to consider when determining whether content should be placed under our Portal as published content or whether the content should live on a collaboration site as collaborative content. Our Portal (Published Content) should only be used in instances where:The content applies to large portions of the Our portal employee baseThere are resources responsible for maintaining and publishing the content on the siteThe site can be recognized as an enduring top level site within our portal (e.g. Business Units, Corporate functions, etc.).The Application Portal Sites should only be used in instances where:The content applies to large portions of the Our portal employee baseThere are resources responsible for maintaining and publishing the content on the site.Collaboration Sites should only be used in instances where:Teams need a method for organizing information that is specific to the team or project they are currently working onCollaboration is required for external suppliers and customers – This requires custom configuration and engagement with COLLABORATION AND PORTAL SERVICES by submitting a Get IT Help Demand Management caseSites that have a relatively short life span.The Published Content vs. Collaborative Content Matrix further details the criteria to be considered when determining whether content should be classified as Published or Collaborative Content.Promoting Collaboration Content to Published ContentThere may be times when collaborative content needs to be “promoted” to publish content Promoting collaborative content to published content is a manual process.Our Portal Policies This section includes a collection of policies to help govern the SharePoint environment as it relates to our portal. The portal owner is responsible for enforcing these policies. Branding PolicyThe branding policy defines the look and feel of our portal. It is defined and documented as a collaborative effort between the MyCAH portal owners with appropriate approvals by Digital Marketing. The official electronic media and website branding guides (to be used together) can be found under brand guidelines at our portal *Collaboration has also had internal branding elements applied and the standards for the branding are managed by Digital Marketing.Social Networking Policy The current scope of social networking includes blogs and moderated discussion boards. While SharePoint includes other social network capabilities, these are not currently available at this time but will in the near future. The use of blogs and moderated discussion boards is governed by the blogging policy. This policy is defined and documented by our portal owner with appropriate legal and public affairs approvals. The content of this policy may eventually be expanded by this group to encompass other social networking components as business needs dictate. Use of other social media applications and services such as Chatter requires approval by the SharePoint Governance Board (SGB) and Enterprise Architecture.Collaboration PoliciesThis section includes a collection of policies to help define how the SharePoint environment will be used for Internal and External collaboration.Branding PolicyThe SharePoint Internal and External Collaboration environment will inherit our portal branding approved by Public Affairs. Collaboration Site Owners / Administrators will be restricted from modifying any branding component within collaboration site. Our portal Logo must be retained within all pages on the top left header of collaboration site. Any alteration to our portal logo will be removed without further communication. Collaboration Site Provisioning PolicyAs part of the Self Service Model, all potential Site Administrators must follow the Site Provisioning Process in order to obtain a collaboration site. The purpose of the Site Provisioning Process is to ensure that the request is a valid Collaboration request, to gather the necessary data to create the site, and to ensure that the Site Usage Policy will be adhered to as part of the Self Service Model, all potential Site AdministratorsSite Provisioning AutomationThe automation of site provisioning workflow spanning across different teams within the organization is shown in the flow diagram below.Describe the process to automate site provisioning and creation of site templates?The process involves for new site creation / site template using SharePoint based request form and SharePoint approval workflow.The site request form will capture below information…Purpose of the siteType of site : Enterprise, Department, Project, CommunityTentative period for which the site will be activeBenefits to business or organizationTarget users for the siteSite owner (who will be the site owner) : Primary and Secondary owner and ContactSite Administrator (Who will be the site administrator)Data confidentiality requirementsFeatures required such as document library, list, calendar, team collaborationSite Template RequiredRequirements for versioning and auditingRequirements for usage reportsDefault read access required for general users (yes / no)Storage quota requiredThe below diagram depicts the step by step process for site creation / site template creation with approval Describe the process employed to manage and maintain permissions across the farm/farms? User profile across application within the farm will be maintained and SharePoint groups and permission levels will be leverage. User profile synchronization happens with employee database (e.g. SAP) using Business Connectivity Service. There are custom services which are developed to read the user attribute from the User profile and set the SharePoint group and permission at farm level.In case of web application using custom claim provider, the claim token will provide the user attribute information and SharePoint group and permission can be set.There are third party tool like DeliverPoint 2010 which can provide functionality of managing and maintaining permission across farm. DeliverPoint provides you with the ability to Copy, Transfer or Delete permissions at Farm, Web Application, Site Collection, or Site level. Performing the action at any of these given scopes will grant or remove