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WARD G3/Trauma Stabilisation Unit (TSU)Orthopaedic TraumaElective SurgeryTrauma OrthopaedicsStudent Name:Mentors Name:Ward Telephone Number: 01204 390315Matron: Julie PilkingtonWard Manager: Shirley WhittakerJunior Sisters: Joanne Prescott Laura SimpsonPractice Education Link: Kim AshcroftPractice Education Facilitator: Denise LilleyClinical Educator: Lee GormanUniversity Link: TBCShift Patterns: Most staff now work long days (7.30am-20.00 & 19.30-08.00am). However, this is not compulsory & can be decided & negotiated with your mentor (further information regarding this is later in this booklet). You must ensure that you are working at least 40% of your time with your mentor. Welcome A very warm welcome from all of the team on G3/TSU! We hope that you enjoy your stay with us! We know that the beginning of a new placement can be a very daunting experience & so we are all here to help you to settle in & hopefully have a happy, interesting & beneficial experience. There are many members of the multi-disciplinary team (MDT), working in our area who have a wealth of knowledge & experience, who are here to support, utilise & help you to progress throughout this placement. If you have any questions, queries or problems (anything at all) during your stay – Do not be afraid to ask! We are a team & as our student, you are part of our team. We respect students’ supernumerary status (details regarding this are on our ward student noticeboard), however, as in any area, it is true that the more that you put into an experience, the more you gain from it. An interest & willingness to learn is all that we ask! This booklet is a brief introduction to our area. We hope that you enjoy your stay with us! Introduction to G3/TSUG3: G3 is an 18 bedded ward set out over 2 bays & 4 side wards. Currently we have a bay of female patients & a bay of male patients, with side wards being utilised dependent on patient needs. We are an acute trauma orthopaedic admission ward, receiving admissions 24 hours a day mainly from A&E, plaster theatre, GP referrals & other wards if orthopaedic needs indicate this. However, we do not exclusively nurse orthopaedic patients: dependant on bed pressures we can also nurse patients from other specialities including medical & surgical. Hopefully, you will have the opportunity, & be encouraged, to follow a typical “orthopaedic patient” through their journey ie a hip fracture journey. For example: from admission to theatre, to the subsequent work of the MDT working together to achieve the best outcomes for individuals. The spoke placements that you attend & journey that you follow will be dependent on your stage of training & learning outcomes; which can all be discussed with your mentor at the beginning of your placement.TSU (Trauma Stabilisation Unit) Our TSU nurses 6 male patients. The female equivalent is based on Ward G4. These patients are individuals who have sustained orthopaedic injuries but who also have more medical issues/are more at risk of developing medical problems. We aim to admit, if possible, our fractured neck of femur (broken hip) patients into these units due to complications that can arise due to their orthopaedic & often medical complications. These units do not offer a higher level/tier of care ie as HDU/ICU do, however, the individuals in these units do benefit from a daily ward round & input from our orthogeriatrician consultant, Dr Jenny Ruddlesdin, during the week; & medical registrar/Nurse practitioner input, if required, at weekends. Staffing levels also aim to be higher than a typical ward setting in these areas. Principles in regards to following a patient journey are the same as outlined for the ward (G3) G3/TSU Ward Philosophy of Care The purpose of G3/TSU, is to provide a multidisciplinary team approach when planning & implementing care to patients with orthopaedic & associated problems following trauma & elective surgery; based on appropriate evidence & up to date research. We recognise the expertise & value of other disciplines, & communicate & work with them to achieve the best possible care for our patients. We also recognise that our colleagues are human beings with their own lives, problems & limitations; which we aim to support & understand. All patient care is holistic & centred on the individual & significant others, taking into account their activities of daily, prior to & during their stay on G3/TSU. All staff are available to offer help & advice, information & support to patients & their relatives. Physical, emotional, spiritual & psychological support & care is available to all concerned. We aim to bring our patients back to their optimum level of independence & ability. We will endeavour to keep terminally ill patients as pain free as possible; respecting values, beliefs & decisions; allowing a peaceful & dignified death.NHS Placement CharterThis Charter demonstrates the Placement’s commitment to provide a safe and high quality learning environment for all learners to prepare them for their future roles working collaboratively in