October 4, 2005

Grace Lutheran Church

Council Meeting

September 10, 2013

Preliminary Matters:

1. Jim Jorgenson called the meeting to order. Members present were Jane Hass, Gene Kronback, Bruce Gundermann, Marvin Sorenson, and Linda Carter. Also present was Pastor Dave.

2. Devotions were given by Gene Kronback.

3. The secretary’s report: The secretary’s report was approved on a motion by Gene Kronback and seconded by Bruce Gundermann. Motion carried unanimously.

4. The treasurer’s report was approved on a motion by Marvin Sorenson and seconded by Gene Kronback. The motion carried unanimously.

5. Pastor’s Report:

a. Provided funeral services for Keith Weis at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church in Dovray.

b. Attended a Preaching Seminar in Redwood Falls.

c. Attended the Safe Boundaries Workshop in Willmar.

d. Wednesday Morning Bible Study has now been moved to Peterson Estates at 10:00 am.

6. Committee Reports:

a. Deacon/Memorial Committee: Two Chalices have been ordered. They were donated in memory of Clarence Hass and Twilia H. (Maydelle Kronback’s sister).

b. Parish Ed met to layout the year for Sunday School. Bibles will be given to the 3rd graders on Sunday, September 29, 2013.

c. Worship Committee met to setup the service schedule for the rest of 2013. They also scheduled a healing service for Sunday, September 29, 2013.

Old Business:

1. Chalices. See above notation in the committee reports.

New Business:

1. Health Care – We will be reviewing our current plan during the next 30 days.

2. Correspondence with Lutheran Social Services. The letter is asking us to plan for support for 2014. We will review at the next meeting.

3. Next meeting will be October 8, 2013.


1. Jane Hass made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Marvin Sorenson seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

2. The meeting was closed with the Lord’s Prayer.

Linda Carter, Council Secretary

Volunteers Needed!

Do you have 90 minutes to spare during the week or the month? Mary & Martha’s Pantry is in need of volunteers to help distribute food to the people who need to use the pantry. Training will be provided. Won’t you consider giving back to the community in this way? Thank you for helping out our neighbors.

Let us know

If you know of someone who is hospitalized or at home and would like the pastor or a member of our Grace family to visit, please call June at the church office 274-5572 or 274-6558.

Prayer Concerns

Pray for Bertha Deutschman, Betty Jensen, Clara Lohse, Isabel Nibbe and all those with on-going needs.

Your council

All meetings of the council are open to anyone who would like to attend. If you have a concern or comment, please feel free to come to a meeting. Or, if you prefer, talk with a council member and have them bring your concern to the council

Next meeting

Tuesday, October 8 at 7:30 p.m.

President – Jim Jorgenson 274-5953

Secretary – Linda Carter 859-2315

Treasurer – Jane Hass 274-5132

Council Members:

Jeremy Anderson 274-5187

Bruce Gundermann 274-6380

Ron Horkey 274-5936

Eugene Kronback 274-5162

Eric Larson 274-5168

Marvin Sorenson 274-6787

Food Drive

To support our local food pantry we request donations of any type of items. Cash donations are also welcomed. Thank you

Sunday readings

October 6

Habakkuk 1:1-4, 2:1-4

2 Timothy 1:1-14

Luke 17:5-10

October 13

2 Kings 5:1-3, 7-15c

2 Timothy 2:8-15

Luke 17:11-19

October 20

Genesis 32:22-31

2 Timothy 3:14 – 4:5

Luke 18:1-8

October 27

Jeremiah 14:7-10, 19-22

2 Timothy 4:6-8, 16-18

Luke 18:9-14


August 4 94

August 11 84

August 18 93

August 25 93

Our Prayer Chain is ready to pray for your joys or needs ! Please call Coralyn Comnick 274-5318 or the church 274-5572.

Sunday service CD

Audio recordings are available for many of our Sunday services.  If you would like a CD of a service that you missed, please contact the church office.

Volunteers needed

There may be those who need a ride to church on Sunday. If you would like to volunteer to give a ride to those who need one or would like to coordinate the schedule for drivers, please see President Jim Jorgenson.

 Ushers - October

Please make every effort to be in church the month you are scheduled. If you cannot be there or if you have any questions, please contact Jerry Earl 507-360-8760 or Rich Horkey 274-6433.