permissions where they are or are not needed without having to manually view and edit the permissions on each object individually.Describe the quota management process and automation of the same?The quota size is defined during the site provisioning level.The below diagram depicts the step by step process followed for quota management and automation.Describe the de-provisioning of the sites? The process involves for de-provisioning of site will be quite reverse of site provisioning.The site de-provisioning will capture the request information as bellowName of the siteType of the siteReason for de-provisioningWhether archival site need to be accessibleData confidentialityRetention policies The below diagram depicts the step by step process for site de-provisioning with approval Collaboration Configuration Site Policy”Configurable Sites” are Collaboration sites that still use out of the box features but may also require one or more of the following: a specialized template, extensive customization, additional disk space, specialized search capabilities, etc. Configurable Sites are identified through the Site Provisioning Process or the EIT Engagement Process. A SharePoint engineer is assigned and works with the stakeholders of the project or business unit and these projects may require additional funding.External Configuration Site PolicyExternal sites provide collaboration capabilities with customers, suppliers, vendors and partners by using Site Minder authentication. .These sites are not part of Collaboration on Demand and therefore require a ticket from Get IT Help. There is an associated cost with an extranet site. The Collaboration Services team will supply a detailed ROM (Rough Order of Magnitude) with the request from Get IT Help utilizing the Infrastructure Assessment process. Customer training for these sites is the responsibility of the Site Administrator and various supporting documentation and training classes are available on Collaboration University.At no time should a non-portal employee (including contractors/managed services) be placed as a Site Collection Administrator of any our portal Collaboration site. Not only could this expose a security risk to our portal information, but external customers do not have the exposure to, or training requirements of, current Our portal Collaboration policies or practices. Collaboration Best PracticesA best practice is a recommended technique or methodology that, through experience and research, has proven to reliably lead to a desired result. The Collaboration and Portal team outlines Best Practices, either identified through discovery or those suggested by the product vendor(s), to all Collaboration users through the Community of Practice. These should be reviewed when implementing a process new to your site. Since not all Best Practices are identified, the user should also utilize "smart practices” with their product knowledge and consider data integrity. Whenever in doubt, contact Get IT Help for assistance. Since business process automation is critical component of collaboration platform, Nintex Workflow Best Practices are also outlined in this document. Since security of our portal information is a critical component of the collaboration platform, Security Best Practice are outlined in this document. All Our portal document classification policies should be adhered to. This includes the our portal Confidential and Our portal Private Designation Policies. Additional Best Practices can be found on the Collab web site. If there is a potential to have multiple parties editing the same document, set the document library to force check in / checkout. It will prevent document editing collisionsDo not build the version number into the name of the document. Instead, use the same name, turn on versioning and limit the number to 5 or lessIf a document was deleted, any user can check the recycle bin. The Site Administrator has access to a second level (Site Collection) Recycle Bin for older documents or for escalation to ITThere should be no more than 10,000 items per list view. These can be limited by adding metadata categories of which views are based, or using folders to group information. The recommended method for managing metadata in a site is by creating site content types and applying these content types to document libraries Standard metadata (such as document classification and content expiration date), defined as part of the Information Architecture, will apply to both our Portal and Collaboration environments.Remove/delete content that is no longer valid and/or needed. This content counts towards the allotted site quota. Notify EIT if you have closed your project and need to archive your documents to disk.Site Usage PolicyThe Site Collection Administrator is required to read and agree to the Site Usage Policy, also referred to as an End User License Agreement (EULA), when requesting a new collaboration site. The site usage policy is fundamental to driving accountability of the site administrator. The site usage policy is also the policy for IT to fall back on in situations of SharePoint site misuse. It is the responsibility of the Site Collection Administrator to ensure that its site users understand and follow the site usage policy as well.The Site Usage Policy contains details pertaining to:Enterprise Content Manager (ECM) should be used for documents that require secure records management.The following types of documents or combinations thereof are not permitted in the SharePoint Environment:(SOX, FDA, HIPPA), our portal Private and Confidential documents, and Transactional Content (incoming content triggers back-end processes). Internal Use Only* - (masked CC data, last 4 of SSN + empl ID, birthday info, contractor rates) - protected by NDA\MSAConfidential** - (competitive advantage information - M&A, customer pricing, strategy information, financial data)When using a owned PC (other than your own), you will not access portions of the system containing sensitive information or that are marked “Confidential”, “Attorney Client Privilege”, “Security Alert”, “Do Not Copy” or in any other way that would indicate their confidentiality. SharePoint Platform