multi-professional teams. The ‘Placement Pledges’ and the ‘Rights, Roles and Responsibilities of learners’ instil the values embedded within the NHS Constitution (DH 2013) and Health Education England’s NHS Education Outcomes Framework (DH 2012).Placement Pledges:Ensure all learners are welcomed, valued and provided with an inclusive, safe, stimulating and supportive learning experience.Promote a healthy and ‘just’ workplace culture built on openness and accountability, encouraging all learners to raise any concerns they may have about poor practice or ‘risk’, including unacceptable behaviours and attitudes they observe at the earliest reasonable opportunity. Respond appropriately when concerns are raised.Provide all learners with a named and appropriately qualified / suitably prepared mentor / placement educator to supervise support and assess all learners during their placement experience.Provide role modelling and leadership in learning and working, including the demonstration of core NHS ‘values and behaviours’ of care and compassion, equality, respect and dignity, promoting and fostering those values in others.Facilitate a learner’s development, including respect for diversity of culture and values around collaborative planning, prioritisation and delivery of care, with the learner as an integral part of the multi-disciplinary team.Facilitate breadth of experience and inter-professional learning in placements, structured with the patient, service user and carer at the centre of care delivery, e.g. patient care pathways and commissioning frameworks.Adopt a flexible approach, utilising generic models of learner support, information, guidance, feedback and assessment across the placement circuit in order to support the achievement of placement learning outcomes for all learners.Offer a learning infrastructure and resources to meet the needs of all learners, ensuring that all staff who supervise learners undertake their responsibilities with the due care and diligence expected by their respective professional and regulatory body and organisation.Respond to feedback from all learners on the quality of the placement experience to make improvements for all learners.Rights, Roles and Responsibilities of learners:Prepare adequately for the placement, including contact with the placement in advance. Disclose any health or learning needs that may impact on the placement, or the achievement of learning outcomes.Raise any serious concerns about poor practice or ‘risk’, including unacceptable behaviours and attitudes observed at the earliest opportunity. Be clear who to report any concerns to in order to ensure that high quality, safe care to patients / service users and carers is delivered by all staff.Actively engage as an independent learner, discuss learning outcomes with an identified named mentor / placement educator, and maximise all available learning opportunities.Observe effective leadership behaviour of healthcare workers, and learn the required NHS ‘values and behaviours’ of care and compassion, equality, respect and dignity, promoting and fostering those values in others.Be proactive and willing to learn with, from and about other professions, other learners and with service users and carers in the placement. Demonstrate respect for diversity of culture and values, learning and working as part of the multi-disciplinary team.Maximise the opportunity to experience the delivery of care in a variety of practice settings, and seek opportunities to learn with and from patients, service users and carers.Ensure effective use of available support, information and guidance, reflect on all learning experiences, including feedback given, and be open and willing to change and develop on a personal and professional ply with placement policies, guidelines and procedures, and uphold the standards of conduct, performance and ethics expected by respective professional and regulatory bodies and organisations.Evaluate the placement to inform realistic improvements, ensuring that informal and formal feedback is provided in an open and constructive manner.Student nurses can refer to the ward Student Nurse Noticeboard/Intranet/University Documents for information regarding Uniform Policy & Supernumerary statusUseful Information Regarding Placements:Students do not work bank holidays: take 7.5 hours off their working week for each bank holiday that occursLong Days: University Advice:*University of Salford: Not advised to work long days but can be worked if is the placements normal shift pattern*The University of Manchester (Diploma): Can be worked if is the placements normal shift pattern to a max of 1 per week if it is educationally driven*The University of Manchester (Degree): Not advised to work long days but can be asked to work one per placement with their mentor*MMU: Can be worked if is the placements normal shift patternWeekends: University Advice:*University of Salford: Maximum of 2 weekends in 4*The University of Manchester (Diploma): Max of 1 0r 2 weekends in 4*The University of Manchester (Degree): Can be asked to work one weekend per placement*MMU: Max