Professional Hair Advice

CHEROKEE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL114300211455000# AuthenticFocusedPurposeful2018-2019PARENT/STUDENT HANDBOOK3061 Kimball AvenueMemphis, TN 38114Phone (901) 416-5028Fax (901) 416-5010Principal: Sunya E. PaynePLC Coach: Tiffany EasonMath Coach: Alicia BridgesGuidance Counselor: Talisha BurnettTABLE OF CONTENTSWelcome Letter 3Mission Statement 4Instructional Calendar 5Attendance Policy 6Award Requirements/Behavior/Discipline Plan/School Procedures/Electronic Devices 8 Instructional Materials/Textbooks/Backpacks/Cafeteria 12Concerns/School Uniform Policy 13Parent Communication/Expectations for Students/Fee Waiver 14Grading and Assessment/Students’ Assignment 15Blended Learning 16Guidance/Health Policy 19Homework/Lost and Found/Medications/Payments/Phone Usage 20 Promotion/Retention/Safety Drills/Title I/Parent Engagement 21Parent Engagement Policy 22Field trips/Visitors/Watch D.O.G.S./School Leadership Council 23 Pledge of Allegiance 23Student Clubs/Parent & Community Resource Center/Car Riders & Walkers 24Volunteers/Adopters 24Parent/Student Contract Agreement (Return this page to classroom teacher) 25Welcome back parents, students, and staff! I’m humbled and excited for an even more innovative 2018-2019 school year. I embraced the responsibility of being the principal of this great school and community very seriously as I understood the significance of a having a quality education. Our vision for Cherokee elementary school will continue as a Blended Learning School with infusing STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineer, and Mathematics) in our core academic subjects as well as our support classes. Incorporating STEAM will assist our school with meeting the needs of 21st century economy. Cherokee has been selected as one of the schools who will have a 21st Century classroom. This coincide with our digital concept of “Blended Learning!” This classroom will have innovative furniture and additional technology that the students and teacher will use during instructional practices. Our students will continue their learning with the use of Dell Laptops.My continued passion for Memphis is fueled by love for children. The students of Shelby County Schools are our future and they deserve the best educational opportunities if this City and all of us are going to compete in a global technological marketplace. Equipping our youth to meet this challenge underscores my vision, which simply states, “To prepare today’s youth to meet tomorrow’s technological and digital demands by ensuring they have a strong academic foundation, hands-on use of technology, and an exposure to diversity. Our teachers will use the Blended Learning practice infusing technology. Blended learning is not the same as technology-rich instruction. It goes beyond one-to-one computers and high-tech gadgets. Blended learning involves leveraging the Internet to afford each student a more personalized learning experience, including increased student control over the time, place, path, and/or pace of learning. Parents and community stakeholders, please know that the vision cannot be achieved alone. Teachers, parents, students, and the community stakeholders will play a pivotal role. We have been chosen to rise above all obstacles, while leaving out doubt, complaints, self-agendas, and negative thoughts that would hinder you in giving your time and educational talents to the students of Cherokee Elementary. Together we achieve greatness, but we must all do our part with fidelity! We, the staff at Cherokee Elementary, will become the change agent needed for success. The staff will work as a team. Every day, we will work to provide a safe nurturing, positive, safe environment for learning by putting children first and remaining focused on excellence. I look forward to continuously working with my parents, students, community, teachers, and staff to become a cohesive unit to poise for success with purpose, passion, and promise. As the world around us is evolving, our school must expose the youth with innovative teaching coupled with technology. We will embark upon the challenge of positioning our school as a comprehensive, technological, educational institution that will prepare our children from all walks of life. The children will become highly competitive academically, technologically, and socially in the global community. We must all work together as we embrace the changes and challenges that we will face. Furthermore, we will courageously press beyond all barriers and accept no excuses that limit or restrict our ability to provide a quality education for the children of Cherokee Elementary School. I welcome the support and steadfast commitment of parents, community leaders, and all stakeholders to join us and become active participants in the lives of Cherokee Elementary students who represent the best of what our nation is and should ever hope to become. The best is yet to come for Cherokee Elementary!Educationally Yours,Sunya E. Payne, Principal, Cherokee ElementaryVISION STATEMENTOur vision is to become a comprehensive career technological, elementary school in which students are challenged to think critically while using a web-based curriculum to enhance students’ learning to problem-solve, gather facts from informational text, reading, writing, and mathematical skills, as well as current events and career opportunities. MISSION STATEMENTOur mission is to promote a safe, stimulating environment in which everyone is encouraged to think critically while developing the necessary skills and attitudes to become caring, responsible and productive citizens in the twenty-first century. BELIEFSThe faculty and staff of Cherokee Elementary School believe:All students can learn and achieve at higher levels, regardless of socioeconomic levels, ethnicity, and academic challenges.The success of every student depends on effective decision making, active involvement, and collaboration of teachers, administrators, students, parents, and community stakeholders. All stakeholders share the responsibility of instilling the shared vision and common mission that essentially produce citizens and lifelong learners.Active involvement in ongoing and meaningful professional development opportunities promotes lifelong learning for teachers.Technology offers students an avenue to succeed in the 21st global century.Students