Grade: Subject: or Class

Week of: Aug 8-12

Teachers: Hendrix

|Monday |

|Key Vocabulary: hemisphere, physical features, region, relative location, absolute location, precipitation, wetland, fall line, vertical |

|climate, drought |

|Materials: textbook, blank map of regions, 1/4 sheets of paper (or index cards)-1 per student |

|Standards Addressed: |

|SS8G1 – The student will describe Georgia with regard to physical features and locations. |

|a) Locate Georgia in relation to region, nation, continent, and hemispheres. |

|Topics Covered: Georgia Geography |

|Essential Question: |

|1. Where is Georgia in terms of hemishpere, continent, nation, region and global position? (G1a) |

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|Prime Time: |

|Pick up a textbook- answer questions in green spiral notebook. You will add to the questions every day this week-- label at top of page PRIME |

|TIME, WEEK OF Aug 8-12. Students write questions and answers. |

|1. What is the capital of Georgia? (Atlanta) |

|2. What county do we live in? (Henry) |

|3. What is the name of the professional football, baseball, and basketball team in Atlanta? (Football-Falcons, Baseball-Braves, |

|Basketball-Hawks) |

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|Differentiated Strategies: |

|1. Textbook pages 5-8; CRCT pg 152 |

|2. Discuss the location of GA (which hemisphere, continent, nation, region, etc). |

|3. Give students a blank map of regions-- discuss region locations, have students label. (Maps are in the back of the BLM book) |

|4. Students need to place maps/materials in their GREEN SS notebook |

|5. Students will create a postcard pertaining to GA- use index cards or cut paper (1/4 sheets). Students will write a note on the back of |

|their postcard stating where they are in Georgia and why their |

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|Summarization: Students will share their postcards and tell why they chose their picture. You can post these in your room. |

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|Reading/ Writing Activity: Pretend you are a tour guide on a tour of the universe. Using a map or globe, present a short narrative explaining |

|the location of Georgia to your passengers. Identify GA in terms of hemisphere, continent, country, region, latitude, and longitude. |

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|Level of Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge, Application, Synthesis |

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|Tuesday |

|Key Vocabulary: |

|relative location, absolute location, precipitation, wetland, fall line, vertical climate, drought |

|Materials: textbook, colored paper (3 per student) |

|Standards Addressed: |

|SS8G1 – The student will describe Georgia with regard to physical features and locations. |

|b)Describe the five geographic regions of Georgia; include the Blue Ridge Mountains, Valley and Ridge, Appalachian Plateau, Piedmont, and |

|Coastal Plains. |

|Topics Covered: Georgia Geography |

|Essential Question: |

|1. Which North American physiographic regions are found in Georgia and what are some distinguishing characterisitcs of each? (G1b) |

|2. What is the relative location of these physiographic regions within the boundaries of the state of GA? (G1b) |

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|Prime Time: |

|Pick up a textbook- answer questions in green spiral notebook. You will add to the questions every day this week-- label at top of page PRIME |

|TIME, WEEK OF Aug 8-12. Students write questions and answers |

|4. According to the info on page 14, What mountain marks the southern end of the Appalachian Trail? (Springer Mt) How long is the trail? |

|(2,015 miles) |

|5. What is the official state song of Georgia? (Georgia on my mind…found on pg. 31) |

|Differentiated Strategies: |

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|1. Group students using flexible grouping. |

|2. This is a 1 1/2 - 2 day activitiy. Allow students to do all the research today- present tomorrow. |

|Have students scan pgs. 9-20 before beginning. Show them where this information is found. |

|Then have students create a flipbook using the 3 sheets of paper (multicolored if possible)- label each section with one of the 5 regions. |

|The first flap should be the heading: Geographic Regions of GA. |

|3. Using the textbook (pages 9-20), students will provide 5 or more facts for their flip book. |

|Students will then share their information with the class. Teacher will provide feedback. |

|Students can bring in pictures printed from home, if they want to add to their flipbook |

|4. Other resources to use, if needed: |

|**CRCT pract book, |

|**textbook pages, |

|**BLM pages |

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|Summarization:Ticket out the door- Students will need to write on an index card sized paper one thing they learned today about each area |

|(without looking at flipbook). |

|Reading/ Writing Activity: The writing will be on the flip books- complete sentences describing the locations. |

|Level of Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge, Application, Synthesis, Evaluation |

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|Wednesday |

|Key Vocabulary: |

|relative location, absolute location, precipitation, wetland, fall line, vertical climate, drought |

|Materials: textbook, flipbooks |

|Standards Addressed: |

|SS8G1 – The student will describe Georgia with regard to physical features and locations. |

|b)Describe the five geographic regions of Georgia; include the Blue Ridge Mountains, Valley and Ridge, Appalachian Plateau, Piedmont, and |

|Coastal Plains. |

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|Topics Covered: Georgia Geography |

|Essential Question: |

|1. Which North American physiographic regions are found in Georgia and what are some distinguishing characterisitcs of each? (G1b) |

|2. What is the relative location of these physiographic regions within the boundaries of the state of GA? (G1b) |