of 2 weekends in 4Sickness & Absence: Must inform placement area & University of sickness/absence. If have diarrhoea or vomiting: must be clear of this/these for 48 hours before resuming placementStudent nurses are encouraged to utilise the Trust Intranet if they feel that this will benefit their learning & development. On induction to the Trust, each student should be given an application form for their intranet login details with instructions of how to obtain this by the Practice Education Facilitator Team. It is the students responsibility to ensure that this is completed in order to allow them intranet accessIf students wish, we can arrange for them to complete a short project whilst on placement for which they can attend the library & utilise the facilities there for half a shift per week. The topic of the project must be related to learning goals with clear objectives & outcomes defined; the format & presentation can be discussed with their mentor.Students must ensure that they are arranging & documenting their off duty with their mentor; & must ensure that 40% of their time is spent with their mentorPlease review the Student Notice Board regularly for information on student forums etcEnsure that initial, midpoint & final assessments are arranged with your mentor in a timely fashion; & that you have read & are prepared for your initial meeting with your mentor in order to facilitate your learning furtherAll students must have a ward orientation within their first 24 hours of commencing placement; please inform a member of nursing staff/sister if this is not completedOrthopaedic Consultants & InitialsMr Jarrett (JWJ)Mr Ryan (WGR)Mr Warner (JGW)Mr Wykes (PRW)Mr Watmough (PJW)Miss Mulgrew (EVM)Mr Wilson (JDW)Mr Mace (JM)Mr Wall (AW)Mr Sultan (JS)Dr Ruddlesdin (JR): Orthogeriatrician ConsultantEach orthopaedic consultant has a Registrar & FY2 doctor working with/for them. Their bleep numbers are up on the boards behind the nurses station & in the office. Your mentor will discuss how patients are allocated to consultants & the system for obtaining clinical reviews.How to bleep:Pick up the telephone & press 8: listen to the instructionsWhen asked to, press the 4 digit bleep number for the person you wish to bleep immediately followed by the four digit number of the telephone from which you are bleeping fromWait until it has been confirmed that your bleep has been acceptedPut the phone down & wait for the person to ring you backYear One Learning Journey IdeasAim to have 1-2 patients allocated to you at the commencement of each shift (consider learning needs for the patients you choose)Trust Workbooks:Admitting a Patient to HospitalSafe Administration of MedicinesInfection ControlMental Health In the Older AdultKey & Clinical Skills BookletsPLEASE REFER TO THE YEAR ONE LEARNING JOURNEY RESOURCE FILE FOR MORE IDEAS/BOOKLETS/SPOKES/REFLECTIONSSpokes:Physiotherapist:Day 1 hip surgery patients, chest physio, stair practice, bed transfers, outreach physio, daily MDT meetingOccupational Therapist (OT):AMT assessment 3-4/7 post op, initial assessments, environmental visits, kitchen practice, dressing practice, daily MDT meetingSocial Worker:Complete & fax a written referral, observe an assessment on the ward. Weekly MDT (Multidisciplinary Team) Meeting:Monday afternoons in the ward dayroom (usually commence at 1/2pmDischarge Coordinator:Continuing healthcare (CHC) process, Length of Stay (LOS) meetings & hospital delays, simple & complex discharges, liasing with district nurses (strong links with community), discharge planning meetings, best interest meetings, bed manager role at times, patient flow issues, trouble shooting discharges, work with social workers often.Intermediate Care (IMC):Your mentor can arrange this for you if they have the capacity to take you whilst on placement with us. Complete a written referral for IMCTheatre Induction:From Year 1 Semester 3, mentors can arrange this for you (must be completed before can spoke in theatre). Previous students strongly advise that you do this at the earliest opportunity as they only take place every so oftenWard Pharmacist:Attend a half day with after you have completed the Safe Administration of Medications Booklet & become familiar with the basics of this process & the Trust wardexOrthopaedic Outpatients & Fracture Clinic:Can observe a variety of pre & post admission situations & a wide range of patients including childrenAttend a Dementia Friends Session:Become/register as a dementia friend online & then attend a session (the Trust are currently running these: they will be displayed on our student notice board)Attend Coroners Court:Search Bolton Coroners Court on google & find out what hearings are due for the week that you wish to attend: choose days with mainly hospital cases as you can then reflect on processes being discussed. Previous students have preferred to attend with a group of students for support. Ring & give the court your details so that they know that you will be attendingCheck the Crash Trolley with your mentor at least once (short check any day & the full check on a