Dennis Lidtke Jeff Cassel

Craig Jans Rich Isder

Acolytes - October

If you are unable to participate when you are scheduled, please find a replacement.

Oct. 6 Anthony Ross & Calle Anderson

Oct.13 Gracie Wahl & Chris Vande Kieft

Oct. 20 Talitha Horkey & Adam Hass

Oct. 27 Justin Krogman & Alex Blumer

Lector - October

Please get a substitute if you are unable to read when you are scheduled.

Oct. 6 Paula Gundermann

Oct.13 Deloris Winter

Oct. 20 Eric Larson

Oct. 27 Confirmation students

Greeters - October

Please get a substitute if you are unable to greet when you are scheduled.

Oct. 6 Keith & Jane Nelsen

Oct.13 Jeff & Ceci Cassel

Oct. 20 Tom & June Merchant

Oct. 27 Grace Jensen

Stewardship – October

If you are unable to count the money when you are scheduled, please find a replacement.

October Roger & Bernice Bunkers

Tom & June Merchant

Soup & Pie Luncheon

Grace WELCA will be hosting a Soup & Pie Luncheon on Sunday, November 17, 2013 in the church social hall.

WELCA serving groups 4 and 1 will be working for this event.

Bible Study

The Wednesday morning Bible Study will be held at 10:00 a.m. at Peterson Estates.  This is so that our members who are residents there may attend.  We will meet in the activities room on the second floor and all are welcome to attend this study.

Confirmation will be held Reformation Sunday, October 27. Those being confirmed are: Cassidy Mischke, Adam Hass, Jack Jorgenson, Calle Anderson, Breanna Lidtke, Zachary Vande Kieft, Brandon Blumer. Please remember them in your prayers.

Youth news

The Youth Group will be having their Christmas Greenery fundraiser starting on Sunday, October 6. Orders can be taken through Sunday, October 27. The greenery is usually in during Thanksgiving weekend. Prices and sign up sheet will be in the Narthex or you can call Dale and Tammy, 274-6783.


Open House

Bridal Shower in honor of Chelsea McConnell, bride-to-be of Peter Noding, Saturday, October 19 at 10 a.m. at Grace Lutheran Church. They are registered at Thrifty White Pharmacy in Westbrook, Kohl’s, Wal Mart, and ShopKo. Bring a favorite pie recipe to share.

Update from Kris Isder

My senior year of seminary is underway! Classes are going good. My classes this fall are: Senior Preaching and Worship, Exercises in Biblical Theology, Job, Holy Spirit, John and Mission II. I have classes from Monday afternoon through Friday afternoon. I’m staying on campus in temporary housing this fall.

It’s been interesting to compare internship experiences with classmates.

I finished my approval essay that was due Sept. 1. I have two interviews coming up this fall for graduation and candidacy. My faculty interview is on Oct. 17. My approval interview with the synod candidacy committee is Dec. 6.

Thank you all for your support and prayers.

Partners in Ministry Minutes

Peterson Estates, Westbrook

September 19, 2013

Meeting attendees: Dave Danner, Joyce Vortherms, Carolee Stutz, Cole McCormick, Dawn Determan and Terri Stangeland

The meeting began at 7:40 p.m.

Joyce Vortherms went over information about The Banquet trip on Oct. 2.

• Each congregation should send 5 loaves of home-made bread. It should go with the group that goes early.

• The meal will be the same one that has been fixed in the past.

• Joyce had letters ready to send to the two high schools that are involved. She will mail or deliver the WWG letter and Terri will give the RRC letter to Mike to deliver.

• Joyce will email a permission slip out for congregations to use if desired.

• Joyce would like to have each congregation let her know how many students will be going on the trip.

• There is a need for 5-6 adults to leave around noon to prepare the meal. At this time Joyce, Mike, Cole, and possibly Dave can go early.

• Joyce will make final plans for the bus.

• The Partners in Ministry account for The Banquet has a balance of $1162.27. This should be enough to cover the cost of the meal. Joyce is making contact with a couple of groups to see if they will donate the funds needed for transportation.

