AP WORLD HISTORY - Mr. Geoffrion


FOUN Which two of the following vied for influence in China during the Tang Dynasty?

A. Buddhism and Shintoism

B. Shintoism and Hinduism

C. Confucianism and Hinduism

1 Buddhism and Confucianism

D. Buddhism and Hinduism

FOUND One way that hunting and gathering societies differ from agricultural societies is that hunting and gathering societies generally

A. Demonstrate more gender inequality

B. Are more likely to alter or destroy the natural landscape

C. Have to work more hours every day

D. Have no need for group leadership

E. Demonstrate relative social equality among group members

FOUND An early civilization that rose in a unique environment of dry coastal area, high mountains, and jungle was

A. The Olmec civilization

B. The Chavin civilization

C. Mycenaea

D. Egypt

E. Mesopotamia

FOUND Which of the following accurately compares China under the Zhou Dynasty to China under the Han Dynasty?

A. Han China was involved in more complex long-distance trade than Zhou China

B. Han China was influenced by the mandae of heaven; Zhou China was not

C. Han China was influenced by a reverence of ancestors; Zhou dynasty was not

D. Zhou China had more contacts with nomads than Han China

E. Zhou China had more numerous and better written records than Han China

FOUND During the mid-1st millennium B.C.E., a common characteristic of Greeks and Phoenicians is that

A. Neither had a written language

B. Both traded directly with people in east Asia

C. Both were significant traders and seafarers on the Mediterranean Sea

D. Both were conquered by the Babylonians

E. Neither had an agriculturally-based economy

FOUND Vedas, atman, dharma, and the universal spirit are all associated with the religion of

A. Shintoism

B. Buddhism

C. Daoism

D. Shamanism

E. Hinduism

FOUND In contrast to the founder of Christianity, he founder of Islam is viewed by its adherents as

A. A spiritual being with few human characteristics

B. Both a spiritual and a human being

C. Never anything more than a human being

D. A mediator between God and human beings

E. A human being with many weaknesses

FOUND The civilization most responsible for saving the works of ancient Greek scholars after the fall of the western Roman Empire was probably the

A. Frankish kingdom

B. Byzantine Empire

C. Persian Empire

D. Abbasid Caliphate

E. Gupta Dynasty

FOUND In which area of the world did the Neolithic Revolution probably take place first?

A. Eastern North Africa

B. New Guinea

C. Sub-Saharan Africa

D. The Middle East

E. Europe

FOUND Two religions that gained a large number of new adherents because they spread along long-distance routes during the classical era (1000 B.C.E.-600 C.E.) were

A. Buddhism and Hinduism

B. Judaism and Hinduism

C. Christianity and Islam

D. Daoism and Islam

E. Christianity and Buddhism

FOUND Which of the following is an accurate comparison of the classical civilizations of Rome, Han China, and Gupta India?

A. Gupta India controlled much more land space than did Rome and Han China

B. Han China relied more on slave labor than did Rome and Gupta India

C. Gupta India’s government had less central control over its subjects than did the governments of Rome and Han China

D. The Roman economy relied more heavily on agriculture than did the economies of Gupta India and Han China

E. Han China had more control over nomadic invasions of its borders than did Gupta India and Rome

FOUND “It is the nature of women to seduce men in this world; for that reason the wise are never unguarded in the company of females . . . . When women are honored, there the gods are pleased; but where they are not honored, no sacred rite yields rewards . . . . In childhood a female must be subject to her father, in youth to her husband, when her lord is dead to her sons; a woman must never be independent. She must not seek to separate herself from her father, husband or sons; by leaving them she would make both her own and her husband’s family contemptible . . . .”

The excerpt above from the Law of Manu illustrates which of the following about early Indian society?

A. Early India was patriarchal

B. The caste system was very influential

C. Family life in early India centered on the well-being of children

D. Hindu beliefs in a universal spirit governed Indian society

E. People who disobeyed religious and political laws were harshly punished

FOUND Which of the following places was not connected directly to the Indian Ocean trade network during the classical period (1000 BCE-600 CE)?

A. Eastern Africa

B. The west of India

C. The east coast of India

D. The Aegean Sea

E. Southeast Asia

FOUND Features that distinguish Shang and Zhou China from other early civilizations are

A. The mandate of heaven, emphasis on the wisdom of ancestors and dynastic cycles

B. Dynastic cycles, monotheistic religion, shamanism

C. Divination, the mandate of heaven, extensive irrigation

D. Extensive irrigation, emphasis on the wisdom of ancestors, animism

E. Monotheistic religion, reliance on trade with outsiders, divination

FOUND The economic system that human beings first used for survival was

A. Settled agriculture

B. Shifting agriculture

C. Horticulture

D. Hunting and gathering

E. Pastoralism

FOUND Which of the following groups was LEAST strongly tied to the web of commerce and cultures that existed between 1700 and 1100 B.C.E.?

A. China

B. Egypt

C. Mesopotamia

D. The Hittites

E. The Nubians

FOUND In contrast to the scholar-bureaucrats of Classical China, the highest social status in Classical India went to

A. Military leaders

B. Landowners

C. Priests

D. Court officials

E. Artisans

FOUND One of Ashoka’s most important influences in world history was his

A. Long-lasting political unification of India

B. Conversion to and protection of Buddhism

C. Conquest of Kalinga

D. Support of the Indian Ocean trade network

E. Elimination of the caste system

FOUND Xiao, ren, and li are basic principles of

A. Buddhism

B. Daoism

C. Confucianism

D. Hinduism

E. Shintoism

FOUND Far more than classical Greece, India, or China, slavery in Rome

A) dominated the labor markets—Rome became dependent on slavery

B) was hereditary

C) granted no rights or protections to slaves

D) was lenient and refused to enslave the young or the elderly

E) encouraged Romans to develop their technology in agriculture and industry

FOUND Classical civilizations differed from river valley civilizations in all of these ways EXCEPT

A) their social institutions were more complex

B) interregional contacts, especially through trade, war, or migration, increased

C) government was larger and more complex

D) classical religions were largely monotheistic or atheistic

E) large empires and elaborate government institutions arose

FOUND Despite their material success and increased wealth, in China and Rome

A) foreigners were prohibited from settling in these societies

B) merchants often ranked below peasants and had little social influence

C) classical rulers were isolated from the masses and did not intervene in government D) classical aristocrats and elites had no influence within the government

E) the educated elite were prohibited from owning land

FOUND The major difference between Buddhism and Hinduism was

A) Hinduism was monotheistic and Buddhism was polytheistic

B) Buddhism denied rebirth and reincarnation, and emphasized the importance of the real world

C) Hindusim supported the ruling castes, whereas Buddhism encouraged its followers to renounce the political world

D) Hinduism taught respect for all living things and prohibited killing

E) Buddhism denied the need for castes, rites, and sacrifice to achieve nirvana

FOUND What sentence BEST describes both Roman and Han Chinese gender relations? A) Roman and Chinese women had numerous political rights

B) while subordinate to men, Roman women were considerably freer and less oppressed than were their Chinese counterparts

C) both cultures were matrilocal—husbands resided with their wives’ families

D) over the length of the empires, women’s lives improved and their rights increased E) Rome and China were patriarchal societies where elite women had considerable influence

FOUND Historically, pastoral nomads

A) lived interspersed with sedentary farmers

B) were rare in Africa and the Americas but common in central Asia

C) prevented contacts between the civilized centers of the world

D) had little lasting impact on the development of civilizations

E) lived on the grassy plains of the continents where sedentary agriculture was extremely difficult

FOUND The major impact of Alexander the Great’s conquests was

A) the elimination of foreign influences from Greek culture

B) the establishment of the first unified government for the eastern Mediterranean

C) the birth of mystery religions and the forced migration of the Jews

D) the spread of the Greek culture throughout the eastern Mediterranean, southwest Asia, and into India

E) the destruction of regional trade and commerce

FOUND The fragmentation of Christianity during the Reformation into Catholic and Protestant sects most closely resembles

A) Sunni-Shia divisions within Islam over political leadership of the Muslim community B) Buddha’s founding of Buddhism out of the Hindu traditions

C) the expulsion of the Christians from the Judaism around 70 C.E.

D) the transformation of religions from polytheism to monotheism

E) the absorption of Muslim ideas by Hinduism following contacts between the two religions

FOUN Most of the earliest civilizations developed in

A. Areas around the Mediterranean Sea

B. Inland areas in moderate climates

C. Areas with abundant rainfall

D. The Western Hemisphere

E. River valleys in warm, dry climates

FOUND Most experts believe that agriculture first began in

A. The Middle East and then spread by cultural diffusion to many other areas of the world

B. The Andes Mountain area and China about the same time

C. China and then spread by cultural diffusion to many other areas around the world

D. The Middle East but also began later as independent invention in many other areas of the world

E. Several areas in both the Western and Eastern Hemispheres about the same time



The map above shows which of the following empires at its greatest extent?

A. Ancient Rome

B. Ancient Greece

C. Assyrian Empire

D. Byzantine Empire

E. Persian Empire

FOUND One of the earliest cultural hearths in the Americas was developed by the

A. Harappans

B. B) Olmec

C. C) Akkadians

D. D) Maya

E. E) Hittites

FOUND One common effect of the process of agricultural settlements developing into civilizations was

A. The rulers came to be seen as gods

B. The religions became more centered in spirits and nature

C. A growing nostalgia for the nomadic lifestyle

D. The people generally didn’t have to work as hard as nomads did

E. The status of women fell

FOUND Which of the following is true of both Ancient Egypt and Ancient Mesopotamia?

A. Both were politically organized into city-states

B. Both had polytheistic religions

C. Neither had a written language

D. Both had to cope with very rainy climates

E. Neither had written law codes

FOUND The best single explanation for why so little is known about the Indus River Valley is that

A. They had no written language

B. Their civilization was less developed than that of the Egyptians and Mesopotamians

C. Most of their artifacts were destroyed by invaders

D. Inscriptions on artifacts are too brief to allow the interpretations of their languages

E. Their sites are more difficult to excavate than those of most other ancient peoples

FOUND One of the most important political legacies of the Zhou Dynasty in ancient China is

A. A written law code

B. The establishment of a theocracy

C. The tradition of having two rulers instead of one

D. Participation by citizens in the decision-making process

E. The mandate of heaven

FOUND Which of the earliest civilizations generally differed from the others in its emphasis on the supreme importance of the family, life on earth rather than life after death, and learning and literacy?

A. China

B. Egypt

C. Mesopotamia

D. Mycenae

E. Indus Valley

FOUND Which of the following is an accurate comparison of the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire?

A. Agriculture was a more important component of the economy during the Empire

B. The Senate had more real governing power during the Republic

C. Military success was more important during the Empire

D. Peasants came into conflict with wealthy aristocrats over land ownership during the time of the Republic, but not during the Empire period

E. The succession of leadership was determined by heredity under the Empire but not during the time of the Republic



The cultural hearth pictured above is geographically different from most others in the Eastern Hemisphere because it is NOT

A. Next to an ocean

B. Centralized in one place

C. In a river valley

D. In a warm climate

E. In an area with a great deal of rainfall

FOUND Which of the following classical civilizations was composed of city-states?

A. Greece

B. Rome

C. Mauryan India

D. Gupta India

E. Han China

FOUND Which of the following civilizations is mismatched with an accomplishment?

A. Phoenicia: alphabet based on sounds

B. Greece: democratic government

C. Rome: building of aqueducts

D. Gupta India: Hellenistic synthesis

E. Han China: bureaucracy based on merit

FOUND Which of the following is true of both Athens and Rome?

A. Neither valued philosophy or art

B. Neither were patriarchies

C. Neither made use of slave labor

D. Both were monotheistic

E. Both had strong military organizations

FOUND One difference between Rome and Han China is that

A. High government positions were more likely to be based on scholarly accomplishments in China

B. Engineering accomplishments were more significant in China

C. Religious leaders were more likely to have political power in Rome

D. Rome had more trouble guarding its borders than China did

E. Rome experienced more problems with free peasants clashing with wealthy aristocrats

FOUND Which of the following was a significant difference between the Roman Empire and the Han Empire?

A. The Han Empire had more difficulty defending its borders

B. The Roman Empire was more dependent on slave labor

C. The Han economy was based primarily on agriculture; the Roman economy was based mainly on trade

D. Peasant rebellions were more problematic for the Han than for the Romans

E. The Roman Empire encompassed many more diverse peoples than the Han did

FOUND Which of the following is often seen as an important accomplishment of Ashoka?

A. He unified India into a long-lasting political dynasty

B. He probably kept Buddhism from dying out

C. He promoted the spread of Hinduism to Southeast and East Asia

D. He built a great Indian navy

E. He forged an important alliance with the Roman Emperor

FOUND In comparison to the Mauryan Dynasty, the Gupta Dynasty

A. Controlled much more territory in South Asia

B. Built a much more complex government bureaucracy

C. Rose from the same powerful area in northern India

D. Did not practice as much “theatre state”

E. Did not practice Hinduism

FOUND A technological innovation used to maneuver the waters of the Indian Ocean was the

A. Square sail

B. Trireme

C. Large-hulled boat

D. Sextant

E. Lateen sail



(P. 131) Although much about them is mysterious, the clay soldiers pictured above were probably created to

A. Demonstrate Chinese artistic abilities

B. Frighten simple nomadic groups from entering Chinese borders

C. Symbolize the power of Shi Huangdi

D. Symbolically protect commerce on the Silk Road

E. Protect the tombs of early Confucian scholars

FOUND Which of the following is NOT a concept central to Buddhism?

