Shelby County Schools’ mathematics instructional maps are ...

IntroductionIn 2014, the Shelby County Schools Board of Education adopted a set of ambitious, yet attainable goals for school and student performance. The District is committed to these goals, as further described in our strategic plan, Destination2025. By 2025,80% of our students will graduate from high school college or career ready90% of students will graduate on time100% of our students who graduate college or career ready will enroll in a post-secondary opportunityIn order to achieve these ambitious goals, we must collectively work to provide our students with high quality, college and career ready aligned instruction. The Tennessee State Standards provide a common set of expectations for what students will know and be able to do at the end of a grade. College and career readiness is rooted in the knowledge and skills students need to succeed in post-secondary study or careers. The TN State Standards represent three fundamental shifts in mathematics instruction: focus, coherence and rigor. 457200227203000The TN Mathematics StandardsThe Tennessee Mathematics Standards: can access the Tennessee State standards, which are featured throughout this curriculum map and represent college and career ready learning at reach respective grade level.Mathematical Practice StandardsMathematical Practice Standards can access the Mathematical Practice Standards, which are featured throughout this curriculum map. This link contains more a more detailed explanation of each practice along with implications for instructions.The Standards for Mathematical Practice describe varieties of expertise, habits of minds and productive dispositions that mathematics educators at all levels should seek to develop in their students. These practices rest on important National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) “processes and proficiencies” with longstanding importance in mathematics education. -571500457200Throughout the year, students should continue to develop proficiency with the eight Standards for Mathematical Practice.This curriculum map is designed to help teachers make effective decisions about what mathematical content to teach so that, ultimately our students, can reach Destination 2025. To reach our collective student achievement goals, we know that teachers must change their practice so that it is in alignment with the three mathematics instructional shifts. Throughout this curriculum map, you will see resources as well as links to tasks that will support you in ensuring that students are able to reach the demands of the standards in your classroom. In addition to the resources embedded in the map, there are some high-leverage resources around the content standards and mathematical practice standards that teachers should consistently access:Purpose of Mathematics Curriculum MapsThis map is meant to help teachers and their support providers (e.g., coaches, leaders) on their path to effective, college and career ready (CCR) aligned instruction and our pursuit of Destination 2025. It is a resource for organizing instruction around the TN State Standards, which define what to teach and what students need to learn at each grade level. The map is designed to reinforce the grade/course-specific standards and content—the major work of the grade (scope)—and provides suggested sequencing, pacing, time frames, and aligned resources. Our hope is that by curating and organizing a variety of standards-aligned resources, teachers will be able to spend less time wondering what to teach and searching for quality materials (though they may both select from and/or supplement those included here) and have more time to plan, teach, assess, and reflect with colleagues to continuously improve practice and best meet the needs of their students.The map is meant to support effective planning and instruction to rigorous standards. It is not meant to replace teacher planning, prescribe pacing or instructional practice. In fact, our goal is not to merely “cover the curriculum,” but rather to “uncover” it by developing students’ deep understanding of the content and mastery of the standards. Teachers who are knowledgeable about and intentionally align the learning target (standards and objectives), topic, text(s), task,, and needs (and assessment) of the learners are best-positioned to make decisions about how to support student learning toward such mastery. Teachers