Pastor Cole shared that he plans to host A Blue Christmas on Sunday, December 8, 2013 at 3:00 p.m. at Bethany Lutheran Church. Each congregation is asked to provide a couple of pans of bars for the fellowship time following.

Next month each person is asked to bring Advent materials and ideas for a possible Partners in Ministry event on a Saturday in November or December.

Due to schedule conflicts, Terri asked if we could move the Partners in Ministry meetings to the third Tuesday of each month. She also asked that the meeting time be changed back to 7:00 p.m.

The next meeting will be Tuesday, October 15, at Peterson Estates, 7:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Terri Stangeland

October 16 2:00 p.m.

Hymn: “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God”

vs 1-4 #504 ELW

Devotions: Delna Mischke

Hymn: “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God”

vs 1-4 #505 ELW

Program: “Martin Luther, Called by God, Instigated the Reformation Movement”

Narrator: Marcella Chapman

Hymn: “Lord, You Give the Great Commission”

vs 1-5 #579 ELW

Offering: “Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow” vs 1 #885 ELW

Serving Group:

Delna Mischke* Ceci Cassel

Barb Fowler Grace Jensen

Sewing Meetings

October 3 & 17

10 a.m. to 3 p.m. - Noon: sack lunch

Flower Committee: October

Paula Gundermann* Jessica Gundermann

Do not put flowers on the organ or piano.

See Policy handbook for placement of flowers.

Chancel Committee: October - December

Bernice Bunkers* Linda Schmalz

Deb Jans Nikki Jorgenson

Visiting Committee: September - October

This committee visits homes, hospitals and the shut-ins.

Ruth Knakmuhs* Grace Jensen

Karen Sievers Karyl Gertner


September 18, 2013

Grace WELCA met Wednesday, September 18, 2013 in the social hall with eighteen members present.

We began our program singing the hymn “Earth and All Stars.”

Devotions were given by Paula Gundermann “Unity Brings Blessings.” The hymn “You Have Come Down to the Lake Shore” was sung.

Vera Rachuy, Co-Mission Growth Chairperson welcomed the members, and announced the program “Gathered By God to Learn,” an overview of the new Bible Study, entitled “In Good Company.” Each month a story about an Old Testament biblical woman, and a related story from the New Testament will be reviewed. The presentation was given by Pastor Dave.

The offering was taken, followed by the offering hymn “We Give Thee But Thine Own.” The Lord’s Prayer, and the Table Prayer.

Co-President Penny Danner opened the business meeting.

The secretary’s report was approved as printed, motion by Annette Mischke, seconded by Marcella Chapman. Motion carried.

The treasurer’s report was read and placed on file, motion by Elaine Eichner, seconded by Delna Mischke. Motion carried.

The correspondence was read: Thank you from Anna and Ethan Larson for Bible Camp sponsorship. Shyann Lidtke for quilt received for graduation. Shalom Hill Farm for return visit from ladies. Women’s Rural Advocacy programs for quilts they received.

Old Business: 1.) Fall workshop Saturday, September 21, 2013 at Shetek Lutheran Bible Camp. Motion by Marcella Chapman, seconded by Penny Danner to send $100.00 unit offering and $100.00 Love Offering which will be used for mattress pads this year. 2.) A new Pictorial Directory has several options to consider. A new congregation book will be in the plans for next year.

New Business: 1.) A ballot for electing new officers for 2014 was presented by the nominating committee: Co-Vice President-Maydelle Kronback and Annette Mischke; Treasurer-Janice Sondergaard; Co-Mission Growth-Eunice Christensen and Sandra Pearson; Mission Action-Elaine Eichner, assisted by Mission Action Group; Mission Community-Bernice Bunkers. A motion by Marcella Chapman, seconded by Penny Danner to accept the ballot. Motion carried. Thank you to the nominating committee – Bernice Bunkers, Eunice Christensen and Jane Hass for their time and efforts fulfilling this job. 2.) New date for our Soup and Pie Dinner is set for November 17. Groups 4 and 1 will be serving. 3.) Quilting will be October 3 and 17. Most quilts are locally place and greatly appreciated. Everyone is welcome to join us. 4.) The new 2014 WELCA Program book will soon be underway. If anyone has any suggestions, ideas or comments to offer, or would like to have your name transferred to the Honorary List, please call an officer of the WELCA group. Serving group chairpersons please submit your new leaders and assistants. All women of Grace Lutheran Church are members of WELCA. Should your name be on a committee for this next year, we hope you will prayerfully consider doing your part in keeping our Christian Family together. 5.) Plan ahead: July 24 – 27, 2014 will be the 9th Triennial Synod Gathering at Charlotte Convention Center, Charlotte, North Carolina.