A. The Four Noble Truths

B. Atman

C. The Eightfold Path

D. Nirvana

E. The importance of meditation

FOUND Which of the following belief systems originated in the Indian subcontinent?

I. Buddhism

II. Hinduism

III. Confucianism

IV. Daoism

A. I and II only

B. II only

C. II and III only

D. II, III, and IV only

E. IV only

FOUN Which of the following was not true of nomadic groups?

2 Nomadic societies were patriarchal

A. They had some social hierarchy

B. Most of the themes of nomadic art centered on their animals

3 Nomadic societies had little positive influence on settled peoples

C. Nomadic societies engaged in peaceful trade

FOUND The major reason why pastoral nomadism did not develop in the Americas was:

A. the lack of large domesticated animals such as cattle

B. the inability of Native Americans to domesticate the buffalos

C. the lack of savanna for grazing

D. the lack of horses for herders to use in order to control herds

E. the uneven amount of moisture that falls across the two continents

FOUND Which of the following is an accurate description of an economic difference that existed between the Roman Empire and Han China?

A. Manufacturing was an important activity in the Roman Empire because it

provided trade goods, whereas the Han Chinese had little manufacturing

B. Roman society during the Roman Empire was matrilineal, whereas Chinese society during the Han dynasty was patrilineal

Han China relied less on a slave labor system than did the Roman Empire

C. The economy of the Roman Empire was based on agriculture, whereas China during the Han dynasty had an economy based on trade

D. Women in Han China had greater freedom of action than did women in the Roman Empire

FOUN What happened in western Europe after the fall of the Roman Empire was similar to what occurred in:

A. Byzantium after the end of the Eastern Empire

B. China after the fall of the Han Dynasty

C. Japan after the end of the Tokugawa Shogunate

D. the Holy Land after the unsuccessful Crusades ended

E. the Andes when the Spanish ousted the Inca

FOUND According to Confucius the most important aspect of the role of the scholar- gentry was:

A. to maintain harmony among the social classes by administering the state and

advising the ruler wisely

B. to administer the civil-service examination system

C. to staff the bureaucracy that ran China

D. to educate the sons of the upper-class who would become the new scholar-gentry

E. to ensure that China remained isolated from non-Confucian teachings by censoring all communications from outside China

FOUND Which of the following challenged Hinduism?

A. Daoism

B. Confucianism

C. Shintoism

D. Polytheism


FOUN A major difference between the teachings of Buddhism and Hinduism is:

A. belief in nirvana

B. the cycle of rebirth

C. the principle of nonviolence

D. belief in karma

E. belief in dharma

FOUN Which of the following statements is an accurate description of both Buddhism and Hinduism?

The caste system was an outgrowth of Hinduism but became identified also with Buddhism

Neither religion placed importance on the individual’s efforts to seek release from rebirth

Nirvana was a major aspect of the belief system of both Buddhism and Hinduism

Both religions taught the importance of karma in affecting a person’s fate

Buddhism made use of formal rituals, but Hinduism did not.

FOUN The Mandate of Heaven governed the relationship between the ruler and the ruled in:






600-1450 Which of the following about the Mongols is accurate for the 13th century?

A. They were not as powerful as the Turks

B. They founded the Yuan Dynasty in China

C. They defeated many Christian kingdoms in western Europe

D. They defeated the Mamluks in the Middle East

E. Their government was centrally controlled from Baghdad

600-1450 Which of the following was an important result of the Christian Crusades of the late 11th to late 13th centuries C.E.?

A. Venice and Genoa rose as important trading states of the Mediterranean area

B. Control of Jerusalem was transferred to Christian hands for several centuries

C. The Byzantine Empire was strengthened both politically and economically

D. Many people in the Middle East converted from Islam to Christianity

E. The Catholic pope lost significant authority over knights and kings

600-1450 A similarity among Sudanic states during the period from 1000 to 1450 C.E. was that most

A. Were politically weak

B. Were controlled by Islamic elites

C. Had weak oral traditions

D. Had few connections to long-distance trade

E. Had no distinct social classes

600-1450 The largest land-based empire in world history was the

A. Roman Empire

B. Qin Dynasty

C. Persian Empire

D. Inca Empire

E. Mongol Empire

600-1450 None of the civilizations of the Americas used beasts of burden before 1450 EXCEPT the:

A. Maya

B. Inca

C. Aztecs

D. Toltecs

E. People of Teotihuacan

600-1450 Which of the following is an accurate statement about gender roles in early Islamic societies?

A. Most men followed Muhammad’s example of having a large harem of wives and concubines

B. The status of women was higher during the later caliphates than it had been on the Arabian peninsula during the early days of the religion’s founding

C. Inequality between the sexes grew over time and was greater during the time of the Abbasids than it had been in earlier days

D. Restrictions on the movements of lower-class women were greater than those for upper class women

E. Women in Islamic societies were more restricted than women in almost any other society of the time



600-1450 An important unifying force within the Muslim caliphate was

A. Ethnic homogeneity

B. Strong agreement among elites about governance

C. The widespread use of the Arabic language

D. The absence of regional identities

E. Similar natural terrain and climates of subject states

600-1450 The Abbasid Caliphate eventually was destroyed by the

A. Seljuk Turks

B. Shi’a

C. Byzantine Empire

D. Mongols

E. Mamluks

600-1450 Caesaropapism characterized the

A. Sassanid Empire

B. Frankish Kingdom

C. Abbasid Caliphate

D. Byzantine Empire

E. Kingdom of Castile

600-1450 An important technological achievement of the Sui Dynasty was the building of

A. The Great Wall

B. The Grand Canal

C. The imperial palace

D. An army equipped with guns

E. A great fleet of ships

600-1450 Which of the following accurately compares Korean and Vietnamese relationships to Tang China?

A. Korea was defeated by Tang China; Vietnam was not

B. Although both were defeated by Tang China, Korea developed a more positive relationship with the Tang court

C. Neither Korea nor Vietnam was defeated by Tang China

D. Both Korea and Vietnam were tributary states, but both were quite hostile to the Tang

E. Tang China had little interest in Korea and generally left it alone, but it successfully invaded Vietnam

600-1450 In the era from 600-1450, the Japanese political order most resembled that of

A. China

B. The Abbasid Caliphate

C. India

D. Russia

E. Western Europe

600-1450 Between 600 and 1450 C.E. the economies of Mali and Zimbabwe were both dominated by

A. Ivory

B. Salt

C. Silk

D. Palm oil

E. Gold

600-1450 The Delhi Sultanate brought a cultural conflict to the Indian subcontinent in which

A. Islam clashed with Hinduism

B. Fighting among castes intensified

C. Middle Eastern emphasis on trade clashed with Indian emphasis on isolation

D. Buddhism clashed with Hinduism

E. Kingdoms of the south clashed with kingdoms of the north

600-1450 Between 600 and 1450 C.E. Roman Catholic missionaries were LEAST successful in

A. Spain

B. Scandinavia

C. Eastern Europe

D. Russia

E. Islands in the Mediterranean

1450. The most significant effect of Russia’s conversion to Eastern Orthodox Christianity was:

16 the trade network that Russia’s acceptance of Christianity opened for it

17 the way it slowed the development of a Russian national identity

18 the way the Church’s teaching that God vests power in the ruler strengthened the Russian tsars’ control over the state

19 the power it gave the Eastern Church in dealing with the Roman Catholic Church

20 its influence on Russian architecture

1450. Which of the following developments most directly resulted from the Crusades?

A. Growth of Italian city-states

A. Spread of the Black Death

B. Vasco da Gama’s voyage to India

C. Columbian Exchange

D. Restriction of European traders to treaty ports

600-1450 In the period between 600-1450 C.E. the interregional impact of nomadic movements

A. Was not as great as it had been during the Classical Era

B. Was significant, but not as great as in later eras

C. Was important in the Western Hemisphere but not in the Eastern Hemisphere

D. Reached its greatest extent in world history

E. Was minimal, as it has generally been throughout world history

600-1450 The lateen sail was an important technology for traveling across the Indian Ocean because

A. Its square shape meant that it picked up more ocean breezes

B. It was more durable than most other sails

C. It worked best when combined with tiers of oars

D. It was especially suited for short-distance travel

E. Its shape made maneuvering the monsoon winds possible

1450. All of the following are true of the major Amerindian civilizations in Central and South America prior to the arrival of Europeans EXCEPT:

A. economies based on trade

B. monumental building

C. urban centers

D. differentiation of labor

E. social stratification

600-1450 All of the following are characteristics of western Europe in the 1400’s and 1500’s EXCEPT:

A. the growth of capitalism

B. the decline of the feudal system

C. an increasingly urban population

D. the development of improved weaponry

the continued strength of the Roman Catholic Church

1450. Which of the following statements best describes the relationship between European and Asian commercial interests in the 1500s?

A. Europeans took over the Asian trading network by force

B. The trading network in Asia was divided into three zones – Arab, Indian, and Chinese

C. Europeans imposed a monopoly system on the spice trade

D. Europeans abandoned any idea of colonizing or trading directly with Asians in favor of using Asian intermediaries

E. Europeans found, after trial and error, that the only way to benefit from the Asian trading network was to join it as a peaceful partner

1450. Which of the following is a fundamental teaching of Islam?

A. The Shari’a is a compilation of the Sunna, the teachings of Muhammad, and the


B. Muslim converts may continue to worship their former deities

C. The five-times-a-day prayer services that Muslims must observe are led by a priest called an imam

Everyone is equal under Islam

D. Social responsibility is less important than adherence to ritual

1450. All of the following statements are accurate about both the Mayan and Aztec civilizations EXCEPT

A. most of the ordinary people in both civilizations were farmers

B. the priest class in both empires were powerful

C. neither civilization had very advanced technologies or scientific understanding

D. the Mayans lived in independent city-states, whereas the Aztecs had one ruler over the entire empire

E. the exact nature of the decline of the Mayan civilization is unknown, whereas the Aztec empire fell to the Spanish

1450. Monasticism was an important aspect of which two of the following religions?

A. Islam and Buddhism

B. Buddhism and Christianity

C. Daoism and Shintoism

D. Hinduism and Buddhism

E. Christianity and Hinduism

1450. Which of the following statements is accurate regarding feudalism in both Europe and Japan?

A. Feudalism was an economic as well as a political system

B. The nature of feudalism was such that it crated a strong central government

C. Feudalism weakened as cities developed

D. Feudalism needed a large agricultural base to support the system

The basic feudal relationship was between lord and vassal

1450. The blending of Islamic culture traits with Indian practices resulted in:

A. the use of Indian art styles to render Islamic subjects

B. the end of the caste system in the Delhi sultanate

C. the loss of Urdu as a language of the Indian subcontinent

D. the development of a new religion, Sikhism

E. the end of Sufism

1450. “We have seen that kings take the place of God, who is the true father of the human species. We have also seen that the first idea of power which exists among men is that of the paternal power; and that kings are modeled on fathers.”

The above definition of kingship could fit the monarchs of all the following states, kingdoms, and empires EXCEPT:

A. Great Britain

B. Union of Akan States

C. France

D. Spain

E. Japan

1450. “And what, O priests, is the noble truth of the path leading to the cessation of misery? It is…right belief, right resolve, right speech, right behavior, right occupation, right effort, right contemplation, right concentration.”

These words describe a teaching of which religion?

A. Judaism

B. Hinduism

C. Christianity


D. Islam

1450. An element of Chinese culture that the Japanese did not adopt was:

A. the Chinese system of writing

B. the concept of filial piety

C. respect for the merchant class

the civil service examination system

D. the Chinese emphasis on learning

1450. Which of the following actions had a long-term effect on relations between western and eastern Europe in the Middle Ages?

A. The invasion of Spain by the Moors

B. The acceptance of the Orthodox Church as the official religion of Kievan Russia

C. The evolution of feudalism in western Europe

The crowning of Charlemagne by the pope

D. The rise of the Seljuk Turks

1450. Bedouins were instrumental in spreading which of the following religions?

A. Buddhism throughout China

B. Christianity in Africa

Islam on the Arabian Peninsula

C. Presbyterianism in Scotland

D. Shintoism throughout Japan

600-1450 Which of the following is not an accurate description of why Islam appealed to so many people?

A. Muhammad, as the last of the great prophets, accepted earlier Judaic and Christian

revelation and incorporated them into Islam

B. Islam’s Five Pillars provided simple and clear guidance to believers

C. Islam was monotheistic and thus shared a common element with Judaism and Christianity at a time when most people practiced polytheism

D. Islam preached the equality of all peoples, thus appealing to the poor and oppressed

E. Because Islam lacked any legal code, it was possible to adapt Islam to any form of governmental organization

600-1450 Which of the following best describes the East African trading centers prior to the arrival of the Portuguese?