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|Prime Time: |

|Pick up a textbook- answer questions in green spiral notebook. You will add to the questions every day this week-- label at top of page PRIME |

|TIME, WEEK OF Aug 8-12. Students write questions and answers |

|6. What is the difference between latitude and longitude? (latitude-measure of the distance north or south of the equator; parallel lines run |

|east to west. Longitude-measure of distance east or west of the prime meridian; runs north and south) |

|7. In what region is Cloudless Canyon found? (Appalachian Plateau-pg 10) |

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|Instructional Strategies/ Activities:       |

|Differentiated Instructional Notes: |

|1. Continuation of yesterdays lesson- give students a little more time to finish their research. |

|2. Students present their flip books, other students can add the new "shared" info to theirs, if needed. |

|3. Students will turn in their flipbooks-- pick a few, critique them, and post them in your room. |

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|**Using materials of their choice, students can have the option of creating a topographic map of the eastern US…label those regions which |

|extend in GA. |

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|Summarization:The presentation is the summarization for the students. |

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|Reading/ Writing Activity: The writing will be on the flip books- complete sentences describing the locations |

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|Level(s) of Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge, Application, Synthesis, Evaluation |

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|Thursday |

|Key Vocabulary: relative location, absolute location, precipitation, wetland, fall line, vertical climate, drought |

|Materials: textbook, blank map of GA |

|Standards Addressed: |

|SS8G1 – The student will describe Georgia with regard to physical features and locations. |

|c) Locate and evaluate the importance of key physical features on the development of Georgia; include the Fall Line, Okefenokee Swamp, |

|Appalachian Mountains, Chattahoochee and Savanna Rivers, and barrier islands. |

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|Topics Covered: Georgia Geography |

|Essential Question: |

|1.What are the significant physical features of Georgia that have impacted its development? |

|2. How is the impact of these features manifested? |

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|Prime Time: Pick up a textbook- answer questions in green spiral notebook. You will add to the questions every day this week-- label at top |

|of page PRIME TIME, WEEK OF Aug 8-12. Students write questions and answers |

|8. Without looking, name the five regions of Georgia. |

|9. How would you tell somebody from another universe how to find the state of Georgia? |

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|Differentiated Strategies: |

|1. Map of Georgia- locate physical features in GA, students label on map (found in the back of the BLM) |

|2. Go over these locations with the students- describe them, show pictures of them, discuss!!! |

|3. Textbook pg. 34-39, 52-65 |

|4. Students will create a brochure featuring one of theses locations. |

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|Summarization:Ticket out the door: Students need to write one complete sentence explaining: "What is a fall line?" |

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|Reading/ Writing Activity: Explain how these features benefit the people of Georgia. |

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|Level of Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge, Application, Synthesis, Evaluation |

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|Friday |

|Key Vocabulary: |

|relative location, absolute location, precipitation, wetland, fall line, vertical climate, drought |

|Materials: textbook, poster board |

|Standards Addressed: |

|SS8G1 – The student will describe Georgia with regard to physical features and locations. |

|d) Evaluate the impact of climate on Georgia’s development. |

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|Topics Covered: Georgia Geography |

|Essential Question: How has climate played a role in development? |

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|Prime Time: Pick up a textbook- answer questions in green spiral notebook. You will add to the questions every day this week-- label at top of|

|page PRIME TIME, WEEK OF Aug 8-12. Students write questions and answers |

|10. What is Warm Springs? (pg. 36) |

|Quiz over this week's questions. |

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|Instructional Strategies/ Activities:       |

|Differentiated Instructional Notes: |

|1. Current Events--students need to turn in current events. Have a few students share their articles, summaries (without reading them-just a |

|brief oral presentation). |

|Assign next current event for next week. |

|2 Climate- textbook pgs 22-30 (you don't have to read all of this, but show the students where it is located. I would suggest going over some |

|of the pics and maybe read the first couple of pages in this selection). |

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|Summarization:In flexible grouping--You have been hired by the GA tourism board to create a poster/billboard that will be displayed at all |

|rest stops along Georgia's interstate system. Your objective is to attract more people to GA's attractions . On a sheet of paper, sketch |

|your ideas/make notes…then design your poster. |

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|Reading/ Writing Activity: current events--should be written in paragraph form |

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|Level(s) of Bloom’s Taxonomy: |

|Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis, Evaluatio |

Weekly Assessments: Prime Time quiz, current events, flipbook

Performance Based Activities: Flipbook, post cards, writing act, brochure, current events

Learning Targets

• The students will undersatnd that location affects a society's economy, culture, and development.

• The students will understand how particular physcial and cultural features and climate have affected development in Georgia.



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