learn best when they are engaged in authentic learning opportunities which meet their individual learning styles and make connections between the curriculum, their interests, and real world experiences.Data is the blueprint used to guide planning and instruction, assessment, organization and school-wide decisions. Conveying high expectations and challenging students to work outside their comfort zones empower them to believe they can succeed.ATTENDANCEA written statement within two (2) school days of the student's return to schoolshall be required from the parent or guardian explaining each absence. After three (3) handwritten notes from the parent or guardian, a student must obtain a doctor’s statement. The Shelby County Board of Education believes that regular attendance is a necessary requirement for all students. All students are expected to attend school on each day that school is officially in session. Only the following reasons will be considered for excused absences:Illness or hospitalization of student. The District may require a parent conference and/or physician verification to justify absences after the accumulation of ten (10) days of absence during a school year. Notes must be date specific and will be required for subsequent absences beyond ten (10) days.Death or serious illness within the student's immediate family.When the student is officially representing the school in a school sponsored activity. Special and recognized religious holidays regularly observed by persons of their faith. Any student who misses a class or day of school because of the observance of a day set aside as sacred by a recognized religious denomination of which the student is a member or adherent, where such religion calls for special observances of such day, shall have the absence from that school day or class excused and shall be entitled to make up any school work missed without the imposition of any penalty because of the absence.Legal court summons not as a result of the student's misconduct.Extenuating circumstances over which the student has no control as approved by the principal.If a student's parent, custodian or other person with legal custody or control of the student is amember of the United States Armed Forces, including a member of a state National Guard or a Reserve component called to federal active duty, the student's Principal shall give the student:An excused absence for one (1) day when the student's parent, custodian or otherperson with legal custody or control of the student is deployed;An additional excused absence for one (1) day when the student's parentcustodian or other person with legal custody or control of the student returns from deployment; andExcused absences for up to ten (10) days for visitation when the student's parent, custodian, or other person with legal custody or control of the student is granted rest and recuperation leave and is stationed out of the country.Excused absences for up to ten (10) days cumulatively within the school year forvisitation during the deployment cycle of the student's parent, custodian or other person with legal custody or control of the student. Total excused absences under this section (c) and (d) shall not exceed a total of ten (10) days within the school year. The student shall provide documentation to the school as proof of the deployment of the student's parent, custodian or other person with legal custody or control of the student. Students receiving an excused absence under this section shall have the opportunity to make up school work missed and shall not have their class grades adversely affected for lack of class attendance or class participation due to the excused absence.Tennessee State law requires that all students between the ages of six (6) and seventeen (17) attend school. Regular and punctual attendance is imperative if students are to achieve at their maximum academic level. Higher academic achievement occurs when students attend classes regularly. Student absences shall be excused for the following reasons only:Personal illness Death or serious illness in the immediate familyValidated court appearance of the pupilRecognized religious holiday /eventAny other unusual cause acceptable to the principal, including school sponsored/sanctioned activitiesSTEPS TO FOLLOW WHEN ABSENTParent or guardian must write an excuse indicating the date, days of absence, reason for absence and include his or her signature.2. Student must submit the excuse to the homeroom teacher.3. Student and parent may ask the teacher for make-up assignments. Assignments that are not made up could be reflected in academic grades.ABSENCESStudents who submit an excused written note will be permitted the opportunity to make up all work and tests missed as a result of an absence. Parents must send a note to the homeroom teacher stating the reason for the absence. Work and tests must be made up before the end of the reporting period. If a student fails to make up the classwork and tests, his/her deficiencies will be averaged with the other grades. It is the parent responsibility to make sure the note was submitted to the teacher. UNEXCUSED ABSENCESAbsences without a note submitted will be treated as unexcused and truancy. Parents and students are responsible for ensuring that the student attends school/classes one hundred eighty (180) days. Shelby County Schools attendance policy states: A note must accompany the student explaining his/her absence.If the student DOES NOT bring a note explaining the absence, he/she will be flagged for truancy.A student who accumulates 3 days of unexcused absences will be issued a home suspension.After 8 days a Board Suspension will be issued. After 10 days of unexcused absences, another Expulsion will be issued. A student shall be deemed deficient in attendance when he/she drops out of school or has ten (10) consecutive or fifteen (15) days total unexcused absences during a single semester, unless the absences are due to transfer or are beyond the student’s control. If the parent or guardian fails to respond to the suspension within three (3) days, the Superintendent’s Designee will report the unlawful attendance to the appropriate judicial authorities.TARDIESUpon dismissal from the cafeteria, students will report directly to their homeroom at 7:45. After five tardies, the student will be given detention. Continued tardies will result in