A. The trade network to and from the East African coast was fairly local and limited

to a small portion of the interior and to nearby coastal islands

B. The slave trade was an important element of the economies of the East African trading centers

C. Ife was the most important of these East Coast cities

The cities were a mix of black African and Islamic peoples and culture traits

D. The predominant religion was a traditional African-based animism with an overlay of Islamic teachings known as Swahili

1450. All of the following are accurate descriptions of the difference between Hinduism and Islam EXCEPT:

A. Hinduism is polytheistic and Islam is monotheistic

B. the Hindu caste system conflicts with Islam’s belief in the equality of all people

C. Islam’s simple prayer ceremonies are the opposite of Hinduism’s elaborate religious ceremonies filled with music and dance

D. Hinduism is thousands of years old, whereas Islam is relatively new, having been founded in the seventh century C.E.

E. Hinduism rejects the use of the human form in religious and secular art, whereas the human form is an important subject in Islamic art

1450. All of the following are general characteristics of pastoral nomadic societies EXCEPT:

A. kinship was patrilineal

B. there was little social stratification

C. wives lived with their husbands’ families

there was little intertribal warfare

D. a dependent relationship existed between those who had more resources and those who were less well off

1450. By 1600, the expansion of which of the following had ended invasions from central Asia?

A. Russian and the Ottoman Empire

B. Mughal Empire and Russia

C. Ming China and the Ottoman Empire

D. The Khanates of the Mongols

E. Ming China and Russia

1450. “It is the imminent peril threatening you and all the faithful, which has brought us hither. From the confines of Jerusalem and the city of Constantinople a horrible tale has gone forth…”

The above was probably spoken about which of the following?

A. The creation of the modern state of Israel

B. The establishment of the Abbasid dynasty

C. The invasion of Europe by the Huns

The capture of the Holy Land by the Seljuk Turks

D. The invasion of the Middle East by the Yuan branch of the Mongols

600-1450 Which of the following factors was the most supportive of the rapid spread of Islam in the years after its founding in the early 7th century?

F. Strong communications and travel networks on the Arabian peninsula

G. Its appearance in the post-classical era, with weaker organized states to oppose it

H. The support of elite rulers in the areas that the religion spread

I. The lack of other strong religions in the areas where the religion spread

J. The high literacy rates in the Middle East and northern Africa

600-1450 One reason that Pope Urban II called for the Crusades in 1095 was to

A. Support the Seljuk Turks in their efforts to capture Constantinople

B. Defend Europe from attack by the Seljuk Turks

C. Promote Eastern Orthodoxy

D. Improve trade relations between Europe and the Middle East

E. Unite the knights in a common cause for Roman Catholicism

600-1450 Which of the following is an inaccurate statement regarding “big picture” characteristics of the period 600-1450?

A. No one political format dominated the era

B. Trade and communications networks were weaker than they had been before 600

C. Belief systems were unifying forces for societies

D. Eastern and Western Hemispheres were not joined

E. Most societies remained patriarchies with clear social distinctions

600-1450 Which of the following is true of both South America and West Africa during the period 600-1450?

A. Large, organized political states rose in both areas

B. The economy in both areas was based mainly on trade

C. Both areas traded regularly with Europe in the Middle East

D. Civilizations in both areas centered on river valleys

E. The main crops in both areas were potatoes, maize, and beans

600-1450 The religious split between Sunni and Shi’a Muslims originated in a disagreement about

A. Strategies for expansion of the faith

B. Whether or not Muhammad was a divine being

C. The basis for succession of the caliph

D. The location of the capital city of the caliphate

E. The treatment of conquered peoples

600-1450 Which of the following is an accurate comparison of the political systems of western Europe and Japan during the era 600-1450?

A. Both areas were ruled by a highly centralized government

B. Japan’s political system was highly centralized; western Europe developed multiple monarchies

C. Political systems in both areas were based on feudalistic ties among elites

D. The western European political system was highly centralized; Japan’s political system was headed by two rulers in two different places

E. In both systems, political legitimacy was based on the belief that rulers were gods on earth

600-1450 Which of the following was the most important commodity controlled by west African states in the long-distance trade networks between 600-1450?

A. Slaves

B. Exotic animals

C. Rice

D. Gold

E. guns



The architecture of the church interior in the photograph above is an example of

A. Gothic architecture

B. The influence of the Romans

C. The revival of interest in Greek architecture

D. The triumph of the Eastern Orthodox church

E. Renaissance architecture

600-1450 Among Muslims, the “People of the Book” were

A. Jews and Christians

B. Devout Sunni Muslims

C. Devout Shi’a Muslims

D. Scholars who interpreted Islamic principles to common people

E. Those who lived in urban areas of the Middle East

600-1450 Islamic law codes that became well developed during Abbasid times are called

A. The Quran

B. Hadith

C. Shari’a

D. Qanun

E. The Five Pillars of Faith

600-1450 Which of the following was NOT one of the Germanic tribes that settled in Europe after the fall of the Roman Empire?

A. Visigoths

B. Franks

C. Huns

D. Vandals

E. Agles

600-1450 Franciscans and Dominicans are examples of

A. Patriarchs in the eastern Orthodox church

B. Bishops in the Roman Catholic church

C. Abbots in the Roman Catholic church

D. Jewish religious orders in medieval Europe

E. Wandering religious orders in the Roman Catholic Church

600-1450 The reorganization of Roman law codes in a format still used in the West was the work of

A. Charlemagne

B. Constantine

C. Justinian

D. Urban II

E. Clovis

600-1450 The mit’a labor system was used by the

A. Maya

B. People of Teotihuacan

C. Toltecs

D. Aztecs

E. Inca

600-1450 Which of the following was NOT characteristics of all Mesoamerican civilizations between 600-1450?

A. Ball games were an important part of life

B. All used chinampas to raise agricultural produce

C. All were polytheistic

D. All practiced human sacrifice

E. None relied heavily on animals to get their work done

600-1450 One difference between Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy during the period 1450-1750 is that in Eastern Orthodoxy

A. Priests could not marry

B. A separation exists between political and religious leaders

C. Gothic architecture was used for churches

D. Theology was more influenced by Greek philosophy

E. Religious art conveyed Jesus as suffering for the sins of mankind

600-1450 In all Mesoamerican civilizations, the highest social status was given to

A. Merchants

B. Artisans

C. Priests

D. Landowners

E. Bureaucrats

600-1450 Both footbinding in China and the harem and the veil in Islam

A) ended with the spread of Buddhism to Confucian and Muslim areas

B) were condemned by the Confucian scholar-gentry

C) were rejected by their societies’ religious establishments

D) originated in Hindu lands and spread to Chinese and Muslim lands

E) symbolized the increasing subordination of women to men

600-1450 The major barrier to western European expansion prior to the 15th century C.E. was

A) the low level of European technology

B) the lack of interest by western European rulers for acquiring territory

C) the overwhelming power of Moslem and Mongol states

D) the fact that religious civil wars divided western Europe and made overseas expansion impossible

E) lack of popular interest and public funds to support expansion

1450. Which two of the following vied for influence in China during the Tang Dynasty?

A) Buddhism and Shintoism

B)Shintoism and Hinduism

C) Confucianism and Hinduism

D) Buddhism and Confucianism

E) Buddhism and Hinduism

600-1450 The leading civilization during the post-classical era (450-1450 c.e.) was

A) the Christian West

B) the Byzantine Empire

C) India

D) a collection of sea-based trading states, such as Venice and the Swahili states

E) Islam

600-1450 Initially, Islam, with regard to women and gender roles,

A) retained Bedouin matrilineal traditions and greatly strengthened the position of women in society

B) adopted Christian attitudes towards women

C) secluded women and took away most of their property rights

D) introduced a harsh patriarchal system

E) greatly strengthened the position of women

600-1450 The impact of the Crusades

A) disrupted the Muslim world

B) had little effect on the military capabilities of the Europeans

C) led to the collapse of the Abbasid caliphate

D) was greater on the Europeans because it brought Europe into contact with Muslim civilizations and their accomplishments

E) encouraged mass European migrations to the lands of the eastern Mediterranean

600-1450 A difference between the Tang and Song dynasties of China is that during the Tang Dynasty

A. China was militarily weaker

B. Culture was more refined

C. China had less land space

D. Women had more freedom to move about

E. The ruling family was Han Chinese

600-1450 An important religious clash occurred during the late Tang era between

A. Buddhism and Confucianism

B. Islam and Buddhism

C. Daoism and Confucianism

D. Shintoism and Daoism

E. Hinduism and Confucianism

600-1450 During the era of the Tang Dynasty, a tributary state that cooperated with the Chinese but operated with a great deal of independence was

A. Vietnam

B. Minamoto Japan

C. Silla in the Korean peninsula

D. The Jurchens

E. The Uighurs

600-1450 The Tale of the Genji was the first book written in

A. Chinese

B. Japanese

C. Korean

D. Vietnamese

E. Mongolian

600-1450 The nomadic group that formed the largest continuous empire in world history was the

A. Huns

B. Turks

C. Uighurs

D. Jurchens

E. Mongols

600-1450 During the period from 600 to 1450 South Asia experienced

A. Competition between Hinduism and Buddhism

B. The introduction of Hinduism

C. Islamic rule

D. Sustained political fragmentation

E. Economic prosperity based on trade

600-1450 Which of the following best describes Sub-Saharan trade in the period between 1000 and 1450?

A. Sub-Saharan people traded with one another but not with people in other areas of the world

B. Sub-Saharan people traded with Europeans from trading posts along Africa’s western coast

C. The area was isolated from other areas of the world, and most tribes were self-sufficient

D. Sub-Saharan people conducted a limited trade with people in the Middle East

E. The area was strongly connected to major long-distance trade routes of the Eastern Hemisphere

600-1450 Despite the differences between them, which of the following did the Byzantine Empire and the early Islamic caliphates have in common?

A. All were Islamic

B. None had strong centralized governments

C. Neither relied on a strong military to keep their empires strong

D. All had only limited literary and artistic accomplishments

E. In all, both political and religious power was concentrated in the ruler’s hands

600-1450 Ibn Battuta’s detailed 14th-century written account is an important source of information about

A. China during the rule of Kublai Khan

B. Life in Islamic lands

C. The lives of ordinary peasants in central Asia and the Middle East

D. Demographic changes in Eurasia as a result of the spread of disease

E. Technological innovations that spread from east Asia to Europe along the Silk Road

600-1450 Which of the following groups invaded China in the 13th century and established the Yuan Dynasty?

A. Seljuk Turks

B. Tibetans

C. Mongols

D. Japanese

E. Jurchens

600-1450 The spread of the bubonic plague from Asia to Europe during the 14th century is directly attributable to the

A. Mongol unification of Eurasia

B. Invasion of eastern Europe by the Seljuk Turks

C. Portuguese involvement in the Indian Ocean trade

D. Movement of people during the Crusades

E. Development of the Great Circuit trade

1450-1750 The term “Manila galleons” refers to the

A. Common currency used for many years in Southeast Asia and the South Pacific

B. Spanish ships that carried New World silver to east Asia

C. Slave groups that were sent from Sub-Saharan Africa to the Middle Easteast African traders in the Indian Ocean trade network

D. Slave groups that were sent from Sub-Saharan Africa to the Middle East

E. East African traders on the Indian Ocean trade network

1450-1750 Which of the following was an important demographic change that occurred between 1450 and 1750?

A. New navigational inventions made sea travel on the Atlantic Ocean more practical

B. Native populations in the Americas were decimated by disease contracted from Europeans

C. Social mobility increased as new opportunities opened in the Western Hemisphere

D. Absolute governments proved to be much less effective than constitutional monarchies

E. The overall population of the African continent decreased significantly because of the slave trade to the Americas

1450-1750 The philosophy that most directly shaped the Italian Renaissance was

A. Scholasticism

B. Mercantilism

C. Deism

D. Humanism

E. liberalism

1450-1750 An economic innovation that first developed between 1450 and 1750 was

A. the banking system

B. insurance underwriting

C. paper money

D. gold coins

E. joint-stock companies

1450-1750 One reason that Zheng He’s voyages had only a limited impact on the course of world history is that they

A. made use of few advanced navigational technologies

B. did not venture very far from Chinese ports

C. did not begin sustained long-term contacts with other parts of the world

D. added little to the knowledge that China already had about other parts of the world

E. changed trade patterns in the Eastern Hemisphere only

1450-1750 One reason that the English colonies grew more rapidly than the French colonies was that

A. the English government was more interested in exploration and settlement of the New World

B. the English economy was weaker than that of France, causing more people to leave home

C. English colonists were more likely to come as families

D. French colonies were more likely to be financed by joint-stock companies

E. The values of French Protestantism did not support the entrepreneurial spirit

1450-1750 Settlement patterns in the Cape Colony were different from those in most of the rest of Sub-Saharan Africa in that Europeans

A. Coexisted on equal footing with natives

B. Did not come in very large numbers

C. Came as traders only

D. Were more interested in gold than in slaves

E. Moved inland from the coast

Which of the following accurately compares the Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal Empires?