are therefore expected--with the support of their colleagues, coaches, leaders, and other support providers--to exercise their professional judgment aligned to our shared vision of effective instruction, the Teacher Effectiveness Measure (TEM) and related best practices. However, while the framework allows for flexibility and encourages each teacher/teacher team to make it their own, our expectations for student learning are non-negotiable. We must ensure all of our children have access to rigor—high-quality teaching and learning to grade level specific standards, including purposeful support of literacy and language learning across the content areas. Additional Instructional SupportShelby County Schools adopted our current math textbooks for grades K-5 in 2010-2011. ?The textbook adoption process at that time followed the requirements set forth by the Tennessee Department of Education and took into consideration all texts approved by the TDOE as appropriate. ?We now have new standards, therefore, the textbook(s) have been vetted using the Instructional Materials Evaluation Tool (IMET). This tool was developed in partnership with Achieve, the Council of Chief State Officers (CCSSO) and the Council of Great City Schools. The review revealed some gaps in the content, scope, sequencing, and rigor (including the balance of conceptual knowledge development and application of these concepts), of our current materials.?The additional materials purposefully address the identified gaps in alignment to meet the expectations of the CCR standards and related instructional shifts while still incorporating the current materials to which schools have access. ?Materials selected for inclusion in the Curriculum Maps, both those from the textbooks and external/supplemental resources (e.g., EngageNY), have been evaluated by district staff to ensure that they meet the IMET criteria.How to Use the MapsOverviewAn overview is provided for each quarter. The information given is intended to aid teachers, coaches and administrators develop an understanding of the content the students will learn in the quarter, how the content addresses prior knowledge and future learning, and may provide specific examples of student work.Tennessee State StandardsTN State Standards are located in the left column. Each content standard is identified as the following: Major Work, Supporting Content or Additional Content.; a key can be found at the bottom of the map. The major work of the grade should comprise 65-85% of your instructional time. Supporting Content are standards the supports student’s learning of the major work. Therefore, you will see supporting and additional standards taught in conjunction with major work It is the teachers' responsibility to examine the standards and skills needed in order to ensure student mastery of the indicated standard. ContentTeachers are expected to carefully craft weekly and daily learning objectives/ based on their knowledge of TEM Teach 1. In addition, teachers should include related best practices based upon the TN State Standards, related shifts, and knowledge of students from a variety of sources (e.g., student work samples, MAP, performance in the major work of the grade) . Support for the development of these lesson objectives can be found under the column titled content. The enduring understandings will help clarify the “big picture” of the standard. The essential questions break that picture down into smaller questions and the learning targets/objectives provide specific outcomes for that standard(s). Best practices tell us that clearly communicating and making objectives measureable leads to greater student mastery.Instructional ResourcesDistrict and web-based resources have been provided in the Instructional Resources column. At the end of each module you will find instructional/performance tasks, i-Ready lessons and additional resources that align with the standards in that module. The additional resources provided are supplementary and should be used as needed for content support and differentiation. Vocabulary and FluencyThe inclusion of vocabulary serves as a resource for teacher planning, and for building a common language across K-12 mathematics. One of the goals for CCSS is to create a common language, and the expectation is that teachers will embed this language throughout their daily lessons. In order to aid your planning we have included a list of fluency activities for