a parent counselor conference, meeting with administration team, and meeting with truancy officer. AWARDSAwards will be given each grading period. The time and dates for the award programs will be listed on the monthly calendar and the school web page. Each nine weeks, we will have an award ceremony. The following awards are determined from student report cards and are set by Shelby County School Board of Education policy: Principal’s ListAcademic SubjectsAll A’sConduct E or SHonor RollAcademic SubjectsA’s and B’s ConductE or SCitizenshipConductAll (E’s) BEHAVIORThe mission of Shelby County Schools is to provide each student with experiences, activities, and forms of instruction that will cultivate and develop to the fullest possible extent the understanding, skills and habits of mind that are necessary to contribute to and benefit from citizenship in our society. To fulfill this mission, we must have an academic environment, which is safe, secure, and conducive to learning. Good discipline is the foundation of a successful educational program. The Shelby County School code of conduct handbook will be used in administering disciplinary actions.DISCIPLINARY ACTIONSThe Board of Commissioners is responsible for using reasonable steps to promote a positive learning environment by ensuring the protection of the rights of each student to benefit from their educational experiences. Non-academic suspensions will not be cleared until 8:30 AM on the designated date. Suspensions that reflect class behavior will be cleared during the teacher’s planning period if a conference is needed. Disciplinary actions will be enforced against the following:Using any form of bullying is zero tolerance! (This includes but is not limited to cyber bullying) in school as well as on the way to and from school, violence, force, coercion, threats, intimidation, fear, harassment, or other comparable conduct toward anyone (including school personnel, students, or designated visitors) or urging other students to engage in such conduct.Using or possessing electronic devices or cellular telecommunication devices. This includes cellular telephones, electronic pagers, head cassettes, and look-alikes. Cell phones/electronic devices/confiscated items etc., will be held for 72 hours. (No exceptions)Using, possessing, distributing, purchasing or selling tobacco, alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs, look- alike drugs or drug paraphernalia. Students who are under the influence are not permitted to attend school or a school function and are treated as though they had drugs or alcohol in their possession.Using, possessing, distributing, purchasing or selling explosives, firearms (including look-alike), knives, regardless of blade length, or any other object that can be considered a weapon.Causing or attempting to cause damage to, stealing, or attempting to steal school property or another person’s personal property.Unexcused absenteeism.Involvement in gangs or gang-related activities, including the display or possession of gang symbols or paraphernalia, gang recruitment, or gang invitation.Involvement in activities associated with secret societies, sororities, fraternities, or other clubs; by displaying related symbols or paraphernalia; or participating in recruitment or invitation activities. No gangs, sororities, fraternities, or other club T-shirts may be worn at any time. Cursing or use of profane language directed toward other students or staff.Fighting between students, gang fights, or fights in which one or more student (’s) assault another student(s).Threatening or striking school personnel, designated visitors, or students.Engaging in immoral, obscene, indecent and/or offensive behavior, language, gestures,pictures, writing, or propositions.13. Falsely activating the fire alarm, dialing 911, or making bomb threats.14. Sexually harassing school personnel or other students.15. Being insubordinate or disrespectful to school personnel, including cursing or using profane language.16. Engaging in other behaviors that are inappropriate, detrimental, or which negatively impact others or the learning environment.17. Vandalism/graffiti, immoral, indecent and/or offensive material, behavior, language, gestures, pictures, writings, or propositions. 18. Gang-related activities are prohibited at school and school sponsored events. Gang-related activities are activities implying gang affiliation or membership. They include:Gestures, possessing, or distributing gang informationActions participating in gang recruitment or solicitationSignals participating in gang initiation/hazing activitiesLiterature, verbal, or nonverbal communicationsClothing apparel, colors, or writings including graffitiManner of grooming gang-related threats, intimidation, and extortionSigns coordinating and ordering gang-activities at schoolDrawings of gang symbols, activities, or paraphernalia. Jewelry and any other gang activity or acts that imply gang affiliation or membershipElementary and high school students shall be expelled for a period between 11 and 180 days.Students could also receive: mandatory gang prevention counseling adjustment transfer written reprimandalternative placement/Alternative schoolDISCIPLINE PLANSchool Entrance ProceduresStudents will enter the building through the front entrance and walk to the cafeteria (7:30 a.m.-7:45 a.m.). Breakfast is served in the classroom.Teachers will walk their homeroom students to class. Students must walk on the right side of the hallways. Students will not enter into teacher’s rooms prior to 7:45 a.m. unless supervised. All students must report to that cafeteria at 7:30 a.m.Students entering the building after 8:30 a.m. must report to the office to get a tardy slip before entering classroom. Students are expected to report directly to the classroom without making any additional stops.Cafeteria ProceduresStudents will enter quietly and orderly.Students will respect and obey the teachers and staff on duty.Students will refrain from talking in the serving line. Students will sit at assigned tables.Students will engage in quiet conversations at the lunch table.Students will remain seated unless permission has been granted.Students will practice good table manners. (Do not play with food and keep the eating area clean.)Students will keep their hands, feet, and other objects to themselves.School RulesStudents will be