A. The dominant religion in all three was Sunni Islam

B. The Mughals had a powerful navy, but the Ottomans and Safavids did not

C. The three empires fought with empires outside the region, but generally had few quarrels with one another

D. All reached their peak of power in the 16th and 17th centuries, and were in decline by 1750

E. The Ottomans and the Mughals benefitted from the large amounts of silver from the New World circulating in the trade networks, but the Safavids did not

1450-1750 In the Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal Empires, the social structure allowed women

A. To have no influence over their husbands

B. In the lower classes to move about freely

C. Who were wives of rulers to play key political roles

D. Of the upper classes to repudiate purdah, or seclusion

E. To compete with men in the business world with relative equality

1450-1750 One difference between Ming and Qing rulers of China was that Qing rulers

A. De-emphasized the civil service examinations

B. Encouraged intermarriage between Manchu and Chinese

C. Decentralized government control

D. Were considered to be outsiders by Confucian scholars

E. Were generally not as well educated



The diffusion of crops, other plants, and animals illustrated in the chart above was called

A. The Indian Ocean Exchange

B. The Socialist Market System

C. The Putting Out System

D. Mercantilism

E. The Columbian Exchange

During the era from 1450 to 1750, which of the following areas of Asia was most isolated from foreign influences?

A. China

B. Vietnam

C. Korea

D. Japan

E. India

1450-1750 One difference in the relationship between European settlers and Amerindians in Latin America and North America was that in Latin America

A. Amerindians were usually pushed out of places Europeans wanted for settlement

B. Social classes were generally less hierarchical

C. Few efforts were made to convert natives to Christianity

D. Europeans were more likely to settle in rural areas

E. Many more Amerindians were forced into labor by Europeans



The Mercator projection map pictured above was tailored to aid

A. Explorers as they circumnavigated the globe by going south from Europe

B. Traders in the Indian Ocean trade circuits

C. Overland travelers on the Silk Road

D. European traders on the Atlantic Ocean

E. Inland explorers of North and South America

1450-1750 Which of the following political states was (were) MORE powerful in 1750 than in 1450?

I. Britain

II. Ottoman Empire

III. Mughal Empire

IV. Russia

V. Japan

A. I only

B. I, II, and IV only

C. II and III only

D. I, IV, and V only

E. IV and V only

1450-1750 All of the following were important events that affected the development of Christianity between 1450 and 1750 EXCEPT:

A. The Protestant Reformation

B. The initial split between Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy

C. Missionary efforts by Jesuits in the Americas, China, and Japan

D. The Catholic Reformation

E. The promotion of Russian Orthodoxy by Russian tsars


1450-1750 Which of the following is true of both France and Spain in the period between 1450 and 1750?

A. Both had strong parlements

B. Both were stronger in 1750 than in 1550

C. Both practiced absolutism

D. Both preferred to finance exploratory voyages through joint-stock companies

E. Neither had significant land claims in the Americas

1450-1750 Which of the following was MOST negatively affected by the infusion of New World silver into the world economy?

A. Portugal

B. Britain

C. China

D. Russia

E. Ottoman Empire

1450-1750 Sati, the practice of a widow throwing herself onto her husband’s funeral pyre, was most commonly practiced in

A. The Ottoman Empire

B. The Ming China

C. Tokugawa Japan

D. The Russian Empire

E. The Mughal Empire

1450-1750 Which of the following was the LEAST politically unified during the 16th century?

A. Renaissance Italy

B. Ming China

C. Spain

D. The Mughal Empire

E. The Ottoman Empire



Which of the following was most commonly carried on “leg two” of the Atlantic Circuit?

A. Guns

B. Sugar

C. Tobacco

D. Slaves

E. Gold

1450-1750 Which of the following profited the MOST from the Atlantic Circuit during the 16th century?

A. Kongo

B. France

C. Spain

D. The English colonies in North America

E. The Swahili states

1450-1750 In Russia, the position that most closely matched the position of “daimyo” in Japan was

A. Tsar

B. Boyar

C. Vizier

D. Opichniki

E. patron

1450-1750 Which of the following correctly described Britain during the early 18th century?

A. It had established colonies in South America

B. It had established a constitutional monarchy

C. It controlled trade on the on the Indian Ocean

D. It was politically and economically weaker than Spain

E. It had established a stable and growing trade with Japan

1450-1750 Most sugar plantations in the New World were located in

A. The southern British colonies and Mexico

B. The Caribbean and Peru

C. The French colonies in North America and Brazil

D. New Granada and La Plata

E. The Caribbean and Brazil

1450-1750 Which of the following had the LEAST real political power during the era 1450-1750?

A. The Spanish king

B. The Ottoman sultan

C. The Safavid shah

D. The Japanese emperor

E. The Russian tsar

1450-1750 Most people that lived in the Safavid Empire during the 16th century were

A. Sunni Muslim

B. Shi’a Muslim

C. Sikhs

D. Hindu

E. Buddhist

1450-1750 Which of the following rulers most directly applied sea-based technology to his land-based empire?

A. Kangxi

B. Suleiman the Magnificent

C. Abbas the Great

D. Peter the Great

E. Babur

1450-1750 “I do not feel obliged to believe that the same god who has endowed us with senses, reason, and intellect has intended to forego their use and by some other means to give us knowledge which we can attain by them.”

The quote above from Galileo’s “Letter to the Grand Duchess Christiana” in 1615 most directly reflects a belief in

A. Scholasticism

B. Humanism

C. Roman Catholicism

D. Orthodox Christianity

E. mercantilism

1450-1750 Which of the following had the highest social status in Latin American colonies?

A. Peninsulares

B. Creoles

C. Amerindians

D. Mestizos

E. mulattos

1450-1750 Which of the following most accurately compares the relationship that English and Spanish colonists had with Amerindians?

A. Both English and Spanish colonists rejected Amerindian crops and planting techniques

B. The English colonists dominated Amerindians; Spanish colonists pushed Amerindians out of the way

C. The English colonists pushed Amerindians out of the way; the Spanish colonists put Amerindians to work for them

D. English colonists were more likely to marry Amerindians than the Spanish colonists were

E. The English colonists were more interested in converting Amerindians to Christianity than Spanish colonists were



The table above supports the fact that the majority of slaves were traded to areas where the economy was dominated by

A. Gold and silver mines

B. Tobacco

C. Corn and beans

D. Cotton

E. Sugar

1450-1750 Which of the following areas was probably the destination for the MOST slaves during the period 1450 to 1750?

A. Brazil

B. British West Indies

C. French West Indies

D. Spanish Americas

E. Southern British colonies

1450-1750 The status of which of the following was in jeopardy in Japan by 1750?

A. The Shogun

B. The emperor

C. Samurai

D. Merchants

E. daimyos

1450-1750 “. . .the entire kingdom is administered by the Order of the Learned, commonly known as the Philosophers. The responsibility for orderly management of the entire realm is wholly and completely committed to their charge and care . . . Their attitude toward the King, in exact obedience and in external ceremony, is a cause of wonderment to a foreigner.”

In the passage above from his journal, Matteo Rici is describing

A. Japan

B. China

C. Russia

D. The Inca

E. Renaissance Italy

1450-1750 Which of the following is the clearest example of Portuguese and Spanish ethnocentrism during the late 15th century?

A. The Treaty of Westphalia

B. The Edict of Nantes

C. The Protestant work ethic

D. The Treaty of Tordesillas

E. The Columbian Exchange

1750. If man can, with almost complete assurance, predict phenomena when he knows their laws, and if, even when he does not, he can still, with great expectation of success, forecast the future on the basis on his experience of the past, why, then, should it be regarded as a fantastic undertaking to sketch, with some pretense to truth, the future destiny of man on the basis of his history?”

The above statement most probably reflects the viewpoint of:

A. scholar-gentry

B. Machiavelli

C. Nationalists

Enlightenment thinkers

D. Social Darwinists

1750. The introduction of papermaking into Europe is an example of cultural diffusion

A. from China by way of the Eurasian trade route

B. from Japan by way of the Arab-Indian trade route

C. through the Columbian Exchange

D. through the Triangular Trade route

E. from the Middle East as part of the Eurasian trade route

1750. Which of the following statements most accurately describes the differences between the Spanish and Portuguese empires in the Americas?

A. Portuguese Brazil was more dependent on agriculture for its economic base than

was Spanish America

B. The Catholic Church had more influence over developments in Spanish America than in Brazil

C. Portugal exercised direct governmental control over Brazil, whereas Spain put little structure in place to govern its colonies

D. Spanish America, unlike Brazil, developed a multiracial society

E. Spanish America had little in the way of local manufacturing, whereas Brazil became for the most part self-sufficient

1750. Which of the following had a direct impact on the abolition of slavery?

A. Teachings of the Roman Catholic Church

Enlightenment thinking

B. Islamic teachings

C. Social Darwinism

D. Humanism

1750. Triangular trade referred to the network connecting

A. East Africa, the Arabian Peninsula, and India

B. the west coast of Africa, North America, and western Europe

C. the west and east coasts of Africa and India

D. India, Southeast Asia, and China

E. China, the Middle East, and the southern European coast of the Mediterranean

1750. Which of the following decisions by the Portuguese affected the Arab-African cities of the east coast of Africa?

A. To trade only from coastal centers

B. To monopolize trade with Asia

C. To use force if necessary to ensure favorable trading conditions

D. To set up an African trading network that included the interior trade routes as well as the coastal cities

E. To allow Christian missionaries to evangelize in the cities of the east coast

1450-1750 Which of the following most clearly differentiates the period from 1450 to 1750 from earlier periods?

A. Decline of manorialism in Western Europe

B. The rise of the Ottoman Empire

The inclusion of the Americas in the global trade network

C. The opening of Japan to the West

D. The replacement of Romanesque architecture with the Gothic style I western Europe

1750. Which of the following developments in the Americas accounted most directly for the growth of the slave trade?

A. The dominance of cotton agriculture in what is known as the Deep South in the

United States

B. The establishment of the plantation system of sugar production in the Caribbean and Brazil

C. The discovery of gold in Brazil

D. The establishment of the Triangular Trade Route

E. The introduction of coffee agriculture into Mexico

1450-1750 Which of the following that occurred in western Europe in the period from 1450 to 1750 did not result in long-term changes?

A. Renaissance

B. The growth of capitalism

C. Scientific Revolution

D. Agricultural Revolution

The growth of strong centralized monarchies

1750. Which of the following nations acquired territory in Asia in the 1700’s through the initiative of agents working for joint-stock companies?

A. Great Britain and the Netherlands

B. Spain and the Netherlands

C. Great Britain and France

D. Prussia and Austria-Hungary

E. The Netherlands and France

1750. The area of the African continent that was most significantly affected by the slave trade was:

A. North Africa

B. East Africa

West Africa

C. South Africa

D. South-Central Africa

1750. Which of the following were important trading cities along the East Coast of Africa?

A. Kilwa, Gao, and Timbuktu

B. Gao, Great Zimbabwe, and Mongadishu

C. Benin, Gao, and Great Zimbabwe

D. Timbuktu, Gao, and Kok

Kilwa, Mogadishu, and Sofala

1750. The price revolution in Europe was the direct result of:

A. mercantilism

B. a combination of scarce goods and an increase in the gold and silver in


C. the growth of global trade in the 1500’s and 1600’s

D. population growth

E. joint-stock companies

1750. Which of the following countries practiced indirect rule in governing its colonies in Africa?

A. Portugal

B. France

C. Germany

Great Britain

D. Belgium

1450-1750 The export of silver from the Americas led to all of these outcomes EXCEPT A) Inflation in western Europe

B) payment for Spain’s religious and dynastic wars

C) exchange of silver for Chinese luxuries Europeans desired

D) the increasing impoverishment and bankruptcy of Spain

E) the discouragement of foreign rivals and pirates

1450-1750 The Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal empires possessed all of these shared characteristics EXCEPT

A) all originated in Turkish nomadic cultures of the steppe

B) all were Muslim-led

C) all were based on conquest and the use of military technologies

D) all began with absolutist rulers and efficient bureaucracies

E) all ruled predominantly Muslim populations

1450-1750 The European slave trade out of Africa arose and expanded when

A) Europeans began to supply Muslim slave markets in the Middle East

B) Europe conquered the coasts of west Africa

C) gold was discovered in Iberia, necessitating a greater number of laborers

D) sugar plantations were established on the Atlantic islands and in the Americas

E) Spain and Portugal launched their crusade against Muslim states in Africa

1450-1750 Generally, European leaders saw colonies as

A) wastes of money and resources

B) sources of raw minerals and potential markets

C) sources for cheap labor and slaves

D) places to settle their excess populations

E) military bases

1450-1750 The major development between 1450 and 1750 was the rise of

A) the first truly global world trade network

B) empires ruling transcontinental land masses

C) mass migrations of people

D) capitalism as the dominant economic ideology

E) an almost instantaneous global communication network

1450-1750 The Columbian exchanges involved all of these global movements EXCEPT

A) European diseases devastated the Americas

B) American foodstuffs and crops spread around the world

C) Africans were forcibly transported to the Americas

D) Europeans transplanted their crops, animals, and economic systems to the Americas E) Indian populations were resettled to the Pacific islands and African lands

1450-1750 In Africa during the early modern period, Europeans

A) controlled the slave trade

B) settled widely in West Africa

C) exported gold and raw materials

D) started the slave trade

E) had to negotiate with African kings who controlled the slave trade

1450-1750 Which of the following is most accurate of the Triangle trade?