has been classified with Service Class 3 availability. Business Process Automation using SharePoint or any of its bolt-on products should not be integrated with Our portal back-end or front-end Ordering or Shipping application(s) or processes since ordering and shipping solution(s) requires service class Four or higher availability.Operating Level Agreement for the collaboration sites (Collaboration sites are not 24x7) applications Site Owner responsibilities such as assigning permissions, managing first level of end user support of questions, creating Get IT Help tickets for supporting the site, communications to all site users, etc.IT’s retains the right to disable or remove any features that it deems necessary..Nobody other than Collaboration and Portal Services team shall install, enable, or apply any other software to the platform.The information therein and the design, functionality and content of the system are unique and proprietary to our portal and will not be shared by you with any third party. You specifically acknowledge that the system contains segments for user input that is not necessarily censored or audited by our portal and that our portal is not liable for any defamatory, offensive, or illegal conduct of any user.The Site Administrator is responsible to oversee the site lifecycle management and will transfer ownership of the site if no longer in the position to administer. Collaboration Site QuotasThe following applies to quotas for collaboration sites:Each collaboration site will initially be allocated 5 GB of data storage When site storage has reached 90% of its quota, the site administrator will receive an email alert. It is the responsibility of the site administrator to submit a Get IT Help request to Collaboration and Portal Services team for any storage adjustments. Storage will then be increased one additional time, to 10GBwith no additional storage costs. Any incremental increases thereafter will incur costs. The following actions are required prior to site size increase:First and second stage recycle bins are included in allocated storage. If the site is running low on disk space, the site owner can check the recycle bin and purge its contentsLists with Version Controls should be checked to ensure they are limited per Best Practices as they too contribute to site size.Remediate unused content or sub-sites to elevate storage space.Revise the Site Collection Audit Log settings to a minimum. Over time if audit logging is enabled a vast amount of data can accumulate.? Site quota will not be increased if Audit Logs are not set as recommended. For Best Practices, see CollabU tutorial.Any request above 10GB will be handled on a case by case basis and should be requested by the site owner by submitting a Get IT Help Infrastructure Assessment case.The Collaboration environment does not support the upload of files (of any type) larger than 50GB.SharePoint Capabilities AllowedIn order to maintain control of the environment, Collaboration Sites will support a subset of SharePoint Capabilities for end users. By Default, only “out of the box” application level functionality will be available for Collaboration Sites. All sites will consist of a combination of Standard Document Libraries and Lists and will be created with one of two templates:Team Site Template – Team Documents, Tasks, Contact Lists, Discussion, Calendar, Links, Content Editor Web PartProject Site Template – Project Documents, Tasks, Risks, Milestones, Deliverables, Discussion, Issues, Content Editor Web Part, CalendarQuest Web Parts – Quest Web parts consists of advanced Web Parts that can be used for collecting user data via Business Intelligence forms and integrating it with SharePoint lists and libraries to enable building business process. Nintex Workflow – Nintex Workflow is an enhanced Workflow tool that allows business process automation via lists and libraries integration without requiring knowledge of customization. Since business process automation is critical component of collaboration platform, following Best Practices must be adhere before implementing the process.Use multiple workflows to split the process if the process requires more than 20 action items.Use multiple workflows to split the process if the process requires more than 5 parallel actions.Larger Workflow Process that requires parallel actions or complex actions may take up to an hour to complete execution of actions.For better performance, single workflow process should not be larger than 1MB in size upon its completion.Execution of the workflow action(s) may get queued depending upon the available resources on the SharePoint Platform.ShareVis Forms – ShareVis Forms provides combined Business Intelligence and Business Process Automation capabilities. ShareVis Forms is not a complete self-service solution and requires configuration and support from SharePoint team. To enable use of ShareVis on Collaboration site, please engage SharePoint Team by submitting Clarify case as new request. ShareVis Forms may require additional licensing cost for Microsoft Office InfoPath. Collaboration and Portal Services team will provide support and training for ShareVis. Training for Microsoft Office InfoPath will not be part of ShareVis training. It is the Site Administrator’s responsibility to familiarize and understand the functionality of Microsoft Office InfoPath product.In general, end users will not have access to: Custom Workflow, Untested 3rd Party Web Parts, SharePoint Designer, Visual Studio Customization, Embedded use of JavaScript to provide add-on capabilities is not supported and will not be remediated upon future changes to the platform. Page modification should not be done at the code level to enhance, hide or disable component within a page as it hinders the performance of the Platform and Site. Such modification will be automatically reset back to its original state without providing any notice to the site owner(s). Access to these capabilities will be limited to the Point Solution Space. Requests for new features or web parts will need to follow the “Feature Exception Process” Non-Supported FunctionsUntested 3rd Party Web Parts, SharePoint