Mrs. Bernal's Language Arts Class

During the next 8 weeks you will be conducting your own study of film and literature. You will READ FOUR texts, WATCH FOUR films, and complete FOUR PRODUCTS.


|A classic text |Corresponding film |1. Theme Analysis Essay |

| | |2. The Oscars |

|A contemporary text |Corresponding film | |

|Shakespeare play (choose from list) |Faithful production |3. Argument Essay |

| |Modern adaptation | |

|Short story, not adapted into a film | |4. Write, produce, and record a screenplay adaptation and |

| | |then write a Reflection |


NOTE: Any “R” rated movies need to have a permission letter signed by a parent. Permission slips are required: if not received or permission denied, a new work will need to be chosen. If assignments are completed without permission, assignments will receive zeros.

All assignments need to be typed in 12 pt font, double-spaced, and in MLA format.

Book 1 (Classic) (125 pts)

1. Read book – complete Elements of Style Chart (25 pts)

2. Watch movie – complete Elements of Style Chart (25 pts)

3. Write a Theme Analysis Essay (75 pts) – analyze 3 of the 6 Elements of Style and explain in a well-developed, well-organized essay that identifies the theme.

a. Why these elements best develop theme.

b. How they develop the theme in both the book and movie, noting the similarities and differences.

c. Based on analysis, discussing the movie’s success as an adaptation of theme.

NOTE: Identify the theme first then figure out how the images, tone, characters, plot events reveal this theme.

***Include in your essay identifying information for book and movie both through in text citations and in the works cited page.

Book 2 (Contemporary) (160 pts)

1. Watch movie – write a summary that covers all major aspects of the movie. (25 pts)

2. Read book – complete Venn diagram (15 pts) & write a reflection based on the outcome of the diagram. (20 pts)

a. Venn diagram: similarities & differences: list ALL (not just 2-3 points)

b. Reflection: What was it like to watch the movie before the book (rather than read before the movie?) How did it change your experience of each (as in how was it different from how you experienced the book when it was read first and the movie being a secondary activity)?

3. The Oscars (100 pts) ***These will be held Jan. 4-6

Create 6 categories – using literary and film terms (2/4 or 3/3 split) – and create a “ceremony” (presentation 15-20 min) in which you present the Oscar to the book or to the movie with sufficient explanation as to why the book or film did a better job pf portraying that element. Have an appropriate organizational structure for the “ceremony” that also includes author and title of book, director/year produced and title of movie, and summary of the plot (of both, noting differences, if any).

Rubric for Oscars:

_____/60 pts (10 pts for each Oscar – needs sufficient evidence/explanation for why chosen)

_____/20 pts (organization w/ summary)

_____/20 pts (ENGAGING audience – having visuals/props)

The list provided below is not a comprehensive list; if there is a text that you would like to read, it MUST be approved. You should choose a text which you have NOT read. Your text MUST be approved; some texts will not be approved for this.

Classic and Contemporary Books


|Pride and Prejudice* |Kite Runner |

|Sense and Sensibility* |Revolutionary Road |

|The Diary of Anne Frank* |The Gangs of New York |

|Breakfast at Tiffany’s |Water for Elephants |

|Gone with the Wind* |The Boy in the Striped Pajamas |

|Love in the Time of Cholera |The Hours* |

|Call of the Wild |The Other Boleyn Girl |

|The Last of the Mohicans |The Lovely Bones |

|Emma* (Clueless) |The Pilot’s Wife |

|Mansfield Park* |Time Traveler’s Wife |

|In Cold Blood |The Reader |

|Fahrenheit 451 |The Help* |

|Jane Eyre* |The Devil’s Arithmetic |

|The Count of Monte Cristo |A Painted House |

|The Outsiders |Flowers for Algernon (Charly)* |

|One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest |Angela’s Ashes |

|East of Eden |The English Patient |

|The Grapes of Wrath |Into the Wild |

|Anna Karenina |Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close |

|A Farewell to Arms (In Love and War) |Atonement |

| |The Namesake |

| |Memoirs of a Geisha |

| |Labor Day |

*indicates movie owned by Mrs. Bernal

Group Tasks

** I expect to observe group tasks being done as such IN CLASS. If you are not working as a group or I suspect one group member is doing all or nothing, points will be deducted for the whole group on those assignments. If you feel that a group member is not pulling his/her weight, LET ME KNOW!

Shakespeare (175 pts)

1. Watch the MODERN adaptation

a. Individually, write a summary of the plot of the whole movie. (10 pts)

2. Read the play together, in class

a. As a group, write a summary for each Act and a final summary of the overall play. (60 pts)

3. Watch the FAITHFUL adaptation

a. As a group, complete a Triple Venn Diagram comparing the modern version to the faithful version, specifically looking at how they relate to modern society. You must have at least 30 items listed. (30 pts)

4. Individually, write a 2-3 page essay arguing whether or not Shakespeare is still relevant in today’s society. (75 pts)

a. Part of your argument should include why we still continue to adapt Shakespeare’s plays today.

b. Use examples from both movies and the play to support your argument.

c. Please include a proper MLA formatted works cited page and you must have at least 2 internal citations.

These plays may be read in a group; no group may read the same play. The compare/contrast essay must be completed individually.

Shakespearian Plays

|SHAKESPEARE |Modern Adaptations |

|Twelfth Night |She’s the Man |

| |Just One of the Guys |

| |Motocrossed |

|A Midsummer Night’s Dream |A Midsummer Night’s Rave |

| |Were the World Mine |

| |Get Over It |

|Hamlet |Let the Devil Wear Black |

| |Strange Brew |

| |The Lion King |

|Julius Caesar |Mean Girls |

|Taming of the Shrew |10 Things I Hate about You* |

| |Deliver Us From Eva |

|Macbeth |Macbeth (2006: dir Wright)* |

| |Scotland, PA |

| |Throne of Blood (1957) |

| |Men of Respect |

| |PBS Macbeth (actor Patrick Stewart) |

*indicates movie owned by Mrs. Bernal

Short Story (150 pts)

1. Read the short story

a. As a group, complete the Literary Analysis Questions Worksheet (25 pts)

2. As a group, complete Planning Guide & hold a conference with Mrs. Bernal to discuss your pacing (25 pts)

3. As a group, create a 5-minute movie trailer that uses, a scene transitions, camera movements, at least 3 different camera angles and shots, two different types of lighting, props/sets, and acting (75 pts) WITH a group reflection.

*May use class time for filming ONLY IF you have approval to use areas of the school.

4. Individually, write reflection of the process of adapting literature into film (25 pts) Why did you make those choices from above?

Consider what the film techniques emphasize and for what effects/purposes do they create (mood, character, theme)?

Reflect on group work: explain how/if you divided work, how you worked together (or not), etc.

The short story may be read in a group. The film production must be done as a group, but the reflection must be done individually.


|Winesburg, Ohio by Sherwood Anderson* |The Interlopers by H.H. Munro* |

|Home Burial by Robert Frost* |The Fly by Katherine Mansfield* |

|A Dark Brown Dog by Stephen Crane* |The Open Boat by Stephen Crane* |

|Trifles by Susan Glaspell* |Eve's Diary by Mark Twain* |

|Araby by James Joyce* |The Boarded Window by Ambrose Bierce* |

|The Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin* |Desiree's Baby by Kate Chopin* |

|An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce* |Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town by Stephen Leacock* |

* full story at

***Here is a website with 160 short stories that you may peruse and choose one that has never been adapted into a film.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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