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Also by Gary Paulsen


? . Hatchet


Aladdin Paperbacks

Ifyou purcbased tbis book uoftbelllt a rollPr )'()U sbould be au'are tbat tbis book is stolen property. It U'tlS reported as "unsold and df!StrrJ)'ed" to the

pub/tiber and neitber tbe autlJor nor the publisher bas Tf!Ceil'ed an)' pa)~ mentlor Ibis "stripped book.?

First Aladdin PaperlJacks edition October 1996

Copyrigbt ? 1987 by Gary Paulsen

Aladdin PaperlJacks An imprint 01Simon & Scbuster Children's Publisbing Division 1230 Avenue ofthe Americas New York, NY 10020

AU rigbts reserved, including the rigbt 01 reproduction in wbole or in part in anylorm

Also available in a Simon & Scbuster Bookslor Young Readers edition

Tbe textoltbis book was set in 12-point lTC Garamond Book.

Printed and bound in the. United States 01America


The Library 01 Congress bas cataloged the bardcover edition as100lows:

Paulsen, Gary. Hatchet.

Summary: After a plane crasb, tbirteen-year-old Brian spends fifty-lour days in tbe wilderness, learning to survive inltiaUy u'llb only the aid 01a batcbet given by bis motber, and learning also to survive bls parents' dillOTCf!. /1. Survival-Fiction. 2. Divorce-FictionJ I. TItle. PZ7.2B43Hat . 1987 /Fic} 87-6416 ISBN 0-02-77013()-]

ISBN fJ.689-80882-lJ (Aladdin phk.)

To the students of the Hershey Middle School



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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