Designer, Visual Studio Customization (not provided through our custom solutions), Embedded use of JavaScript to provide add-on capabilities is not supported and will not be remediated upon future changes to the platform.Engage and My Communities are supported directly by Digital Marketing. Email addresses must be internal to our portal employees to expect full functionality of SharePoint services. If employees have dual E-Mail addresses, one representing Our portal and another representing a previous entity (i.e. Kinray) the Active Directory Services cannot be expected to differentiate between the two and can create adverse effects to standard services (i.e. workflows). Additionally, no external customer E-mails can run through internal SharePoint processes (i.e. workflows). Neither ECM nor File Share drive mapping is supported within Collaboration sites. There are known configuration problems that occur when the platform is then updated or enhanced.Security PolicySince security in our portal information is a critical component of the collaboration platform, the following Best Practices should be followed:Site Administrators and Owners are responsible for whom they allow into a collaboration site and the information the site contains.The following Security Best Practices should be followed:SharePoint should be secured using the same best practices as file shares or other secure websitesWhen applying permissions, use groups for like permission sets. This minimizes management overheadUse our portal\Network Logon format when assigning permissions to users. Separate users by semicolonsIt is less management overhead to have more public content on the front page of the site and put secure content in a sub site than to build secure content into Document Libraries and Folders.Site Administrators and Owners must understand the implications of granting permission through “All Authenticated Users”. “All Authentication Users” may allow access to any users including customer, partners and vendors who has valid Our portal network account.Site Administrators and Owners are responsible to remove unused accounts and to monitor use of accounts setup for use by external customers, suppliers, and vendors.Each site is required to have two Site Administrators assigned for managing the site. If a Site Administrator is no longer responsible for the platform, the active Site Administrators will find another one to take the previous Administrator’s place. Also please refer to section 9.2 for additional Site Administrator’s responsibilities.At no time should a non-our portal employee (including contractors/managed services) be placed as a Site Collection Administrator of any our portal Collaboration site. Not only could this expose a security risk to Our portal information, but external customers do not have the exposure to, or training requirements of, current Our portal Collaboration policies or practices. Operational PoliciesSite Life Cycle Management PolicyTo ensure stale sites are removed and data storage is reclaimed, sites untouched for 90 days will be slated for automatic deletion. Site owners will be notified if their site is slated for deletion and provided with a mechanism to remove the site from the automatic deletion list. IT has the right to delete the site if the site owner has not validated that the site is still in use 30 days after the initial email was sent.Site Administrator validity PolicySharePoint Roles, each site requires primary and secondary site administrators to effectively maintain and manage collaboration site. To ensure Collaboration Sites have active Site Administrators, the Collaboration & Portal Services Team scan all Site Administrators against Active Directory on a regular basis. Notifications are sent to active Site Administrators if any Administrators are identified as Inactive or if the site is comprised of less than two Administrators. Site Administrators are required to acknowledge the roles and responsibility of their site(s) within the notification. Failure to acknowledge the roles and responsibility of their site(s) on a quarterly basis will result in the site(s) being lock-out to prevent modification for the 30 days. If no further acknowledgement is being made within 30 days of lock-out period then site will be automatically deleted. Data Retention PolicyCurrently, data retention is not enforced in the Collaboration environment. All data within the environment will remain throughout the lifecycle of the SharePoint farm. This Policy will be updated once the archive strategy is completed. Data Privacy PolicyIt is important to note that SharePoint Platform is NOT a regulated platform and does not offer any regulation standard. Therefore, data privacy must be managed by site administrators and owners through awareness of this policy. Collaboration Platform should not be utilized for storing or capturing private information such as social security number, credit card number, network access information, patient information that violates Our portalStandards of Business Conduct. Backup and Recovery PolicySharePoint stores all of its data in Microsoft SQL databases. There are two types of databases used in SharePoint: Administrative databases and Content databases.Administrative databases facilitate the inner workings of SharePoint. These databases include the SharePoint configuration database, the content database for the Central Administration web application and the Shared Services Provider Search and Admin Databases.Content Databases holds all data that is uploaded to SharePoint. The content databases also hold site specific configuration information.The SharePoint data recovery strategy encompasses two philosophies: total disaster recovery and item/site level restore.The database disaster recovery strategy is facilitated by backing up the SQL Databases daily. Below is the backup schedule for all SharePoint Databases:Web ApplicationFull Back up TimeLog Backup IntervalSQL Environmentour portalNightly 6PM to 12AM ESTEvery 1 dayCollaborationNightly 6PM to 12AM ESTEvery 1 daySolutionsNightly 6PM to 12AM ESTEvery 1 daySQL Databases are backed up to a dedicated backup disk. These SQL backup files are then