present, prompt, and prepared daily. ?Students will be responsible for their own behavior, learning, and relationships.Students will respect themselves, others, and school property. Classroom RulesStudents will use inside voices.Students will be respectful of others.Students will follow all classroom procedures.Students will be actively engaged and utilizing accountable talk in all class activities.Hall RulesStudents will line up and walk on the right side of the halls.Students will remain quiet in the halls.Students will refrain from playing or running in the hallways.Students will keep hands, feet, and objects to themselves.Students must have a hall pass to leave class.Restroom RulesStudents will remain quiet in the restroom.Students will keep the restroom clean.Students will refrain from playing, fighting, or conducting in any inappropriate behavior in the restroom.Daycare Bus RulesStudents will obey the driver promptly and respectfully. Students will remain seated and keep aisles and exits clear, and respect the rights and safety of others. Students will refrain from throwing or passing objects on, from, or into bus.Students will refrain from extending head, arms, or objects out the window.Students will refrain from eating and drinking on the bus. Students will refrain from the use of profane language, tobacco, alcohol, drugs, or any other controlled substances on the bus (violation of any of these rules will result in discipline according to current board policy).Assembly RulesStudents will enter the cafeteria silently.Students will refrain from heckling (booing) at all times.Students will use respectful applause and interaction with the performers. Classes will enter in two lines to make best use of the double door entrances.Students will give performers their undivided attention.Students will be courteous and considerate in close seating situations. School Dismissal ProceduresStudents that walk home or ride bikes from school, will walk in an orderly manner with the teacher.Kindergarten students, who walk home from school are to walk with the teacher to the designated area (flag pole). All kindergarten students must be signed out.Students who ride the daycare or YMCA bus will be called to a designated area. Teachers will escort students to the designated area outside. Daycare drivers will sign daycare riders out. All car riders will remain with homeroom teachers until their number has been called.Students remaining for activities after 3:15 p.m. will be called to report to the cafeteria and the sponsor will transition their class.During days of inclement weather, students should remain in the cafeteria. Parents must sign students out. Once students leave the building, they may not re-enter without an adult.Please adhere to SCS webpage and/or media coverage for early dismissal due to storms, snow, power outage, etc. (We will follow board policies). Students not involved in afterschool activities should be picked no later than 3:15 daily. Parents who are habitually late picking students up from school after 3:30 will be reported to TRUANCY and School Security will be called to transport students.School ProceduresAll students who arrive after 8:30 a.m. must be accompanied by an adult to the office and will be marked tardy.All students who are considered a car rider must complete a car rider application.Young men nor women are permitted to wear baggy pants.All students will enter through the front entrance.All students are expected to comply with the uniform policy. (No logos)No school buses or parents who drive his/her child to school will be allowed on the teachers/faculty parking lot. Parents/buses will drop students off in front of the school. After Care students ONLY will use the back cafeteria door entrance after 3:30 p.m. Breakfast is served in the classrooms at 7:45 a.m-8:00 a.m. Students will walk on the right side of the hallway always to ease the flow of traffic.Students will be escorted to and from the cafeteria at assigned lunch times. They will be dismissed as teachers arrive in the cafeteria for pickup. Students will be dismissed from school at 3:00 p.m. At 3:00 p.m., the teacher will escort students to their designated area in front of the school. Upon dismissal at 3:00 p.m., all students that walk home from school must leave the campus immediately. Students are expected to go home without trespassing or fighting. Students remaining at school after 3:30 p.m. will be escorted to the cafeteria, where a parent or guardian must sign for their release.Students involved in an after-school activity will be required to stay with their classroom teacher in the designated area.Students will remain under the teacher’s supervision until they are released directly to a parent or guardian. Parents will sign the dismissal log.Students are not to bring candy, potato chips, or other junk food unless they are a part of a regular sack lunch. All food must be eaten or discarded during lunch unless it is placed in a lunch box. 18.Students will refrain from bringing large sums of money, toys, games, electronic devices, etc., or any other personal items that could cause disruption in the classroom or school. In the event a child brings something inappropriate to school, the teacher will hold the objects for 72 hours. The parent must come to retrieve the item. (NO EXCEPTIONS!!) INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALSParents will be held responsible for the return of any/all textbooks, library books, instructional materials, and laptops issued to their children. If at any time during the school year a student relocates, resulting in a transfer from Cherokee, any/all textbooks, library books, instructional materials, and laptops must be returned to the school in their original condition before any records are released.BACKPACKS AND BAGSWe encourage all students to purchase a backpack for their belongings. Rolling backpacks are not acceptable. (Note: Any bags on Cherokee Elementary School’s property are subject to search at any given time by administration).CAFETERIANo open food purchased in the cafeteria is to be taken out of the cafeteria at any time. Cleanliness is always stressed in the cafeteria. Students are responsible for helping to keep the cafeteria clean. Each class will be responsible for cleaning and picking up paper under and around tables and trash cans. The cafeteria does not accept