Attack the Scary SynopsisToday we're tackling the dreaded eight letter S-word...synopsis. Take a deep breath, maybe grab a cup of coffee or tea, relax and let's get started.If you plan to submit your work to an agent or editor or enter our PNWA Literary Contest (categories 1–8), you will need to have a tight one-page synopsis for your book. Yes, you read that right―one page to summarize the whole story. Your?synopsis?should be written in third person, present tense.What to IncludeFirst, you'll need to include what we here at the Cottage refer to as the movie trailer ingredients.? We're talking setting, genre, major characters, central conflict/major goals, major plot points, character arcs, and resolution.What to Leave OutAnd of course, there are plenty of things to leave out: overly specific descriptions of the setting and genre, supporting characters, secondary conflicts and goals, subplots, and exhaustive detail about the resolution.Synopsis BreakdownOpeningBegin with an overarching statement about your novel's premise. This should communicate setting and genre. Example: Even in small-town Iowa, an unexpected encounter with a stranger can change your life.??Introduce the main character with a few words that describe him or her and then describe what that character wants. For example: Susan, a shy, prim waitress daydreams about being swept off her feet by a handsome stranger.Include the inciting incident―what happens that launches your character on his or her journey.? Example: When Susan is sent to deliver an order, she is ambushed by a handsome young man that grabs the take-out order and runs off.Middle paragraph(s)In this section, lay out what happens in the bulk of your story from first plot point to midpoint and through to the climax. ?Stay focused on the main characters: the protagonist, the antagonist, perhaps a side-kick or love interest.?Be sure you detail the major conflicts along the way. ?In our example, what does Susan do after she's ambushed? How do her actions propel the story forward?? What obstacles are thrown her way and how does she overcome them?? What conflict does she face at the midpoint when she has a 'mirror moment' and decides something has to change? What is the climax of the story - the blackest moment when everything seems destined to fail?The ClosingIn the final section of your synopsis,?spell out the resolution.? You do not need to go into every twist and turn, but do provide a summarized account of what happens. ?Exercises to TryNo surprise here―write a synopsis of something you are currently working on.Write a synopsis for a project you haven’t yet started.Write a synopsis for a famous novel, like To Kill A Mockingbird or For Whom the Bell Tolls. ................

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