A) finished goods traveled from the Americas to Europe

B) raw goods were transported from Europe to Africa

C) slaves were transported from Africa to the New World, the New World sent raw materials to Europe, and Europe traded finished goods and guns to Africa

D) slaves were traded to Europe from Africa, Europe traded guns with Africa, and raw materials were traded with Europe from the New World

E) Spain traded silver from the New World with China, China traded finished goods with Europe, and Africa traded slaves for European goods

1450-1750 Under the doctrine of mercantilism, Spain and Portugal encouraged their Latin American colonies to

A) permit foreign merchants to trade with the empires

B) allow the free settlement of English colonies within the New World

C) practice free trade

D) buy manufactured goods only from the mother country

E) become self-sufficient

1450-1750 Fundamental to the European acquisition of colonies between 1450-1750 was A) the superiority of European military technologies against the Muslim states B) the lack of immunity amongst world populations to European diseases C) European naval and maritime technologies D) lack of opposition

E) European overpopulation, which allowed large armies and provided willing settlers

1450-1750 Renaissance humanism would have been most compatible with the values and ideas of which world belief system?

A) Christianity

B) Buddhism

C) Confucianism

D) Hellenism

E) Hinduism

1450-1750 One important goal of the Mughal leader Akbar was to reconcile differences between

A. Brahmin and Kshatriya castes

B. Hindus and Buddhists

C. Bureaucrats and military leaders

D. Muslims and Hindus

E. The vizier and the cavalry

1450-1750 In contrast to governments in Latin America, governments in 17th and 18th-century colonial North America were more likely to

A. Have fewer restrictions from the mother country

B. Include representation from Amerindians

C. Exclude participation by elite colonists

D. Set restrictions on land use

E. Have centralized control of their subjects

1450-1750 In contrast to European cultural influences, Islamic cultural influences in Africa during the period from 1450 to 1750 were

A. Much more extensive

B. More extensive among ordinary people, but less important among elites

C. About the same

D. Much less extensive

E. Growing, whereas European cultural influences were declining

1450-1750 Which of the following is often referred to as a “Gunpowder Empire”?

A. Persian Empire

B. Byzantine Empire

C. Ottoman Empire

D. Tang Dynasty

E. German Empire

1450-1750 Suleiman, Abbas I, and Akbar had which of the following in common?

A. All were defeated by Timur

B. All were Sunni Muslims

C. All successfully withstood Mongol attack

D. All built great navies for their empires

E. All ruled at the peak of their empire’s power

1450-1750 During the era 1450 to 1750, Jesuit priests became active missionaries in all of the following places EXCEPT

A. North America

B. Latin America

C. Russia

D. China

E. Japan

1750-1914 The changes in social structure brought about by the French Revolution made possible the rising power of

A. The Catholic Church

B. The nobility

C. The bureaucracy

D. Napoleon Bonaparte

E. The monarchy

1750-1914 All of the following were important social consequences of the Industrial Revolution in industrialized countries EXCEPT

A. The formation of a “cult of domesticity” among working class women

B. The growth of the middle class

C. A redefinition of the basis of wealth

D. A separation of family life from the workplace

E. A deep distinction in social values between middle-class men and working-class men

1750-1914 “Each person, therefore, making a tenth part of forty-eight thousand pins might be considered as making four thousand eight hundred pins a day . . . But if they had wrought separately and independently, and without any of them being educated to this particular business, they certainly could not each of them have made twenty, perhaps not one pin in a day.”

In the above excerpt from The Wealth of Nations Adam Smith is explaining the advantages of

A. A free-market economy

B. Socialism

C. Social class distinctions

D. Division of labor

E. Factory-based work

1750-1914 Which of the following is true of both the French Revolution of 1789 and the Mexican Revolution of 1810-1811?

A. Both were initially led by Catholic priests

B. Both targeted the bourgeoisie as responsible for oppression of ordinary citizens

C. Both ended in success that quickly brought stability to their nations

D. Neither relied heavily on military victories for their success

E. Both were characterized by strong feelings of nationalism

1750-1914 “Take up the White Man’s burden

Send forth the best ye breed

Go bind your sons to exile

To serve your captives’ needs;

To wait in heavy harness,

On fluttered folk and wild

Your new-caught sullen peoples,

Half devil and half child. . . . “

The excerpt from the above poem illustrates which of the following points of view about western societies?

A. Western societies have no reason to feel superior to less powerful societies in the world

B. Western societies have a responsibility to help less powerful societies in the world

C. Western societies are overburdened by expectations from less powerful societies, and cannot take care of them all

D. People in less powerful societies willingly imitate westerners, and it is the responsibility of western societies to live up to those expectations

E. People in western societies should live in other parts of the world in order to understand people in less powerful societies

1750-1914 One important social effect of early industrialization was the

A. Movement of many people in industrializing countries from urban to rural areas

B. Rapid deforestation in European countries

C. The separation of home life from the workplace

D. The successful realization of the goals of women’s suffrage movements by the late 19th century in most industrialized countries

E. A shrinking number of middle class people in most industrializing countries

1750-1914 By the end of the 19th century the cotton industry in India

A. Had declined as demand for cotton weakened steadily

B. Grew as factories opened in India

C. Had been transformed by British factories

D. Became a link in trade between Britain and China

E. Flourished as demand for handmade textiles soared

1750-1914 Which of the following countries in the Western Hemisphere did not experience a war for independence?

A. Canada

B. Mexico

C. Gran Colombia

D. Peru

E. Argentina

1750-1914 “It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world, so far, I mean, as we are now at liberty to do it . . . in my opinion it is unnecessary and would be unwise to extend them.”

The quote above is excerpted from

A. Adam Smith’s “Wealth of Nations”

B. “The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen”

C. Charles Darwin’s “Origin of Species”

D. The American Declaration of Independence

E. George Washington’s Farewell Address

1750-1914 Which of the following correctly lists the sequence of events in chronological order from earliest to latest?

A. The Scramble for Africa, the invention of the steam engine. The colonization of India

B. The colonization of India, the Boxer Rebellion, the invention of the steam engine

C. The invention of the steam engine, the colonization of India, the Scramble for Africa

D. The colonization of India, the development of textile factories in England, the fall of the Qing Empire

E. The fall of the Qing Empire, the colonization of India, the development of textile factories in England

1750-1914 In the early 19th century, Alexis de Tocqueville argued that a major reason why democracy was flourishing in America but floundering in France was the American emphasis on

A. Equality

B. Natural rights

C. Political stability

D. Individualism

E. nationalism

1750-1914 Which country FIRST passed legislation to abolish the slave trade?

A. Britain

B. The United States

C. France

D. The Netherlands

E. Spain

1750-1914 The most important reason for the growth of the bourgeoisie and urban working classes in western Europe and the United States during the 19th century was

A. Successful political revolutions

B. Centralization of political power

C. The Industrial Revolution

D. Nautical inventions

E. The decline of the nobility

1750-1914 During the Industrial Revolution, rapid industrial growth led to

A. More economic equality

B. A widening of the gap between the rich and the poor

C. More wealth for entrepreneurs and land owners

D. A higher social status for farmers

E. An increase in the social status of the nobility

1750-1914 During the 19th century urban areas grew most rapidly in

A. The Middle East

B. East Asia

C. Sub-Saharan Africa

D. South America

E. Western Europe

1750-1914 During the 19th century, most governments and employers in industrialized nations viewed labor unions

A. As illegal because they restrained trade

B. With fear since they became very powerful

C. With respect because they were an important facet of the new industrial society

D. With indifference because they had little power

E. In different ways, with governments supporting them and employers opposing them

1750-1914 By the beginning of the 20th century, industrialization had spread from its origins in Britain to

A. The United States, China, and South Asia

B. Japan, China, and the United States

C. Southeast Asia, the Middle East, and Sub-Saharan Africa

D. The United States, Japan, and Europe

E. Eastern Europe, Southeast Asia, and Japan

1750-1914 The abolition of the slave trade and slavery most affected the economy of

A. Britain

B. Brazil

C. The United States

D. Portugal

E. South Africa

1750-1914 The late 19th-century event most directly responsible for spurring the development of the United States as an imperialist power was the

A. Civil War

B. Building of the Panama Canal

C. Spanish American War

D. Invention of the cotton gin

E. Migration of people from East to the West Coast

1750-1914 Which of the following countries was clearly stronger in 1914 than it had been in 1750?

A. The Ottoman Empire

B. Japan

C. Qing China

D. Korea

E. Spain

1750-1914 What event(s) in Japanese history was most directly responsible for the fall of the Tokugawa Shogunate?

A. The Russo-Japanese War

B. The Chinese invasion of Japan

C. Famines of the mid-19th century

D. The arrival of Matthew Perry’s ships

E. The Boxer Rebellion

1750-1914 Which of the following had a major political revolution in the early 20th century?

A. China, Japan, and Russia

B. Mexico, Canada, and Brazil

C. China, Russia, and Mexico

D. Russia, Japan, and India

E. India, China, and Japan

1750-1914 “After twenty minutes’ sail from Kalai we came in sight, for the first time, of the columns of vapor, appropriately called ‘smoke’: rising at a distance of five or six miles, exactly as when large tracts of grass are burned in Africa. Five columns now arose, and, bending in the direction of the wind, they seemed placed against a low ridge covered with trees; the tops of the columns at this distance appeared to mingle with the clouds.”

In the excerpt, Dr. Livingstone describes a great waterfall in

A. Northern Africa

B. Sub-Saharan Africa

C. The Arabian peninsula

D. The South American jungle

E. Southeast Asia

1750-1914 “After twenty minutes’ sail from Kalai we came in sight, for the first time, of the columns of vapor, appropriately called ‘smoke’: rising at a distance of five or six miles, exactly as when large tracts of grass are burned in Africa. Five columns now arose, and, bending in the direction of the wind, they seemed placed against a low ridge covered with trees; the tops of the columns at this distance appeared to mingle with the clouds.”

Dr. Livingstone’s writing sparked some major changes during the 19th century, including

A. The conversion of many Muslims to Christianity

B. The Industrial Revolution

C. The Scramble for Africa

D. The eclipse of Portuguese power

E. The global democratization movement

1750-1914 In which of the following revolutions was a slave labor force the MOST important as a force for change?

A. The American Revolution

B. The French Revolution

C. The Haitian Revolution

D. Early 19th-century revolution in Venezuela

E. Early 19th-century revolution in Brazil

1750-1914 Italian and German unifications during the late 19th century were both inspired by

A. Conservatism

B. Socialism

C. Marxism

D. Mercantilism

E. nationalism

1750-1914 During the period from 1750-1914, which of the following movements for change was LEAST successful in reaching its goals?

A. The abolitionist movement

B. Independence movements in Latin America

C. The abolition of absolute monarchy in France

D. The women’s rights movement

E. more political rights for the bourgeoisie

1750-1914 In which of the following areas did juntas play an important role in the success of revolutions during the period from 1750 to 1850?

I. Gran Colombia

II. France

III. Argentina

IV. The United States

A. I and II only

B. I and III only

C. II and Iv only

D. II, III, and IV only

E. I, II, III, and IV

1750-1914 The enclosure movement in Britain most directly impacted the development of the Industrial Revolution by providing

A. Access to natural resources

B. A ready labor supply for factories and businesses

C. Political and economic support for entrepreneurs

D. Railroad transportation to shipping points

E. Ready cash supplies for funding new industries

1750-1914 “. . . this poison has spread far and wide in all the provinces. You, I hope, will certainly agree that people who pursue material gains to the great detriment of the welfare of others can be neither tolerated by Heaven nor endured by men . . . . Heaven is furious with anger, and all the gods are moaning with pan.”

The “poison” the Lin Zexu refers to in his 1838 letter to Queen Victoria excerpted above was

A. The plague

B. Toxic gases

C. Opium

D. Food from the Americas

E. lead



The marble boat pictured above was built in order to

A. Reflect the historical naval supremacy of China

B. Warn the Japanese not to attack China

C. Show the engineering skills of those that constructed it

D. Illustrate the Qing Dynasty’s disdain for western money

E. Disguise the illegal opium trade going on in Canton

1750-1914 Which of the following is the MOST direct cause of the 19th century demographic transition in western countries?

A. The Columbian Exchange

B. Political revolutions

C. Growing emphasis on values that supported large families

D. The Industrial Revolution

E. Growing number of immigrants coming into western countries



The map above shows the 19th century spread of

A. The Industrial Revolution

B. Liberalism as a political ideology

C. Availability of products from the Americas

D. Political control of the British Empire

E. communism

1750-1914 The set of cultural values called the “cult of domesticity” applied primarily to

A. working class men in industrial societies

B. lower class women in industrial societies

C. peasant families in Southeast Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa

D. landed nobility in east Asia

E. middle class women in industrialized societies

1750-1914 The Monroe Doctrine most clearly reflects the United States foreign policy of

A. laissez-faire capitalism

B. isolationism

C. internationalism

D. mercantilism

E. liberalism

1750-1914 (?) The political system set up in Canada in 1867 is best describes as a(n)

A. self-governing political system still officially tied to Britain

B. presidential system with strong economic ties to the United States

C. British colony with some powers of self-government

D. Independent country with most official ties to Britain severed

E. Constitutional monarchy with many powers given to parliament

1750-1914 Which of the following is the best explanation for why personality politics were more important in shaping Latin America than in North America?