Motion by Joann Hanson, seconded by Anne Hansen to adjourn the meeting. Lunch was served. Coralyn Comnick, WELCA Secretary

October Birthdays

1st - Brenda Anderson

Deloris Winter

Chelsey Wehmeyer

Dalton Taylor

Caitlin Mershon

2nd - Jane Nelsen

Isabel Nibbe

4th - Dennis Lidtke

Breanna Lidtke

5th - Betty Jensen

6th - Valorie Schneider

7th - Leah Mae Carter

8th - James Schneider

11th - Alice Vosberg

Eric Kronback

12th - Annette Mischke

13th - Lee Lidtke

15th - Chelsey Taylor

17th - Paula Gundermann

18th - Ruth Bevier

19th - Richard Isder

20th - Madilyn Hogan

21st - Keith Nelsen

23rd - William Barron

25th - Dean Winter

Tammy Norstegard

26th - Elise Gundermann

27th - Michael Hass

28th - Carter Ross

Adison Hogan

29th - Joann Hanson

Scott Knudson

Perry Zieske


03, 1987 Darnell & Amy Christians

05, 1974 David & Donna Stresemann

06, 1982 Gerald & Pat Jarmer

08, 1960 Wayne & Delna Mischke

10, 2003 Tom & Andrea Poon

13, 1963 Voyne & Diane Bunting

18, 2002 Joseph & Stacey Koenig

25, 1969 Richard & Vicky Horkey

October Events

1st - 10:30 a.m. Text study

2nd - 9:00 a.m. Secretary at church

10:00 a.m. Bible Study/PE

3:30 p.m. Serving at the Banquet

4:30 p.m. Serving at the Banquet

7:00 p.m. Adult Choir rehearsal

3rd - 10:00 a.m. Sewing meeting

4th - 1:00 p.m. Secretary at church

6th - 9:00 a.m. Sunday School

10:15 a.m. Worship/Communion

Acolytes: Anthony Ross & Calle Anderson

8th - 10:30 a.m. Text study

7:30 p.m. Council meeting

9th - 9:00 a.m. Secretary at church

10:00 a.m. Bible Study/PE

3:30 p.m. Confirmation

4:30 p.m. Confirmation

6:00 p.m. Bible Study

7:00 p.m. Adult Choir rehearsal

10th - 7:30 p.m. Miriam Circle

11th - 1:00 p.m. Secretary at church

13th - 9:00 a.m. Sunday School

10:15 a.m. Worship/Communion

Acolytes: Gracie Wahl & Christ Vande Kieft

15th - 10:30 a.m. Text study

7:00 p.m. PIM/Peterson Estate

16th - 9:00 a.m. Secretary at church

10:00 a.m. Bible Study/PE

2:00 p.m. WELCA

No Confirmation/MEA

6:00 p.m. Bible Study

7:00 p.m. Adult Choir rehearsal

17th - 9:00 a.m. Conference Pastors’ mtg.

10:00 a.m. Sewing meeting

18th - 1:00 p.m. Secretary at church

19th - 10:00 a.m. Bridal shower/Chelsea McConnell

20th - 9:00 a.m. Sunday School

10:15 a.m. Worship/Communion

Acolytes: Talitha Horkey & Adam Hass

Flashlight items due

22nd - 10:30 a.m. Text study

1:00 p.m. Printing Flashlight

23rd - 9:00 a.m. Secretary at church

10:00 a.m. Bible Study/PE

3:30 p.m. Confirmation

4:30 p.m. Confirmation

6:00 p.m. Bible Study

7:00 p.m. Adult Choir rehearsal

25th - 1:00 p.m. Secretary at church

27th - 9:00 a.m. Sunday School

10:15a.m. Worship/Communion/Confirmation

Acolytes: Justin Krogman & Alex Blumer

29th - 10:30 a.m. Text study

30th - 9:00 a.m. Secretary at church

10:00 a.m. Women’s bible study/PE

3:30 p.m. Confirmation

6:00 p.m. Bible Study

7:00 p.m. Adult Choir rehearsal

Lutheran Marriage Encounter weekend

The next Lutheran Marriage Encounter Weekends in Minnesota are October 25-27 at the Country Inn and Suites in Duluth and November 22-24 at the Crown Plaza in Brooklyn Center. Please register a month in advance. Larry and Coke Guilfoile at 651-257-6960, Pete & Phyllis McMahon at 763-561-1575 or visit