Wednesday)WITH EACH OF THE ABOVE, IN ORDER TO ENSURE MEANINGFUL LEARNING EXPERIENCES THAT LINK THEORY TO PRACTICE, IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU UTILISE A REFLECTION TOOL IE KOLB, GIBBS ETC TO REFLECT ON & MAKE SENSE OF THE LEARNING THAT YOU HAVE GAINED FROM THESE EXPERIENCES & HOW THEY FIT INTO YOUR LEARNING JOURNEY & WHY…& HOW YOU WILL PROGRESS FROM HEREPLEASE ENSURE THAT YOU ARE WELL PLANNED FOR SPOKE PLACEMENTS WITH LEARNING GOALS INSITUYear 2 Student Journey ActivitiesEach shift, have a consistent caseload of 2-4 patientsConsider the differences between trauma & elective admissions:Trauma:Complete the Trust’s “Admitting a Patient to Hospital” booklet (if haven’t already)Complete admissions considering all aspects of Harm Free Care, risk assessments, care planning: consider all aspects of the nursing processComplete a Practice Key Performance Indicator (KPI) audit for your patients (ask PEL)Attend a coroners court & reflect on why documentation & following policies is important (PEL can arrange)Attend a Harm Free Care panel with manager/sister on a Friday morning & look at Root Cause Analysis (RCA) & SBAR tool related to this: & how the outcome & learning is fed back to ward staffLearn how to complete a clinical incident online & whyRead the SBAR file & ward information fileElective:Spoke placement in pre assessment clinic (Bolton One)Complete a shift on G5Theatre:Complete theatre induction ASAP (if haven’t already done so)Complete a day in orthopaedic theatre; reflect on in regards to A&P & future patient management (care in recovery & handover needs to ward to ensure safety)Nutrition:Spoke with dietician/SALT (have goals)Ask ward link nurses about current practice/auditsLearn how to access blood results via lab system onlineFocus on risk assessments & interventions utilised in practice to monitor/improve nutrition (nursing process)NG exposure: ? spoke with nutritional nurse, Sue Ellis, or E3/E4 if appropriateConsider areas in regards to nutrition for the following types of patients (both pre & post op): dementia/delirium, diabetics, SALT precautions, older patients, gluten/lactose intolerant, culture issues/fastingOther Communication:Gain experience & confidence in handing over your patients in safety huddles & MDTsLearn how to use ExtramedCarry out the Trust’s Deteriorating Patient booklet & learn how to follow policy: become familiar with using SBAR to communicate assessments/concerns to relevant MDTExposure to Mental Health/Vulnerable Adults:Spoke with RAID (must have goals)Spoke with dementia nurse (must have goals)Attend In House dementia friends sessionSpoke with discharge coordinator (Best Interests Meetings etc, DOLs)Access NICE guidelines re fractured hips and delirium.Challenging situations:Spoke with PALs.Attend coroner’s court.Attend harm free care meeting.Spoke with matron (if appropriate and have goals)Look at friends and family feedback for ward (on exemplar board) and reflect on this.Read relevant policies and reflect on them.Read SBAR file and ward information file.Learn how manager responds to clinical incidents and discuss duty of candour.Sexual Boundaries:Read relevant policies including chaperoning.Reflect on one of your patients and how policies relate/could relate to them.Year 3 Learning Journey ActivitiesEach shift have a consistent caseload of 4-8 patientsMedication Management:Be fully involved in all aspects, as appropriate, for your patientsSpoke with ward pharmacist: learning outcomes to consider:NBM policy & medicationsOrdering, receiving, storing medications including controlled drugs, stock items, patients regular medications, emergency drug cupboard items, PGDs, covert administration, self medicating policy, escalation policies/actions to take with medication errors/reactionsREMEMBER, that you will soon be qualified & the above will be your responsibility; take this opportunity to learn about the above & learn to complete the above in this learning period: IT IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT. Your mentors & MDT can help you to do this; alongside your access to Trust & National Policies: it may be useful to make your own flow chart for how to deal with each of the above & keep them in a file & immerse yourself in dealing with the above (as appropriate) as much as possible in this student periodPractice correct ANTT technique: practice educators could assist with this (in regards to medication prep)Attend a Length of Stay meeting with matron/manager & discharge coordinator (Thursday)Attend Bed Meetings (12 in G3 dayroom) with senior nurse on shiftAttend a Coroners Court Spoke with Trauma Coordinator (have goals)Spoke with discharge coordinator (have goals)Observe a clinical incident form being completed online/participate in completing this if appropriateComplete a Root Cause Analysis (RCA) with manager & learn how to present this as an SBARRead the SBAR file & ward information fileFully immerse self in delivering handovers, safety huddle, MDT (daily & full on Mondays), ward, ward rounds, telephone, SBARs, post opBecome familiar with using Extramed: updating, discharge