cash, checks, debit, or credit cards. Anyone who would like to purchase items from the cafeteria must create an online account.Lunch and Breakfast PricesFullReducedElementary lunchFree FreeParent/Visitor Lunch$2.50----------Extra milk$ .50$.50Student BreakfastFreeFreeCONCERNSListed below are the steps to address any concerns or suggestions for parents and students to resolve questions or concerns that may arise:All concerns must be taken care of within seven calendar days of learning about the event or problem. All student matters should be discussed first with the appropriate classroom teacher. An appointment must be scheduled during the teacher’s planning time period.If a concern involves another student, the parent may not speak to that student without the student’s parent being present. At no time can a parent speak to a student. Administration must be informed of such incidents.If the teacher’s response/decision is not satisfactory, the parent/guardian may request a conference with a member of the administration team (facilitator, counselor, or principal).Please complete a parental concern form prior to meeting. This form can be found in the main office.Please remember to schedule an appointment so that you can be served in a timely manner.If the decision of the principal is not satisfactory, the parent/guardian may contact the Customer Call Center at the Board of Education Building located at 2597 Avery Avenue, Memphis, Tennessee 38112.SCHOOL UNIFORM/DRESS CODESNO DENIM MATERIAL MAY BE WORN AS UNIFORM CLOTHING.Students are NOT permitted to wear pants that are oversized and sagging. A belt must be worn with uniform pants.Young men are permitted to wear earrings to school. If they become a distraction, the student they will be asked to remove them. (Distraction can be considered playing with them, taking them on and off, being too large or spiked) The basic uniform shall be tan, navy blue or black pants, skirt or jumper, and a long sleeve or short sleeve shirt with a collar (polo style, dress style, or turtleneck). A student can wear any combination of the official color. (White, navy blue, red)Pants must be straight-legged, or boot cut. Full-length pants, cropped pants, cargo pants and straight-legged Capri pants are permitted. A belt must be worn with uniform pants.Denim jeans are not permitted, except on designated jean days.Walking shorts are permitted. (Walking shorts are straight-legged shorts that are at the knee.)Pants must fit at the waist and not be oversized or undersized (e.g., baggy pants, sagging pants, leggings, tights, or pants made of spandex are prohibited.). All belts must be fitted and put through belt loops.Skirts or jumpers must be at or below the knee.Shirts must be tucked on the inside unless they are made to be worn over pants or skirts.T-shirts may be worn as undergarments. They must be solid white.All uniform clothing must be plain without any manufacturer's logos, brand names, pictures, or insignias visible on the clothing.All shoes must have a strap and can have heels no higher than one inch high. This includes wedge heel shoes. Shoes with rollers/wheels are prohibited. Athletic shoes, sandals with straps on the heel, and boots are permitted. In the event that your child has light up shoes, if they become a distraction the students will be asked to remove them. (Distraction can be considered playing with them, turning the lights on and off, and stomping in the shoes.)Light jackets, vests, shirts, sweaters, sweat shirts, and cardigans are permitted as items that may be worn over the uniform top. They must be white, tan, navy blue, black.Heavy coats, heavy jackets, and raincoats are not covered by these regulations and are not to be worn during the school day unless permitted by the principal for special circumstances. The students may only wear them to school, not during the school day.Parents and Visitors,Please be reminded that all students, as well as adults, including but not limited to faculty, staff, and visitors should refrain from wearing baggy pants that would reveal his/her undergarments, or any part of night-wear attire including, but not limited to onesies, robes, or pajamas. This attire is inappropriate for school and it is not permissible for the school dress code when attending class or conducting school visits.UNIFORM POLICY VIOLATIONTeachers will check students for dress code violations. All students are expected to be in uniform each day. We will use the following disciplinary measures for violations of the School Uniforms and Dress Codes policy. Call to the parent/guardianConference with the counselorParent/guardian conference Placed on the No Go Activity ListCOMMUNICATION/PARENT CONFERENCESEach teacher will communicate students’ academic deficiencies according to the Shelby County School Calendar. All notifications are to be signed and returned to school the following day. All students will receive a progress report on Wednesday of each week. Parents are welcomed to schedule appointments concerning academics, behavior, instruction, etc. Parents will meet with their child’s teacher once during every nine-week period. All conferences are scheduled by the student’s teacher during planning, before, or afterschool.EXPECTATIONS FOR STUDENTSGENERAL EXPECTATIONSStudents will attend school daily and always be on time. Students will bring school supplies to class each day.Students will maintain proper conduct at all times.Students will not leave school at any time without permission from the office.Students/parents will be responsible for restitution if they damage or destroy any textbooks, library books and/or school property.Students will refrain from aggressive behavior on the bus, classroom, on school property, and peer-to-peer.FEE WAIVERFee waiver funds are limited. A fee waiver form must be completed and returned to the school each year for a student to receive a fee waiver. Fees EligibleActivities that are a required part of a classFees for participation in class for a gradeFees Not EligibleFines for overdue or lost library booksCharges for lost or destroyed textbooks/laptop devicesDebts owed the schoolClub membership or duesFees for events outside the school day other than athleticsGRADING AND ASSESSMENTCRITERIA FOR GRADINGAll students will have a minimum of twelve grades per subject. The assessment of a student’s assignments and performance is used to determine a