each lesson. It is expected that fluency practice will be a part of your daily instruction. (Note: Fluency practice is NOT intended to be speed drills, but rather an intentional sequence to support student automaticity. Conceptual understanding MUST underpin the work of fluency.)Grade K Quarter 1 OverviewIntroduction to Kindergarten Math: First 10 Days Module 1: Numbers to 10Overview The first day of Kindergarten is long anticipated by parents and young students. Students expect school to be a dynamic and safe place to learn, an objective that is realized immediately by their involvement in purposeful and meaningful action. A guide for the first 10 days has been developed to establish expectations and provide pre-requisite lessons as a foundation for learning mathematics. The guide is a provided in an additional document and can be accessed here. In Topics A and B, classification activities allow students to analyze and observe their world and articulate their observations. Reasoning and dialogue begin immediately. “These balloons are exactly the same.” “These are the same but a different size.” As Topic B closes, students recognize cardinalities as yet one more lens for classification (K.MD.3). “I put a pencil, a book, and an eraser, three things, in the backpack for school.” “I put five toys in the closet to keep at home.” From the moment students enter school, they practice the counting sequence so that when counting a set of objects, their attention can be on matching one count to one object, rather than on retrieving the number words (.4a).2286000566420In Topics C, D, E, and F, students order, count (.1), and write (.3) up to ten objects to answer how many questions from linear, to array, to circular, and finally to scattered configurations wherein they must devise a path through the objects as they count. Students use their understanding of numbers and matching numbers with objects to answer how many questions about a variety of objects, pictures, and drawings (.5).They learn that the last number name said tells the number of objects counted (.4b). Daily, they engage in mathematical dialogue. They might compare their seven objects to a friend’s. For example, “My cotton balls are bigger than your cubes, but when we count them, we both have seven!” 78060551116330Very basic expressions and equations are introduced early in order to ensure students’ familiarity with numbers throughout the entire year so that they exit fluent in sums and differences to 5 (K.OA.5). Decomposition is modeled with small numbers with materials and drawings and as addition equations. Students see that both the expression 2 + 1 (Topic C) and the equation 3 = 2 + 1 (Topic D) describe a stick of three cubes decomposed into two parts (K.OA.3). Emphasis is not placed on the expressions and equations or using them in isolation from the concrete and pictorial—they are simply included to show another representation of decompositions alongside counters and drawings.In Topics G and H, students use their understanding of relationships between numbers to recognize that each successive number name refers to a quantity that is one greater and that the number before is one less (.4c). This important insight leads students to use the Level 2 strategy of counting on rather than counting all, later in the year and on into Grade 1. Topics G and H, will continue to be developed further in Quarter 2.Quarter 1 provides students the opportunity to build their fluency by counting 1-to-1, count forwards & backwards, count from a given number and number path. In this module, daily fluency activities with concentration and emphasis on counting (.4ab, .5) are integrated throughout the concept development: “I counted six beans in a row. I counted six beans in a circle and then squished them together and counted again. There were still six!” “I can make my six beans into rows, and there are no extras.” Students complete units of five using the fingers of their left hand and 5-groups. The numbers 6, 7, 8, and 9 are introduced relative to the number 5: “Five fingers and ____ more.” Students also explore numbers 5 to 9 in relation to 10, or two complete fives: “Nine is missing one to be ten or two fives.” (K.OA.4) As students begin to master writing numbers to 10, they practice with paper and pencil. This is a critical daily fluency that may work well to close lessons, since management of young students is generally harder toward the end of math