A. Most Latin American countries had parliamentary systems; North American countries had presidential systems

B. Stable political institutions were slower to develop in Latin America than in North America

C. More charismatic men came to leadership in Latin America than in North America

D. The rule of law was well in place in Latin America and was not very effective in North America

E. Latin America did not set up legislatures; North American countries set up strong legislatures

1750-1914 Which of the following characterized political systems in Sub-Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia during the late 19th century?

A. They were almost all ruled by hereditary monarchs

B. Most had established democracies

C. Most were authoritarian, but had legislatures that shared some powers with the chief executive

D. Most were under colonial rule

E. They were characterized by weak central governments that tried to exert power over fragmented groups

1750-1914 One characteristic that the American Declaration of Independence and the French Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen had in common was that both

A. Emphasized liberty more than equality

B. Denounced nationalism

C. Affirmed the natural rights of citizens

D. Affirmed the rights of hereditary monarchs

E. Endorsed equal rights for women

The “Young Turks” were motivated to form and take action by their belief in

A. A religious state in Turkey

B. Turkish nationalism

C. The need to restore the power of the Ottoman sultan

D. Turkey’s need to join the European Union

E. Non-violent resistance to European domination

1750-1914 “Slavery was not born of racism; rather, racism was the consequence of slavery.”

The statement above supports the explanation that slavery and emancipation had

A. Ideological roots that led to economic consequences

B. Economic roots that had ideological consequences

C. Roots in both ideology and economic interests

D. Little impact on the nature of racism

E. Motives that were neither economic nor ideological



The main reason that the country of Siam on the map above was NOT claimed by an imperialist power is that

A. The king of Siam effectively resisted imperialist control

B. The English and French agreed to leave it as a “buffer Zone”

C. It was protected by the Japanese

D. It had established a formal alliance with India

E. Its control of trade in the region was too well established to allow for an imperialist takeover

1750-1914 Which of the following did the Young Turks in the Ottoman Empire and the Boxers in the Qing Empire have in common?

A. Both believed their empires would be better off if they became more dependent on western powers

B. Both supported their emperors in the struggle to maintain power in the face of western aggression

C. Both believed that conflicts among regional lords were the biggest threats that their empire faced

D. Both were nationalist groups that sought to keep their nation’s identity in the waning days of the empire

E. Both organized against nationalist groups who wanted to replace the emperors with republican governments

1750-1914 A significant social reform that took place in Russia during the 19th century was the

A. Emancipation of serfs

B. Large-scale redistribution of land to peasants

C. Recognition of political rights of the bourgeoisie

D. Recognition of women’s suffrage rights

E. Restriction of the rights of nobility to claim hereditary lands



The map shows that colonized areas in Africa in 1870 were primarily

A. Controlled by the Portuguese

B. Controlled by the French

C. Located along coastal areas

D. Challenged by native Africans

E. Weak and ineffective



A map of Africa 30 years later (1900) would differ from the map above in that it would show

A. Many more areas of Africa controlled by European powers

B. Fewer British possessions and more French possessions

C. Almost no areas of Africa controlled by European powers

D. Many areas controlled by Japan

E. More Portuguese possessions and fewer French-controlled areas

1750-1914 “The transformation of the country was complete, involving dramatic economic, political, social, cultural, and educational changes, and the program was imposed from the top rung of government – the oligarchs.”

The statement above accurately describes late 19th-century

A. Ottoman Empire

B. China

C. Japan

D. Russia

E. Germany

1750-1914 The most important incentive for the “scramble” of European countries to colonize areas of central and south Africa during the late 19th century was the

A. Desire to control sea-based trade between Europe and the Indian Ocean Basin

B. Discovery of diamond and gold deposits

C. Wish to convert African natives to Christianity

D. Aggressive attempts by the Japanese to colonize Africa

E. Search for new agricultural lands for their growing populations

1914. Which of the following is not an accurate comparison of the Japanese and Russian reforms of the late nineteenth century?

A. Both countries initiated reform of the military

B. Business leaders became an important part of the power structure of both countries

C. Both governments were reorganized to share power with lesser councils

D. The governments of both nations recognized the importance of fostering industrialization

E. Former serfs in Russia and displaced samurai in Japan in general suffered from the reforms

1914. Which of the following statements describes the major difference between the way Brazil achieved independence and the way other states of Latin America became independent?

A. Brazil did not end its colonial status until late in the nineteenth century, whereas

the Spanish states had all achieved independence by mid-century

B. Creoles incited and led slave rebellions in Mexico and Brazil, but mestizos led them in the other Spanish colonies in Latin America

C. Brazil became a monarchy, whereas the Spanish states became republics

D. Slaves led uprisings in Brazil and in Haiti but not in the Spanish empire’s holdings

E. The other nations had to fight for their independence, but Brazil under the prince regent simply declared its independence

1914. Which of the following groups of nations competed for colonial empires in Africa in the last half of the nineteenth century?

A. Germany, Belgium, and the United States

B. France, Italy, and the Netherlands

Germany, Belgium, and Great Britain

C. Spain, Great Britain, and Japan

D. Japan, Portugal, and Germany

1914. How did the West influence the overthrow of both the Ottoman Empire and the Qing dynasty?

A. Direct military intervention by the West resulted in the collapse of the


B. Western political ideas motivated younger men intent on reform to seize the governments

C. Western support of the opium trade had severe negative consequences on the local economies, thus weakening the structure that supported the empires

D. Neither empire had a strong cultural or religious center and thus was easily attracted to western ideas

E. Both empires had a strong tradition of the people overthrowing rulers whom they no longer considered governing in their best interests

1914. Which of the following statements best describes the similarities between the economies of the African continent and Latin America in the latter part of the nineteenth century?

A. The economies of both the African colonies and Latin American nations

depended on exports

B. Both areas were distracted by internal conflicts

C. Latin Americans and Africans resisted the intervention of foreign capitalists who wanted to invest in industrial development

D. African colonies and Latin American nations both had middle classes that supported industrial development

E. Neither area had developed an infrastructure to transport goods and raw materials quickly and over great differences

1914. The unification of which two nations in the nineteenth century ended the centralization of power begun in Europe in the Middle Ages?

A. Germany and Spain

B. Italy and Spain

C. Russia and Austria

Germany and Italy

D. Germany and Austria

1914. Western European foreign policy in the late 1800’s was characterized by:

A. Pan-Slavism, colonialism, and an arms race

B. détente, colonialism, and an arms race

C. imperialism, militarism, and deterrence

an arms race, imperialism, and a series of alliances

D. containment, détente, and the domino theory

1914. The major significance of the Boxer Uprising was:

A. the halt it brought to Chinese reform efforts

B. the division of China by European powers into spheres of influence

the increased intervention of European powers in Chinese affairs

C. the campaign against Christians that occurred in the aftermath of the uprising

D. the United States’ drafting of the Open Door Policy

1914. All of the following are causes of the Industrial Revolution EXCEPT:

A. population growth


B. enclosure movement

C. the development of new sources of energy

D. the agricultural revolution

1914. “The main conclusion here arrived at, and how held by many naturalists who are well competent to form a sound judgment, is that man is descended from some less highly organized form.”

Which of the following wrote these words?

A. Montesquieu

Charles Darwin

B. Thomas Malthus

C. Andrew Carnegie

D. John Locke

1914. Which of the following men was the first to state that history was “the history of class struggles”?

A. Mao Zedong

B. Marchiavelli

C. Cardinal Richelieu


D. Lenin

1914. All of the following are characteristic of Japan under the Meiji Restoration EXCEPT:

A. the rise of the zaibatsu

B. the revocation of the special status afforded the samurai

C. modernization of the bureaucracy

D. shift of population from the agricultural countryside to urban industrial centers

equal rights for women

1914. Which of the following was a major difference between industrialization in Japan and in Great Britain?

A. Japanese workers were paid comparatively well, unlike British workers

B. Japan and Great Britain had extensive railway systems to transport goods

C. The Japanese were more technologically advanced than the British and exported machinery to the West

D. The Japanese government played a far larger role in the development of industrialization and the infrastructure to support it than did the British government

E. Great Britain had to import coal to fuel its industries, whereas Japan had large reserves

1914. “Then the world will enter upon a new stage of its history – the final competition of races, for which the Anglo-Saxon is being schooled. Long before the thousand millions are here, the mighty centrifugal tendency, inherent in this stock and strengthened in the United States, will assert itself…(and) spread itself over the earth.”

The author of these words was an advocate of which of the following principles?

A. “Big stick” policy


B. Absolutism

C. Gunboat diplomacy

D. Dollar diplomacy

1914. “It is the object of that system to enrich a great nation rather by trade and manufactures than by the improvement and cultivation of land, rather by the industry of the towns than by that of the country.”

In this quotation from the Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith is referring to which system?

A. Factory system

B. Industrialization


C. Monetary system

D. Capitalism

1914. Which of the following is the most accurate description of the effect of the Industrial Revolution on European society?

A. All classes were better off than they had been before industrialization

B. The wealthy were the only class to profit from the Industrial Revolution

C. The middle class grew in size, while the number of poor and upper-class Europeans remained constant

D. Class and wealth distinctions in Europe remained as they had been the eighteenth century before the Industrial Revolution

E. The poor became poorer, while the middle and the upper classes prospered

1750-1914 The demographic transition of 1750-1914 included all of these characteristics EXCEPT

A) declining birthrates in industrial nations

B) decreased death rates due to public health measures

C) the spread of new food plants around the world

D) Europe’s percentage of the total world population declined

E) high birthrates in Africa, Latin America, and Asia

1750-1914 The older European loyalty to the Church and God was often replaced after the French Revolution by

A) devotion to the Pope

B) support of the king and national rulers

C) allegiance to local leaders

D) nationalism and loyalty to the nation-state

E) allegiance to strong military leaders

1750-1914 The most likely reason for the success of European colonial acquisitions during the 19th century would be

A) the enthusiasm by European Christian clergy to convert the “heathens”

B) superior European military and transportation technologies

C) the epidemic amongst most native populations that preceded European arrival

D) the lack of resistance to the Europeans

E) the successes in European agricultural technologies

1750-1914 Which of the following was an accurate comparison between the French and the 1911 Chinese Revolutions?

A) both brought an end to the ruling dynasty

B) the Chinese had a greater impact globally than the French

C) both were non-violent

D) both used Marxist doctrine

E) both were started by the peasant class

1750-1914 Japan avoided the fates of the Qing China and Ottoman Empire by

A) closing its country to foreign influence

B) accepting the U.S. as a protector to balance European influence

C) defeating American, British, and other European expeditions to Japan

D) modernization, selective westernization, and industrialization

E) relying on its samurai, bushido, and Shinto traditions

1750-1914 How were the Industrial Revolution and imperialism related?

A) the Industrial Revolution sparked a greater need for cheap raw materials

B) it spread industrialism to colonized regions

C) colonies were primarily taken in Oceania as Africa had few natural resources

D) environmental conservation techniques were shared with colonized lands

E) worldwide literacy increased dramatically

1750-1914 The region that resisted European penetration from 1450 to 1750, but was ultimately carved up into colonies in the 1800s was

A) Africa

B) South America

C) North America

D) east Asia

E) south Asia

1750-1914 Which statement is most accurate regarding the worldwide influence of the American Revolution and early American government?

A) The Americans abolished slavery and help enforce the ban on slave trade.

B) The American government modeled its Constitution after France.

C) Americans adopted mercantilism and established tariffs against European nations.

D) Americans received no support from Europe in their struggle for independence.

E) The American Revolution inspired the French.

1750-1914 In the last decades of the 19th century, the Chinese and Ottoman inability to reform or modernize was largely due to

A) foreign pressures not to modernize at all

B) constant rebellions and peasant revolts

C) the lack of a prosperous merchant class

D) elites, who would do nothing to limit their authority

E) the lack of an educated elite willing to lead or propose reforms

1750-1914 Which of these statements is most accurate about the policies of the Meiji restoration?