backed up to tape in the Dublin, OH tape area network nightly.9.5.1 Item level restore can be facilitated by two methods. The first method is to make use of the recycle bin. There are two stages of recycle bin for each Collaboration site. When a SharePoint web application is built, the administrator allocates how many days files are to remain in the first stage recycle bin per a percentage of the available disk per site for the second stage recycle bin. Below is the space allocation table for recycle bin for each web application. If the item has been permanently deleted from the web site a request can be made through Get IT Help, Collaboration and Portal Services team to have the item restored through the SQL database. The Second Stage Recycle Bin Percentage Allocation threshold is universally set at 25% of the total site size. If the second level Recycle Bin size quota amasses more than 25% of the total site size, those items that are oldest will be permanently and immediately purged to meet the compliance of the 25% quota. Web ApplicationFirst Stage Recycle BinDays KeptSecond Stage Recycle Bin Percentage AllocatedCollaboration30 Days25% of Live Site Quotaour portal30 Days25 % of Live Site QuotaSolutions30 Days25% of Live Site QuotaThe other method for item level restore is using third party software. Currently, third party software suites are being evaluated for SharePoint and will be implemented when a decision is made on the appropriate vendor.SQL Database Restore. When an item or site has been deleted and needs to be restored a Request ticket needs to be created with the GET IT HELP desk. This should be done as soon as possible after the deletion. If off-site data restore is required, the site restore will incur additional time. Operating Level AgreementsExisting Operating Level Agreements for our portal will transfer to the current SharePoint environment. Below is the current support level for various items in the SharePoint environment:Work DescriptionOperating Level AgreementSeverityPolicy/Process ReferenceFarm Wide OutagesLess than 4 hours/ASAPSev1Operational Monitoring (SRT)Database OutagesLess than 4 hours/ASAPSev1/2*Operational Monitoring (SRT)Web Application Level IssuesLess than 4 hours/ASAPSev1/2*Operational Monitoring (SRT)Site Collection Level Issues3 Business DaysN/AEIT-SDM Clarify Case for ProblemNew Standard Site Requests for External Collaboration*10 Business DaysN/AClarify Case for New RequestsNew Configurable Site Requests*15 Business DaysN/AClarify Case for New RequestsNew Feature / enhancement Requests*Based on FeatureN/ADemand Management ProcessNew Web Application / Portal Requests*Based on RequirementsN/ADemand Management Process / Project Engagement Process* May require additional cost and labor supportSupported Features PolicyOnly out of the box features are supported in the production farm. Occasionally, the SharePoint Community will release additional functionality that is complimentary to SharePoint’s capabilities. (See SharePoint Capabilities Allowed for a detailed list of capabilities available to End Users, Site Administrators, our Publishers and Custom Point Solutions.)If an additional feature is identified as necessary, the requestor of the feature should engage IT requesting that the feature be tested for production deployment. Once the feature has gone through “Feature Exception Process” (Section REF Feature_Exception \n \h \* MERGEFORMAT 0) and is deployed, the feature is available for the collaboration community.Usage Analysis PolicyUsage Analysis is turned on at the farm level.SharePoint has built in Usage Analysis. Site Administrators and Owners are encouraged to utilize this feature to tailor the content based on trends.Search PolicyUpon initial roll out of SharePoint, the search scope will include in our Portal and Collaboration sites only. All content within these sites will be included in the index. When a user searches based on keyword, results will be displayed based on what the user has access to.Search Scopes will be defined in our Portal and Collaboration environments.Crawl ScheduleAt a minimum, the schedule will include a weekly Full Crawl and a once a day Incremental Crawl. Material posted in one day should be available in the next day’s search scope.Property MappingsCustom properties can be mapped into the search index by creating a request indicating the site, contact information and properties to be mapped to IT using the EIT Engagement Process.People Search/PhoneBookPeople Search/Phonebook is available on the Our Portal. Expired Data SearchContent that is expired, but not yet archived, will be included within the scope of search.Archived Data SearchSearching archived data is not currently supported, but will be revisited in a future phase.SharePoint Point Solutions PolicyA SharePoint Point Solution (“Custom Solution” in Matrix) is an instance where SharePoint is used to solve a specific business problem. Point Solutions are an option when the specific problem to be solved does not fall under the scope of our portal, or the scope of Collaboration sites. The solution typically requires extensive requirements gathering and customization and is initiated through a Get IT HELP Infrastructure Assessment process.A Custom Point Solution requires funding approval by the business or process owner before proceeding past the approval process.Custom Point Solutions can also require a higher class of service than the Collaboration environment and thus could impact the ROM associated due to increase need of support and/or dedicated infrastructure.Custom Point Solutions may fall out of the Site Provisioning Process. If there is a question as to whether or not a specific business problem can be solved using a SharePoint Point Solution, the situation may be reviewed by the CAB.All Custom Point Solutions are funded and approved by business projects either via a SDM (Service Delivery Model) request or via a funded PMO (Project Management Office) project. Depending on the scope of solutions and number of hours to deliver, SharePoint Point Solutions require specific skill sets to utilize the SharePoint vendor-provided application frameworks. Please follow section REF