time. The paper and pencil work is calming, though energized. Focus Grade Level StandardType of RigorFoundational StandardsK.MD.B.3Conceptual UnderstandingK.MD.A.2, .B.5, .B..4, .4a, .4b, .4cConceptual .1, .2, ..B.5Conceptual .4K.OA.A.3Conceptual .1, .2, .3Fluency 0425450NCTM PositionProcedural fluency is a critical component of mathematical proficiency. Procedural fluency is the ability to apply procedures accurately, efficiently, and flexibly; to transfer procedures to different problems and contexts; to build or modify procedures from other procedures; and to recognize when one strategy or procedure is more appropriate to apply than another. To develop procedural fluency, students need experience in integrating concepts and procedures and building on familiar procedures as they create their own informal strategies and procedures. Students need opportunities to justify both informal strategies and commonly used procedures mathematically, to support and justify their choices of appropriate procedures, and to strengthen their understanding and skill through distributed practice.Fluency is designed to promote automaticity by engaging students in daily practice. Automaticity is critical so that students avoid using lower-level skills when they are addressing higher-level problems. The automaticity prepares students with the computational foundation to enable deep understanding in flexible ways. Therefore, it is recommended that students participate in fluency practice daily using the resources provided in the curriculum maps. Special care should be taken so that it is not seen as punitive for students that might need more time to master fluency.The fluency standard for Kindergarten listed below should be incorporated throughout your instruction over the course of the school year. The engageny lessons include fluency exercises that can be used in conjunction with building conceptual understanding. K.OA.A.5 Fluently add and subtract within 5.Note: Fluency is only one of the three required aspects of rigor. Each of these components have equal importance in a mathematics curriculum. References: STATE STANDARDSCONTENTINSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCESVOCABULARY/FLUENCYFirst Weeks (Allow 3 weeks)Week 1 – Staggered EnrollmentWeek 2 – 3 Introduction to Kindergarten: The First 10 Days Numbers to 10 (Allow approximately 6 weeks for instruction, review and assessment to be continued in Q2)Domain: Measurement and DataCluster K.MD.B: Classify objects and count the number of objectsK.MD.B.3 Classify objects into given categories; count the numbers of objects in each category and sort the categories by count. (Limit category counts to be less than or equal to 10).Domain: Counting and CardinalityCluster .B: Count to tell the number of objects .B.4 Understand the relationship between numbers and quantities; connect counting to cardinality. .B.4a When counting objects, say the number names in the standard order, pairing each object with one and only one number name and each number with one and only one object. .B.4b Understand that the last number said tells the number of objects counted. The number of objects is the same regardless of their arrangement or the order in which they were counted. .B.5 Count to answer “how many?” questions about as many as 20 things arranged in a line, a rectangular array, or a circle, or as many as 10 things in a scattered configuration; given a number from 1-20, count out that many objects.Domain: Operations and Algebraic ThinkingCluster K.OA.A: Understand addition as putting together and adding to, and understand subtraction as taking apart and taking from. K.OA.A.3 Decompose numbers less than or equal to 10 into pairs in more than one way, e.g., by using objects or drawings, and record each decomposition by a drawing or equation (e.g., 5=2+3 and 5=4+1).Enduring UnderstandingsAttributes can be used to sort a group of objects.Attributes such as color, shape, and size can be used to sort the same set of objects in different ways. Counting tells how many are in a set, regardless of their arrangement or the order in which they were counted. The last number said when counting a set is the total. Counting is cumulative. There is a unique symbol that goes with each number word. There is more than one way to show a number.Essential Questions How does counting tell you how many?How can you use objects to solve a problem? Why is the last number you say important when