ESL Special Project Lesson Title - NC-NET

Competency: Understand How to Describe People

|Lesson Overview: The purpose of this lesson is for the student to understand how to make basic descriptions of people. |

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|This lesson includes: |

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|Describing People Vocabulary Flash Cards |

|Describing People PowerPoint Presentation |

|Describing People Sentence Completion |

|Describing People Grammar Worksheet |

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|Approximate Time: 1 hour |

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|Prerequisite Skills: Students must be able to read and write simple sentences, and have a basic understanding of color, gender and ages. |

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|Prerequisite Vocabulary: |

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|height |

|man/men |

|old |

|size |

|weight |

|woman/women |

|year(s) |

|Vocabulary: | |

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|adult(s) |physically challenged/handicapped |

|attractive |pregnant |

|average height |senior citizen(s) |

|average weight |short |

|cute |tall |

|elderly |teenager(s) |

|handsome |thin/slim/skinny |

|hearing impaired/deaf |toddler(s) |

|heavyset/fat |visually impaired/blind |

|middle-aged |young |

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|Materials Needed: Whiteboard or flip chart, erasable markers, flash cards, and handouts. |

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|Equipment Needed: Multi-media laptop computer, LCD projector, Describing People PowerPoint presentation. |

|Activities: |

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|Explain the purpose of the lesson. |

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|Review prerequisite vocabulary as needed. |

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|Use the Describing People Vocabulary Flash Cards to practice pronunciation. Just practice pronunciation at this point. Pronounce the words and |

|have students repeat the words as a group and then individually. |

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|Show students the Describing People PowerPoint Presentation. Ensure that the students are reading after you read to them. Discuss each slide as |

|necessary for comprehension. Ask students questions about each slide. |

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|Use the Describing People Sentence Completion and review pronunciations again. Have students read completed sentences to the class. Review answers|

|orally. |

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|Reinforce basic grammar and new lesson content with the Describing People Grammar Worksheet. Have students work individually or in pairs on this |

|exercise. Review answers orally. |

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|Have the students describe one another using complete sentences. Stress the proper usage of commas when stacking adjectives. |

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|Use the students’ sentences in a dictation exercise. Read their sentences out loud and have them write them down. Ask for volunteers to write |

|sentences on the board and correct them as a class. |

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|Assessment/Evaluation of Learning: |

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|Instructor evaluation of students’ participation. |

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|Evaluation of student worksheet. |

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|Optional/Follow-up Activities: |

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|Bring in magazines and have the students write complete sentences describing various people found in various pictures. |

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|Discuss why it is important to be able to describe people. |

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|Hold up various pictures of people (actors and actresses) and ask for their height, weight, hair color, age description etc. |

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|Oxford Picture Dictionary by Oxford University Press, “Age and Physical Description”, page 22. |

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|Oxford Picture Dictionary Intermediate Workbook by Oxford University Press, “Age and Description”, page 22. |

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|Have students write their own dialogues using the information from this lesson. |

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