Saint Charles Catholic Women’s League

|Saint Charles Catholic Women’s League |

|April 2017 Newsletter |

|Inspired by the Spirit, Women Respond to God’s Call |

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Installation of Executive Officers and Spring Fling Sunday, MAY 7

The installation of the St Charles CWL Executive officers will take place at the 11 am mass on Sunday, May 7. This will be followed by the Spring Fling in the activity centre. Tickets for the Spring Fling will be on sale after each mass on April 22/23 and April 29/30.

Used Stamps – A Project for all

Believe it ! Used stamps can add up. Various charities are collecting used stamps and selling them to collectors. The money raised serves to fund the charity projects. We will be starting a collection of used stamps and sending them to Development and Peace. All members of the parish are invited to participate. A box labelled « Used Stamps » will be placed in the foyer on top of the prayer shawl cabinet in May. The box will be there for a number of weeks so please keep your stamps and place them in the box at your convenience. In order for the stamps to be sold, they must be cut from the envelope a certain way.

Cut the postage stamp from the envelope (do not try to remove it from the envelope) but leave about ½ inch around the border without damaging the perforations. All stamps are accepted.

Once the box is full we will send the stamps to Developement and Peace and do it again … and again.

Thank you for participating in this project.

100 Anniversary Lap Quilt Challenge Update

As you know, the 2017 CWL National Project is the Lap Quilt Challenge. Councils were challenged to created one lap quilt and donate it to a hospital or a palliative care centre. St Charles CWL has gone above and beyond and created not one but two twin/double quilts, and five fidget quilts. So what is a fidget quilt? It is smaller version of a quilt created with a variety of textures, giving hands and fingers something to do. These are great for kids, people with dementia/alzeheimers, and need something to keep hands busy. Here is one exemple of a completed fidget quilt. The quilts will be on display at the May 7 Spring Fling.


Our Lady of Good Counsel – April 26

Our Lady of Good Counsel is a title given to the Blessed Virgin Mary, after a painting said to be miraculous, now found in the thirteenth century Augustinian church at Genazzano, near Rome, Italy. Measuring 40 by 45 centimeters the image is a fresco executed on a thin layer of plaster no thicker than an egg shell.

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|[pic] |Over the centuries, devotions to Our Lady of the Good Counsel grew among saints and Popes, to the |

| |extent that a reference to it was added to the Litany of Loreto and the devotion spread throughout |

| |the world. Her feast day is April 26. |

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| |The taping of Or Lady of Good Counsel mass is schedules for Wednesday, April 19 at Loretta Abbey |

| |Chapel in North York, Ontario. The mass will be broadcast on April 26th. The mass can be viewed |

| |online at |

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May 4 - 12 Hours of Prayer for Palliative Care

There is a pressing need for all Canadians to have greater accessibility to

palliative care. This end-of-life care is true compassion. It allows individuals who are facing death not to be burdened by pain and suffering but to receive the necessary support that

respects their human dignity both physically and spiritually. At the February national executive meeting, it was decided unanimously to call upon this power of prayer and to initiate a nationwide 12 Hours of Prayer for Palliative Care on May 4, 2017. This is designed to take place during the National Hospice Palliative Care Week (May 7 to 13) and organized by the Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association. On May 4 you may wish to say the Prayer for the Protection of Human Life (below) in support of palliative care.

Prayer for the Protection of Human Life

Heavenly Father, Lord and Maker of all that is good,

fill our hearts with joy before the wonders of your creation.

Open our eyes to the presence of your beloved Son Jesus

in all those we encounter and especially in the weakest and most vulnerable among us.

Where we see life threatened, at its beginning or at its end,

or by poverty and deprivation, inspire us with love and mercy,

so that, empowered by your Holy Spirit,

we may work together to defend human dignity.

Help us to build a culture of life:

a culture in which each and every person is loved and valued as your child,

from conception to natural death, and in every circumstance of life.


Mary, Mother of the living, pray for us!

from: Catholic Organization for Life and Family (COLF)

The Prayer List

The Prayer List is being sent to members with the Newsletter. If you know of anyone who you would like added to the list or who would now like to be removed from the list, please contact Barb Roth (

CWL Provincial Convention

The 70th Annual CWL Alberta Mackenzie Provincial Convention 2017 will be held Friday June 9 and Saturday June 10 at St Charles. It is hosted by the Edmonton Diocesan Council (Zone 9 North) in Edmonton. St Charles is part of Zone 9 North.

Since it is being held at our church, this is a great opportunity to attend and I invite you to do so.

The deadline for registration is May 22. The Registration Form is at the end of this Newsletter.

The Provincial Convention Planning Committee is is need of volunteers. All Zone 9 North Councils are asking for volunteers. Volunteers are neede to set-up on Thursday June 8, and the two days of the Convention, June 9 and 10.

If you would like to volunteer a few hours please contact Katharine Tarras (; 780-488-5521 or 780-916-9728, cell

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|June Social - A Birthday Party !!! | |

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|The last general meeting in June will consist of a very short business and a | |

|social. It will consist of a potluck of appetizers and dessert. There will| |

|also be a birthday cake (Canada’s 150th !). The June Social will begin at | |

|6 :30 on June 20. | |

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|See you there | |

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Thank you:

• To Lillian Wawzonek for leading the Stations of the Cross on behalf of CWL on March 24 and to all those who attended.

• To the ladies who attended the quilting bees and made a success of the National Lap Quilt Challenge. Now we wait to see what the 2018 national challenge will be.

• To Janice Albison for helping at the Dickinsfield Tea on April 7.

• To the ladies who helped with sandwiches, squares and delivery for the Chrism Mass on April 10.

• To Rose Hearn for delivering 24 blankets to be blessed and distributd at the St Kateri Celebration.

• To everyone for all that you do to help others .. Bless you all .

Upcoming Events:

• April 22/23 – Tickets to the Spring Fling on sale after each mass

• April 29/30 – Tickets to the Spring Fling on sale after each mass.

• May 7 – Installation of CWL Executive Members at the 11 am mass

• May 7 - Spring Fling after the 11 am mass

• May 16 – CWL General Meeting, 7 pm

• June 20 – June Social at 6:30 pm

o NOTE: The June Social will begin at 6:30. It will be a potluck so please bring either an appetizer or a dessert.

Please remember to support the Youth Groups garage sale May 19th, 20th and 

Spiritual Note: "Even when alone, be cheerful, remembering always that you are in the sight of angels". St. Therese of Lisieux



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