Dan Galorath

Self-Reliance Devotional InstructionsAs of 3-3-2017Make the assignment to set up round tables and chairs in the center of the cultural hall (set up between 15-20 tables, with 8-10 chairs per table, depending on number of invitations and expected members) and rectangular tables on 3 sides of the hall. Do not set up rectangular tables in the front where you are leading the devotional. Approximately 40% of attendees will choose Personal Finances, 35% will choose Starting and Growing My Business, 15% will choose Education for Better Work, and 10% will choose Find a Better Job. Plan the number of rectangular tables per these percentages. In other words, if you are planning for 100 participants, set up 4 tables for Finances on one long side, 4 tables for My Business on the other long side, and 2 tables on the short side – one for Find a Better Job and the other for Education. Set up the group posters next to their respective tables on four easels for ease of identifying the groups. They should be 24 x 36 foam core posters. Have them made up at a copy center or print shop. The PDF file is on the Self-Reliance Flash Drive titled: Posters – Devotionals.pdfSet up a podium (or table) and microphone for the devotional facilitator (DF). Also set up a laptop, projector and screen and ensure sound works in order to show the videos. Download the videos to the laptop beforehand. The DF should have a person running the laptop, not him or her. You will also need a timekeeper (This technical person could be the timekeeper).Call table facilitators (TF) from among committee members, facilitators, and Church leaders for each of the round tables you set up. Have them sit at a designated table by start-time. It is strongly encouraged that the bishops/branch presidents or one of their counselors attend the devotional. Their involvement throughout the self-reliance process is critical and vital to each individual’s success in the initiative. It can make all the difference.On the table place Name Tags, My Path booklets, and pens (it is best not to use pencils as the My Path paper is semi-glossy and hard to write on) at every chair on every table as well as a Sharpie to write their names with.Assign committee members to greet at all cultural hall entrances. As the hall fills, help people find a table. Make sure no one sits alone or with just a few per table. Attendees can sit at any round table. Fill in tables so there are between 8-10 people per table.You do not need to do a registration as it takes up valuable time, creates a bottle neck, and is not needed since the group registration at the first group meeting is all that is necessary in terms of reporting. Besides, many who come to the devotional do not join the groups.Meet with SRS manager and all devotional staff one hour before devotional begins to go over everything and do a dry run. Appoint a devotional helper to take care of odds and ends and to take an accurate count of devotional attendees. It is best to draw a diagram of the round tables then go around and write the number at each table. Do this no earlier than ? hour after starting to allow for late arrivers. Be sure to add to your count those who come later than ? hour after the start time. Count everyone including attendees, table facilitators, Church leaders, etc.Make at least 5 copies of your opening hymn to place around the tables to share among the 8-10 attendees at each table. Identify a piano player and chorister. For 20 tables, you will need 100 copies.Do not introduce the Self-Reliance Services manager. The meeting is under the direction of the presiding priesthood authority.Remind participants to silence their cell phones.After the devotional closing prayer: Invite the attendees to go to the rectangular table of the group type they have selected (they will stand not sit, as this time will be brief). Once a group exceeds 12 members, have committee members direct participants to other tables to equal out the groups. Do not pre-arrange days and times, as these arrangements are done at the time of group organization. Do however, arrange the meetinghouses. Assign each of the four Finances and four My Business tables a meetinghouse geographically convenient for group members. Place a sign above each table indicating which meetinghouse that group will go to. Assign facilitators their tables beforehand and have them go to them right after you describe the group organization and before final comments and prayer. At the Find a Better Job table, have fliers encouraging members of this group to register and complete their profiles on LDSJobs (Ask Brother Kasparian).Meeting room selection. Option One: Have each facilitator contact a bishop or meetinghouse representative where he or she would like to meet to arrange access. Once in the building, select a room away from any other activity, then notify the stake specialist which room you will be meeting in for the 12 weeks. Option Two: stake specialist arranges access with meetinghouse representatives and reserves a room for the facilitators in each building. Choose a room that has a chalkboard or dry erase board so group members can write their return-and-report items. This is for Starting and Growing My Business only. The other manuals have the return-and-report built in. You will need chalk/dry erase markers and erasers each week. As for audiovisual equipment, you could use the meetinghouse equipment (arrange with meetinghouse representative) or just use a personal computer or tablet. Be sure to download videos beforehand so you don’t have to worry about Wi-Fi strength or weakness.Have pens and the Devotional Group Sign Up Sheet at each rectangular group registration table. The Sign Up Sheet should have a space for Facilitator Name, Group Meeting Day, Group Meeting Time, Group Meeting Location, Group Type (e.g., Finance, My Business, etc.) and members Name, Ward, Cell Phone, and Email. Facilitators take it home with them so they can remind group members of the start time and share any pertinent information before the first group meeting. The group members also need pens to note Self-Reliance Group Meeting information on page 12 of their My Path booklets. Have facilitators make a copy of the completed Sign Up Sheet and give it to the specialist before the facilitators leave. You will need to have the library open and the copy machine accessible and turned on.Have group meeting manuals in an adjacent room to give to facilitators after the devotional. Have a person controlling this process keeping track of who took what and how many, etc. Give enough manuals for all the participants, plus two. Do not give manuals to attendees on the night of the devotional. Facilitators will give the manuals to group members at the first meeting.Make an assignment to have the tables and chairs put away or ask attendees to help. ................

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