counting sets of objects?How can you be sure you are counting correctly?Ho can you show a group of objects in a different way?Objectives/Learning Targets Lesson 1: I can analyze to find two objects that are exactly the same or not exactly the same (K.MD.B.3)Lesson 2: I can analyze to find two similar objects – these are the same but…... (K.MD.B.3)Lesson 3: I can classify to find two objects that share a visual pattern, color, and use. (K.MD.B.3)Lesson 4, 5: I can classify items into two predetermined categories, three categories, determine the count in each and reason about how the last number named determines the total. (K.MD.B.3, .B.4a, .B.4b)Lesson 6: I can sort categories by count. I can identify categories with 2,3,and 4 within a given scenario. (K.MD.B.3, .B.4a, .B.4b)engageny Module 1: Topic A: Attributes of Two Related ObjectsLesson 1Lesson 2Lesson 3engageny Module 1: Topic B: Classify to Make Categories and Count Lesson 4Lesson 5Lesson 6For supporting resources see the following enVision lessons: (Note: Topic 1 allows students to sort and classify objects, however the topic does not make the connection to counting. If using these lessons for small group remediation/differentiation make sure after students can sort and classify you make a connection to counting. You can see how this connection is made by looking at Module 1 Topic B)Topic 1Same and DifferentSorting by One AttributeSorting the Same Set in Different WaysSorting by more than One AttributeVocabularyAdd, count, compare, decompose, five frame, numeral, number, ten frame, totalTerminology for engageny :exactly the same, not exactly the same, the same – but, match, sort, how many?, hidden partners, counting path, number story, zero, number sentence, 5-group, 5 frame, rows and columns, number path, 1 more, 1 lessFluency Practice: Please see engageny full module download for suggested fluency pacing and activities.Lesson 1: Counting Beans & Fingers (to 3) Show Me the Beans (to 5) Counting with Number Glove (to 3)Lesson 2: Hands Number Line (to 3) Show Me Fingers (to 3) Finger Flashes (to 3)Lesson 3: Counting Beans & Fingers (to 5) Show Me the Beans (to 5) Counting with Number Glove (to 5)Lesson 4: Show Me Fingers (to 5) Finger Flashes (to 5) Rekenrek (to 5)Lesson 5: Green Light, Red Light (to 5) Pop Up Number Birthday CandlesLesson 6: Happy Counting (to 5) Counting Around the Circle to 5Additional Fluency Games:Click link under: Building Conceptual Understanding and Fluency Through GamesTurtle Number WalkJumping FrogsDomino DotsObjectives/Learning Targets Lesson 7: I can sort by count in vertical columns and horizontal rows (linear configurations to 5). Match numerals on cards. (.B.4a, .B.4b, .B.5)Lesson 8: I can answer how many questions to 5 in linear configurations (5-group), with 4 in an array configuration. Compare ways to count five fingers. (.5)Lesson 9: I can find hidden partners within linear and array dot configurations of numbers 3,4,and 5 (K.OA.A.3)Lesson 10: I can find hidden partners within circular and scattered dot configurations of numbers 3, 4 and 5. (K.OA.A.3)Lesson 11: I can model decompositions of 3 with materials drawings and expressions. I can represent the decomposition as 1 + 2 and 2 + 1. (K.OA.A.3)Topic C: Numbers to Five in Different Configurations, Math Drawings and ExpressionsLesson 7Lesson 8Lesson 9Lesson 10Lesson 11For supporting resources see the following enVision lessons: (In Topic 4 there is an emphasis on counting objects in a line – especially with the guided practice. If using this resource please make the appropriate adjustments to address counting objects in a line, rectangular array, a circle or a scattered configuration)4-1 Counting 1,2, and 34-3 Counting 4 and 5Fluency Practice:Lesson 7: Sunrise/Sunset Counting (to 5) Rekenrek Roller Coaster (to 5) Roll, Grab, CountLesson 8: Finger Counting (to 5) How Many Dots? Show Me Another WayLesson 9: Hands Number Line (to 5) 5-Frame (Group) Peek-a-Boo Roll, Count, ShowLesson 10: Line up, Sprinkle, Circle Finger Counting (to 5) 5 – Frames – Counting Dots & SpacesLesson 11: Making 3 with Triangles & Beans Making 3 Finger Combinations Additional Fluency Games:Click link under: Building Conceptual Understanding and Fluency Through GamesTurtle Number WalkJumping FrogsDomino DotsObjectives/Learning Targets Lesson 13: I can order and write numerals 0-3 to answer how many questions. .A.3, .B.4a, .B.4b)Lesson 14: I can write numerals 1-3. I can represent