Johns Hopkins University

ActivityBabies of all ages love stories and should be read to frequently. Continue to read books at night with simple repetitive phrases and large, colorful pictures. Point to pictures on each page and name them as you do. You may notice that your baby starts to reach for the book and may even bring it to her mouth to try to chew on it! This is perfectly appropriate behavior because she's at an age when she wants and needs to explore textures, and learns so much by using her mouths to do so! Encourage her to help you turn the pages of the book by holding her hand in yours and going through the motion.Crosswalk to Healthy BeginningsThis activity supports development in relation to the following Healthy Beginnings indicators:Personal/Social A1 & A5;Language B1;Cognitive A1; andPhysical A2.Possible Intervention Strategies & SupportsExaggerate sounds while reading to draw attention to consonants. Label the different pictures in the book and encourage the child to imitate the sounds. If possible, label similar objects around the room as well.Encourage your child to use both arms by prompting her to "reach" to be picked up out of her crib.Continue to encourage tummy time while awake and prior to falling asleep. Place baby on belly where she can see you and other things around her. Make sure she turns her head and clears her airway. Use a contrasting colored blanket for stimulation. Place small rattles within reach. You can pat her and sing to her while she is on her belly.Label pictures in books using words and environmental sounds (e.g., "Truck beep-beep"; "Vroom".). Use short books with pages that aren't to "busy" and go through them slowly. This allows your baby to concentrate on what you are labeling.TipsYour baby should be able to fall asleep on her own by this age without necessarily being rocked to sleep. Continue to make sure that you place her baby on her back when laying her down. Since many babies can sit by 6 months, she very well may sit up and flop over on her tummy throughout the night. If you notice this, roll her back over on her back or prop her on her side to sleep. Most babies are unswaddled for bedtime by 6 months or a bit earlier. When reading to her, make sure to not let her chew on cardboard or paper. Instead, give her a teething ring or a similar toy that is safe to put in her mouth. Use board books with very thick pages that are more sturdy for her to grab when helping you turn them. ................

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