|October 2013 | |

1 Pray for peace in Egypt and for a reconciliation between its citizens and their government.

2 Pray for all who are affected by the criminal justice system – for victims and offenders, their families and loved ones – as we seek to implement the new ELCA social statement, “The Church and Criminal Justice: Hearing the Cries.”

3 Praise God for the ELCA volunteer missionaries and give thanks for the many English-speaking teachers serving at Lutheran schools in Bratislava, Kosice, and Tisovec, Slovakia.4 Pray for peace in Syria and the hope that the day will come when its citizens are no longer under the threat of violence and death.

5 Pray for the Rev. Elizabeth A. Eaton as she is installed today as the ELCA presiding bishop; remember in your prayers the Rev. Mark Hanson as he concludes his term of service as presiding bishop.

6 Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost.

Merciful God, we thank you for speaking to the people of the Republic of Congo and Gabon, Sao Tome and Principe through the Bible. May they find strength and wisdom in your word. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

7 During Mental Illness Awareness Week, Oct. 6-12, remember those who suffer from mental illness and brain disorders. Pray for families and caregivers, that they may have wisdom, love and peace.

8 Pray for all those suffering in abusive relationships and for the efforts in our congregations to help people dealing with domestic violence.

9. Remember in your prayers ELCA missionaries in Nigerian – Mary Beth and Bayo Ovebade and their HIV and AIDS ministry there.

10 Pray for those who endure flood and fire, especially our brothers and sisters in Colorado and New Jersey. Ease the fears of all and make your presence known.

11 Give thanks for the contributions to the ELCA Vision for Mission, gifts that enable this church to build strategies for the future, mobilize people for mission, promote generosity and create new and renewed congregations.

12 Remember in your prayers the many homeless ministries supported by ELCA congregations. In particular, lift up the Shobi’s Table, a ministry of radical hospitality among the homeless population of St. Paul, Minn.

13 Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost

Almighty God, keep us safe in body, mind and spirit as we strive to accomplish all the work you have for us. Give us strength to serve you in all that we do; through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen.

14 Give thanks for the congregations, such as Ascension Lutheran Church, Riverside, Ill., that are making a difference in the global church by sponsoring an ELCA missionary. Ascension was one of the first ELCA congregations to support Karen Anderson in her work with “Popular Education in Health” and “Action for Health in the Americans” in Chile.

15 Remember in your prayers the recipients around the world of ELCA Good Gifts and pray that, through the generosity of others, those recipients will see a better tomorrow.

16 Remember in your prayers the Rev. Austin and Tanya Propst, ELCA missionaries who are the Madagascar coordinators for the ELCA’s Young Adults in Global Mission program.

17 Pray for those planning the 2014 Triennial gathering of the Women of the ELCA to be held in Charlotte, N.C.

18 Remember in your prayers the Rev. Anna Ballan, an ELCA missionary in Sweden serving in parish ministry.

19 Give thanks for those on the staff of your synod office as they go about the daily needs of this church in your synod.

20 Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost

We thank you, God, for your gifts of the earth, sea and sky. We ask you to be with us as we strive to be good caretakers of those gifts, that we live in harmony with the natural rhythms of life.

21 Remember in your prayers ELCA instructor in Japan Allyson Bedford, who is teaching English as a second language.

22 Pray for the ELCA’s disability ministries, which include making the church welcoming to people with mental illness and brain disorders, visual impairments and hearing disorders.

23 Pray for the efforts in the ELCA and other denominations that are addressing the trend of declining active church membership.

24 Pray for the ELCA Global Mission ministry and all those who walk in accompaniment with our sisters and brothers around the world in the global church.

