Barista and aspiring chef Samantha Hart (Sam) has a "non-relationship" with all of her customers. They tell Sam all of their life stories and therefore feel they know her so well that that they often try to set her up on dates. Before one such date with a customer's son, Sam meets with her sister, Roz. Roz, though happily married, is far less idealistic than Sam, who believes her Prince Charming on a white horse is right around the corner.

Her blind date with a customer's son is an utter disaster, so Sam heads out early. She wanders into a gallery opening for photographer Heath Madsen. After feeling a spark when Heath makes eye contact with her, Sam sees the very photograph she has displayed on her wall for years of a white horse in a meadow. Although she never knew who the artist was, she loves the photo, which reminds her of Prince Charming on a white horse.

Heath has struggled to find photographic inspiration since his wife passed away. His representative, Celeste Jeffers-Johnson, wants him taking new pictures and out on tour, but he would prefer to spend time with his 12-year-old son, Donny. Donny, who manages his website, tells him that he should invite a woman who contacted him online, Sam, to visit.

Sam is delighted when Heath replies back to her messages online and even sends her a train ticket and hotel accommodations to visit him out in the country for a big show. Roz disapproves of the whole set up: Sam has never even talked to Heath over the phone, let alone in person, but Sam is determined to find love.

When Sam arrives to Heath's town, Donny is waiting for her at the train station with flowers. His "driver," Jackson, drops Sam and Donny off at home before heading back to his restaurant, Jackson's Grill.

When Heath sees Sam, he is confused. He never contacted her online, and certainly didn't send her a train ticket. Donny set the whole thing up with just a little help from the housekeeper, May, without telling Heath. Sam is mortified when she finds out and tries to get out of town as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, the next train out isn't until the next day.

Heath drives Sam to her hotel, but it is sold out because of his show. The two run errands in town, Sam unknowingly with a paint stain from Heath's truck on her pants, and end up at Jackson's Grill. Sam acknowledges that she fills the role of the "non-relationship" with Heath like she does with her coffee shop customers and listens to his problems. She even jumps in to wait tables at Jackson's during the lunch rush. It is then that she compliments a customer's sweater, only to discover that it's a sweater from her stolen suitcase! Now she's stuck in town with a virtual stranger and only one set of paint-soaked clothes.

After an unsolicited pop in from Celeste, Heath sits Donny down to scold him. Donny has piles of research on all the women that have contacted the site. He picked Sam out of the bunch as a good match for Heath.



Heath attempts to cook Sam an "apology" pot pie. Sam, the pot pie expert, jumps in to help him. Sam, Heath, Donny and May all enjoy a pot pie dinner together.

The next morning, Sam awakes to discover that a storm has flooded the one road out of town and now she's stuck there for up to a week. Luckily, Heath purchased new clothes for her to replace the stolen ones.

May brings Sam to the senior center to meet Eddie, her love interest and possible future fourth husband. May tells Sam that Eddie has invited her on a cruise, but she is reluctant to go because she wants to take care of the boys. She especially worries about Heath because of Celeste "the shark" Jeffers-Johnson.

When they arrive back home, Donny tells Sam that he struck a deal with Jackson for Sam to sell her pot pies to Jackson's Grill. Sam encourages Donny to invite his friends over to help them bake, encouraging him to enjoy his childhood. Heath is inspired by the Americana images of Sam, May and the children baking pies and takes photos of them baking together.

That night, Sam and Heath enjoy a pie and wine together and talk about Sam's dream of opening a pot pie cafe. Her sister talked her out of it because it wasn't a safe bet. Heath encourages her to go after her passion and maybe even start a Pot Pie of the Month Club. The two share a fleeting romantic moment, but are both too afraid to act on it.

The next morning, Jackson wakes Heath to tell him the road has re-opened and sees Heath's studio filled with photos of Sam. Heath cleans himself up to tell Sam about the road, but instead invites her to go to his favorite spot with him. Donny helps Heath prepare the ATV for their trip.

When they arrive, Sam realizes Heath's favorite spot the meadow where Heath photographed the white horse photo. Sam and Heath spend a lovely day together, but when they attempt to go back, the ATV is out of gas. Seeing that overnight provisions were packed, Heath realizes this "accidental" romantic overnight is Donny's doing. Sam and Heath go to sleep under the same sleeping bag and both feel the spark of a budding relationship.

When Donny tells May what he has done, she sends him to his room, but then decides not to send Jackson to pick the two up. The next morning, however, Celeste shows up at the house again and pries his location out of Donny and May.

After their night together, Heath reassures Sam that he will never have a relationship with Celeste and that he wants to be more than friends with Sam. Sam is elated. Just as they are about to kiss, Celeste arrives to drive them home. She mentions that the road is reopened, which Donny pretends is news to him.

When they arrive home, Heath tells everyone that Sam is staying for the show after all. Donny tells Sam that her pies already sold out at Jackson's, and May, Donny, Donny's friends and even Eddie join in the pie making.



At Jackson's Grill, Heath tells Jackson he's happier than he has been in a while because of Sam.

He shows Sam the website for the Pot Pie of the Month Club, which Donny made. Heath is so happy, that for the first time in years, he lends his terrible voice to karaoke. When Celeste sees this, she quickly rushes him off to prepare for tomorrow's show. In Heath's absence, Jackson slips to Sam that Heath knew the road was open before he took her to the meadow.

All of the photos Heath and Celeste set up for the show are of Sam. Heath tells Celeste that he has feelings for Sam and because of this, suggests ending their professional relationship. Celeste insists that she will keep it business, but does take the necklace that Heath made from porcupine quills he found in the meadow as a consolation prize. Heath warns her not to wear it because it's a dangerous piece of jewelry.

At home, May tells Sam that she is going to go on the cruise with Eddie after all, now that she sees Heath and Donny happy. When Heath returns, he tells Sam he wants to keep their relationship progressing and she agrees. Just as he is about to kiss her, Donny runs through with a bunch of his friends. It's a happy household again.

The next day, Sam is shocked to see that all of the photos at the show are of her. She is even more shocked when Celeste makes the announcement that Heath will be flying to the UK the next day for a solo show at a prominent gallery. After Celeste breaks that news, she finds Sam and tells her she is nothing but a temporary distraction to Heath. Sam is taken aback to see Celeste wearing the quill necklace that Heath made. To make matters worse, Celeste kisses Heath right in front of Sam. Sam takes that as her cue to exit - both the gallery and the town.

Heath is irate at Celeste and tries to find Sam with Donny and May. They run into Robbie, a store clerk that met Sam on her first day in town and he tells them he drove her to the train station.

The next day, Heath is greeted by Celeste with two tickets to the UK while Sam is back to work at the coffee shop. It's all business as usual until Roz stops by to tell Sam she has a potential new date for her. When Sam follows Roz outside, she is greeted by Heath, sitting on a horse like Prince Charming. Heath asks Sam to join her on a trip to London and she agrees. They finally kiss and Sam gets the fairytale ending she always knew was out there.



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