OLA \n \h \* MERGEFORMAT 0 on how to engage Collaboration Services Team for Point Solutions / New Web Application request.Additionally, building custom Point Solutions may require capturing specific business requirements and knowledge. Therefore business partnership is a key goal for successful delivery of the custom solutions.Integration with External ApplicationSharePoint Point Solutions can be integrated with other application / solution to deliver interoperability and consistent client experience using the following approaches:Offer Navigational Link on SharePoint Point Solutions to external application , create consistent brand, implement single sign-onAllow production and consumption of data via Mail-enabled / mail-alerted libraries and list within SharePoint to consume and / or produce data to / from external application using SMTP protocolOffer Content Syndication between SharePoint and external application using SharePoint RSS viewers and feed generatorOffer Content Syndication through IFrame between SharePoint and eternal application using page viewer webpart and customized Master pages. Master page modification and use of SharePoint Designer is forbidden for all users other than the Collaboration and Portal Services team.Design Custom control / feature using “Web Services for Remote Portlets (WSRP)” for requesting content between SharePoint and external applicationDesign Custom control / feature using W3C based Web Services to produce / consume content between SharePoint and external applicationUse Search functionality to allow indexing and scoping of content between SharePoint and external applications.Use of Product supported integration toolkit / webparts to integrate content and workflow between SharePoint and external application.Each approach listed above has different pros / cons related to cost, labor, and governance. The Collaboration and Portal Services team must be engaged to evaluate the above integration points between SharePoint Point Solutions and external application / solution. Once the evaluation is completed, the desired Point Solution must be presented to Enterprise Architecture and SharePoint Governance Board for approval.The following should be referenced when determining whether or not a specific problem can be solved using a SharePoint Point Solution:SharePoint Capabilities Allowed (delete in lieu of Matrix?)SharePoint – ECM Guidelines Overview (Still applicable?)Key ProcessesThe process section contains a high level description of new SharePoint processes and modifications required to existing processes. In many cases, more detailed process descriptions will need to be created as part of the deployment process.SDM Integration The Service Delivery Model is the process that EIT follows to manage issues and requests in the environment. It involves working through the Service Center to facilitate client needs through the Get IT Help system. SharePoint must tightly integrate with this process. This section will define:The Tiers of SupportService Center Roles and Responsibilities MDAS Roles and ResponsibilitiesMDNS Roles and ResponsibilitiesThe Engagement ProcessProjected OLA and Class of Service Information.End UserSite Provisioning ProcessA user who wishes to create a site must complete the Owner Series training courses within 60 days of site creation. This is offered at no cost by the Collaboration Services team to effectively manage and maintain the collaboration siteThe training course can be accessed on-demand in our portalA user will need to provide the information mentioned in below points through the forms of a site provisioning wizard and agree to the SharePoint Governance Policies including Site Usage Policy. The site will be created using one of the approved templates for collaboration. . Once the User has created the site they are now in the role of Site Collection Administrator. They are fully responsible for the site and its content. If at any time the Site Administrator no longer maintains their role in the business of which required them to manage the site, the Site Administrator will be responsible to ensure that a new site administrator is assigned. If the SharePoint team’s audit shows lack of compliance they can assign the manager of the previous Site Administrator as the new Site Administrator or elevate a current Owner to the Administrator position and establish the same training requirements. The Collaboration Services team will monitor the creation of the sites. In some cases the answers to the Site Provisioning Wizard questions may not lead to the creation of a site. In these cases, a Get IT Help case will be created and the Collaboration Services Team will contact the client to discuss appropriate next steps. The following information is required for a site to be provisioned:Site TitleSite Purpose or DescriptionPrimary Contact – The Manager or Supervisor requesting the siteSecondary Contact - The Site Owner Other Administrators – Other users with site owner responsibilitiesAudience – Work Team, Project Team, CommunityBusiness UnitClarify Case #.Once a site is created and established for 90 days, a one-time fee will be charged to the Site Collection Administrator’s business segment. The charge is allocated to the business segment identified during the Site Creation process. Support Engagement ProcessTo maintain a manageable environment, a delegated support model will be employed. For initial support or maintenance issues, an end user contacts the Site Administrator for support. A Site Administrator can manage permissions; create lists, libraries and sub-sites. The support containment hierarchy is as follows:User Support ProcessSite Feedback MechanismIt is important for users to be able to provide feedback freely and anonymously. The master page will have a site feedback mechanism for users to provide open and honest Collaboration feedback. Level 2 (Service Center) and LEVEL 3 (Collaboration Services Team) engagement processAll items requiring support for level 2 functions (Site Creations, Permissions, Advanced SharePoint user features), should be escalated through the service center to the Get IT Help team by the Site Administrator only. If the Site