grade for the student. The grading criteria shall include a combination of the following: Class work Homework Test scores Participation Projects Alternative assessment strategies CALCULATION OF GRADES CONDUCT A = 100 – 93ExcellentE= Excellent B = 92 – 85GoodS= Satisfactory C = 84 – 75AverageN= Needs Improvement D = 74 – 70Low AverageU= Unsatisfactory F = below 70FailureNINE WEEKS GRADESNine weeks averages are to be calculated based on documented student’s performance using any combination of the following six performance indicators:ClassworkHomeworkTest scoresClass ParticipationProjectsAlternative assessment strategiesPlease note: TN Ready scores are 15% of final nine weeks grades for grades 3-5STUDENTS’ CLASSROOM ASSIGNMENTSStudents’ assignments and tests have a major influence on the report card grade and will be shared with the parents on a regular basis. Parents are strongly encouraged to schedule conferences if needed to receive information concerning students’ academic progress, student behavior, classroom assignments, homework assignments, school events, etc.All teachers maintain a file containing each student’s work, which can be reviewed by parents during a scheduled conference.BLENDED LEARNING The Digital Teaching Platform (DTP) provides a blended learning environment that combines the best in technology assisted learning and traditional classroom teaching. With digital content and data-driven assessment, teachers are given the tools to effectively and efficiently manage their classroom while students acquire the needed skills to compete in the 21st Century. Blended learning involves leveraging the Internet to afford each student a more personalized learning experience, including increased student control over the time, place, path, and/or pace of learning.Teachers: The DTP is a game-changer for teachers, supporting every aspect of their teaching role from streamlining lesson planning and delivering personalized learning to real-time management of the class, data-driven teaching and assessment. The bottom line: teachers now have the dream tool for making their lessons more stimulating and their students more engaged.Students: With the DTP, students are more engaged and more motivated to learn. By developing independent thinkers and team players through collaboration, problem-solving and investigation, students acquire the 21 century skills needed to thrive in the global economy.Each student will be assigned their own laptop. Students will not share their devices; this includes siblings (NO EXCEPTIONS!!). Students are responsible for the well-being of their devices. If damage is made to the device due to negligence or misbehavior, disciplinary action will be taken, a fine will issued, and must be paid for the damage of the device, and a mandatory conference will be held with the parent or guardian.-50482550482500-57150055245000GUIDANCEThe school counselor is available for individual and small group counseling to assist students and parents in adjusting to school, social, emotional, physical, and/or academic concerns. The counselor is also available for academic screening and planning when students are experiencing difficulty with schoolwork. The school psychologist and social worker also work closely with the counselors on these referrals. Students’ referrals may come from parents, teachers, school administrator, or by the students themselves. The counselor coordinates this process. Please feel free to contact the school guidance counselor, Miss Burnett with any concerns, questions, or family assistance.HEALTH POLICYAll kindergarten students must have all up-to-date immunization records before registering. (NO EXCEPTIONS!!Parents will be notified in cases of illness and or injury. PARENTS MUST KEEP THE SCHOOL UPDATED ON ANY CHANGES IN ADDRESS, TELEPHONE NUMBERS AND OR EMERGENCY CONTACT NAMES OR TELEPHONE NUMBERS. Parents will be notified immediately if their student’s illness requires immediate attention. He/She will be given appropriate attention and supervision until the student’s parent or other authorized person arrives. STUDENTS WILL BE ISSUED A MANDATORY OVERNIGHT SUSPENSION IF PARENTS CANNOT BE CONTACTED DURING AN EMERGENCY.A student with uncontrolled diarrhea or vomiting will be provided care apart from the other students until the student’s parent or other authorized person arrives.Students will not be allowed to remain at school if one or more of the following exists:If the illness prevents the student from participating comfortably in school.If the illness results in greater need for medical attention than the staff can provide without compromising the health, safety, and supervision of the other students.Oral temperature of 100 degrees or greater. Student must be free of fever for 24 hours before returning to school.Diarrhea/Vomiting twice.Pink eyeRingworm(NO EXCEPTIONS!) To return to school after the following the student must bring proof of treatment to the office.Chicken pox (Student should be excluded until blisters are scabbed over completely.)Hepatitis A (Student should be excluded until one week after jaundice appears or one week after the illness started and fever is gone.)Pink Eye (Student is excluded until treatment has begun and discharge has stopped.)Undiagnosed Generalized RashHead Lice (Student is not to return to school until nits, lice and eggs are no longer present.)Measles (Student should remain at home until four days after the rash disappear.)Mumps (Student should not return for nine days or until swelling subsides.)Ringworm (Student should not return to school until treatment is started and lesion is covered.HOMEWORKHomework is defined as meaningful and quality work assigned to students, which is intended to be completed during non-instructional hours. Homework helps students develop self-discipline, reinforce what was discussed in class, and encourages parental involvement.The total amount of homework assigned will depend upon the grade level of the student. The amount of homework normally increases as the student progresses through school. During a typical night, the total time for completion of homework assignments should not exceed 60 minutes.LOST AND FOUNDIf your student should lose any articles, he/she is to report the loss to the classroom teacher. There is a lost and found bin located in the cafeteria. All found items are placed there for parents or students to look