

|ANNO SCOLASTICO 2020/2021 |



|Talent |

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|Starter A “About us” (presenza) |

|Grammar: Present Simple; adverbs of frequency |

|Vocabulay: verbs of routine |

|Reading: Experince (ex)change! |

|Starter B “My stuff” (presenza) |

|Grammar: There is/are; some/any; a lot of, a little, a few; too much/many, too little/few |

|Vocabulary: technology |

|Reading: Declutter your life! |

|Starter C “School” (DDI) |

|Grammar: Past simple: be and regular and irregular verbs |

|Vocabulary: clothes |

|Reading: Highcroft School |

|Starter D “Friends” (DDI) |

|Grammar. Comparative and superlatives adjectives; (not) as...as |

|Vocabulary: Feelings |

|Reading: TeenLine |

|Unit 1 “Friendship” (DDI) |

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|Grammar: present simple and continuous; present perfect; present perfect with just, already and yet |

|Vocabulary: Adjectives of personality |

|Reading: How to be a good friend; Life Online; Cyberbullying: the shocking facts |

|Unit 2 “Migration” (DDI) |

|Grammar: present perfect simple and continuous. |

|Unit 3 “Entertainment” (DDI) |

|Grammar: Used to and would. |

|Vocabulary: Literary genres |

|Reading: Home entertainment: The way we watch; |

|Vocabulary extension: Adjectives prefixes; Literary idioms |

|Writing extension: How to write a postcard. |


|Urbanisation and Pollution. |

|Reading: The air we breathe. |

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|Grammar in Progress (DDI) |

|Unit 1: il simple present di be; short answers; usi del verbo be; Wh- questions. |

|Unit 2: There is/ there are. |

|Unit 3: i pronomi personali complemento; le proposizioni semplici; usi particolari di be;le condizioni metereologiche; il simple present di|

|have got. |

|Unit 4: il simple present: forma affermativa; il simple present: forme negativa, interrogativa e interrogativa-negativa; short answers; il |

|simple present nelle wh- questions; gli avverbi di frequenza e le espressioni di tempo; le preposizioni e le espressioni di tempo. |

|Unit 5: il simple present di have; have e have got; usi particoalri di have. |

|Unit 7: la forma in -ing; il present continuous; i verbi di stato (stative verbs); il simple present e il present continuous. |

|Unit 10: i sostantivi numerabili e non numerabili. |

|Unit 11: il simple past di be; il simple past: forma affermativa; il simple past: forme negativa, interrogativa e interrogativa-negativa; |

|il simple past nelle wh- questions; usi del simple past; l’abitudine nel passato: used to e would. |

|Unit 14: il present perfect simple; altri usi del present perfect simple; il present perfect simple e il simple past; il present perfect |

|continuous; for, since, ago, la duration form, since for e how long. |

|Unit 15: il comparativo di maggioranza. |

|Educazione civica (DDI) |

|The 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the Agenda 2030 (con i seguenti approfondimenti: Pollution and Civil Rights) |

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|Ulteriori argomenti approfonditi: |

|English speaking countries (presenza); Daily routine (presenza); School timetable (DDI); Christmas in England and around the world/ What is|

|Boxing Day (DDI) |




|Data | 03/06/2021 | |firma Docente |Maria Antonietta Palumbo |

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| | | |firma Studenti |Matteo Bruschi |

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| | | | |Angelo Darius Chisa |


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