Administrator is unavailable, the secondary Site Administrator can submit the incident. Should no Site Administrator be available, the team will solve the issue and identify other owners of the site to be elevated to Site Administrator. It is imperative that a site have two active Site Administrators assigned.EIT-SDM Clarify Case for Problem: Site Administrator must engage EIT Service Center to open case “. Get IT Help may troubleshoot the case and if necessary route it to Collaboration Services team queue. Refer to Section 9.64 for site collection level Issue / Problem based OLA. (Collaboration Platform adopts EIT-SDM Assessment/Enhancement processes for New Feature / Enhancement Requests and New Web Application / Portal Requests. EIT-SDM Assessment/Enhancement Processes are designed to assess cost and labor required to fulfill the requirements for New Feature / Enhancement / Web Application / Portal Requests. Based on the assessment of the request the requestor may be asked to sponsor a project as a part of engagement to fulfill the requests. Submit a Get IT Help Infrastructure Assessment or Enhancement. Feature Exception ProcessShould a new feature be requested by the Site Administrator or business partner community, an exception process will need to be followed. Typically, the Site Administrator can submit an Infrastructure ticket to engage the Collaboration Portal team for exceptions. The solution will be evaluated and tracked based on the requirements. Any approved exceptions will be documented as such and approved through an automated approval process.After Business hours supportCollaboration Platform offers after hours support after 5:00 PM EST and before 8:00 AM EST for Farm, Database, and Web Application level Outages / Issues. Please contact Service Center for engaging Collaboration On-Call Resource to report such outages. Site Level outages / issues and all types of new requests should follow its respective process.Central AdministrationOperational Monitoring762000503555Monitoring will be handled by the Corporate Standard, Tivoli. The MDNS Engineering team will also use the Microsoft Operations Manager SharePoint Pack to monitor critical events that need to be proactively addressed. Operational MatrixSeveral teams are involved in the operations of the SharePoint environment. SharePoint team relies on the ESQL Team for SQL Support, Commodity Computing for Server Hardware and OS Support and the Storage and Network teams for Disk Capacity and Bandwidth.504825120650Change Control ProcessStandard change control processes are followed in the environment for all infrastructure changes. For information on changes that need to be filed, contact the Collaboration and Portal Services team through the level three support engagement process.Patching Process333375292100The following matrix will be followed for SharePoint Patching.Each team will follow what patching process is appropriate. The Collaboration and Portal Services team will file a change for all new feature requests and application patches. Whenever possible, the request will be fulfilled during the standard maintenance window.Database Management ProcessesAll data in SharePoint is contained in Microsoft SQL Databases. These databases are managed by the Enterprise Solutions SQL team. All database management activity goes through this team for execution and at the very least, approval.When new Databases are created for SharePoint, a case should be opened through Get IT Help to add the database to the backup maintenance plan. This should occur before any sites are created within the new database.Should the need for a restore of a database arise, the ES SQL Team needs to be engaged to perform the restore. If the restore is needed to resolve an issue, the Dublin, OH data center should be contacted and asked to page out the SQL On Call to perform the restore.SQL Maintenance follows the standard ITG change control process. When the SQL team needs to initiate maintenance on the environment, the SQL team will engage the SharePoint team and the SharePoint team will be responsible for communicating with the SharePoint Site Administrator community. Should the shared storage supporting the SharePoint databases need to be expanded, the SharePoint admin team will make this determination and request the LUN expansion via the storage team’s standard process.Application Management ProcessesSharePoint web applications are Microsoft Internet Information Server identities. Occasionally, these applications will require maintenance. This maintenance will follow the standard change control processes and will be conducted during the standard local data center maintenance window.New FunctionalityIf new functionality or web parts are identified as being beneficial for the Collaboration user community, a process will be followed to test the functionality/web part in the test and stage environments. Should the functionality pass user acceptance testing, the new functionality will be deployed to production during the next maintenance munication for Collaboration Application OutageThe Collaboration Services team will send out critical communications regarding site and application level maintenance and outage to all Administrators of the Collaboration site. Site administrators are responsible for articulating the impact, informing user community and validating the site functionality upon the completion of maintenance or outage window.Additionally, these announcements are placed at the footer of each Collaboration page in a section titled “Highlights”, so all users can be informed. Our PORTALNew Site Engagement / Content Publishing ProcessThe process for adding sites / content to our portal is defined and managed by Digital Marketing and carried out in accordance to our publishing principals. Those wishing to post content or maintain a site on our portal should contact the team by emailing with portal email address. Site Lifecycle process The Site Lifecycle process in our portal is managed automatically at the content level and manually at the site level. The process is defined and managed by our Portal Owner and carried out in accordance with the Information Architecture Policy. (Reference