decompositions with materials, drawings, and equations, 3 = 2 + 1 and 3 = 1 + 2. (.A.3, K.OA.A.3)Lesson 15: I can order and write numerals 4 and 5 to answer how many questions in categories; sort by count. (.A.3, .B.5, K.MD.B.3)Lesson 16: I can write numbers 1-5 in order. I can answer and make drawings of decompositions of 4 and 5 without equations. (.A.3, KK.OA.A.3)Topic D: The Concept of Zero and Working with Numbers 0-5(Lesson 12 Omitted)Lesson 13Lesson 14Lesson 15Lesson 16 HYPERLINK "" Mid Module AssessmentFor supporting resources see the following enVision lessons: (In Topic 4 there is an emphasis on counting objects in a line – especially with the guided practice. If using this resource please make the appropriate adjustments to address counting objects in a line, rectangular array, a circle or a scattered configuration)4-2 Reading and Writing 1,2, and 34-4 Reading and Writing 4 and 54-5 Reading and writing 04-7a Writing Number Sentences for 4 and 5Fluency Practice:Lesson 13: Show Me Fingers (include 0) Rekenrek Roller Coaster (to 6)Lesson 14: Making 3 with Triangles & Beans Making 3 Finger Combinations Hide and SeeLesson 15: Beep Number (to 5) Birthday Cake Number Order See, Count, Write Numbers (to 3)Lesson 16: Take the Cake Making 4 with Squares & BeansAdditional Fluency Games:Click link under: Building Conceptual Understanding and Fluency Through GamesTurtle Number WalkJumping FrogsDomino DotsObjectives/Learning Targets Lesson 17: I can count 4-6 objects in vertical and horizontal linear configurations. I can match 6 objects to the numeral 6. (.B.4a, .B.4b, .B.5)Lesson 18: I can count 4-6 objects in circular and scattered configurations. I can count 6 items out of a larger set and write numerals 1-6 in order. (.A.3, .B.4a, .4b, .B.5)Lesson 19: I can count 5-7 linking cubes in linear configurations. I can match with numeral 7. I can count on fingers from 1 to 7, and connect to 5-group images. (.B.4a, .B.4b, .B.5)Lesson 20: I can reason about sets of 7 varied objects in circular and scattered configurations. I can find a path through the scattered configurations, and write the numeral 7. Ask, “How is your seven different than mine?” (.A.3, .B.5)Lesson 21: I can compare counts of 8. Match with numeral 8. (.4a, .4b)Lesson 22: I can arrange and strategize to count 8 beans in circular (around a cup) and scattered configurations. I can write the numeral 8. I can find a path through the scattered set, and compare paths with a partner. (.A.3, .4a, .4b)Topic E: Working with Numbers 6-8 in Different ConfigurationsLesson 17Lesson 18Lesson 19Lesson 20Lesson 21Lesson 22For supporting resources see the following enVision lessons: (In Topic 5 there is an emphasis on counting objects in a line – especially with the guided practice. If using this resource please make the appropriate adjustments to address counting objects in a line, rectangular array, a circle or a scattered configuration)5-1 Counting 6 and 75-3 Reading and Writing 6 and 7Fluency Practice:Lesson 17: Sunrise/Sunset Counting (to 10) How Many Dots? Birthday CandlesLesson 18: Beep Number (to 10) Birthday Cake Number Order 5-Groups in Corners (4 & 5)Lesson 19: 5-Groups (Count on from 5) Rekenrek Roller Coaster (to 7) Show Me Beans (to 6)Lesson 20: Show Me Another Way (to 6 & 7) Hands Number Line (to 7)Lesson 21: Counting with Number Glove (to 8) Finger Flashes (to 8) Happy Counting (to 8)Lesson 22: 1,2,3, Stand on 10 5-Frame (Group) Peek-a-Boo Making 4 with Square & Beans Additional Fluency Games:Click link under: Building Conceptual Understanding and Fluency Through GamesTurtle Number WalkJumping FrogsDomino DotsObjectives/Learning Targets Lesson 23: I can organize and count 9 varied geometric objects in linear and array (3 threes) configurations. I can place objects on 5-group mat. Match with numeral 9. (.A.3, .B.4a, .B.4b, .5)Lesson 24: I can strategize to count 9 objects in circular (around a paper plate) and scattered configurations printed on paper. I can write the numeral 9. I can represent a path through the scatter count with a pencil and number each object. (.A.3, .B.4a, .B.4b, .5)Lesson 25-26: I can count 10 objects in linear and array configurations (2 fives). Match with the numeral 10. Place on the 5-group mat. Dialogue about 9 and 10. Write numeral 10. (.A.3, .B.4a, .B.4b, .5)Lesson 27: I can count 10 objects, and move between all configurations. (.A.3, .B.4a, .B.4a, .B.5)Lesson 28: I can act out result unknown story problems without