A) political power was centralized and the emperor’s authority restored

B) feudalism was retained, although it was limited

C) the samurai retained some of its rights and privileges

D) the samurai and educated Confucian elite staffed the state bureaucracy

E) the Diet obtained rights and powers similar to the British parliament

1750-1914 Leaders of Latin American independence revolts were generally

A) monarchists who wanted monarchs to govern their states

B) radicals who supported the ideas of the French Jacobins

C) moderates who wanted some democratic institutions but feared the masses

D) liberals who wanted universal male suffrage

E) conservative republicans who favored the church and rich landowners

1750-1914 Brazil’s independence differed from the rest of Latin America in that it was

A) the result of a successful slave rebellion

B) not supported by the locally-born European population

C) much earlier than the other Latin American revolutions

D) declared and led by the Portuguese regent in Brazil, who became emperor

E) extremely violent with conflicting armies led by different factions

1750-1914 Russia’s 19th-century underdevelopment was most dramatically revealed by

A) the French Revolution’s impact on Russia

B) Napoleon’s invasion of Russia, which nearly succeeded

C) the 1825 Decembrist Revolution

D) The Crimean War

E) the Russo-Japanese War

1750-1914 The nation which threatened Japanese colonial aspirations most in the late 19th and early 20th centuries was

A) Great Britain

B) Russia

C) China

D) Korea

E) the United States

1750-1914 The group that opposed most internal Ottoman reforms in the 19th century was the A) university-led students

B) Christians

C) merchants

D) peasants

E) ruling religious, political, and social elites

1750-1914 “History shows me one way, and one way only, in which a high state of civilization has been produced, namely, the struggle of race, and the survival of the physically and mentally fitter race.”

This statement was most likely made by

A) a Marxist

B) a Social Darwinist

C) a capitalist

D) a follower of the Romantic movement

E) a fundamentalist

1750-1914 All of the following were factors in the clear decline of the Ottoman Empire between the early 18th century and the late 19th century EXCEPT

A. Internal family squabbles within the sultan’s household

B. Loss of central power to provincial governors

C. Excessive risk-taking on the part of the sultans

D. An increasingly technological and aggressive West

E. Restrictions by shari’a law

1750-1914 The Opium War of 1839-1842 resulted in

A. Unequal treaties between Britain and China

B. The fall of the Qing Dynasty

C. The colonization of China

D. An increase in Japanese power

E. The recall of McCartney’s expedition

1750-1914 A direct result of the Sepoy Rebellion of 1857 was

A. French claims in India collapsed

B. Ultimate control of India passed to the British East India Company

C. Britain recognized nationalist demands in India

D. India became a British colony

E. Muslim protests were banned in India

1914-PRES One similarity between World War I and World War II was that both wars were

A. Total wars

B. Fought in giant arenas in the Pacific Ocean and in Europe

C. Fought almost exclusively by Europeans

D. Characterized mainly by trench warfare

E. Fought primarily with mercenary soldiers

1914-PRES One difference between the organization of the League of Nations and the organization of the United Nations was that

A. The United Nations has a mandate system; the League did not

B. Powerful countries had more control over the decisions of the League of Nations

C. More countries belonged to the League than to the United Nations

D. The principle of self-determination is more important to the United Nations than it was to the League

E. The United Nations does not require unanimous decisions; the League of Nations did

1914-PRES Which of the following was NOT a communist?

A. Mao Zedong

B. Vladimir Lenin

C. Joseph Stalin

D. Deng Xiaoping

E. Chiang Kai-shek

1914-PRES “I believe that it must be the policy of the United States to support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures.”

The “outside pressures” in this quote from the Truman Doctrine referred to

A. Germany

B. Japan

C. The Soviet Union

D. China

E. The United States

1914-PRES A major obstacle for the political and economic success of new nations in Africa during the late 20th and early 21st centuries has been

A. The desire by many Africans to reestablish colonial connections

B. Tribal rivalries within and between countries

C. The lack of interest Britain and France have taken in their former colonies

D. The unwillingness of developed countries to include them in international trade networks

E. Their exclusion from membership in the United Nations

1914-PRES The building of the Panama Canal generally impacted the relationship between the United States and Latin American countries by

A. Increasing positive international interactions

B. Increasing tensions

C. Making international interactions less important

D. Creating the basis for regional supranational organizations

E. Increasing the power of Latin American countries

1914-PRES To bring political knowledge to the workers the Social Democrats [Bolsheviks] must go among all classes of the population; they must dispatch units of their army in all directions . . . for it is not enough to call ourselves the vanguard, the advanced contingent; we must act in such a way that all the other contingents recognize and are obliged to admit that we are marching in the vanguard.”

The author of the quote is

A. Vladimir Lenin

B. Karl Marx

C. Otto von Bismarck

D. Napoleon Bonaparte

E. Herbert Spencer

1914-PRES To bring political knowledge to the workers the Social Democrats [Bolsheviks] must go among all classes of the population; they must dispatch units of their army in all directions . . . for it is not enough to call ourselves the vanguard, the advanced contingent; we must act in such a way that all the other contingents recognize and are obliged to admit that we are marching in the vanguard.”

The reasoning in the quote represents a significant revision in the theory of

A. Conservatism

B. Liberalism

C. Fascism

D. Communism

E. Mercantilism

1914-PRES Which of the following was a major goal of Mao Zedong’s Cultural Revolution in China?

A. To increase free market investments in China

B. To promote the competitiveness of Chinese universities

C. To strengthen the scholar-bureaucracy

D. To purify the country to meet his revolutionary goals

E. To discourage population growth

1914-PRES The development of Nelson Mandela’s political philosophy was shaped by his

A. Experience with apartheid

B. High regard for Franklin Roosevelt

C. Success in gaining a high political position at a young age

D. Study of the works of Karl Marx

E. Admiration of colonial governments

1914-PRES The main reason for the signing of the North American Free Trade Agreement was to provide support in Mexico, the United States, and Canada for

A. The development of a common currency

B. A more uniform pricing of products and wages for labor

C. A reduction in tariffs and trade restrictions

D. A more intense trade with Europe

E. The economic unification of the Western Hemisphere

1914-PRES Mikhail Gorbachev and Deng Xiaoping, leaders of Russia and China respectively in the late 20th century, had which of the following in common?

A. Both renounced communist rule

B. Both led movements that promoted ideological purification

C. Both led military revolutions against their governments

D. Both lost control of their governments amidst opposition of their policies

E. Both were reformers that supported an infusion of capitalism into their command economies

1914-PRES One cultural consequence of World War I in Europe and the United States was that it

A. Stimulated a world-wide depression

B. Loosened social restrictions in many urban areas

C. Led to restrictions on the activities of women

D. Encouraged an emphasis on spiritual values

E. Narrowed the rift between urban and rural lifestyles

1914-PRES “What we demand in this war, therefore, is nothing peculiar to ourselves. It is that the world be made fit and safe to live in; and particularly that it be made safe for every peace-loving nation, which, like our own, wishes to live its own life, determine its own institutions, be assured of justice and fair dealing by the other peoples of the world as against force and selfish aggression. All the peoples of the world are in effect partners in this interest, and for our part we see very clearly that unless justice be done to others it will not be done to us.”

The excerpt above from Woodrow Wilson’s “Fourteen Points” explains his belief in the principle of

A. Self-determination

B. Appeasement

C. Isolationism

D. Containment

E. preemption

1914-PRES Which of the following is an accurate description of Japan’s participation in World War II?

A. Japan was neutral during both wars

B. Japan was neutral during WWI and joined the Axis powers during WWII

C. Japan joined the Central powers during WWI and stayed neutral during WWII

D. Japan joined the Central powers during WWI and the Axis powers during WWII

E. Japan joined the Allied powers during WWI and the Axis powers during WWII

1914-PRES Which of the following was NOT an agreement made at the Versailles Conference after World War I?

A. The sole blame for the war was placed on German aggression

B. Germany lost territory to the Allies

C. Germany lost colonial possessions to the mandate system

D. The United States became the founding member of the League of Nations

E. The size of the German military was restricted

1914-PRES In the post-WWI period, the nation the most international capital for other countries to borrow was

A. Britain

B. France

C. The United States

D. Japan

E. Germany

1914-PRES Two factors that most directly influenced the rise of 20th century fascism were

A. Economic depression and communism

B. The collapse of imperialism and self-determination

C. The rise of the United States and the rise of Japan

D. Decolonization and democratization

E. Globalization and fragmentation

1914-PRES The overall atmosphere at the WWII conferences at Tehran, Yalta, and Potsdam was most characterized by

A. The joy of victory over the Axis powers

B. Tensions between the Soviet Union on one side and the U.S. and Britain on the other

C. Plans to form the United Nations

D. Fear that Nazism would take over the Allied countries in the post-war era

E. Trust and cooperation among the major Allied countries

1914-PRES The “Iron Curtain” speech defined politics at the beginning of

A. World War I

B. World War II

C. The Cold War

D. The Vietnam War

E. The post-Cold War era

1914-PRES Which of the following statements accurately compares Mao Zedong to Deng Xiaoping?

A. Mao was a communist; Deng Xiaopeng was not

B. Mao wished to keep capitalism out of China; Deng supported a gradual infusion of capitalism

C. Mao led China before it became the People’s Republic of China; Deng was a leader of the People’s Republic of China

D. Mao supported a directly elected legislature for China; Deng Xiaopeng did not

E. Neither Mao nor Deng supported contact nor trade with western countries

1914-PRES In Turkey, the policies of Mustapha Kemal (Ataturk) created a deep divide between

A. Sunnis and Shi’a

B. The bureaucracy and the military

C. Islamic law and secularism

D. The western and eastern parts of the country

E. The young and the old

1914-PRES In Iran the Revolution of 1979 brought a government into power that emphasized

A. Secularism

B. Islamic fundamentalism

C. International trade

D. Democratic political institutions

E. The power of the Shah

1914-PRES All of the following were left-leaning political leaders in Latin America EXCEPT:

A. Augusto Pinochet

B. Fidel Castro

C. Che Guevara

D. Salvador Allende

E. Lazaro Cardenas

1914-PRES Fascism, decolonization, racism, genocide, and the breakup of the Soviet Union are all 20th-century examples of

A. Globalization

B. Fragmentation

C. Supranationalism

D. Social reform

E. Nationalism

1914-PRES The 20th-century human rights movement differed from many earlier social reform movements in that it has attempted to

A. Limit individual rights to industrialized nations

B. Emphasize rights of people in countries at war

C. Work exclusively through national governments

D. Focus especially on racial discrimination

E. Universalize individual rights to apply to all human beings

1914-PRES The basis for social class distinctions in post-modern times is more likely than in earlier times to be

A. Land

B. Knowledge

C. Political status

D. Money

E. Gender

1914-PRES A “mixed economy” is one that

A. Is growing in some areas but shrinking in others

B. Mixes elements of command and market economies

C. Is market-based but is regulated by the government

D. Experiences marketization but not privatization

E. Combines both international and domestic trade

1914-PRES The policy of glasnost proved to be a dangerous policy for the Soviet Union because it

A. Encouraged open discussion and criticism of the government

B. Democratized the institutions of government

C. Infused capital into the economy

D. Allowed for emigration to other countries

E. Allowed the military to have policy-making power

1914-PRES According to dependency theory, a country’s greatest barrier to economic development is usually

A. Lack of educational opportunities for ordinary citizens

B. Tradition

C. High levels of corruption among political leaders

D. Exploitation by more developed countries

E. A weak infrastructure to support economic activities

1914-PRES After the founding of the People’s Republic of China, Mao Zedong based his first model for economic development most closely on the model provided by

A. Taiwan

B. Japan

C. The Soviet Union

D. The Qing Dynasty

E. India

1914-PRES After independence in 1947, South Asia was partitioned into different countries based primarily on

A. Natural geographic boundaries

B. Economic development

C. Political differences

D. Religious identities

E. Language groups

1914-PRES Which of the following was NOT established as a communist country during the 20th century?

A. People’s Republic of China

B. Cuba

C. U.S.S.R.

D. Brazil

E. Vietnam

1914-PRES In the years just prior to WWI the spirit of nationalism that inspired many people in eastern Europe to fight for their independence expressed itself as

A. Self-determination

B. Entangling alliances

C. Protectionism

D. Appeasement

E. containment

1914-PRSE “All of the great civilizations of the past died out because contamination of their blood caused them to become decadent . . . . In other words, in order to protect a certain culture, the type of human who created the culture must be preserved. But such preservation is tied to the inalterable law of the necessity and right of victory of the best and the strongest . . . .”

The philosophy expressed in this excerpt was used to justify the

A. urge of kulaks

B. Russian Revolution of 1917

C. Independence movements of the 1950s and 1960s

D. Holocaust

E. Use of the atomic bomb in 1945

1914-PRSE Passive resistance is a method employed in a 20th-century independence movement by

A. Ho Chi Minh

B. Mohandas Gandhi

C. Gamel Abdel Nasser

D. Fidel Castro

E. Salvador Allende

1914-PRES Which of the following is the BEST single reason why women in many western nations were granted suffrage rights in 1918 and the years that followed?

A. The election of large numbers of women to legislatures

B. The defeat of authoritarian governments during WWI

C. The large number of women who worked in traditional male jobs during WWI

D. The growing influence of socialism

E. The conscription of women into the armed forces during WWI

1914-PRES “His Majesty’s Government view with favor the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people and will use their best endeavors to facilitate the achievement of that object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine.”

The government that is making promises in the above document is

A. France

B. Russia

C. Iran

D. China

E. Britain

1914-PRES “His Majesty’s Government view with favor the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people and will use their best endeavors to facilitate the achievement of that object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine.”