25 Give thanks for the ELCA Fund for Leaders and pray for its continued support as it provides crucial financial aid for students preparing for the ministry at one of the ELCA’s eight seminaries.

26 Remember in your prayers the congregations of the ELCA and their daily efforts to be welcoming to all and to do God’s work with our hands where needed.

27 Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost

O Lord, we give you thanks today for the mission and ministry of The Lutheran World Federation. Be with them in the countless places where they work around the world, as they create unity, justice and peace in a world broken by poverty, violence, hunger and oppression.

28 Include in your prayers the Rev. Nathan and Sharonette Bowman, ELCA missionaries who are

serving in parish and social service ministries in Japan.

29 Give thanks for the countless adults who take seriously their role as faith mentors for youth who are trying to find their way in a complex world.

30 Pray for the 10th Assembly of the World Council of Churches, which begins today in Busan, South Korea, under the theme “God of life, lead us to justice and peace.” The ELCA is a member of the council.

31 Remember in your prayers the people in the ELCA Young Adults in Global Mission program as they begin their year of walking in accompaniment with brothers and sisters in an unfamiliar culture far from home.

Grace Lutheran Church

755 Adams Avenue

PO Box 67

Westbrook, MN 56183

Change Service Requested

October 2013

The Flashlight


Pastor's office: gwpastor@

Secretary's office: gwoffice@

Grace Lutheran Church 274-5572


October, 2013

Recently, the newscasts have been full of disaster stories. From the stories of heavy rains and flooding in Colorado; to the fire and destruction of the famed New Jersey boardwalk which had been rebuilt following Hurricane Sandy; to the destructive civil war in Syria and the use of chemical weapons; to the hostage situation at a mall in Kenya; to all other manner of crimes, a grim picture of life is presented. However, one item that did not seem to catch much news interest was the recent shootings in Chicago. Maybe it was the time of the week, maybe it was the fact that there were not as many deaths, or maybe it was the fact it was in Chicago which was just designated as the murder capital of the nation, but it just did not seem to grab the attention of the nation.

Are we becoming immune to these kinds of news articles, are we becoming resigned to the fact that we still live in a brutal world, where life and death are so close, so near that we do not want any more reminders that the balance of life is extremely delicate? However, that balance is tipped in the favor of life by Jesus Christ and the love God shows us through him. By His death and resurrection, Jesus defeated death, transforming it from an ending to a brand new beginning to a whole new life.

As Christians, we believe that this new life begins with our baptism. That is the day that we publicly proclaim and acknowledge that we are a child of God. That day, by the promises given to us by God through the water and the Word, we receive the promises given to an heir. Later this month several of our young adults will be reaching a milestone in their faith's journey and then continuing that journey by affirming their baptism. They will be entering a new 'leg' of their faith journey. As with their journey up to now, it is a journey that does not and should not be taken alone. We as a congregation, as fellow members of the Body of Christ, still have a responsibility to walk alongside these young adults, helping and guiding them in their journeys. The remarkable thing about this is that we also benefit from walking alongside another.

While a life in Christ does not either guarantee that we will not experience the kinds of violence or disasters mentioned above, or that we will have a life of ease; it gives us a different perspective in which to frame life experiences. It is being able to use that frame to take our experiences and put them into the bigger picture of God's will. This is not to say that God wishes or wants bad things to happen, but rather how God can take those bad things and turn them into something good. It is a frame that helps us to be patient until God does turn it into something good.

However we need a community to help us to learn how to do that. That is why it is important that people do not think of Confirmation as an ending. That now, we know all we need to know about God and religion and we can go out on our own. Affirming our baptism is just a beginning, a step on that path to greater understanding of life and how and why we fit into the big picture. This is a learning path that we will be on for the rest of our lives, whether we know it or not. With the help and guidance of the holy Spirit, allowing ourselves to go where the Spirit leads, it can be a wonderful journey, going places and doing things that we would not ordinarily do. In line with what Martin Luther taught, we should remember our baptism on a daily basis. In so doing, we have the chance to affirm our baptism daily, choosing to follow Jesus on the path led by the Holy Spirit. Won't you join with our confirmands in making that choice every day?

May God bless,

Pastor Dave




If we are missing any birthdays or anniversaries, (or have incorrect dates) please contact us.




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