equations. (.B.5)Topic F: Working with Numbers 9-10 in Different ConfigurationsLesson 23Lesson 24Lesson 25Lesson 26Lesson 27Lesson 28For supporting resources see the following enVision lessons: (In Topic 4 there is an emphasis on counting objects in a line – especially with the guided practice. If using this resource please make the appropriate adjustments to address counting objects in a line, rectangular array, a circle or a scattered configuration)5-4 counting 8 and 95-6 Reading and Writing 8 and 95-7 Counting 105-9 Reading and Writing 10Fluency Practice:Lesson 23: Rekenrek Roller coaster (to 10) Show Me Beans (to 10) Lesson 24: Hands Number Line (to 10) Roll, Count, Show (may use 2 dice) Hide and See (to 5)Lesson 25: 1,2,3, Stand on 10 5 ShortcutLesson 26: Match Movements to Counts See, Count, Write Numbers (to 10)Lesson 27: Rekenrek Roller Coaster (to 10) Line up, Sprinkle, Circle 5-Groups in Corners (4 & 5)Lesson 28: How many? Wet Dog CountingAdditional Fluency Games:Click link under: Building Conceptual Understanding and Fluency Through GamesTurtle Number WalkJumping FrogsDomino DotsObjectives/Learning Targets Lesson 29: I can order and match numeral and dot card form 1 to 10. State one more than a given number. (.B.4a, .B.4b, K. CC.4c) Lesson 33: I can order quantities from 10 to 1, and match numerals. (.B.4a, .B.4b, K. CC.4c)Topic G: One More with Numbers 0-10Lesson 29Topic H: One Less with Numbers 0-10Lesson 33For supporting resources see the following enVision lessons: (In Topics 4 and 5; there is an emphasis on counting objects in a line – especially with the guided practice. If using this resource please make the appropriate adjustments to address counting objects in a line, rectangular array, a circle or a scattered configuration)Topic 4:4-6 Making 4 and 5Topic 5:5-2 Making 6 and 75-5 Making 8 and 95-8 Making 10Fluency Practice:Lesson 29: Beep Number (to 10) Tell the Hidden Number Piggy Bank PenniesLesson 33: 1,2,3, Stand on 10 Make It Equal Additional Fluency Games:Click link under: Building Conceptual Understanding and Fluency Through GamesTurtle Number WalkJumping FrogsDomino DotsTasks:Counting Balls (.B.4, .B5)Bags of Stuff (.A.3)Number Tic Tac Toe (.A.3)Counting Mat (.B.4)Goody Bags (.B.4)KCC.4 & .5 TasksAdditional Resources:LearnZillion: Rote Counting and Understanding the Amount CreatedLearnZillion: Writing Numbers and Countin How Many to 10LearnZillion: Classifying and Counting ObjectsKindergarten Lessons for Learning (North Carolina)Handfuls of Counting (page 1)Subitizing (page 4)I-Ready Lessons:Counting Objects in a SetCounting and Ordering to 20Numerals and Counting to 10Counting with One-to-One CorrespondenceOne MoreComposing and Decomposing with 5 as a BenchmarkOtherUse this guide as you prepare to teach a module for additional guidance in planning, pacing, and suggestions for omissions.Pacing and Preparation Guide (Omissions)RESOURCE TOOLBOXThe Resource Toolbox provides additional support for comprehension and mastery of grade-level skills and concepts. These resources were chosen as an accompaniment to modules taught within this quarter. ?Incorporated materials may assist educators with grouping, enrichment, remediation, and differentiation.?NWEA MAP Resources: - Sign in and Click the Learning Continuum Tab – this resources will help as you plan for intervention, and differentiating small group instruction on the skill you are currently teaching. (Four Ways to Impact Teaching with the Learning Continuum) - These Khan Academy lessons are aligned to RIT scores.Textbook ResourcesEngage NY/Eureka Math Teacher SupportenVision Math enVision Common Core Addendum LessonsTN/ CCSSTNReady Math StandardsAchieve the CoreTN EdutoolboxVideosTeaching Math: A Video Library K-4SEDL: CCSS Online Video SeriesNCTM Common Core VideosChildren’s Literature Marilyn Burns Math Literature List KindergartenInteractive ManipulativesLibrary of Virtual ManipulativesMath PlaygroundThink CentralLearnzillionAdditional SitesKindergarten KoveKindergarten Math ActivitiesIllustrative Mathematics KMathematical Practices PostersOtherUse this guide as you prepare to teach a module for additional guidance in planning, pacing, and suggestions for omissions.Pacing and Preparation Guide (Omissions)Homework Help: Grade K - Module 1: Numbers to 10 Teachers Mathematics ToolkitParent Roadmap: Supporting Your Child in Kindergarten Mathematics ................

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