Although the promises were not immediately kept, they eventually resulted in the establishment of

A. Palestine

B. Israel

C. Lebanon

D. Syria

E. Iraq

1914-PRES The provisions of the Versailles treaty that followed WWI treated eastern Europe and the Middle East differently in that

A. Eastern European countries were made mandates of the League of Nations, but most of the areas in the Middle East were kept as colonies

B. New eastern European countries were created based on the principle of self-determination, but all Middle Eastern countries were designated as mandates

C. Eastern European ethnic groups were kept under the control of large empires, but Middle Eastern countries were split up based on ethnicities

D. Countries in both areas were governed under the mandate system, but eastern European nationalities had more hope of someday becoming independent countries

E. New eastern European countries were created based on the principle of self-determination, but Middle Eastern nationalities either had to struggle for their independence or was designated as mandates

1914-PRES The Russian Revolution of 1917 and the Chinese regime change in 1949 both resulted in the

A. Creation of a communist state

B. Restoration of a hereditary monarchy

C. Purification of an existing dominant ideology

D. Transfer of power to leaders from other countries

E. Almost immediate improvement in the countries’ economies

1914-PRES After World War II, the hegemony of western Europe was broken and replaced by

A. Hegemony of supranational organizations

B. Hegemony of Japan and China

C. Competition between Russia and countries of the Middle East for control

D. Competition between the U.S. and the Soviet Union

E. Cooperative hegemony of the United States and Great Britain

1914-PRES One important impact of WWII on the African continent was

A. Colonization by European powers

B. A substantial reduction in overall population

C. The establishment of many new communist countries

D. Decolonization

E. The strengthening of national militaries

1914-PRES Which of the following 20th-century ideologies was directly supportive of equality between men and women?

A. Communism

B. Fascism

C. Self-determination

D. Protectionism

E. Appeasement

1914-PRES Which of the following countries was LEAST negatively impacted by the Great Depression?

A. Germany

B. The United States

C. France

D. Mexico

E. The U.S.S.R.

1914-PRES Which of the following is the BEST description of political trends in the era between WWI and WWII?

A. Many more countries became democratic

B. A number of political systems in industrialized nations became decidedly more authoritarian

C. Communist social movements weakened considerably

D. Many countries returned to rule by hereditary monarchies

E. The international influence of European imperialist powers increased significantly

1914-PRES World War II was different from the previous wars because it

A. Was the first total war

B. Made use of limited warfare

C. Was fought primarily in trenches

D. Blurred the distinction between military and civilian

E. Was the first to use machine gun and tank technology

1914-PRES The Truman Doctrine was an expression of the U.S. foreign policy of

A. Isolationism

B. Containment

C. Détente

D. Preemption

E. appeasement

1914-PRES In 1978 Deng Xiaoping began a gradual but dramatic change in China by introducing

A. communism

B. the Great Leap Forward

C. the socialist market economy

D. the Cultural Revolution

E. military rule



What did all of the areas north and east of the heavy black line have in common between 1917 and 1991?

A. They were all part of the Soviet Union

B. They were all part of the Commonwealth of Independent States

C. They were separated from countries on the other side of the line by the Iron Curtain

D. They all shared a common majority ethnicity

E. The Russian Orthodox Church was the official religion in all areas

1914-PRES Which of the following was an important difference between 20th-century nationalist movements in China and India?

A. China’s nationalism was more focused on equity for ordinary peasants

B. India’s leaders put more emphasis on the use of violence to achieve their goals

C. India’s leaders rejected capitalism; China’s leaders did not

D. China’s government was more centralized than India’s especially during the early part of the century

E. Communism was a central feature of China’s struggles but not for nationalist assertions in India

1914-PRES Which of the following countries in Africa received its independence BEFORE the post-WWII decolonization period?

A. Libya

B. Nigeria

C. Egypt

D. Kenya

E. Ghana

1914-PRES Which of the following did Latin American countries have in common with Third World countries of Asia and Africa during the mid-to-late 20th century?

A. European countries and the United States had few investments in any of these areas

B. All experienced successful democratization movements

C. Elites in all places were often in close contact with capitalist countries

D. Most has authoritarian governments led by elites

E. All areas experienced rapid decolonization

1914-PRES Which of the following areas in the world was LEAST impacted by the Green Revolution of the late 20th century?

A. China

B. Southeast Asia

C. The Middle East

D. Latin America

E. Sub-Saharan Africa


1914-PRES All of the following were results of World War II EXCEPT:

A. the loss of colonial empires by European nations

the creation of new states in Europe

B. Japan’s adoption of a democratic constitution

C. The positioning of the United States as a world power

D. The adoption of the United Nations charter

1914-PRES “Perestroika is an urgent necessity arising from the profound processes of development in our socialist society. This society is ripe for change.”

Which of the following spoke the words above?

49 Adolph Hitler

B. Lenin

C. Karl Marx

D. Boris Yeltsin

Mikhail Gorbachev

1914-PRES All of these factors contributed to the severity of the Great Depression EXCEPT:

A. the reparations demanded of Germany after World War I

B. the Stock Market Crash in the United States

agricultural underproduction

C. protective tariffs

D. unemployment

1914-PRES After World War II, the influence and power of which world region declined?

A. United States

B. Soviet Union

C. Asia

Western Europe

D. Africa

1914-PRES Which of the following statements most accurately describes why the United States and other European nations did not stop Hitler before a war could begin?

A. None of the countries had the money or resources after the Great Depression to

arm themselves should Hitler fight back

B. These nations were still trying to revive from the Great Depression and paid little

attention to Hitler

C. These nations were reluctant to make munitions makers any wealthier by rearming

D. The United States adopted a policy of isolation after World War I and determined to let Europe deal with its own problems

E. Appalled by the destructiveness of modern war, these nations were reluctant to engage in actions that might bring about another war

1914- PRES Which of the following is the most accurate description of the fundamental difference that lay behind what Woodrow Wilson expected from the treaty ending World War I and what the Allies wanted?

A. The Allies wanted reparations from Germany, and Wilson Opposed them

B. Establishment of the League of Nations was of less importance to Wilson than it was to the British and French representatives to Versailles

C. Wilson wanted autonomy and independence for various eastern European nations affected by the war, whereas the Allies had secretly agreed during the war to divide up these territories when they won the war

D. Wilson wanted a peace that would not lead to another war, whereas the Allies wanted revenge

E. Wilson was hampered by the need to negotiate a treaty that would pass the Senate, whereas the Allies had no political concerns

1914-PRES All of the following statements are true about the status of women in developing nations EXCEPT:

A. the rights and freedom of action of women in nations that have become fundamentalist Islamic states have declined

B. women in developing nations have lower life expectancy rates than women in industrialized nations

C. in general, while higher education may be open to all women, it is only women of the upper class in developing nations who are able to attend

D. most women in developing nations spend their time in child care and providing for their families

E. women readily take advantage of newly gained legal and civil rights in these nations

1914-PRES Which of the following is the most accurate description of the world economy in the late twentieth century?

A. The decolonization of the African continent made little difference in who was in


B. The West – now Europe and the United States-continues to dominate world trade, as it has done since the globalization of the economy in the 1500’s

C. Latin American nations moved from the statues of dependent economies to equal partners in the world trading arena

D. Japan has taken on a major role in the world economy

E. GATT has poured billions of dollars into the economies of various nations to shore up their national governments

1914-PRES Which of the following is the most accurate description of twentieth-century revolutions?

A. Revolutions in the twentieth century generally resulted from movements to restore

power to the traditional ruling elite

B. Twentieth-century revolutions were generally based on some ideal, such as nationalism or communism

C. By the end of the century, the movement known as Islamic fundamentalism had become the predominant force for change in Southwest Asia and South Asia

D. The Mexican Revolution is an example of a revolutionary action taken by peasants against the wealthy, especially large landowners

E. The Cuban revolution was atypical of twentieth-century revolutions in that it sought to replace one autocratic ruler with another

1914-PRES Which of the following problems that Latin American nations face today has its roots in colonial times?

A. Population explosion

Uneven distribution of wealth

B. Urbanization

C. Lack of natural resources

D. Hostile natural environment

1914-PRES How did Stalin’s view of Communism differ from that of Lenin?

A) Lenin was only interested in the Russian Revolution and did not visualize any further revolutionary process

B) Lenin was more interested in including a broad swath of the Russian population in the Communist movement

C) Stalin concentrated on a strongly nationalist version of Communism

D) Stalin was not a member of the Communist party

E) their views did not differ

1914-PRES All of the following are similarities between Nazi Germany and China under Mao EXCEPT

A) they both targeted youth

B) they strongly appealed to nationalistic sentiments

C) they used scapegoating of certain groups

D) both leaders portrayed themselves as the embodiment of the state

E) they both used organized religion to unify the people

1914-PRES All of these themes are typical of the 20th century in world history EXCEPT

A) increased national sentiment

B) increased religious revivalism

C) rapid and fundamental changes

D) increasing cross-cultural contacts and connections

E) continuing dominance of the world by western powers

1914-PRES After WWII, the increase in the internationalism was best represented by

A) the rise to prominence of the U.S. and the U.S.S.R.

B) the victory of the communists in the China Civil War

C) the United Nations and its organizations and activities

D) the willing breakup of the colonial empires by the European powers

E) the U.S.’s end of its isolationism in international affairs

1914-PRES The chief stimulus for the collapse of western colonial rule and influence in the Pacific rim was

A) due to the communist victory in the Chinese Civil War in 1949

B) due to the British grant of independence to India in 1947

C) caused by the initial Japanese defeat of the western colonial powers

D) the American insistence during WWII that Europe grant its colonies independence E) the Russian invasion of Asian colonial territories during WWII

1914-PRES The major Latin American social or cultural change between 1914 and 1945 was A) the rise of a politically-influential middle class and activist worker movements B) the increasing “Indianization” of Latin American countries and cultures

C) the enfranchisement of minorities and women

D) the immigration of millions of Africans to Latin America

E) the spread of Pentecostal Christians throughout Latin America

1914-PRES Throughout 20th century Latin America, the people most often excluded from influence or socially marginalized were the

A) intellectuals, especially writers and artists

B) clergy, especially Roman Catholic priests and nuns

C) indigenous peoples and descendants of African slaves

D) peasants and rural landowners

E) workers and miners

1914-PRES Most problems affecting modern states in postcolonial Africa and Asia can be traced to

A) overpopulation

B) industrialization

C) continuing neo-colonialism

D) linguistic, cultural and religious differences

E) international warfare

1914-PRES India differs from other ex-colonial 20th century nations such as Pakistan, Egypt, Burma, and Nigeria in that

A) its army constantly intervenes in national politics

B) it has avoided overpopulation

C) it preserved civilian and democratic rule of law since independence

D) it has failed to develop an important industrial and business sector

E) it has avoided sectarian religious strife

1914-PRES The peace settlements after WWI angered Arabs because

A) the Ottoman Empire gained power

B) various Arab lands were put under European control

C) Arab nationalism was outlawed

D) Theodore Herzl was made ruler of Palestine

E) Israel was created

1914-PRES What best describes new social patterns brought by globalization?

A) migration between rich and poor countries has increased

B) international migration has emerged for the first time

C) globally, gaps between the rich and the poor seem to be closing

D) declining birth rates in developing nations have left them at a disadvantage

E) low birth rate countries have encouraged immigration

1914-PRES The earliest result of World War I was the

A) rise of the United States as a great power

B) beginning of European decolonization

C) rise of Japan to great power status

D) Great Depression

E) collapse of all European empires

1914-PRES Which list of revolutions is in the correct order?

A) Iranian, French, Russian, Mexican, Communist China

B) Communist China, Russian, Iranian, French, Mexican

C) French, Russian, Communist China, Iranian, Mexican

D) French, Mexican, Russian, Communist China, Iranian

E) Russian, Mexican, French, Communist China, Iranian

1914-PRES Religious fundamentalism is always

A) Muslim

B) accompanied by suppression of opposing religious groups

C) Christian

D) Hindu

E) an attempt to return to primary texts or traditions

1914-PRES Postwar Korean development has been largely determined by the

A) occupation of the country by China and the Soviet Union

B) division of the peninsula between pro-Soviet and pro-capitalist states

C) long and autocratic rule by the Korean king

D) extreme hunger and poverty of the Korean peoples

E) devastation caused by World War II

ALL Which of the following was a major problem that led to the decline of both the Roman Empire and the Ottoman Empire?

A. Both empires experienced invasions by the Mongols

B. Rivals competed with one another for power

C. Revolutionaries attempted to affect reforms, but their ideas were opposed

D. A downturn in agricultural prices displaced small farmers, thus leading to the emergence of a poor and disaffected urban population.

Neither empire had a clear policy on the succession of the ruler

MULTI What was the major difference between Marxist theory and Lenin’s view of it?

A. Marx saw no limitation to the use of violence to impose his economic theories,

whereas Lenin took a more cautious view, believing that political tools should be

used first

B. Lenin believed that the proletarian revolution could occur without the middle-class phase, whereas Marx saw a more orderly progression through several phases

C. Marx understood that the proletarian revolution could occur without industrialization, whereas Lenin did not

D. Neither man understood that the Russian peasantry was a group that could be cultivated to support a revolutionary movement

E. Marx believed in the need for small groups of committed revolutionaries, known as cells, who could carry out revolutionary activities, whereas Lenin discounted the usefulness of such groups.


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