dates, printing, moving patients, finding patientsBecome familiar with utilising the lab system onlineIf you feel that it would be beneficial, you can spoke with the CCG (ask PEL)Be fully involved in the discharge process especially in regards to medication management: become familiar with ascribe & processes usedBe aware of processes utilised in regards to end of life care; especially medications: spoke with Macmillan nurses if appropriateBecome familiar with medical devices in regards to medicine administration: practice educators could assist with thisConsider care of substance misuse in patients: be aware of BIDAS (? If can spoke with) & policy/policies in regards to this ie COW assessment/methadone prescription; & the needs of these individuals in regards to analgesiaConsider spoke placement with the pain team (must have goals)Consider spoke with the alcohol nurse: consider aspects such as assessment/regimes, referrals, DOLsOther Spokes/Activities you should be able to do:Know the Ward/Trust aims:Access the Trust website & update self on aimsBecome aware of areas such as Harm Free Care/Safety Thermometer, CQUINs, Key Performance Indicators (KPI), Exemplar programme etcBe aware of audits carried out in this area, by whom, when & why..we have practice forms that you can carry out (ask PEL)Attend a Harm Free Care Panel with ward manager ( Fridays)Reflective Practice RecordHub Placement – OrthopaedicsWard G3/TSUStudents Aims & Objectives choose, or formulate your own:Students to also highlight personal aims:To obtain an understanding of the roles & responsibilities for other groups of Professionals involved in the patients journeyTo gain a more in depth understanding of Care Management in the wider context of the ward areaTo gain a better understanding of the anatomy & physiology of orthopaedic patients undergoing surgeryTo enable me to enhance my previous knowledge of surgical patientsTo enable me to understand the referral process for ward admissionTo gain an insight into pain management & its importance on recoveryOutcomes of ExperienceDiscuss which learning objectives where met & reflect on all objectives & their application/impact to your practiceUseful Orthopaedic Abbreviations:#NOF: Fractured neck of femur (hip)ORIF: Open Reduction Internal Fixation: stabilisation of broken bone using pins &/ platesTHR: Total Hip Replacement: both ball & socket are replaced with an artificial joint called a prosthesisHemi: Hemiarthroplasty (hemi=half): the hemi replaces only the ball portion of the hipPFN: Proximal Femoral Nail: an expandable nail is used in the shaft (shaft=femur bone) along with a peg for stabilityIM Nailing: intramedullary nailing: a nail is inserted into the medullary canal (middle of bone) then expanded within the canalDHS: Dynamic Hip Screw: a screw is placed at the top of the femur just below the ball & socketTKR: Total Knee Replacement: Total joint replaced by a prosthesisDVR Plate (locking plate): used to stabilise & aid in fusion or repair of fractureACL reconstruction: Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: The knee is held together with 4 ligaments, 2 ligaments cross inside the knee (anterior cruciate ligaments)-these attach to the end of the femur & tibia (shin bone)FRC : Focused Rigidity Cast: replacing Plaster of Paris (POP) & is lighter for the patientCSM: Colour, Sensation, MovementEUA: Examination Under AnaesthesiaMUA: Manipulation Under AnaesthesiaExt Fix: External FixationI&D: Incision & DrainageT&S: Toilet & Suturing#:FractureCompartment Syndrome: pressure within muscle. This prevents nourishment from reaching nerve & muscle cells caused by bleeding or swelling. Muscles are covered by tough membrane (fascia) which does not readily expand. This unit is called a compartment. The only real treatment of this is a fasciotomy.Prescription Directions:NOCTE: NightMANE: MorningOD: Once dailyBD: Twice dailyTDS: Three times dailyQDS: Four times dailyPRN: When requiredTTOs: To Take Out medications (in regards to discharge medications)Suggested ReadingAgain, this list is not exhaustive. Here are some of the areas that you can access/research in order to aid your development with us & nursing in general.Royal Bolton Hospital Intranet: local policies & protocols, PEF (Practice Education Facilitator) area for teaching/learning packsNMC website (guidelines & NMC Fitness for Practice Hearings)NICE website (guidelines): especially related to falls, fractured neck of femurs, dementia & deliriumDOH (Department of Health) websiteDOH: in particular in regards to Harm Free Care, CQUINs, 6Cs of NursingRCN (Royal College of Nursing) websiteRoper, Logan & Tierney 12 Activities of Daily Living Assessment Framework: Consider the pathophysiology of someone with a hip fracture, how individuals conditions have affected/affect their health, how this has brought them into hospital, & actual & potential problems that they may faceRoyal Bolton Hospital Internet site : current information & plans regarding the TrustCQC Website : Care Quality Commission ................

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