Pending) Automatic content level management is provided via content “expiration date” and “review date” metadata stored with each content item which work with archival and e-mail reminder workflows. Manual site level management is provided via periodic site audits conducted by our Portal Owner as well as the Content Owners. Application PortalThe application portal allows for access to additional shared controls and federation with outside parties. The app portal has special features, published content, is Our portal branded and used by munication PlanCommunication to End UsersCommunication to the end users regarding this Governance Plan will be in the form of web content on a site off of our portal as well as notification during site creation. The Governance material is also covered heavily within the annual Site Administrator training. There will be sections on the page for the following:Hierarchy of Governance (Summary)Roles and responsibilitiesHardware equipment hosting the SharePoint environments (IT access only)How to obtain supportPolicies ProcessesTrainingMigration PlanThe training plan will also cover key SharePoint Governance Policies and Procedures where appropriate. Communication to the Collaboration Advisory Board regarding this Governance Plan or any governance activities or issues will be in the following forms:Web content listed aboveScheduled meetings or conference callsAd hoc communications via email.TrainingTraining is one of the most critical components to a successful SharePoint deployment since SharePoint is a powerful end-user product. Further, in order to be successful at the self-service model, all users must receive training as appropriate for their roles. Available training will be flexible and focused on the various roles.The information below lists the high level details of the training planned. The SharePoint Training Documents provides an outline of the training available and provides links to the actual training, if available online.Training ChannelsTraining will initially consist of online reference materials for both typical end users (addressing “How To” information) and system administrators (addressing more technical issues such as WSS deployment “best practices”).Training tools will also include:“How to” documentation (such as what exists today)“How to” videosRecorded instructor-led training sessionsForumsCommunity of Practice – Targeted Training; The Collaboration and Portal Services team offers an outreach to groups of 10+ where they will conduct an Instructor-led training session of approximately two hours, specific to the department’s need. Should another Targeted Training session be required by the same department a nominal fee may be applied. End User TrainingEnd-user training does not need to be as rigorous as Site Administrator or Owner training, but it is just as important. End Users need usage overview training of the most important Collaboration features. Classroom training as well as computer based training sessions work well for end user training. End-users should be trained on Collaboration fundamentals such as: Best Practices, Section 8.5, Navigation and search, working with document libraries and lists, adding and modifying content, using document management features, using Outlook integration features, selecting and managing alerts, managing lists, using recycle bins, using workflows, creating and using document and meeting workspaces, contributing to Wiki and blog sites, creating and managing lists, libraries, and views, When to use SharePoint and when to use IBM Enterprise Content Manager. Site Administrator/Owner TrainingUsers who wish to create a collaboration site will be required to complete Administrator Series training classes in CollabU within 60 days of site creation. This provides a great introduction to the responsibilities required of an Administrator such as, office integration, managing users and groups, creating and deleting sites and workspaces, customizing a site, administering a site, and Security Policies. When any Site Administrator adds another employee in an Administrator role, it is their responsibility to ensure the new Administrator has either taken the Administrator Series training or that they are scheduled to do so in the next 60 days. Failure to comply will cause the site to be placed in Read Only mode. Since Site Owners have Full Control with permissions and content, they too should adhere to the CollabU training requirement. It is essential they are aware of how to maintain their site and support their contributors. Additionally, to ensure skills are kept at a knowledgeable, up-to-date level, annual testing through myLearning is required of each Site Administrator whether they are primary or secondary. Notices are sent informing them of the requirement and directing them to the pre-test material. Should that Administrator no longer be responsible for the site, permissions will have to be updated and notification of same sent to Get It Help. Failure to comply will cause the site to be placed in Read Only mode.Help Desk TrainingHelp Desk personnel require intense training and troubleshooting analysis. Tier two or tier three support should be considered for official, externally-provided training.Central Administrators TrainingCentral Administrators should be the first to be trained. Central administrators will need to learn how to install the farm, design for success, and learn the overall technical functionality of SharePoint Server. At a minimum, Central Administrator training should include logical architecture and supporting dependencies, installation best practices, farm operations and application management, Shared Services Providers installation and configuration, content aggregation, search and indexing configuration and administration, document management and content types and disaster recovery. Business Partner TrainingBusiness Owners need education of the product including capabilities, similar to the training for end-users.Customer TrainingAll customer training will be the responsibility of the external Site Collection Administrator. ................

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