through. Please label all coats, caps, and book bags, etc. to make identification easier. All articles of clothing or other items not claimed at the end of each semester will be donated to charity.MEDICATIONSSometimes it is necessary for students to take prescription medicine while at school. Medicine must be brought immediately to the office by the parent. Medicine must be in the original prescription bottle with the student’s name, name of the medication, doctor’s name, and pharmacy shown on the pharmacy label. Under the Shelby County Schools policy, a doctor must complete an Authorization for Medication during School Hours form and the parent’s signature must be on file in the office.Forms are available in the office. The student is responsible for coming to the office at the appropriate time to take the medication. Approved possession of a student’s own prescription medication during the school day is limited to life threatening conditions. Students may not bring over-the-counter medication to school.Medicine that is to be taken three times daily DOES NOT need to be administered at school. It can be given before and after school and at bedtime. PAYMENTSAll fundraisers, field trips, fines, donations, purchases, etc. can only be made with cash or post office money orders only (No checks). All funds must be given to the teacher no later than 9:00 a.m. (No EXCEPTIONS!!) PHONE USAGEStudents will be allowed to use the phone from the classroom at the teacher’s discretion. Students will not be allowed to use the phone to call for forgotten homework, permission slips, or supplies.Teachers will not receive phone calls during instructional time. A voice/written message can be left for the teacher to call you during his/her planning time.PROMOTION AND RETENTION OF STUDENTSTo be considered for promotion to the next grade, students must demonstrate a minimum level of achievement as determined by teacher-administered assessments of classroom performance. Students in kindergarten must have at least 70% in meeting expectations. Students in grades 1-5 must also meet grade standards of a 70% or better average in the following areas:Language ArtsMathematicsScienceSocial Studies SAFETY DRILLSSafety drills are conducted according to recommended procedures. If parents or other visitors are at school during a drill, they will be expected to participate. Students who violate any drill with playing, running, shoving, or any misconduct will repeat the drill and/or receive disciplinary consequences.Fire Drills are conducted monthly and are unannounced. Tornado Drills are conducted twice yearly.Earthquake Drills are conducted twice yearly.Intruders Drills are conducted twice yearly.TITLE I/ PARENT ENGAGEMENTOur school is a federally funded school wide Title I school. Title I require that schools create a positive and supportive learning environment that results in high levels of achievement for all students. Funds are available for academic programs and strategies, additional teachers and/or other personnel, staff development, instructional materials, supplies, technology and parent training. Parent university will be offered to parents that will cover but no limited to: resume writing, job fair, enhance parenting skills, technology skills, financial education, and health support.Parent Engagement PolicyCherokee Elementary SchoolTitle I School Family Engagement PlanThis Family Engagement Plan was jointly developed with the staff/faculty, parents, and community members of Cherokee Elementary School for the purpose of establishing expectations for parental involvement. Cherokee’s Family Engagement Plan supports the expectations of the local district’s policy for family engagement. Cherokee Elementary School encourages parental involvement in the academic progress of its students. The school, home and community have shared goals that promote the success of our children. Our parents will act as advisors, resource persons, and coordinators in the following ways:Attend school events and serve as advisorsServe in various capacities such as members/officers of the School Leadership Team, School Watch DOGS, and room parents to support teachers.Use their talents/resources to enhance the instructional programsBecome school supporters and advocatesRespond to memos, surveys, and questionnaires expressing ideas and concernsTITLE I INVOLVEMENTThe administrators, faculty/staff and community will provide a strategic plan to implement Title I expectations in accordance with the guidelines of the state/district policies. This plan assures the following:1. Ensure parental awareness of Title I expectations and the school’s participation in the Title I school wide program. 2. Encourage parents to observe the school’s program(s) through participation in school/Title I events and classroom visits.3. Provide parents with timely student information through progress reports, report cards, and access to electronic communication.4. Solicit feedback and communication from parents on decisions that relate to the education of their children.5. Provide parents with information concerning curriculum, academic assessment, expectations of performance/achievement levels, and students’ performance achievement results. 6. Provide parents with a copy the Title I Family Engagement Plan. To ensure that our parents participate in the development and implementation of the school’s program, we will do the following:1. Invite all parents to the Title I annual meeting(s) to explain the components and requirements of Title I, academic curriculum, assessments, student achievement, and school activities.2. Provide flexible times and numbers of meetings throughout the school year that provide multiple opportunities for parent participation. 3. Offer on-going parent professional development opportunities.4. Involve parents in planning and developing school improvement plans. 5. Encourage parents to visit the school regularly and take an active role in planning and volunteering their services.6. Develop jointly a parent-school compact showing how parents, schools and students share responsibilities. Disseminate the compact to all students/parents, acquire appropriate signatures and involve parents in regular discussions concerning aspects of the compact.FIELD TRIPSField trips are planned to provide students with insight, information, and knowledge that constitute an extension of the regular classroom instruction. Each field trip shall be supervised by school personnel at a minimum of one adult for every twenty students, so that good discipline is maintained. There are cases where the classroom teacher may advise greater supervision. Signed parental permission forms must be obtained for each student (no phone calls will be accepted). We encourage parental support. Parents are not permitted to ride the school bus.VISITORSParents and other visitors are welcome to visit our school. All visitors must report to the office. Visitors must wear a visitor’s badge or name tag issued by the office. Visits to individual classrooms during instructional time are permitted only with approval of the principal and teacher. Such visits are not permitted if their duration or frequency interferes with the delivery of instruction or disrupts the normal school environment. Visits should be prearranged with the teacher.Parents and parent designees, who come to school to sign students out and remove them from school, must report to the office. Students will not be released to parents from the classroom, only from the office. WATCH D.O.G.SCherokee has an active WATCH D.O.G.S. group (Dads of great students). If you are interested in becoming a part of this organization, please ask the office staff for more information.SCHOOL LEADERSHIP COUNCIL/PTOCherokee participates in school-based decision-making. The governing body is comprised of two parents, two teachers, one Para-professional, one community representative, and the MEA or UEA representative.The body exists to facilitate the improvement of student learning. Its purpose is to provide a process to ensure the participation of those directly concerned with students and implement procedures to ensure: Shared decision making, Shared responsibility for school improvement, and maximum educational results for each student.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCEReciting the Pledge of Allegiance will be a daily routine at Cherokee. The parent should notify the principal in writing if their student cannot recite the Pledge of Allegiance.STUDENT CLUBSA variety of enrichment and clubs are offered to students. Clubs will meet from 3:30 to 4:30. Students will have an opportunity to sign-up for clubs during our Back to School Night. Also, we highly encourage all students who are interested in any club to participate. There are a variety of clubs that may interest your child. Students must maintain at least a S in conduct and no less than 75 in ALL academic subjects in order to participate in any extracurricular activity. The clubs and activities offered at Cherokee include: Robotics Club (PreK-5th)Reading Club (Pre-K-5th) Drama Club (Pre-K-5th)Steppers (Must Try-Out) Media Club(3rd, 4th, 5th) Charmettes (5th grade girls)Art Club (Pre-K-5th)Fitness Club (K-5th) Choir (Must Try-Out) Safety Patrol (3rd, 4th, 5th) Math Club (Pre-K-5th) Cooking Club (3rd, 4th, 5th)Debate Team (3rd, 4th, 5th) Yearbook (3rd, 4th, 5th) (Pre-K-5th) Drumming (1st-5th)PARENT AND COMMUNITY RESOURCE CENTERMs. Eason is organizing and developing Cherokee’s Parent and Community Resource Room. We encourage parents and other community members to take advantage of the resources and classes offered through our center. Computers are available for parent use at Cherokee Elementary School. CAR RIDERS & WALKERSWalkers must go directly home when dismissed.Car rider’s numbers will be called as parents arrive. Parents we ask that you remain in your cars and follow the directions from Cherokee staff and Crossing Guard.VOLUNTEERSAnyone who plans to assist in the classroom or at school must complete a volunteer form and complete a background check. This is information must be complete online at the Shelby County Schools Website: HYPERLINK "" . (Mrs. Sanders, the school counselor will assist you.)ADOPTERS Cherokee Elementary is proud to partner with our adopters. These organizations have joined Cherokee to aid and resources to maximize the full potential of our students.Kroger’sSalem Gilfield Baptist ChurchHoly Trinity Episcopal ChurchGreenwood CME ChurchSt. John Baptist Church Cherokee Parent/Student Agreement Contract2505075140970000Student’s Name: ________________________________Teacher: _______________________________Please complete and return this page to school. _____I understand the benefits, and responsibilities outlined in the Cherokee Elementary School Student and Parent Handbook._____I understand that I am responsible for lost or damaged computers, laptops, textbooks, library books, and school property issued to my child. I understand that I must pay all fines associated with damages._____I understand my child may be photographed for promoting Cherokee Elementary School through academics and arts._____I have read the Cherokee Health Policy and will abide by the provisions of the policy._____I understand that my child ____________________, will be held accountable for the behavior and consequences outlined in the Student/Parent Handbook at school and during all school-sponsored or related activities regardless of time or location. _____I understand that if I object to recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag or if I have other objections to procedures or curriculum, I should put the objections in writing to Ms. Payne._____ I understand that I have a right to know the qualifications of my student’s teacher. To access teacher certification information for persons that are licensed to teach in the state of Tennessee go to . At Cherokee Elementary, Title I is a school-wide program. Cherokee will provide academic interventions in reading/language arts and mathematics to continue improving the school’s current status. All teachers at Cherokee Elementary School are highly qualified. _____ I understand that in order to check my child’s weekly progress, I will receive a weekly progress report on each Wednesday in the Parent Communication Folder. _____I understand that I will meet with my student’s teacher once every nine week grading period. _____My student(s) and I have read and agree with the Cherokee Parent/Student Contract._____I have read and understand the car rider/walker rules and car rider contract._____________ ________________________________ Date Student Signature ________________________________ Parent Signature ................

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